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Everything posted by MeianHakasawa

  1. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Fixedsys]I've watched Fushigi Yugi a couple of times. and Kodocha, Marmalade Boy, and Ceres. I dont know if you count Battle Royale... But I've watched that a dozen times too[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. personally I think if she really likes you too, you don't need to impress her with drawings you copy. Make your own and she'll appreciate that a lot more. ^_^ But anyways.... If you look up Ceres:Celestial Legend on google pics. they always have pretty romantic drawings.
  3. DOLL is so fantabulous. It's just great overall. The entire thing makes you think about what might happen or how people really are. Its really amazing.
  4. I really really like EERIE QUEERIE. It's like an awesome yaoi manga that all my buds that like yaoi love too. Gravitation isn't bad. It's kinda confusing b/c the characters tend to look alike after 10 vols. But the storyline is basically pretty good. and the art isn't bad. A really awesome yaoi is ONLY THE RING FINGER KNOWS It's only one vol. but it's a great story
  5. dude! I love HOT GIMMICK! it's sooooo awesome. It's drawn differently which made me love it more b/c the different is really pretty as well. Plus the story line is awesome major. You never know who the main chika is gonna love or hate.
  6. I'd be in Fushigi Yugi! Mainly because hot boys are everywhere and most aren't taken! woot! But b/c I like Tamahome so much I'd get rid of Miaka anyway. I'd want Tasuki, Hotohori, Nuriko, and Tamahome all to myself. It'd be so much fun!!!! Omgies... surrounded by hot guys that are sweet and dedicate their lives to their women. *My kinda place* ^_^ I'd also want to enter some warrior type anime that has a lil bit of romance. Like Basara or Red River or The Queen's Knight or something where I turn into the main maiden - get the man and win the war! woot!
  7. I think most people who have read them can give a good synopsis of the story lines (like me! ^_^) but seriously tho since they are both mangas with Tokyopop, visit [url]www.tokyopop.com[/url] and they'll have what they are about. Or do a search on google b/c I know I've found really well written and in depth stuff written about animes and mangas that i needed help with. I hope I could help a lil...
  8. I love my gamecube so muchies!!! But its really hard to find anime games... The best ones I've found that are at least anime -based are: Tales of Symphonia (Totally awesome in every way!) Baten Kaitos (Ok, but card based which bothers me) Final Fantasy: chronicles of time or somethign? (Only a kool game when there are at least 3 people playing) Rave Master (mainly just battle, battle, battle, but u can pick of 4 char. story lines to follow.) Pirates of Arcadia (kinda an older game but fun and prettiful.) thats all i can think of right now... there are A LOT more anime based games for Playstation of PS2 tho. That's prolly the best game systems to get.
  9. I like both... it really depends on the series. Like the if the dubs or subs suck or whatnot. or If the manga isn't drawn nicely but the anime makes it more outlined or something *hintInuyashahint* Umm... But I guess I'm an overall Manga fan, just b/c the series I really really like and am attached to are just mangas and haven't been made into animes. (Which hurts my feelings!! You mean people you don't want produce them as animes!!!) jk hehe
  10. [COLOR=Purple]I vote Sango!! yay Sango!! ^_^ She just kicks butt and it makes me laugh. haha Plus she's got eyeshadow! How cool is that when they actually remember to put on purple eyeshadow in like the ancient demonic times?! lol j/k really! Seriously Sango kicks it agains't Rei. I mean, what else really needs to be said?! If yo've seen both you can just see who is cooler and kicks more butt. At least Sango has an awesome really adorable pet demon cat thingy! ^_^
  11. Ever since I started reading mangas like Basara and Red River I've really wanted to write/draw a manga with a strong female lead. Like, I get tired of the female (even if she is the main char.) being a sissy, having to depend on her hot man (not that there is anything wrong iwth hot men ^_^). I just like a woman who can beat down just as many people as her guy can. It's not a woman's lib thingy... I just think it's makes a story more worth reading. By the way... I have "tried" starting my own manga! hehe I just can't draw... So I've got a story semi planned out and in the process of being wrote out and I think it could be really awesome! *if I ever get it drawn for me -_-* BUT HEY! DJ milky and Counrtney Love got a japanese manga-ka to draw their story for a manga. So who knows?! maybe it'll all be good. haha
  12. I can watch both and either. But I prefer subs b/c it lets me learn how to sya their names with a japanese accent. haha ^_^ I'm a dork. lol but in the end i like to watch subs more than dubs. but i also like to compare their voices and stuff. its all in the fun!
  13. I would never date: Nakago from FY he's too mean! George from paradise kiss - he's so weird and confusing it drives me crazy! Ginta from marmalade Boy - he can never decide what he wants until it's gone. I hate that. Kiriyama from battle royale - he's totally heartless
  14. Omgies... so many good animes and mangas so little time! Fushigi Yugi has an awesome storyline and awesome characters and character development. Paradise Kiss has a great storyline and hilarious characters with development Marmalade Boy is awesome Kodocha is fantabulous Legend of Basara is wowwow awesome! and Red River and is omgiesfantabulous!
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