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Everything posted by Avalon
Well, the guys in my band--more like our lead singer Michael--dared me to jump from the stage into the audience screaming "Happy Birthday" when we played my girlfriend's birthday party 2 months ago. Since we had to play upstairs, the crowd would be downstairs looking up. Well, we had a good time and everyone enjoyed our music, which made me happy to do the stunt--and I did. Unfortunately, I thought that someone--more like the crowd--would catch me or something...they didn't. I landed into the floor hard...and didn't wake up until the next day. Good thing that came out of this: I got paid and made my girl happy.
Elcecis smiled, "Well, the best conversation is one made on instinct, you know." she untyed her long coat from her waist and draped it over her right arm. Looking around, she found a good spot, under a shady tree...a bit away from the others. "Well, I found a place...let's go, shall we?" she spoke, pointing towards the tree. Smiling brightly, she walked, feeling his presence behind him. [i]It's times like these that I wish I wore pants,[/i] she thought, wondering how she was going to sit.
Isiona sighed, slipping her headphones off of her ears. [i]People are weird...remember that.[/i] she thought, sighing again, deeper than before. [i]Especially that 'Aorashi' character...[/i] She simply shrugged her shoulders, not wanting to speak to anyone else...if that was possible. Putting back on her headphones, she looked around. Here she was...on a boat...with strangers that she wouldn't probably [i]want[/i] to know. "What would mother say?" She shrugged again, knowing the answer, and took off her jacket. Opening her purse, she took out a black rag and a red bottle, placing both items on her jacket. Pouring some of the contents of the red bottle on the rag, she began to chant in her native tongue lowly. She rubbed the rag delicately across one of her fans, making it shine and reflect. She did the same with the other fan, smoothing it lightly. [i]At least this will calm me until I'm off this boat.[/i]
Elcecis smirked happily, [i]Yes! I still got it![/i] However, she growled slightly seeing Anis standing next to her. "Ah, look at you! Looking to reel him in, are you, Elce?" he spoke, eyeing Praetor. "Didn't I tell you to buzz off?!" she replied, hoping that he would leave. Anis sighed, resting his chin in his hand, "I know. But who could resist you, being the seductress that you are, getting another boy toy." he laughed playfully. "How do you do it?" She growled. "I'm not getting another boy toy, Anis." she looked at Praetor, "Why don't you go and talk to someone else around here...like her." she pointed to Jasmine. Anis smugly smiled, "Maybe I will..." and with that, she went over and took her around, ignoring the protests and hits that the girl threw his way. Elcecis smiled, [i]Two down...one to go.[/i] she smirked... "So..." she spoke, trying to think of what to say. [i]Not exactly what I would have said in this situation...[/i] Elcecis sighed, "You wanna sit down somewhere and talk?" She mentally slapped herself, [i]Idiot! Why did you say that?![/i]
Elcecis smiled at him, "Umm, not really...I usually don't wake up on an deserted island by a spirit...if that's what you mean." she chuckled lightly. [i]Please tell me I didn't say that![/i] Taking a glance at Praetor, she inwardly sighed. [i]What's wrong with me? I'm usually quick to entrance boys...and now look at me! I'm entranced![/i] Elcecis smiled again, taking her ponytail out, tossing her head from side to side, letting her hair cascade over her shoulders. [i]That's it,[/i] she told herself, still looking at Praetor.
Isiona sighed, zipping up her black jacket. She wanted to say something...she couldn't get it out. [i]Hmm...I'm getting a little itchy...time for music.[/i] Smiling, she reached into her pocket--pulling out her CD player. Snapping her headphones on, she turned on the music--full blast. She was pretty sure that the group could hear her...but she could care less. Singing lowly, she closed her eyes, her crossed legs moving up and down to the beat playing. Her fans clicked rhymically, clanging in her lap. Isiona sighed deeply, rotating her head clockwise, trying to get rid of the stress and tension she was feeling at the time...
OOC: Sorry about that! A bit confused at the time... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eclecis smiled, [i]He's cute...a good listener huh?[/i] she thought, biting her lower lip. [i]Well, he'll be a good person to know.[/i] "Well there, Praetor. You can call me Elce, this is Anis." Eclecis smiled nervously, feeling him lean on her shoulder. She simply nudged him, none to gently, in the side to get rid of him. "Oh," Anis spoke, smirking at her, "You want to talk alone with this fellow!" Elcecis narrowed her eyes a bit. "Alright, I'll be around conversing." he gave Praetor a tap on the back and whispered "Good luck." Elcecis chuckled irritatably, "Ha, that Anis...a real funny man, isn't he?" she chuckled again, listening to that voice in her head that screamed, [i]What are you doing?! Get yourself together girl![/i] She sighed, shaking her head to "shut" the voice up.
Eclecis smiled at the group, "Hi there!" "Hi, my name's Jazz." she smiled at her, looking at her dress. "I like that...it's very cute." "Ah, this...I made it. Do you think it's too revealing?" Jazz looked at her, "A bit...but it's a beautiful dress." She looked at Eclecis' shoes. "You can walk in those?" "Pretty much," she spoke, taking off her glasses. "I've been wearing plats for a long time now." Jazz nodded, seeing her sweep her hair into a ponytail. Eclecis smiled at the younger girl, taking off her white jacket and tying it around her waist, leaving half of the jacket to hang on the ground. She turned around, seeing a handsome man staring at her. She smiled at him, tucking the rebel strands behind her ear.
Eclecis walked down the hill, holding Anis for support. He merely chuckled, feeling her hand on his arm. "Ecle, you wouldn't have this problem if you didn't wear those shoes." She growled lightly, gripping him harder. "Keep pushing it Anis..." she threated, seeing him smirk. She scoffed, seeing the group of people. "Well lookie there...we're on a camping trip. Break out the S'mores and beans." she spoke, merely flipping her hair. Coming closely, she eyed the group. [i]At least the guys here are cute.[/i] she thought, waving to get the group's attention.
"This has got to be some prank letter or something." Isiona spoke, shoving the letter into the inside pocket of her jacket. Looking at her boots, she quickly tyed them and made her way down the street she was on. [i]I need to go somewhere to clear my head,[/i] she thought, walking a little further. [i]I'll go to the park...there's no shame in that.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walking into the park, she heard a voice. Walking a bit further, she saw two figures--a boy and a girl. Rubbing her chin, she thought about either turning around and walking away--or staying. Well, she didn't really have a choice, for the two figures were looking at her. "Umm, hello there. I know this is a weird question," she spoke, her hand clasping the letter inside her pocket. "But can you guys see the letters on this piece of paper?" she laughed nervously. "Of course you can't...not with me being all the way over here." Walking, she held the letter in her hand, and, when she got there, she gave the letter to the girl. The girl glanced at Isiona, "Yup. I see that you're letter's just like mine's" she passed Isiona her letter, "You can read that, can't you?" Isiona sighed, "Pretty much. It's the same letter. What about you?" she said, looking at the boy. "Where's yours?"
"Hey, you awake?" a deep voice asked, making Eclecis jump. The man smiled, staring above her. "Oy vey," she replied, trying to stand up--but failing miserably. "I guess that's what I get for wearing platforms." The stange man laughed heartily, offering his hand to help her up. "Thanks...umm..." "Anis. I'm your emerald spirit." Eclecis looked at him strangly. "Umm, hey buddy...I think there's a mental facility somewhere around here. You might want to go there. They can help you." Anis laughed again, from her reply and the way she was eyeing the island. "I know what you're going to say," he spoke, looking at her confused face. "We are on an island...Zarcadia." Eclecis freaked, "Zar-what?" "Zarcadia. Oh, and going back to that whole "me being your emerald spirit, I wasn't lying. Look in your hand." she looked at him wearily then obeyed, seeing an amber-colored stone in her hand. "It is the Psychic emerald." he replied, seeing her hand close over the stone. After a few moments of silence, she sighed. "Well, I have a feeling you weren't lying. Well, Anis, you're kinda cute for a spirit." Anis chuckled, his blond hair swaying in the wind, his eyes flashing. "Well thank you, Ecle. You're a beautiful lady yourself." he spoke, eyeing her clothes, which she hurriedly covered with her long white coat. "Although I think that you wouldn't have wore that if you knew that you were coming here..." She cleared her throat, "Well, all joking aside. Is anyone else here?" he nodded, leading her down a hill.
Isiona laughed, getting the attention of her aunt. "What's so funny, Isi?" she simply laughed again, hand her aunt the letter. The aunt looked at her strangely, "Ok, well...what's funny about a blank piece of paper?" Isiona stopped in her joy, her face identical to the lady in front of her. "What do you mean, 'blank piece of paper?" she asked, pointing at the letter in her hand. "I'm looking at the words...they're there." Her aunt paled a bit, her face in a shadow of worry. "Yeah....whatever you say darling," she spoke after a period of silence. Isiona scoffed, grabbing her jacket and slamming the door.
Name: Eclecis Feya Age: 19 Power: Psychic Emerald Color: Amber Special Skill: Telekinesis Weapon: Two blade silver fans and a little extra...this is how she looks....
Name: Isiona Telfon Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Green eyes, long pink hair with a red silk Chinese sleeveless midrif shirt, black skirt with matching black boots, red arm gloves, and a onyx choker. Special Item: two silver fans, which she carries.
Trace looked at everybody who was testing out there powers. [i]Well, look at how Destiny is changing everyone. Who would have thought that I, the unfortunate wretch that I am, would possess powers such as this?[/i] she thought, lighting the flame up again, and then blowing it, making it turn to little flames. "Hmm, I wonder what happens if I do this?" Trace smirked, spinning her hand in a circle, seeing the flames rotate around. Pressing her palm in the middle, the flames stood still around in the circle. "Ha!" she yelled, thrusting her hand in the circle, moving the flames towards David. David looked at the tiny flames, outstretching his arms and bringing them inward to clasp his hands over the flames. He pulled them apart, showing one flame as before. Closing his hand, the flame died. "Well, it's true then. That's our power, our connection." she smiled, her hazel eyes glowing slightly. "I wouldn't mind being partners with someone like you David." she smirked, her eyes showing a slight flame in them.
Name: Isiona Ley Age: 25 Appearance: 5'7, 131 lbs. green eyes, brown hair w/pink streaks in her hair. Wears a red halter top w/a black mini skirt. Accompanied by black 2 in. heeled boots, a black jacket, and shiny red arm gloves. Personality: Fiery, a bit tempermental, usually keeps to herself-unless she sees someone/something she likes. However, she is a kind person, a bit tedious, and a bit of a quick-to-the-point person. Possessions: A portable CD player w/her CDs, two silver fans(which she has with her at all times), her red guitar, her mother's ivory choker and her purse. Background: Born to an middle-class Native American family, Isiona always grew up learning how to appreciate nature and the Universe. Her family worked hard to send her to school and she graduated in the top 10% of her class in high school. She, with the grades she had, went to Harvard, which she is still attending. Outstanding Qualities: Can cook, speak Navajo and French, can sew and make clothes, plays guitar, and writes poetry. Other Notes: She needs money to help pay for college, and thought this would be a good chance to get it.
Trace sighed, "This is unbelievable!" "Yeah, I know," David laughed, putting his hand behind his head. "But how much proof do you need?" Trace smirked, looking at David. "Well, I can't let you have the fun, can I?" she spoke, putting off her arm gloves and tossing them to David. "Let's see...all I have to do is concentrate right?" David nodded, folding up the gloves in his hand. Trace looked at her outstretched hand, then closed her eyes. After a few minutes, she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Trace, open your eyes! Look!" she popped open one then the other to see a small flame alit in her palm. "Hey, can you make it bigger?" Sakura asked, looking a the flame. Trace shrugged her shoulders, "I'll try." she sighed, concentrating on the flame until it blasted, making it bigger. "Wow!" "Now try to die down." Trace nodded, closing her hand and opening it to nothing. "Well, that was easy." "Yeah, I didn't wish to make anything light up in flames like you did, but I'll try to do something like that later." she replied, taking her gloves from him and putting them back on.
Well, after my prom, me and my cousin, who was my "date", went to Waffle House and ate. Then we went to his house and I spent the whole night soaking my hurting feet. Not an end that I would have wanted to an spectacular night, but I wouldn't have it any other way...
Trace sighed, seeing David sit beside her. [i]Hmm...I'm calm...a little bit too calm for my liking.[/i] she thought, looking out of the corner of her eye at David. "Hey, you cold or something?" David asked, making her jump out of her thoughts. "Huh? What?" she replied, taking her hands out of her hair. "Is that why you're shivering?" Trace shook her head. "Actually, I'm never cold. I just get like that sometimes. However, if I decided to dress like you do in this weather, my grandmother would have a stroke." she sighed again, propping her head on her arm.
Name: Traclyni Age: 17 Gender: Female Description: Trace is 5'7 with hazel eyes and jet black hair with hot red streaks. She wears a pair of black baggy pants w/cuffs. She sports a red baby tee w/slits on the side and cut-off arm gloves which are red and black. Her 2-in. black boots highlight her outfit. (however, her outfits will change...) Bio: Trace, as her family calls her, was practically raised by her grandmother. She never met her father and her mother is quite an traveller. Her uncle, which she was close, took her in before she was left with her grandmother. One night, the house caught fire and she was trapped inside. The fireman who saved her was astounded that she survived. During one of her mother's travels, she was sent a book on Ancient Cultures and she was hooked. However, on December 23, she came upon a group of teens and her life changed forever. Elemental Force: Fire
I love RATM! It's a shame they split...but I still listen to their CDs. I love "Bulls on Parade".
Hmm, I have lots of things that scare me but what I am really afraid of are tornadoes. Ever since I watched Twister, I've been a bit paranoid about tornadoes. How can something that beautiful be destructive? I really don't know myself, but I always sleep downstairs in my basement when we get rainstorms and when I hear howling winds.
OOC: Sorry I'm late! That makes my character late too...yikes! Isiona walked across the yard, hoisting her bags on her shoulder. Glancing around her, she could see other "maggots" like her, late also. She snickered, [i]Well, at least I won't be the only person getting yelled at for being slow.[/i] Walking a bit further, she came across the "girls' unit" that she had heard of while being bereted back at her house. She threw the bags off her unceremoniously, catching the attention of her "peers". Some of them looked at her shockingly, some snickered, the others just stared. "What's your name, private?" the teacher asked, her eyebrows raised. Folding her arms over her chest, "Isiona Tefon, ma'am. However, you may call me Isis." she mock-saluated her, dropping her arms by her side. The teacher looked at her again, "Very well, [i]Isis[/i]...join the others. However, before you go, drop and give me 50...solider." Isiona felt her eyes slant and her mouth turn to a frown. [i]Well, I think I like this teacher...she has guts,[/i] she thought, crouching down to the ground to do her pushups. "Do you want a count, ma'am?" "No, I'm perfectly capable of making sure you do all of them. And quit the formalities...call me Charli." Isis snickered, "Alright...Miss Charli." and she proceded to do 50 pushups.
[b]Name:[/b] Isiona Tefon [b]Nickname:[/b] Isis [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Personality/Bio:[/b] A bossy and quite tempermental person, Isis can also be cold sometimes to people around her. She was sent to Military School after being caught [i]trying[/i] to steal software to stuff in her spacious laptop bag. Her aunt was notified and she was sent off to Military School a day later...
[color=deeppink]I turned 18 in April...it really wasn't as special as I thought it would be. The only thing that I was happy about was that I could get my piercing without having my mother to allow it. That was joy.[/color]