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Everything posted by grecords

  1. [QUOTE=r2vq] [COLOR=Indigo] Why is it good guys in video games can get shot hundreds of times before being killed, when it takes two to three hits to kill a bad guy? [/quote] Because they listened to their hearts and believed in themselves.... not buying that, ok they had an overshield. [quote name='r2vq']Why is it most of the girls in Naruto suck at fighting?[/quote] Well Ten-Ten is pretty good, and so is Temari (girl with fan). I assume you are referring to Sakura as I can only remember her being in one meaningful (not in my eyes really) fight with Ino. Kakashi once mentioned Sakura had better control and skill with her chakra than Naruto and Sasuke. However she doesn't really have any special move to showcase this with. She has shown shes better at climbing trees and using chakra with her feet early in the series. She does however have super human strength much like Tsunade. [quote name='r2vq']Why is there so much talking in anime fights?[/COLOR][/quote] The characters are obligated to inform the viewer of every feeling, strategy, and situation that runs through their head. Mainly they must state the obvious in every scene.
  2. [size=2]Stereotyping is going to be constant in life no matter where you are so I wouldn't let it get to you. New members will be considered "noobs" for a while but if you continually provide posts with quality then eventually most will grow to accept you. Those who may label you due to the "new member tag" aren't people you want to be concerned about anyway.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I admit though I'm also curious as to when the "new member" tag will go away. And whether it has to do with time spent on the forums or the quality/quantity of posts. If its based on quantity then I'll be a new member for a while I'm afraid :laugh: [/size]
  3. grecords


    When I think about it I really don't see how it hurts to limit the amount of cursing a person hears on tv. When a child sees regular shows throwing around certain words they will subconsiously begin to think its a norm. While a curse word here and there isn't horrible some shows and some musical artists (mainstream rap) don't need to drop a profanity at the beginning and end of every statement. How much do you curse a day? I know I curse a lot. I curse like a sailor, and it gets me in trouble at work, during job interviews, and sometimes it slips when I'm talking to my parents or older family members. I could say its my cirlce of friends or my generation I grew up with, but its really just from hearing from all outlets of entertainment and media I watch/listen to. Generations ago it wasn't casual to drop the s-word or f-bomb on tv, or the radio. One other point, have we noticed how backwards we (america) is compared to other countries. While other countries might censor violence they really don't try to censor nudity or sex as hard as we do. I may see a point in censorship (I'm not completely sold on censorship though, I'll get to why in a sec) but I don't see how a womans naked body will damage a childs psyche unless the woman is being abused or degraded. My mother used to always make sure I never saw a sex scene with movies that came home but god the violent films I watched. I've never got a girl pregnant or have sex underaged but I have hurt many friends from things I saw on tv. Yes I was stupid when I was little and emulated what I saw. So do most people when they're little kids. I'm not sold on censorship however despite how my post may sound. Why? Well because of the people who would be censoring the stuff I watch/listen too. The people censoring most things in this country are highly religious christians. They have more problems with nudity than with violence, and because of that I won't support censorship. Anything dealing with graphic violence shouldn't be seen by anyone younger than 13-15 and the censors are too concerned that a nipple isn't seen on tv that they let those type of things slip under the rug until something bad happens. So I'm for limiting the profanity but I'm not for censorship.
  4. [quote]Never forget that ignoring the truth or refusing to think about it gains a person nothing. If anyone says, "No, I live on a planet in an enormous universe, not in a closed room," then he needs to prove the fact. If he cannot do so, then blind belief in any such idea will only lead to his remaining deceived. [/quote]Thats a weak arguement they would be starting on both sides. These kind of thoughts are better left to be thought deeply about instead of promoting arguements. I don't really see how you could argue that the side with widely accepted perception on reality would have to prove their case. Normally it should be the challenging party that would have to promote evidence. In this case the challenging party basically said "well you can't prove us wrong so we're right" which isn't a credible defense. Other than that its a neat Idea they plant in your head. It reminds me of the end of MIB 2 [spoiler]where Kay shows Jay that our universe is actually in the locker of another galaxy's train station.[/spoiler] Someone else mentioned this however, that this type of thought has been brought up before, so I hope they're not claiming it for their own.
  5. Some of those fanboys bash other systems to make themselve feel better. Some probably can't afford any other system or their parents will only let them have one. So one way to make themselves not feel like they suck so bad is to convince themselves, and others around them, that the console they have is the best one out there. I know someone who's like this and I feel sorry for them.
  6. [quote name='RiflesAtRecess']Isn't that what the Movie and TV forum is for?[/quote] Wow I feel dumb. Sorry for bringing it up.
  7. I know I'm relatively new to this board but I thought it would be neat if we had a section dedicated to "Live Action". I've gotten into it in recent years and I thought it would be a cool thing to discuss amongst other members (whats good, whats not, whats new, etc). I'm not too sure if thats detracting too much from the anime tone this board is going for but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask.
  8. Right now I'm not too happy with my current occupation. I work in a video game store and a lot of people have a misconception of the experience you get from working in one. I get really annoyed when people come in and say "wow you must have the best job in the world". Its definitely not. Most assume that it must be fun working for a video game store mainly because they assume they get to play all the new games that come out. This is only true if you have interactive stands with the console you need. My store only has a GBA stand so I really don't get to play any new games unless I buy or rent them. Another problem would be the fact I have to sell so much additional things when people buy a game. For every transaction we're expected to sell over 3 things from protection plans to pre-orders. Our numbers are tracked so we are hounded endlessy if we aren't meeting goals. We deal with everyone and their mother. From the normal casual gamer to the person who will ask us what we're playing and then [b]try[/b] to start console war arguements. Some may ask us a question and if we haven't played the game they complain that we're no qualified to do our job. Then you have the rest of the jerks you get from any retail experience. I like the people I work with alot so I'll definitely try to stay in contact with them, but the 10 hours a week I'm work aren't cutting it so I'm looking for employment elsewhere.
  9. I thought this was a good read so I decided to this from gamespot. Adam Buchen from [b]Game Spotting[/b] decided to post a letter to all console and pc fanboys. Its even more interesting to me as I've never heard of this feature on gamespot and it's apparently the last installment they're going to make. Thats a shame since if it was a lot like this letter then I would have enjoyed seeing some future installments. Anyway here goes: [quote='Adam Buchen'] Dear Fanboys, I have a few pieces of advice I want to pass onto you in this GameSpotting. I know that in an age of multiple platforms and a huge amount of games, it can be difficult to remain loyal to one platform or one company. It's a real challenge, and you are all noble and courageous for taking on this quest. I have a few suggestions that I hope you all take to heart. It will help guide you down the path of the fanboy. GameSpot is the most reliable source for reviews. Except when another publication rates the game you're hyping higher than us. Then that publication is the most reliable source. Until next week, anyway. A person who owns just one console is inherently less biased than editors at GameSpot who have access to all consoles. The term "exclusive" is tricky. Its definition changes depending upon whether a hot game appears on your platform or not. Innovation is what it's called when your console has a unique feature. Otherwise, it's called a gimmick. Your specific needs are shaped around your platform's features. For instance, if your console doesn't feature HDTV support, then it really wasn't that necessary to have, anyway. A game that is scored less than a 9.5 on any platform you don't own is called a flop. If it does achieve that score, it's called overrated. (According to the GameSpot rating system, a game rated 8 or above is "great," but we all know that it really means "flop.") Sales numbers are everything, as long as the numbers are best for your favorite company or console. If that means you have to dig up numbers for sales in New Zealand stores from seven months ago to prove your point, so be it. Likewise, it is up to you to monitor how companies are doing and report every dip in stock price of manufacturers of other consoles. You're all experts in the fields of economics and finance, so your analyses will always prove correct. You must realize, that some companies are evil, and some are inherently good. Some companies do it for the money, others do it... so, well, you can brag about them. Perhaps the most clever thing you as fanboys can do is to come up with derogatory names for competing consoles, such as Xbrick instead of Xbox or FlopStation 2 instead of PlayStation 2. On message boards, the best way to convey your point is to write in all caps, ignore the rules of grammar, and include lots of "LMAO's" and "LOLs" in your post. It makes perfect sense to insult a company's lineup one moment and at the same time hope that company will go third party and develop for your console the next. Playing a game on a different console for ten minutes at a friend's house qualifies you as an expert on that game and console. You are obviously the most knowledgeable person about hardware. So when you're talking about the difference between CISC and RISC processors, everyone should stop and listen. [b]A sequel on another console is a "rehash," while a sequel on your console is not; in fact, it's highly anticipated.[/b] Your platform is the best one in existence. Any time you see what might be evidence to the contrary, it's clearly because others are blinded by their idiotic fanboyism. So you see, dear readers, the best part about being a fanboy is that you can never be proven wrong. As long as you ignore the rules of logic and sensibility, you will never have to worry about whether or not you made a good investment. That sure helps all the insecurity go away, doesn't it? In the meanwhile, the rest of us will have to go on using our brains to make decisions when it comes to videogames. We will have to actually think about whether or not it's worth it to buy a console based on our needs. We will have to consider forking over more money for a new machine if its games are excellent. We will have to play the best games instead of bash them if they're not on our consoles. In other words, the rest of us non-fanboys are doomed to a life of playing the best games and enjoying our hobby, while you will have the luxury of being able to ignore the majority of games that come out, because they're not on your console. That is indeed very lucky for you all. And with that, I must wrap up my letter today. I hope I was able to teach you all a thing or two. Your Pal, Adam[/quote] I bolded the statement I've been hearing alot since the DS and the PSP have come out. I just wanted to make sure that one is read lol. Heres the link to the full article: [url="http://www.gamespot.com/features/6128136/p-18.html"]http://www.gamespot.com/features/6128136/p-18.html[/url]
  10. [b]Katamari Damacy[/b] - While not really under the radar as many have heard of it, if you are curious about it give it a rent. I understand that not every game is for everyone but this game should appeal to almost all non-casual gamers. I for one refuse to sell/trade this one in. For a game that uses just the analog sticks is remarkable addictive. The game consists of you rolling around your "katamari" and gradually making it bigger by picking up objects around the house. You eventually get so big that your picking up animals, then people, then houses, then cities, then entire states. Did I mention its really fun? [b]Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex[/b] - The game plays just like the anime, with the rest of the cast investigating clues and hacking into enemy records to assist you during your raids. You also can hack into enemies to get the locations of other enemies and to hack into other enemies from a distance. The hacking allows you to control that enemy for a short time. For example I hacked into a sniper, used him to snipe an ambuse party on a roof and then made him jump to his death, where I picked up his sniper rifle. [b]Rivercity Ransom[/b] - A classic NES game that anyone who enjoyed Double Dragon or TMNT should try. Your friend Alex's girlfriend has been taken hostage by a dude named "Slick", and he threatens you to give in to his demands. You can't take this game seriously as they forget to mention just what his demands were. Oh well, so you take to the street and take on numerous gangs including, but not excluding, the Generic Dudes, the Couch Potatoes, the Frat Guys. As you can tell its hard not to laugh, [spoiler]especially at the end when "Slick" is defeated and says "My evil powers are fading!".[/spoiler] Heres and excert from Seanbaby's review of Rivercity Ransom: [spoiler]In the end everything worked out. Cyndi got to go shopping, Ryan got laid, Alex got to beat up a city full of people, and the evil bosses learned to read. Kids, if there's one thing you take away from River City Ransom, may it be that violence is the answer to your problems. If you beat a gang member hard enough, he will become an honor student. And if you beat an honor student hard enough, he will give you his lunch money. And the final moral is: it's all about good grades and trips to the mall.[/spoiler] The rest can be found here: [url="http://www.seanbaby.com/nes/rcr.htm"]http://www.seanbaby.com/nes/rcr.htm[/url]
  11. [quote name='Retribution][size=1]It doesn't matter if [i]you[/i] refuse to be stereotyped, as [b]you have zero control over whether you are or not.[/b'] People are people, and it seems to be that stereotyping is locked in our nature. It's probably that whole fear of the unusual, but the reason why is inconsequential. It's that it happens, whether you're aware of it or not.[/size][/quote]I'll rephrase what I said since you have a very good point... I never fit into any crowds such as Nerds, Goths, Punks or popular kids. I had a lot of friends in each but I never went out of my way to emulate them in terms of dress or style. If you were to categorize me I would probably be a [b]Gamer[/b]. However this wasn't a valid stereotype in High School, and no one besides me and my friend openly admitted to being as such.
  12. In highschool I believe I fell into the category of [b]POKEMON MASTER[/b]! Thats right I was all about the gym badges. I even had the Pikachu Tamagochi thing that gained points by walking. My friends reached the max and mine didn't. So mine was crushed by a hammer because it just wasn't fair. I guess the only other category I fell in other than that was [b]None[/b]. I really don't fit into any of the groups as I refused to be stereotyped. Even at my own expense.
  13. I think my best character in SC was Astaroth. I don't know why but I just understood how to use him best from the get go. His attacks are just so brutal and violent that I couldn't NOT use him. I found it easy to fake out people and trap them in his various throws. Especially the longer range one that looks like a low sweep with his axe. The one where he snaps the opponents back across his axe is also funny, since the match would end there in a real fight, but hey it is a video game.
  14. Despite the reviews it got [b]Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex[/b] is very good. The complaints that came up the most were the platforming. While, yes it doesn't make sense for the Major to die if she falls ten feet since she jumped like 40+ feet in the intro, any person whos played video games before shouldn't complain about simple platforming as its the genre that started all video games (mario, sonic, etc). If you can't stand platforming put your PS2 up for sale and take up some other hobby. The missions are cool and you get to [i]hack[/i] into your enemies if they have cyber brains. For example you could hack into a sniper and use them to snipe off enemies from afar. You could then make them jump from a high up ledge and kill themself. Another thing you can do is download the id tags of enemies you've downed and a you will then see emblems representing where enemies of the same type reside around you. This helps you plan your attacks and stay concealed more often. Basically I would recommend GS: SAC for at least a rent for fans of the show.
  15. I would have to say the hardest game task I've completed would have to be beating Secret of Evermore. That game was probably the second RPG I had played at the time so I was still new to the genre. And if that wasn't bad enough even with the strategy guide it was easy to get lost and get stuck [spoiler]The pyramid level especially as you had to walk through hidden passages through the walls. Did I mention you couldn't see you're character as you passed though those walls?[/spoiler]. Some of the boss battles were pretty sick as well. The bug boss on the cover of the game was sick enough but [spoiler]once you get to the mid-evil area and you had to fight this giant rat that stood just out of your dogs range so you had to kill him with magic. The whole strategy relied upon his stupid attacks on the dog even though it was already Kayoed. Once you beat him you got some kinda shield spell that helped keep you safe during boss battles.[/spoiler] That was probably the most frustrating RPG I had played at the time.
  16. I have a few favorites of my own. [b]Cowboy Bebop[/b] - My favorite anime of all time actually. [b]DragonBall Z[/b] - Got me into anime. Nuff said. [b]Neon Genisis Evangelion[/b] - Surprised? It was the emotional EVAs themselves that got me into it. [b]Samurai Champloo[/b] - Very well down anime. [b]Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex[/b] - Every episode is great.
  17. I like [i]Dare[/i] a lot and find that I can listen to the whole album besides the one thats all narration, [i]Fire coming out of the Mountain[/i] I believe its called. Its good to sit and just chill to but other than [i]Feel Good Inc.[/i] I don't think they have much they can make into radio and video singles. That doesn't hurt them in my eyes but It helps for an artist to get promotion and radio play.
  18. I'll only list the games that meant the most to me. [b]Super Mario World[/b] - the first game I ever beat and got 100% completed. For that and the excellent good time it gave me I'll always remember it. Especially the cool seasons change you get when you beat special zone. [b]Super Mario RPG[/b] - The first RPG I've ever played and I loved the crap out of it. Squaresoft did a really good job in this game as I played it for like 6 months straight. The game was full of mini-quests and unlockables to keep you busy for a while. [b]Super Mario 64[/b] - It wasn't so rewarding until you got all 120 stars, and then you could really feel like you were done. But the ending just put the icing on the cake as the real reward was playing the game itself. [b]Final Fantasy VII[/b] - Actually I hated the ending as how it really doesn't show you anything. It just happens that this was my favorite squaresoft RPG. I just wish I hadn't restarted like 6 times in a row. I can never play the first disc again as I'm still sick of the opening to this day. But thats my fault. [b]Final Fantasy Tactics[/b] - My favorite tactis game. The amount of betrayal and twists in the story were pretty numerous for a squaresoft game. I really hadn't seen this type of story outside of a Suikoden game. [b]Suikoden 1 and 2[/b] - Suikoden one almost made me cry and Suikoden two was just so epic that its easily my favorite RPG. The war-type fights and suspense made it more appealing to me than most squaresoft games. The characters were easier to feel for as well. I'm glad I finished both games. [b]TMNT 2 (nes) and TMNT 4[/b] - I was just so proud that I beat shredder really. [b]Secret of Evermore[/b] - Just such an eerie game. Where as I couldn't play games that were as intense as the puzzles and bosses in other games this game made me want to beat it so bad. The story and environments just sucked me in and forced me to beat this one. [b]Mega Man X[/b] - I mastered this game to the point where I even got that Hadoken you can obtain. I loved this game to death. [b]Mega Man x4[/b] - This was the only other Mega Man x game I could play mainly for the fact that you got to use Zero as a main character in this game. [b]Mega Man Legends[/b] - I wish they would continue this series more than the battlenetwork one. The first one was really well done and a much needed change from the old mega mans. The backstory for Megaman was really wierd too.
  19. grecords


    I've watched 3-5 episodes of RahXephon on comcast on demand and through some free sample DVDs from Newtype magazine and I've rather enjoyed the show. I didn't think it was a clone of EVA as they both had their differences in approach with their series. The main character himself was more down to earth compared to Shinji, who was horribly detached and deppressed. Evas one of my favorite shows but I know a lot of people who stopped watching it because they hated Shinji. This is where I thought some people would enjoy RahXephon more. EVA focused a lot on peoples Psyches and their emotion attachement with the people around them. From the episodes I saw in RahXephon it didn't seem like it was focusing on those issues as much as EVA was. Which is fine and its good that they didn't try to do [i]exactly[/i] what EVA did.
  20. [b]Ranma 1/2[/b] - I have to agree with an earlier poster as Ryoga is easier to feel for than Ranma. Other than the fact I can relate to his misery when it comes to love interest, I'm also just about as bad when it comes to directions and locations. My friends instantly said "hey its you in an anime. I think he has a better conception of navigation than you have.". Hence-forth I've always considered myself to be an "Eternally lost boy". [b]Sesshomaru[/b] - I just didn't like Inyuyasha because he complains so much. In my eyes he had no redeeming qualities as he just constantly puts down his friends and just about everyone else around him he can lash out at. I've noticed that I have been able to sit through episodes that consist of Sesshomaru beating up Inyuyasha. [spoiler]Especially the episode when Inyuyasha went beserker and Sesshomaru beat him up easily.[/spoiler] [b]Zechs Merquise[/b] - Zechs Merquise/Miliardo Peacecraft was definitely the coolest character in Gundam Wing. Especially when he got Epyon as his MS. I stopped watching the series halfway through until I saw the commercial showcasing Epyon. "OMG! Dat dudes got a giant chain for a weapon!" was what came out of my mouth at that instant. I was rooting for Milliardo during the final fight with Hero(sp?). I was dissapointed that [spoiler]he lost in the final fight when he had Epyon, as he was holding his own agianst Hero when he was in a Leo and in Tallgeese which weren't as good stat-wise as Epyon.[/spoiler]
  21. I'm listening to N.E.R.D right now. I'm streaming both their albums [i]Fly or Die[/i] and [i]In Search of...[/i] on my playlist of Rhapsody as we speak. Rhapsody has them described as [i]Crossover/hip-hop[/i] but they really don't rap all that much. They're kinda like how Gorillaz sound in that they experiment with Rock and Hip-hop and get them to create whole new types of musical genres. Its very easy to load both albums into my playlist and just chill. So far my favorite songs off both albums are: Lapdance (its old but I still like it) Don't Worry About it Jump She Wants to Move Things are Getting Better Stay Together (my fav) I'd recommend them if you like Gorillaz in the fact that they're different from what else is out there.
  22. [quote name='RiflesAtRecess'] I'm thinking about picking up Suikoden 3 (since I keep hearing that Suikoden 4 is bad). I also hate the fact that these games become incredibly hard to find, I really wanted to buy Suikoden 2 a long time ago, but I never saw a copy in stores. In fact, to this day, I've never seen Suikoden 2 up close and personal.[/quote] I don't know about 4 (haven't played it yet, again I'm horribly broke) but 3 was definitely the weakest of the three I played. Its just not as epic as 1 or 2 was and feels more like its milking the features 2 and 1 had but it does nothing new for a Suikoden series. I just didn't care for the characters the game forced on you. The deaths of friends wasn't as memorable or credible compared to 1 and 2 either. Plus I missed the overhead look compared to the 3d look that just about every other RPG uses so I felt that it lost some originality. I enjoyed 3 but just because I was such a fan of the first two. Just like how I'm picking up 4 as soon as I get money just because it has "Suikoden" in the title. You're not going to have an easy time finding S2 as its worth a lot of money now since its become so famous in the minds of most RPG fans. If you do find it expect to fork out between $30 and $130 as far as I can see from the results of an ebay search. Its a great game but I didn't spend over $50 to play it when it came out, and personally if I spent over $60 on a game it damn well better grace me with the light of god. So I would see someone being dissapointed with this game considering how advanced other games have become since then. So unless you're rich or "money just aint a thang" I would suggest spending no more than $30, or borrowing it from a friend. Its a great game but the fact that its a collecters item is preventing other from enjoying the experience it provides. Oh and did I mention S2 was my favorite? Cuz it is.
  23. Hey kids its "G-Man" with the masculenity of "He-Man" and the souless marketing regime of "G-Unit" he takes on the work envirenment one tear at a time. Watch as his day is ruined when he learns he is losing hours at work. Pull his string to hear him say such quotes as "I'm sorry sir it won't happen again", and "I know you're not paying me for nothing sir". Press the button on his shoulder make him cry (water pack sold separately). *now with kung fu grip and karate chop action* "Take this unsuspecting customer" *karate chop to the back*
  24. The Suikoden series is the only RPG series I've ever been loyal to mainly due to the way they approach their games. Instead of having the "crazy dude/dudette wants to take over/destroy the world" scenario, you are placed in the middle of civil wars and battles between bordering nations. You don't just have to stop one person but whole nations and armies. To do this you do what makes the most sense... make an army. With the army you decide you need a home base. Now I haven't played the fourth yet (no money :animecry:) but the castle/homebase alone will keep me occupied for hours. Just the customization alone makes it worth-while. You get your own armory, item shops, inns etc. I didn't like S3 all that much because I felt they went warped a lot of characters personalities from what they should've been after S2 (Luc). But I'll still consider S2 the best RPG I've ever played..... ever.
  25. I think heartbreak was the strongest emotion I've ever felt. Since It comes right after love where you're practically floating on clouds, you basically just start falling emotionally. It does hurt too, its called heartbreak for a reason as it feels worse than most other things and theres no real way to counter that pain. Eventually you shut down and then build yourself back up. For some it lasts a few days, whether they admit it or not, while for some it can last for months.
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