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About grecords

  • Birthday June 3

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    Durba durba durb durba dur
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  1. The MegaMan theme from MegaMan 2. Its from the intro where hes standing on top of the building where his helmet is off. I almost start to cry when I hear it.
  2. Fantasy: I would like to be a professional martial artist. Probably in Kenpo Karate, Muay Thai, or Wushu. Reality: I would love to create movies, or video games. If I were to create video games it wouldn't be on the technical side as I'd rather be the guy designing the concepts and yelling at the programmers when they tell me the technology hasn't been made to do what I want my games to do. Movies would be great and instead of using anime or actors I would jump on the computer animation aspect of it and try to make something that uses concepts from anime and comics, but not it ways that are too hard for audiences foreign to anime and comics to swallow. When possible I would use actors in movies not so demanding on special effects, but I would refuse to use camera tricks that distort the action so you can't see. I hate that effect.
  3. 1. A lot of it isn't geared to mainstream audiences. Sometimes its even geared towards certain fans of other series, or genres. 2. A lot of it is bad to downright awful. 3. There are a lot of overused character-types, storylines, and concepts. When an anime does break ground it can be over-hyped simply because there isn't much that is all that different from the rest. 4. Its animation. Some still consider it childish, but as Adult Swim has shown there are many in the older demographics that are able to enjoy comedy based animation and anime. Where as other stations failed (Spike Tv's Gary the Rat, and Striperella). 5. The cultural difference as someone mentioned earlier. 6. You really have to be able to try new things in the first place. Some people have trouble giving strange new things a chance.
  4. I got it the other day and I was reminded of how long its been since I played SC. I suck so bad right now, but thankfully I was able to get better with Siegfried, Kilik, and Yoshimitsu. I also noticed how good Zasalamel(sp?) is when I played through the game with him. [spoiler]I honestly picked him just so I could skip the clocktower scene but with no such luck. I think they tried to pass it off like it was his two subconscious's fighting each other but that doesn't negate the fact that I'm sick of that scenario.[/spoiler] The fact that you have to input commands at certain times in the cinemas is a neat idea but I'm also distracted by the background or something when it shows up. I rareley get it inputed in time or correctly.
  5. grecords

    Xbox 360

    Since my XBOX only had Halo on it for a year, I'm probably going to wait until I see the library line-up for the new consoles before I make a decision on what I am or am not buying in fall 2005 - spring 2006. I might wait a year or two if thats how long it takes for the next-gen consoles to develop a strong library. I'm was very happy with my XBOX until the last few months where nothing exlcusive to the Xbox itself really impressed me. Other than that its had the largest library of games of all my consoles. If I didn't trade all my games in after I play them (unless they're too good to trade) it would still have the largest library. So for me the line-up means more than the actual price of the console. I'm not going to buy all 3 next-gen systems only to have 2 out of the three collect dust. I got too many bills to be paid to throw away money.
  6. I'm white and I apparently have a European ancestry, possibly British, but I have like 1/8 french in me as well. I don't know any more as my attemps to follow my family tree failed abysmally.
  7. During an Interview, Pierce said that the best person to replace him would be Hugh Jackman (Wolverine in X-men, main character in Swordfish and Van Hellsing). Which Hugh was very gracious of since he admitted to being a huge bond fan. I think Hugh could pull off a good (but different) version of Bond. Time will tell if they even cast him though.
  8. I actually just finished the 3 Halo Novels (Fall of Reach, The Flood, and First Strike) and I realized that I do enjoy reading books much more than I thought I did, just so long as the book is about something I'm already into. Like books based on comics, video games, movies I've seen. So once I get some cash I'm going to buy and read Star Wars Revenge of the Sith since I think it will be a good read. I need to since I spend a lot of my time Imaging CPUs at work and find myself with nothing to do sometimes.
  9. Oh man I hope I can make it but I've been pennyless for way too long. Hopefully I can earn enough money to pay my share of a hotel and for admission before they stop taking orders. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I hope I make it.
  10. I prefer Coke becuase it has a stronger kick to it when you first drink it. Pepsi is good but I just feel Coke helps kick me in the *** when I drink it. Just pouring it in a glass with some ice and hearing it fizz is enough to help me relax when I get off of work or when I'm just enjoying a good show on tv.
  11. Name: Adam Age: 22 Gender: male Weapon(s): Glove/arm guard Rune(s): Shield Physical Description: Short and muscular build. Rough Beard and messy unmanaged hair. Wears an off-white GI, shin guards, sandals and an off-white head band. Personality: Quiet and reserved to strangers, but among friends he can be quite humorous and intellectually engaging. History: His home was ravaged by rogues and he was left for dead after his family left him behind. He was taken in by a traveling martial artist and was trained how to fight bare-handed. Shortly after his master died of old age and handed down to him a Shield Rune. He now walks alone searching for a new life.
  12. Just so we can be absolutely clear heres a list of un-true runes: Earth Wind Fire Water Lightning Mother Earth Cyclone Rage Flowing Thunder Resurrection Pale Gate Darkness Shield Blue Gate These don't include command runes of course. All these runes are ok to use?
  13. [quote]Sony's PlayStation 3 will not come packaged with a hard drive, reports the latest issue of Famitsu. While the machine comes with a 2.5-inch hard drive slot, consumers will be required to purchase and install the actual drive separately. The news means that Microsoft's Xbox 360 will be the only one of the three next-generation consoles that will come with a hard drive. It comes with a detachable "outrigger" 20GB hard drive by default. Nintendo doesn't plan on the Revolution having a hard drive since the console uses 512MB of flash memory for data saving. For Sony, offering the hard drive separately will cut costs for the PlayStation 3, which is expected to sell at around 44,800 yen ($410) in Japan according to a recent analysis by Merrill Lynch Japan Securities. In recent interviews with the Japanese press, Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi said that he expects the initial capacity of the PS3's hard drive to be 80GB. While Sony hasn't released any figures on how much its hard drive is expected to be priced at, a 2.5-inch 80GB in the current Japanese market costs around an average of 20,000 yen ($180). Sony sells its 40GB hard drive (SCPH-20401) for the PlayStation 2 for 10,479 yen ($95). Given Sony's past strategies, it is possible the company will offer a hard-drive-bundled PlayStation 3 as well as a standard edition. When Sony launched its PSP in Japan last December, the company offered the handheld machine in two packages: a normal edition priced at 19,800 yen ($179), and a "Value Pack" edition priced at 24,800 yen ($224), which came bundled with a number of accessories, including a 32MB Memory Stick Duo for saving game data. However, in America, the PSP Value Pack is the only option available.[/quote] taken from [url='http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/07/01/news_6128501.html]Gamespot[/url] From this article there is hope that consumers in America will get the hard drive as how in Japan they had the option of getting the PSP by itself or getting the bundle pack where here there was only the bundle pack. I hope they do include the hard drive here in America since I hate it when my memory card becomes corrupted or my sisters misplace it.
  14. I can get pumped listening to KoRN, Rammstein, Fear Factory, or Static X. Usually I tend to listen to Static X or KoRN as I can't find either my Fear Factory or Rammstein cds.
  15. I play it from time to time. I'm not able to play it everyday because of my schedule and because some nights I just wouldn't take it seriously. I'm the overlord of clan [i][b]Hucklebuck[/i][/b] and I have a few other overlords help me keep it in order. Its set up so that even if I became inactive that other overlords and members would keep the clan active. That way I can play whenever I want without the worry that people will start leaving if I don't play. MY advice to future clan members? Don't make staff positions as they can promote others to overlord. And you can't remove overlords unless they willingly quit. Many a clan dissolve because of this. Only make Overlords and Members/Peons to keep it under control.
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