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Everything posted by Avalon

  1. I'm graduating this week on Friday so I'm pretty excited. Some of my family are flying in from New York tomorrow so I have to make room for them in my house.
  2. [color=deeppink]save me a spot please...I want to be in this...[/color]
  3. Le'vana sighed quietly, grabbing Dave's arm. "Come on, let's get something to eat first." "Hey, and I'm supposed to pay for this?" Le'vana nodded, seeing some old ladies stop and look at her. "Aww!" one of the ladies cried. "What a lovely couple!" the old ladies swooned, as Le'vana and Dave looked at each other...then laughed, walking away from the now confused women. "Ha, could you believe that? They thought that we were a couple!" she laughed again, walking into a local restaurant. Sitting down, she licked her lips, looking at the food. Dave chuckled, "Get something cheap...I don't have that much money." "Duh!" she rolled her eyes, "Let's just order a lot of stuff and skip out on the bill. Le'vana smiled sweetly, seeing the waitress come...
  4. Le'vana smiled again, starting to pull her bows off, releasing her hair. "I don't know why I do this...I'll end up putting them back into the same ponytails the next day." "Well, maybe you're just..." Le'vana looked at him sharply. "Don't even say it." she replied, pulling the last ponytail loose. She shaked her head around, letting it fall sloppily on her shoulders. Sighing, she crossed her legs, pressing out her black skirt. "Well, what are we going to see?" Dave looked at her confused, "I thought you already know...since you suggested this [i]outing[/i]." "Nope, I didn't even look to see what was playing...I just decided to go, that's all." she spoke, turning to Dave. "I'll leave the movie choosing to you, hon." Le'vana winked, turning back around, placing her arms behind her head.
  5. Le'vana sighed, remembering what her mother had said to her the other evening. [i]How am I going to get out of this?[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Open up! Isis are you there?" she heard her mother ask, banging on the door quite loudly. Le'vana rolled her eyes, putting down the book she was reading to open the door. "What do you want?" she spoke bitterly, seeing her mother in an intoxicated state. "Well, Isis, you should give me more respect than that...I am your mother, you know." she responded, going into the little apartment. Le'vana scoffed, "Don't remind me, 'Eva. Anyway, are you gonna answer my question? If not, there's the door." she pointed, receiving a sadden look from her mother. "Well, I really don't know how to say this to you..." Le'vana paused her actions. "I'll just go on and say it: I'm pregnant." They both looked at each other for a minute, then Le'vana laughed. "Ha, is that all you had to say to me? Really, that's astonishing, 'Eva. Who's the father?" "To tell you the truth, I really don't know. Maybe it was Johnny...or it could be Mason..." Le'vana watched her mother count on the hands the possible fathers. "I really don't know...but that's not all.." "There's a catch too?" Le'vana responded. "Well, what could that be?" Her mother's eyes started to wander, "Well, Isis, the doctor told me that I could have this baby...but, because of my [i]condition[/i] I can't raise it..." she scoffed again, "And? What's that got to do with me?" "Well, we looked at the choices for possible mothers...and none of them were suitable to me.." she paused, looking at Le'vana. "The only one I could approve of was..." she pointed at her. "Oh no!" she shouted, "You're not putting [i]your child[/i] on me!" Her mother just smiled, placing a white sheet of paper on her table and walking away. "I'm sure you'll be a good mother to my child..." she spoke, closing the door behind her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She sat in her seat, clenching her fists tightly. [i]How dare she?![/i] she thought, leaning a bit on Dave's shoulder, closing her eyes. She let herself drift in the sweet depths of sleep, forgetting about her situation that she was in...
  6. That was...horrible! The only thing that I liked about it was the costumes. Needless to say, I never watch that again.
  7. Avalon


    Hey, I grew up watching Roseanne! I liked the show...do they still show it on TV? That show was so funny!
  8. Name: Le'vana Monroe Nickname: Isis Age: 16 Appearance: Being half-Indian, she is a bit darker than others around her. Her hair, which is purple and black, is usually put in many ponytails. Her petite form measures around a 5'7 and her weight is about 135lbs. Despite her make-up, her piercing grey eyes attracts attention to her face. She wears mostly tight fitting outfits, tons of gothic accessories and high heeled boots--the only exception to boots are AF1s. Character Sketch: Raised in a single parent home, Le'vana often had to take care of herself. Her mother brought a different man every week--and soon, every night--into their home, claiming to be her father. When she was 10, however, she found out that her mother was a stripper, who made her money on the side by being a prostitute. Needless to say, she was ashamed of her mother and began to hate her, trying to disconnect herself from her. And she finally did, buying a room in an apartment, which happened to be next door to her mother. Being the tomboy that she is, she hates girls who resemble her mother, although she dresses mostly like these girls. She also is an tempermental person. She loves to fight and argue...especially with the cheerleaders. During school, she often waits, leaning on a wall, until the last bell rings. Sometimes she cuts class...or simply doesn't come.
  9. I have 7 cousins over there right now...two are in the Marines, 5 are in the Navy. My English teacher, Mr. Fields, is a Vietnam vet. My grandfather, William, fought in the Vietnam war also...unforturnately, he didn't make it.
  10. I saw the first three episodes when I rented the tape at Blockbuster. I like Tira...she keeps to herself more. Chocolate is completely lovestrucken over Carrot and acts completely dumb. Needless to say, Tira's [i]way[/i] better than her sister...atleast I think so.
  11. I got into anime at a young age. I remember when I was 5, sitting in front of the TV, waiting for Speed Racer to come on. I also starting watching Sailor Moon when it was on UPN. Toonami came and I started to watch that. I really didn't like DBZ when it was aired on UPN...in fact, I hated it! I liked Pokemon better. I started watching DBZ when I was 13...my cousin made me watch "The Tree of Might" and then...well, you know...
  12. Who was my first kiss? Girl: My ex, Asia Reynolds Boy: My ex, Timothy Fisher How old were you? Girl: 16 (I was 14) Boy: 12 (both of us) How was it? Girl: interestingly passionate Boy: romantic What were the circumstances? Girl: We were both cutting school, driving around in her car. We went to her house for a while and chilled there, watching Nightmare on Elm Street. She asked me whether I had kissed a girl and I told her no. So she kissed me--and I kissed her back. We made out for a couple of minutes and stopped. After that, we started dating. Boy: Well, it was in 5th grade before lunch. Our teacher always made me, the door-closer, turn off all of the lights and close the door. One day, Timothy stayed with me and kissed me, and I kissed back. What's your worst/best kiss? My worst would have to be my 5th ex, Michael. When we were kissing, he bit my tongue--hard! The best would have to be my ex, Asia...a good kisser indeed!
  13. Miyuki drew her sword, holding it in front of her. "No 'ordinary man' huh? Well, as far as I can see it, you're just a [i]man[/i]!" she charged the man, looking directly at him. She blinked her eyes a few times, [i]Where is he?[/i] she thought, turning around, face to face with the blade of his sword. The man smiled seeing her face. Miyuki ducked and charged him again, the same effect coming into play--he disappeared. Again and again she did this. "Hey! Be still!" she charged him again, smirking. Before she reached him, she stopped and turned around, striking her sword. "I was wondering when you would figure it out." he chuckled, blocking her strike. Her smirk widened, "No more games!" she yelled, striking him again, ducking under his block. She brought her sword down, to be blocked again by the smiling man. She sighed in anger, sheathing her sword. "Well, it seems that I've been defeated. You win." she sighed again, walking to the shocked old lady. "I'll go and get ready...show him in, Omisu-san." she nodded, grabbing the man's arm, raising it in victory as the crowd cheered.
  14. Le'vana picked up the flaming torch, looking at the crowding neighbors. She raised the torch and brought it down on the side of her house, immediately setting it afire. Turning her back to the flaming site, she walked through the gathering crowd, dragging her items behind. Nearing a inn, she hoisted her bag on her shoulders and continued walking. "Ah, Miss Fedor, come in." the innkeeper spoke, seeing her stumble to the door. He picked up her bag, showing her to a room. "Well, here you go." Le'vana opened her bag, "How much do I owe you, innkeep?" he chuckled slightly, turning to leave. "Nothing, my dear. That's the least I could do..." Le'vana sighed as the door closed behind her. [i]I need to rest...[/i] she thought, looking at the bed. [i]No, I'll earn my room...I'm not going to sit in here.[/i] Sighing again, she walked out of the room and headed to the innkeeper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You what?!" he blinked slowly, hearing her offer. "Let you work here for the night?! Why would I do such a thing?" Le'vana looked at the elder man, "Please? It's the least [i]I[/i] could do." He looked at her sharply, seeing that she wouldn't back down. "Alright. Since you're leaving tomorrow..." he paused, thinking for words. "Well, I'm sure you know how to run a inn, right? Well, good night." she waved him goodbye, sitting down. Drumming her fingers, she nodded off a little...but then, the door opened...
  15. Miyuki sighed, looking at the frail old lady in front of her, announcing to a crowd of men. "Listen up! If you can beat my Miyuki in a little sword fight, you get a date with this beautiful young lady!" she growled at the old lady, shooting glares at her. [i]What have I got myself into?[/i] she thought, looking at the men lined up to have a one on one fight with her. The old lady clapped her hands together in joy, grabbing Miyuki. "Hey!" she shouted. "Why do I have to do this?" The old lady peered at her, "You have to make your money someway. Besides" looking at the men, "anyone of them wouldn't last with you whipping their behind." Miyuki sighed, grabbing on of the lady's trusted swords. Seeing her first challenger, which happened to be a very huge demeaning man, she untied her ribbon. "Hey there sweetness." the man called to her, "I'm one of the best so I'm gonna go easy on ya." She looked at the man, unsheathing her sword, not saying a word. [i]Strike![/i] the man was down, his robe cut across in the front. Least to say, he ran home in fright. Miyuki tilted her head a bit, "Next!" she smirked in victory, looking at some of them walking away, their pride still intact.
  16. Name: Le'vana Fedor Age: 21 Class: Psion Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic neutral Proficiencies: Besides the basic psionic characteristics, such as telekinesis and forseeing, she creates potions to help/harm people Weapons of choice: her potions and her three sais, given to her by her mother Bio: Born to a family of alchemists, 'Vana grew up to follow the family trade. When she was 5, however, her mother discovered the signs of telekinesis (i.e. exploding vials). She began to teach her how to control her powers. After 10 years of training, her mother died, of reasons unknown, leaving her with her father. However, he was killed, trying to protect her from invaders of the village while she ran away. She came back, days later, to bury her father. Collecting the items she needed, she vowed to find the killer... Description: [URL=http://the.animearchive.org/showimg/marie/3/mna23.jpg]Le'vana's pic[/URL]
  17. Name: Miyuki Teryiro Age: 18 Description: see pic* Bio: Born into a family of hired assasins, Miyuki was taught everything she knew by her parents. At age 12, her parents were killed during an assignment at the Imperial palace, leaving her to lead the clan. When she was 16, a man by the name of Ukumo hired them for a job to kill the children at a near by school. Miyuki refused, and with doing so, her whole clan was killed protecting her. She ran away, vowing to kill Ukumo. She followed his allies and killed his concubines out of vengance. Since then, she's harbored a hate for that man--and men in general... Weapons: two sharp bladed fans, two sais, and a Tai-chi sword
  18. Name: Nariko Inoue Age: 17 Gender: Female Description: see pic Bio: *I'll come back and do it* Personality: Nariko is calm and has a loving spirit...however, she is quite tempermental and can be bossy most of the time. Armor: Armor of Torrent Element: Water (and a little extra, wind) Weapons: Three sharp bladed fans
  19. I wrote this for the language arts festival...I hope you all like it! Constructed in this world I have no notariety Corrupted as a girl I am the downfall of my society To vary in variety Is not my course to take Of course in this society It is not my choice to make For my environment is fake An illusion in my eyes One giant mass of mistakes Filled with hideous lies But who am I to claim I am no one, just a name
  20. Tima walked down the hall slowly, heading for class. She was quite aware that she was late for class--ten minutes late, that is. [i]Ah well, as long as the teacher doesn't say anything, it won't matter.[/i] she thought, turning the corner. Two minutes passed and she finally made it to the class. The students all looked up seeing her walk through the door and Tima smiled at this. [i]Well, finally I get some attention.[/i] she thought, placing her schedule on the teacher's desk. She quickly scanned the room, seeing one more free seat. She looked in the next seat...which was occupied by...him. She growled slightly, walking to the only seat left in the class. Tima pounced in her seat and laid her head on her arms, closing her eyes. Hopefully she could sleep in peace. However, someone tapped her on the shoulder, making her flinch slightly. "I see we have another class together." she heard Shin say, looking up. His cheesy grin plastered over his face. "Oh goodie." she replied, her voice laced with annoyance. [i]Argh! I have to deal with him again?![/i] she thought, propping her head on her arm. [i]Oh well, at least I can have some form of entertainment.[/i] "...and besides, he's cute." she spoke the last part of her thought out loud, unintentionally. Tima quickly looked over at Shin, seeing his smirk widen. She slouched down in her seat, throwing her jacket over her head. [i]Today...sucks.[/i]
  21. Tima groaned, crossing her legs in irritation. "How much time do we have in this class?" "Um," Hana replied, looking at her watch. "10 more minutes." Tima sighed, leaning back in between the bleachers and drummed her fingers on the seat. "I wish it were 4:30..." Hana smiled, "What's going on at 4:30 that makes it so special?" "I go to work at Itsubi's...but I have to walk because my bike isn't fixed." Hana nodded along with Tima, who looked at her watch. "8 more minutes." Tima spoke, hearing the coach blow the whistle. "Game's over for today, kids!" he shouted, catching the flying soccer ball. "Get dressed!" Tima and Hana smiled happily, running ahead of everyone.
  22. Tima laughed heartily, heading out to the field with the rest of the girls. She frowned slightly, looking at Shin, who was pointing at his boots with the coach. "Argh! Will he leave people alone?!" she spoke angrily, dragging Hana with her over to them. She slightly pushed Shin away from the man, looking at him. "Hey," Shin replied, throwing up his hands. "I'm just showing my new boots...is that a crime?" Tima looked at him thoughtfully, placing her index finger and thumb on her chin. "Y'know, it should be...in fact you should be issued with a ticket everytime you annoy someone!" she yelled, standing rather closely to his face. The coach rolled his eyes, grabbing Tima and dragging her back to the bleachers, with Hana following them. Tima plopped down hard on the cold steel, looking at the boys on the field, "Well, at least there's one good thing to soccer. Look at all of these boys!" the coach and Hana sweatdropped, shaking their heads at her. "What?" "How can you go from yelling at a cute boy to admiring all these boys out there on the field?" the coach questioned, looking at her intently. "Easy," she replied. "They're not jerks like Shin there, and besides...I like boys, plain and simple." the coach nodded, leaving the girls alone.
  23. Listening to the teacher call roll, Tima sighed, laying her head down on the desk. [i]When is class going to be over?[/i] she thought, hearing the ruckus that some [i]boy[/i] who just came in was making. Stretching slightly, she leaned back into her seat, looking at the boy behind her. She smiled slightly, sitting back up quickly in her seat. "Timako Atasima." she raised her hand slightly, waving in the air to get the teacher's attention. "Timako Atasima? Is there a 'Timako Atasima?" she gritted her teeth, jumping out of her seat. "I'm right here!" she yelled. The teacher cleared his throat, "I know, Miss. Atasima. I would rather you say 'here' than raising your hand." Tima slanted her eyes and folded her arms, sitting down in her seat again. Frowning slightly, she sank lower into her seat, feeling someone staring at her. [i]It's going to be a long period.[/i]
  24. Tima walked down to her class, looking at her schedule. "Room 134," she spoke, entering an open door class. The students stopped and looked at her. Tima looked at the teacher, "Did I miss something?" the teacher just shook his head as she walked to the back of the class. She sternly looked at the girl who sat at the back seat, warning the girl to move. The fearful girl moved to another seat, wanting to avoid arguments. Tima sighed, sitting down in her seat as class began.
  25. *Character Name: Timako Atasima *Anime Sterotype: The kick*** seductress *Bio: Tima, as she is mostly known, has led a hard life. Her parents died when she was five, leaving her and her pets with her grandmother to watch her. Since then, she's been mostly outspoken and looked up to no one but herself. Tima refuses to subdue herself to the "norm" of things and does everything [i]her[/i] way. In middle school, she "discovered" boys and hung out with a lot of playgirls, picking up many things from them. She had many admirers, but never once dated a guy. Tima loves to make popular girls jealous of her so she has a habit of hanging around with their boyfriends. All in all, she really wants someone who challenges her... Powers: When Tima was 13, she and her aunt argued about her parents--which made her very angry. She unconciously threw a fireball at her aunt's chair, burning it up. Since then, she has perfected her elemental powers. Sworn enemy: Popular girls... [img]http://www.x-immortal.com/tekken/ling.jpg[/img]
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