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Everything posted by grecords

  1. [quote name='cApNhOwDy']My avatar says that I like Outlaw Star. My custom title says that I own all. My signature says that I enjoy bitching in my LiveJournal and I like playing DDR.[/quote] I'm going to try my hand at this. I think from your avatar and post that you have a somewhat bright outlook on life at times. You seem bubbly and enjoy having fun at all costs. Your avatar shows that you think life is about movement and jumping from one adventure to the next. The statement about your liveJournal tells me you enjoy communications between people from simple interactions to full blown deep soul searching. I wonder how close I am, if I'm close at all.
  2. I've met a few famous people in my life but they were mostly WWE superstars. The first was Mick Foley, who happens to be one of my favorite superstars. Actually come to think of it I must have missed him because I had to get his autograph from someone else. Oh well, but there was Charlie Haas who came to the Super 8 tournament. He was having photos taken with him and fans in the middle of the ring. I remember it because he had just won the tag-team titles with Shelton Benjamin. He was caught off gaurd because I was the only one who went to shake his hand and say congratulations. Even though I was a nobody I could tell he appreciated it. I still have the picture in my room in a folder somewhere. The only other famous person I met wasn't really a person at all. I was about 5 or 6 and I was at the bank with my mom and R2D2 came in. Now I can remember this because it was on the news and the reporter was filming the stare I was giving R2D2 as I had never seen Star Wars at that age and didn't know what a robot was. I wasn't scared just curious as I noticed he beeped alot and then after a quick lap he left. Thats probably why R2D2 is my fav Stars Wars character today.
  3. I would have to say the coolest boss in an RPG for me was Luca Blight. For one he was genuinly an insane beast, as displayed earlier in the game when [spoiler]he made the villagers oink like pigs then slaughtered them anyway. This is after he set up the war to look like the Highland was betrayed. Even cooler about this character is that you fight him halfway through the game. Where as in most RPGs you go through the entire game before you can finally fight the main Boss, Luca comes after you early in your building of your castle. It was the only game I played where they showed you what could happen afterwards when Jowy aligned himself with Highland and refused to surrender. That showed truly how a war could happen.[/spoiler] Thats probably why I like Suikoden better a lot is because its more about war than the end of the world like most RPG's.
  4. You should feel good about yourself for two reasons. Technically you did win the fight, I know its very superficial to look at it that way but its true. You proved you could take a punch witch is good if you ever need to defend yourself again. Authorities aren't always there and sometimes you only have yourself to depend on. On the other hand you should be proud of yourself, because despite your mood you didn't continue to lay into the dude. He even flashed a knife, which is where I personally would continue to lay into him just to make sure he would shank me while I wasn't expecting it. Calling the cops was the best thing you could've done as it protected him from you and yourself from him. Basically you handled it like a mature adult. You should be proud of yourself.
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