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About Devlin420

  • Birthday 07/13/1979

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  1. Not really. Although the guy seen at the end of ep. 13 is somewhat important. Not too much screentime. I just read that 3 new episodes are going to come out in the fall so forget the last question of my post. Oh, and Ryoko is played by some other lady something Marshall. That's the only non-returning voice actor from the original cast.
  2. Just recently picked up Tenchi OVA 3, and I'll tell you that it definitely picks up from the last OVA. It is just numbered differently since I guess it's a new show (just by adding ryo-ohki to the name). There's flashbacks galore in the beginning I guess to catch [B]everyone else[/B] up to speed. Only thing I didn't like about it is there were no previews to the next episode. I've been waiting [I]years[/I] for them to wrap up this particular tenchi-verse. Does anyone know when the next DVD is coming out? I actually can't wait to spend $30 on 3 episodes again :animesmil
  3. I've heard that Cartoon Network is gonna bring over Naruto. Just started watching it and it looks awesome. One article I read said it has a huge DBZ-ish following. I understand what it meant when I actually watched it. One battle took almost eight episodes to finally finish. Now I know why theres so many episodes. My question to all is : should I read the mangas or is the show more fast paced? Also does anyone know what Furi-Kuri means? The way it's used in the show sounds like some perverted act you know ;)
  4. I got into anime waayyyyy back with Akira, Fist of the NORTH star, Macross, etc.. and always kept it to myself. Then one of my friends came over and saw the tapes on the shelf. I popped one in for him and he totally got into it. What I'm trying to say is that maybe if one of the "haters" actually watched the stuff their view would change. Even got my GF watching Tenchi Muyo cuz of good ol' Ryo-ohky (sp). Been awhile.
  5. I'm getting the feeling that there are alot of .hack players out there. So how long is each disc? Is it long enough that u feel satisfied with ur purchase or is it worth playing for story content and not gameplay? I think tecmo should come out ith a ninja gaiden anime. Similar to Ninja Scroll.
  6. I've watched Evangelion countless times and each time I watch the show I get a little more out of it. Watched Lain bout 4 times (weird). Ranma 1/2 (still funny), Tenchi MuyoTV ova's and movies (greatest show of all time), and Cowboy Bebop (coolness captured). Right now I'm starting to watch Samurai Champloo which might be the next Cowboy Bebop.
  7. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black] I was playing my PSone Arc the lad game and was wondering what Really good anime game came out lately? I know that Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, and Cowboy Bebop(?) are coming out but are they really good, quality games or just a quick cash-in for the game companies? I'd like to know what games r out and if their any good... TC
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