My first manga well its actually a tie since I actually saw two at the same time. They were Ranma 1/2 and Slayers. Manga didint call my attention till resently.
I prefer Washu she is smart, funny, she looks great and she is clearly the better woman. Dont get me wrong Winry is all that, but not like Washu.
Washu has my vote. 100%
Well my heart says Ranma1/2. To be honest i love this anime for it cast of characters and its funny story any anime fan that has not watched all of Ranma1/2 is not a true anime fan. O i like Sailor Moon too. But they killed Neflait so i stop seen it.
I have rooted for the bad guys all my life. I prefer Sheshomaru or Sephiroth but any cool looking villian will do for me. I would join Freeza or Cel even if it ment my oun death just to see the bad guys win. Do not judge a book by it cover or by its name.