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mary no jutsu

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Everything posted by mary no jutsu

  1. [QUOTE=Hevn][COLOR=#DC9B99][SIZE=1] On [B]Rain [/B]from [B]Full House[/B]: The first time I saw him I thought he's ugly. When I watched the series, I just want to pinch his cheeks. He's too cute. lol[/B].[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] ha ha i know at first i was like who is this with song hye-kyo comeone. but at the end i hecka fell in love with him now. don't you jsut love it when he says "as long as it takes the oceans to dry up i'd still love you, even if my soul were to burn to ashes i would still love love you" ahhhhhhhhhhhhh*fangirl scream*
  2. if anyone wants to find korean movies or dramas go here: [url]http://hancinema.net/[/url]
  3. wow i'm happy to find people taht watch k-dramas. i saw like one episode of roof top room cats. but it was like 15 i was just watching it cuase the guy from my little bride was in it. haha i think. hmm i ahve nothing else to say so i'll post pics [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v320/whoa_momma_no_jutsu/avatars%20and%20sigs/ws1.jpg[/IMG] oh my gosh when they first met [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v320/whoa_momma_no_jutsu/avatars%20and%20sigs/rain.gif[/IMG] hahah its rain aww so cute i would have more but its not working
  4. wow i should have looked instead of making another thread srry... well anyways i love bleach among all the animes and mangas i'm currently into i think its my favouite. the art is so unique and the characters all seem to ahve a life of their own. when it wants to be funny its funny. the story is getting so deep now with all these twists. ummmm how do i put the black thing that covers the spoilers? I love how everyone's soul cutter is so unique. and how everyones story all comes together i love it well anyways i love renji he is so kool. renji forever GO 6TH DIVISION (wow i said love alot in this post)
  5. yeah the philipines has so many ghost stories i have so many of them that i got from my cousins. heres one. well there were these kids playing in the ricefields one day. it was pretty foggy there parents said not to wander far off. but being the kids they are they wandered off they got lost in the fog. so while they were walking around to find ther house they saw this guy he was really tall and they were really small and the fog kinda covered alot of him. he was dressed in a priests cloths so the asked him oh can you help us find our way back. he held our both of his hands and they took it. so he took them back to their house and when they turned around to thank him the fog wasn't as thick where they were and when they looked u he didn't ahve a head. i'm not really sure if thats true but my cousins told me this.
  6. well post the funiest pickuplines youve ever heard. did you just fart cause you just blew me away are those space pants your wearing cause that *** is out of this world. and one for the band geeks: i'm a fermata hold me
  7. i usually just borrow cds and rip them on my compupter so i don't ahve alot of cds. winter sonata ost cream of clapton thats it but ive borrowed alot of cds though
  8. i read the manga and watched the anime. i overall liked the manga so much more. the anime was so weird. kentaro pissed me off. the anime would have been so much better if they followed the manga more. or at least make it longer. GO MUTSUMI
  9. does anyone here read bleach online.
  10. oh i'm sorry if i offended you in anyway. its just how the story was told to me sorry if i offended you.
  11. oh my gosh this is so kool to find someone besides my family who loves k-dramas. oh my gosh i love winter sonata among all the dramas ive watched out of all of them all i can say is that it is hypnotizing among everything ive watched i love it so much. i ahve the polaris neckalace. lol.and me and my aunts and my cousins that watch winter sonata we made a club called pilaris. cause my grandma (their mom) is called pilar and my aunts are all sisters so yeah ther called pilaris. lol pretty funny. my uncles say were so crazy and that we sound like school girls when we talk about kang joon sang. hahaha i like full house and lovers in paris as well lee dong geun is so hot so is rain. have you ever heard him sing hes so good. i read on hancinema.net that hes gonna make an album in the U.S. oh gosh i'm so buying that. i really want to watch all of the stuff in endless love thingamajig. ive only watched wintersonata and some of autumn in my heart.i'm almost done with autumn in my heart. oh man i was watching episode 14 earlier i had to stop cause i was crying so hard. :animecry: my eyes hurt. lol my aunt jsut recently bought summer aroma can't wait to watch it. ive been wanting to watch stairway to heaven for a long time. it pisses me off. oh and metoer garden is from taiwan. i jsut finishsed watching it 2 days ago. i need to watch meteor garden II. i need to get that neckalace to. DAU MIN SZUXSHAN TSAI F4EVER oh and white blaze i'm not really sure if blockbuster has any k-dramas they'll probably have my wife is a gangster though. and they stopped showing hotelier on the AZN channel. ther showing this new drama but i think its gonna end soon so i'll keep you updated on how to find k-dramas cause you know i ahve to spread the love. and your best bet to find them is one ebay. ther pretty cheap there. if you ever think of buying them off ebay make sure you start by buying my sassy girl.
  12. once i was going over to my friends house for some lunch. it was my frist time going to her house so she gave me directions and i went well i was shocked to find that her house was extremely close to a cemetary. but i didnt let it show that i was bothered by it. well it got really dark and rainy really fast i started getting this weird feeling that something bad was going to happen. well i tried to ignore it and it really worked. that is until lunchtime came. so my friends mom cooked everyone hot dogs. that weird feeling returned and i got really spooked but i never knew that what i was about to do next would shock me so. i took a bite of my hot dog and i realized something wasn't right. i couldn't put my finger onit. so i looked down and when i looked i was shocked to find that the hotdog had cheese in it...... lol my cousin told me that story and i was got hecka scared. i was so mad when i found out the end of that story. now this story is true... well i was in the philipines visiting my cousins and whatnot there was this party downstairs i really didn't want to be apart of it so i went upstairs to my room to read. well while i was reading i had this really weird feeling to look up so when i looked there was this image of a girl in the mirror i was so scared i ran downstairs. i told them my story and they didn't believe me. well a few hours later me and my cousins went up to our room to sleep but then my cousin scream we asked what was wrong and then she told us that she saw a girl in the mirror..... that story is true not many people believe that story....
  13. hot gimmick is the story about a kind hearted girl named hatsumi. she goes to get her younger sister a pregnancy test and almost makes it but when she bumps into her old childhood bully ryoki. she will do anything so that this scandal will not break out into the apartment complex she works in. so ryoki tells her to be her slave reluctantly she obeys but before anything happens she is saved by her childhood friend azusa. she begins to like him and it seems he likes her back but..... well this is a short summary of what happens in the first volume of hot gimmick. there are 8 volumes currently out. this extremel addictive series will draw you in and it will all be worth your time.anyone ever read this manga if there is alread a thread like this then i'm srry.
  14. well i thought the series was pretty heartwarming and sweet. sure aoi was kinda stalker like, and the whole naked scenes scared me but the series was all good to me.
  15. hmmm so many anime worlds to choose from.... well first off i'd like to be transported to the world of bleach so i could have a chance with renji hhahahha. lol. and plus it would be so kool to be a shinigami. it would be cool if i was in the naruto world cause then i could use kage bunshin no jutsu so i could make my clones do all my chores. then i would use my medi jutsus to heal myself whenever i want to. and i would also want to ahve super human strength.
  16. well umm i like them cuase almost every drama ive watched made me cry. i love k-dramas so much. i started watching them when my aunt bought my sassy girl on ebay and when you buy them it should give info on subtitles and stuff. and since then ive been hooked. i reccomend watching my sassy girl cause once youve watched it you wil be hooked. even the guys ive watched it with it almost and every girl ive watced it with cried. i don't want to say anything about it cause then that would ruin the whole thing. i get them all from my aunt who gets them on ebay. and they do show k-dramas on the AZN channel but those are all really old. i was so surprised that they showed hotelier on the AZN channel cause bae young joon was in it and so were song hye kwon and they are so kool. heres a list of dramas i reccomend winter sonata a moment to remember (when i was watching this i felt like i was having a seizure from cry so hard lol) lovers in paris full house autumn in my heart my little bride my tutor friend marrying the mafia the classic well theres more but i can't really remember them
  17. well um i was born april 10th in 1991 i think that was a few days before a volcano erupted in the filipines. and while i was still in my moms stomach theres was an earthquake pretty much it.
  18. good very good. i hopes you guys are alright to
  19. well i just graduated from middle school earlier this month all i can say is that i cried i hugged and i cried somemore. well i played piano at graduation and own an award. the award was kool. when i was palying piano i was so scared my whole body was shaking i coudn't even press the pedal correctly cuase my leg was shaking so much. lol i'm gonna miss all my friends that are going to differant highschools. all the times we had. man i feel like crying now. i ahve to stop
  20. yeah sure i guess i'll be your friend new people should stick together YEAH.
  21. has any one here watched any korean dramas. like lovers in paris, winter sonata, or my sassy girl. ummm if theres already a thread like this then delete and i'm sorry.
  22. well i listen to alot of differant types of music. i don't really think i could choose. well heres a bunch of bands i like to give you an idea i'm not putting numbers cause i all like them equally. cream, ccr, the beatles, janis joplin, jimi hendrix, miss saigon, les miserables, dashboard confessional, BoA,and well classical music theres more i like but then i'm to lazy to post them.
  23. i agree bach is an amazing composer. his music you can get so easily drawn to his music. but i also like beethoven cause whenever i'm down playing his music makes me happy.
  24. hmmm i like BoA, utada hikaru, ayumi hamasaki, asian kungfu generation, L'Arc-En-Ciel are all really kool.
  25. hmm well i watched pete and pete, camp wanawana, legends of the hidden temple, clarrissa explans it all, a bunch of shows on disney, captain planet, rocko's modern life,that one show with the lambpuppet and the train thins. winnie the pooh. sailor moon yeah those.
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