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Everything posted by Monkeyfeet63

  1. Crisis Core I think was announced a long time ago. But never called CC, just a FFVII handheld game. I also rememeber it being announced for the GBA, because at the time, not to long ago but long enough, ads nor psp was out yet. But with all that aside it is of course mainly about zach, and I didn't see anyone mention that the special feature in japans version od AC had a special anime movie that would outline the events of CC. So more FFVII games to me is a good thing. Not because I'm some egnuberant fanboy, but because I want to make some more senese of the damn plot in the original FFVII. So if you want diffrent spin-offs you can always go play FFX-2.
  2. All the spirit temple cutscenes rock the boat. Such as when you naroubbou get blasted by those witches. Hmmm.....do you think she died when the witches did that too her?
  3. Not just the ending. The ending is good. I'm just saying thoughout after the sages become sages. I like the whole link meeting up with zelda ending. So your right to say that doesnt need improvement.
  4. Yeah well thanks. Yes I admited their in no actual lineage. So if we all think of the game as if the sages are dead, then well it might make the game a little more dramatic. And for those against the ideas of happy endings, just go "I bet the sages died", thats what I like to do. Makes a tear come to my eye when the sages give their final messages.
  5. Ha. Yeah, then the wind waker complicates everything farther. And I at this point admit defeat. This is because, as I was discussing this conversation with my friend Stuart yesterday I had a sudden epihany. First was I don't know how to spell it, and second that wind waker's events completely make the sages not existening as their live forms in hyrule null and void. As we all know, in wind waker ganon's seal is broken and he escapes the sacred realm. He then starts doing what he promised he would do in Oot. He started killing of the sages ancestors. Leaving only two left. That means the sages had to pass on their ancestory to others. However one could argue that because the species is completely diffrent, and link and tetra were not known to have direct realtions with the orginal link and zelda, that the sages spirits are reborn within the ancestors whether or not their family. So even if the sages died than their spirits would be travelled along. We can only assume though, that when ganon kills an ancestor he finds away to seal that power away as well. And for where I got the idea of the sages dieing, was from a gamefaqs article. Where one guy said "Impa then runs of to the shadow temple, and is killed then awakened as sage, jut like the others" I tought this was plasible, as there still from these boards is no plausible evidence that says there alive or dead. Everyones "facts" still are based on abstract ideas that were left open by the game. Which are fantastic when it comes to creating a conversation piece. Which in conclusion. I seem to find the idea of them dieing. I'm not talking about them returning to life or not. But them dieing while link is an adult very sad. Its much more dramatic. And I can't find any other reason of why the sages would be prompted to say things like "Link, remmeber we always be friends."
  6. Now this is not for the sake of the arguemnt or anything. But we see the sages walking around at the end of the game. But it seemed very simliar to the end of return of the jedi when you see yoda, anakin, and obi-wan standing around in the ewok village. Your not going to tell me they were alive and well too?
  7. [QUOTE=Killer7]From what I have seen and played, everything in the game is dumbed down fro SM2. Less web attacks and swinging, less exploration, and less fun. I do like how they arent tied to the movie (even though I don't really read american comic books), as it allows more freedom, but it looks like they didn't make much use of it. By the way, if you formatted your post a little differently, it could've been a nice little review, too bad they don't have a game review system on theotaku.[/QUOTE] I quite agree on this aspect. The story was great, as it was written by comic hero brian micheal bendis. The cutscenes were just as good. However the only upgrade from SM2 is the combat is a little deeper and more fun. However in many other areas it was downgraded. They must simply take the uscceses of each game, ram their heads together, and wipe away the blood. Here is to what could have been.
  8. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]No, Rauru says specifically that it's the Temple of Light, located in the Sacred Realm. I don't recall it ever being refered to as the sage realm. ... The specific room in the Temple of Light where you see the sages is called the Chamber of Sages, but that's just a room in the temple. There's a script of all the text from the game (the Text Dump one, under In-Depth FAQs) on [url=http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/n64/game/197771.html][u]GameFAQs[/u][/url]. Take a look at Rauru's lines from when you first wake up in the Chamber of Sages:[/color] [color=#4B0082]And as for the sages sealing themselves in, the ending contradicts that, and I don't know of anything else that would support the theory. Besides, they were able to send Link in and out of the Chamber of Sages easily enough, so I wouldn't think they'd have any trouble returning to Hyrule before casting the seal.[/color][/QUOTE] True, you would not see them in the end of the game if they did that. But the temple of light is within the sacred realm, so its a possibility tehy could not escape. especially if they were dead.
  9. It was called the sage realm I thought. And thats what I also thought, that they had no why to escape the sacred realm, because they sealed ganon from within, so they were still on another plane of existance when link traveled back.
  10. [QUOTE=armana]By 'in the end' you're refering to the scene where the five temple sages are standing on death mountain, right? This happens around the the same time as the celebration scene, which I always assumed happened directly after Ganondorf was killed, not back when Link was a boy again. That's why Ruto's grown up. Remember, it's after this scene when Link reappears in the temple of time in his original timeline. Why would everybody be celebrating something that hadn't happened yet? When Link returns to his original timeline, everything else is as it was. Nothing is said about the sages dying so I think it's safe to assume that they didn't.[/QUOTE] Yes, but we know ganandorf is trapped in the evil realm, so no matter what time period, he will always be there, intil release. However would the sages not remain in the sage realm, seeing as how it is parrell in all times, just like the evil realm. So what I'm saying is, that if on a diffrent plane of existance, then they will remain there intil they are released. Just as how zelda never entered a new plane of existance.
  11. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]*merges this with the original OOT thread* Anyway, I'm not sure where you got the idea that the sages die when they awaken, because they don't. They're the ones that make the bridge to Ganon's Castle and you see them in the ending, remember? All of them are alive and well after the events of OOT.[/color][/QUOTE] Well you also see that ruto as full grown adult in the end. Now why would that be?
  12. Yeah so I was just thinking about this today after whooping Ganons ***. When link returns the master sword in the end and becomes a kid again, it erases everything that has happened in that 7 years he was the hero of time. So of course no one remembers execpt for him, and zelda we see. But all events were erased. But Ganandorf was imprisoned in the Evil Realm. So despite what time period he is always imprisoned there. So all that is fine expect this. Zelda is the only sage that returns to 7 years before. She is als the only sage that is awakened without dieing to do so. But all the other sages don't return and stay dead. So what I'm wondering is. Why would that happen if there deaths never occured? My only explanation is taat they to are trapped in the Sage realm parrall to the Evil/Sacred Realm. So then how did Zelda become a sage without doing the same. And finnaly wouldn't the triforce of wisdom and courage never leave Zelda and Link, because Ganon still has the triforce of Power broken up with him?
  13. [IMG]http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/7797/thing1yr.jpg[/IMG] There. It sucks,because you suck. You and your mimicing my current situation. Damn you. Well these parameters will be epic, cuz this a quote I created. [B]Parameters:[/B] [U]Words:Silence:It's not the emotions expressed, but the emotions implied.[/U] [U]Colors: Probably some light blues and whites[/U]
  14. That one was hard. So sorry if it sucks. [b]Parameters:[/b] [u]Words: I predict a riot[/u] [u]Colors: Light blue and red[/u]
  15. [IMG]http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/4505/alicedone0tp.jpg[/IMG] HECK YEAH! You damn druggie, enough with the drug refrences. [U][B]PARAMETERS[/B][/U] [U]COLORS: Greys, Greens, Browns and hell Blacks[/U] [U]WORDS: Walking through town can be quite scary.[/U]
  16. [SIZE=2][SIZE=4]I did this out of irony and only for that reason.[/SIZE][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/9327/stuartsucks7ex.jpg[/IMG] There behold! The parameters are as following. [B][U]Parameters:[/U][/B] [I]Colors:Red and Black[/I] [I][B]Words: Can sin be forgiven?[/B][/I]
  17. I want my general topic to be about the standards and how far you can push them for the otaku lounge, and p.s stuart as you view this post direct connect with me on AIM.
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