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Everything posted by Naotasvespa

  1. the thing i regret the most was not telling the girl i love the most how i really felt about her and letting her go to this day it haunts me but im not letting it affect me that much and also being so shy with everyone i know i could be a good friend and talkative and fun but just cant seem to do it.
  2. Umm the ending song to Flcl, Samurai Champloos ending song, .hack//sign intro music, and Cowboy Bebops intro music
  3. The Roots-The song doesnt have a title but it keeps on going
  4. Boy graduation.....Man I can not wait for this.....once I'm done with school I can move out and go to college....why I'm so happy about this beats me but as long as I don't have to stay in the school I'm in I can't wait
  5. Will I would obviously be a G.I. Joe doll with a pump action shotgun and rocket launcher and camo.
  6. I'd have to say ResidentEvil Outbreak File #2 is a game I can't seem to stop playing. It has alot of replay value with its mini-games and collection gallery (which is pretty huge). Fun game.
  7. [QUOTE=zaphod]i like dubbed versions more than subtitles with the exception of shows that are really complex and have tiny details that get lost in translation. I know a lot of people hate it when dialog is drastically changed, but if youve ever compared a fansubbed version of lupin the 3rd with one seen on adult swim the one on adult swim is HILARIOUS and WAY BETTER than the japanese one, which seems a bit too serious for my tastes[/QUOTE] The dialogue in Samurai Champloo was (to me) drasticly change. Almost everything they said was different, but what the hell still good.
  8. I had my first job when I was 6 and that was working at my dad's restaurant. Man it was terrible working there when it was summer....it felt like you were working in hell.
  9. Mines is November 16 I'm a scorpio and I was born in the year of the Dragon I can't believe no one can ever remember my birthday
  10. Im the quiet cool type. All of my friends say that about me, even though they wish I'd talk more and say more jokes
  11. I'd have to say the last boss in Star Ocean: Till the end of time, was probably the best one. Knowing that you and your entire team is strong enough to take on the person who created your universe is kinda exciting(not counting the fact it could disapear the second you win) Now that I think about it everytime I fought him Marage or Cliff always got in the last hit.
  12. Flcl- The only anime people say I should be in DragonBall Z- The anime that really made me wish I could fly SailorMoon- First anime I ever saw, and probably one of the best I've seen Samurai Champloo- Just really good I want to make my own one day
  13. I'd have to say Inuyasha and Naruto....there was another anime with a good storyline but I can't remember what it's called right now.
  14. I wish there was really one that said either one....but I picked the English dub
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