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Everything posted by Ganymede

  1. [B]Real Name:[/B] Natasha Rae Cashi My mother found my first name most probably in a baby book. It means Christmas child, and since my birthday is darn well close enough to it, she decided to name me that. My middle name comes from my dad. I got my dad's middle name and my sister got my mom's. My last name came from my dad, so nothing unusual there. Though I have a heck of a time getting people to even pronounce it the "Californian" way. The Californian way to pronounce it would be Cash-y. And yes I get tease for that constantly so you are allowed to giggle a bit. The real pronounciation, which is a sort of canadian/french way, would be Kosh-shah. Kosh would be like Osh Kosh. Yeah that one is even funnier I know. [B]Nicknames:[/B] Humm I have accumulated many bizarre nicknames from friends and family, a few would be: Tasha, Tashia, Tashina, T-bell, bullit ( I had a habit of bouncing off the walls when I was little so my uncle named me this), Taco, Tashy, and my grandma's wonderfully orginal Kid. [B]Screen names:[/B] Hummmm... I mostly stuck with Ganymede since I've become a computer addict. I got Ganymede first from my science class, since it is one Jupiter's major moons, and then back in Junior high I got into those Everworld books by some one with the last name Applegate, can't remember the initials. This character had interested me and since the part of the world that this character was introduced in was based on Greek gods and such, I decided to research the name. Unfortunately I researched after I had already made the screen names, so when I found out the story I wasn't too keen on the name as much :animeblus . But it stuck so I kept it. :D
  2. [QUOTE=Manic Webb] Since I usually end of having to explain it anyway, let me just break down what a Creole is. When you find yourself somewhere in the South like, say, New Orleans, you're going to meet a Southerner who's part French. These people are usually either Creole or Cajun. The Cajuns are descended from French-Canadian settlers who migrated into the Louisiana Territory, while Creoles are descended from the French settlers who founded the Louisiana Territory. The term "Creole" sometimes also refers to Spanish settlers who lived in the same area, although I doubt I'm part Spanish.[/QUOTE] Hey well since we have a creole in the house, might as well have a cajun!! :D My father's side of the family is pretty much what you described as cajun above, though most them look like their of mexican origin, because their skin is so dark My mother's side is more complicated. My grandpa is also cajun, but my grandma has a whole mix of races. German, native american, french, scottish, sweedish to name a few. I am 5'7, tallest in my immediate family. I have an immense head of dark blonde wavey hair, which runs in the family on my mom's side, with hazel eyes. My skin more olive than my mom or my siste, who have extremely WHITE skin. This is probably do to my cajun heritage. :D
  3. Humm..interesting interesting....it seems as if this isn't playful banter any more. Or is that just me and my usual ditsy blondness? Well lets see...quotes quotes and more quotes.... [QUOTE]Based on love? Peace? Know, I think that the hundreds of thousands that died in the Crusades, Muslim and Christian both, they weren't exactly acting out a peaceful God's will. What about the victims of the Spanish Inquisition? The most neferious torturmen of the age, and they did everything in the name of God. Or how about the Salem Witch Trials? The burnings all through Europe? The Zulu (and other African tribes, aswell) weren'tt exactly thinking "Wow these are some real peaceful fellows" as the British cut them down because they were pagans. The Jews (Who suffered constantly all over Christendom) sure wouldn't call it a religion of peace.[/QUOTE] Okay part of those were indeed...bad but some were good. If you ever read the bible you would know that there where indeed wars, and God had orchestrated them himself, I unfortunately cannot say if any of these were orchestrated by God or man, because I truelly do not have an indepth knowledge of them, and I would not want to say something that is not true. But I know a little about the Spanish Inquisition....well not much really....I know that they tortured and killed people that didn't believe in their religion. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that these people were wrong in doing that, that is NOT something of God. It is wrong to force relgion on an unbeliever, so the bible says. The witch trials are another of those. It was wrong of those people to kill the suspected witches, it was wrong of them to kill them at all, even if they were witches, but their superstitious ways got the best of them and led them into sin. ( superstition is not of God). To kill innocent people who cannot defend themselves is always a wrong thing....UNLESS God instructed you to. Like with Abraham and Isacc. God told Abraham ( at least I think its Abraham....I might be wrong about that name so don't hold it against me) to sacrifice Isacc instead of a lamb. ANd since Abraham was going to obey God's command HE spared Isacc's life. It was sort of a test of Abraham's faith in God. According to God's word you are to immitate Jesus's life. Since he NEVER sinned you are to do your best to not sin either. As for Christianity being the cause of death, you are right that people did do those things in God's name, but you should know by now, living in this day and age as we do, that what people may claim themselves to be isn't always the truth. But there are those people who truely believe they are doing God's will when they are not. As I said waaaaay before, people make mistakes, they are fooled into thinking things that aren't true. Its part of being human to make mistakes, but the beauty of God is, if you realize your mistakes and ask for forgiveness, they are gone to Him. The consequences of those actions aren't gone but the guilt that comes from God is gone. As for my conscience being my sub-conscious mind....its yet another thing that we disagree on. According to the world you explination may be true, but the ways of the world are not the ways of God. yet another quotes comes ..... [QUOTE]Did you know that the Conscience literally IS your subcontious mind? They are one in the same. Oh, and I wasn't aware people were born again in Christianity... I thought that it was all Sherry and Giggles until the Rapture or somesuch. What kind of God would take people from paradise and thrust them back into this piece of crap. [/QUOTE] Umm... on this one...I believe you misunderstood what I said, or I just am very incoherent. ANyways, born again is another term that we use to mean "to be saved". It means our former selves, aka the worldly or sinful selves, die and our soul is cleansed and we are a new person. Its sort of like starting from scratch. It doesn't mean that we actually literally die and then rise from the dead. Sorry if I was unclear. [QUOTE]What does that have to do with Religion? I've met Protestents and Catholics, Muslims and Sikh, Pagans and (Believe or not) devout followers of the Force (Ya, as in Star Wars) I've met Scientologists and I've met Odinists. I've met a lot of athiests. Believe it or not, some people were complete ********. Some people were incredibly nice. This has nothing to do with religion. It's human nature to vary from person to person and Religion doesn't have a big impact. By the by, if you ever meet a Scientologist, try not to engage in conversation. They are, literally, the most insane-sounding human beings to walk the earth with the possible exception of Neo-Conservatives[/QUOTE] As for that one....if I understand it correctly that is....people who actually believe in "the force" like in the literal since are not true christians. As for "people" in general being nice. How do you know that they are truely nice because they like being nice people? How do you know that it isn't just a selfish front so that people will like them? I don't really good people as in what they do or how they are to people around them, but are they truely good to the deepest most inner part of their being. Are they truely a person of God. And those other people....the Odinist ( I assume meaning the Norse whatever he is......wait is it norse....Agh...nother brain fart.... :animeswea ) and the scientologists...I really have no idea in Heaven what or who they are.....but you actually met some? Interesting.....you get around a lot don't you...and you're what 14 this year......if this is really your account......don't believe it, but ya never know :D And yet another novel is done! Enjoy chok..I mean reading it :p
  4. LOL Indeed ...beers... Anyways. First things first. Believe me when I say I have acted pretty much the same, moral wise, for all my life. You can consider me a goddie two-shoes and all that good stuff, and don't worry I won't be offended because thats what I am, and thats what I like to be. Okay lets see...first quote of the day.... [QUOTE]Aye, I'm aware of this that not everything can be taken literally (Maybe I phrased it wrong; what I meant is that just because the bible says it does not make it the law) and in a way the passage you qouted makes literal sense; The Rich people gave gold, maybe 1% or somthing of what they owned, whereas the poor woman gave her mits, which were somthing like 50% of her ownings. Taken this way, she did in fact contribute more than all the rich people in a quasi-literal sense...[/QUOTE] Now to point out a certain sentance. "....just becasue the bible says it does not make it the law..." LOL to qoute you Ilium...Aye, you are right in a sense there. But the laws you speak of would be the worldly laws. Not all people see the sense in the laws God gives, they are too "worldy" as we say to be held accountable to them. You would have to believe that God is the father and creater of all things, and He loves us and takes care of us. And as you so clearly stated before you don't so I don't expect you to understand the guilt invoved when you breach the laws of God. But I would like to ask you, morally speaking, what would it hurt to be a good person, who doesn't talk bad and offends people, who doesn't hate their enemies, becasue they are just like you, they hurt, they have problems? why is it so hard for people to treat people with kindness, helping them like they are your brother, be loving and helpfull? Why is it so hard to treat people fairly, and justly? WHy is it thought that being generous and merciful is being weak? WHy is it thought that it is okay that people should immitate people that do some of the worst atrocities in this world? Why is it thought that its okay to cheat lie and steal from a neighbor because you have nothing and they have too much?WHy is it thought a weakness to rely on someone who loves you so much that He gives up His life for you? I have as many questions as you do when it comes down to it. I don't understand everything, I don't have an answer to every debate. But what I understand is this, God tells me to do good things. He is really like a father. Christianity is not all about fear and rules and regulations. But about goodness and kindness and self control, gentleness, generosity and all those good things. But its foundation is love. Thats it love. You may not know why things happen, you may not know why God doesn't take the pain away right now, you don't know why he doesn't answer your prayers right away. But all that you really have to know is God is there and He loves you enough to save you from your bad fate. Christianit is not logical, its not practical, its not anything that this world will ever understand. I can explain and explain away my experiences to people, but they won't truely understand until they have felt their burdens lifted from them when they prayed that they couldn't stand them anymore, or when their all their worries are lifted and you're left with peace and tranquility. You have to experience God and not be doubtful of what He tells you. The christianity that God talks about in the bible is not a religion, because religions can become sin. It is a relationship with God. Arg...my head... too much heavy thinking...well anyways next quote..... [QUOTE]Do you ever wonder if it was not in fact God who gave you this courage? That, perhaps, because you prayed to him you (Possibly on a subconcious level) wanted to believe so much that you... well, Grew Up? I know how corny it sounds, but part of growing up is learning to give and learning to take risks and learning to be a better person, and your parents (In all their wisdom) noticed this and realized that you were no longer a timid little girl; that you were ready for things, like your first car. That's just a theory, and it seems just as possible as an answered prayer. [/QUOTE] Okay....its kind of funny that you would mention the sub-conscious mind, because that is what we are learning about in my Sunday school class. Now...lets see.....according to God the sub-conscious mind in part of the world, it is the dead person that you used to be, before you were born again. It is your baser instincts. Now since things of God cannot be things of the world, because Satan is the god of the world. (I know I suck at explaining things so bear with me) SO things of Satan cannot be things of God. So no I do not think my "subconscious mind" did this, but I do believe it was my conscience, also known as the Holy Spirit who showed me what to do. Then I had to CHOOSE to act on it, which I did. :animeswea ( sorry just had to get that in there) ANd another thing...I seriously do love my parents to death, but they wouldn't notice something like that if it hit them in the face. They really don't care about my "religious ways". The only thing they really ask is why didn't I go to church if I missed a Sunday, and thats only because that it is out of character for me not to go......sigh....gah....my explinations are so totally wacked sometimes...if I make no sense...believe me...its normal. Well by all means chew away!!! Ps: A very humble sorry if I'm too long winded.... :animeswea ...just can't stop once I'm started!
  5. OMG!!! I LOVE THIS!!!! THIS IS SOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!! TO BE CHALLENGED!!! Well to start off I will quote an amazingly accurate quote! [QUOTE]What you must realize, Ganymede, is that you simply can't convert me, or Ilium, or Kamuro, or any of us who admits being an atheist, just as we can't convert you. You try to sound convincing, and I bet to your ear you do, but to me you sound just as "brainwashed" as dustandtears (meaning that you repeat words that are taught to you).[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]We don't share the same beliefs, although we both have strong trust in ours, and getting another person with strong beliefs to change them is quite impossible. So I'm not going to even try. The reason I keep replying to this thread is that I simply find it entertaining. Debating is fun, although it rarely gets you anywhere.[/QUOTE] Okay!!! Now!! I totally and completely agree with you here, on how us who have complete faith in what we believe will probably NEVER convert each other. I'm so glad that you pointed this out, I should have done it myself. I didn't mean to sound like I was converting you, I was just mearly started writing freakishly fast to join in on this great topic! As for me sounding like dustandtears ((?? never heard this one....well learn something new everyday)) Think about what schools do. If you say that we christians are all spouting stuff that has been pounded into our tiny brains, you can say the same about any learning institution and or teaching facility. Sigh...you are truely right in saying this will get us absolutely no where, ahhh well it sure beats sleeping. Hummm another little quote I found interesting would be.... [QUOTE]Yet, pointing to my first snarky comment, I must wonder your perspective of the world. You aren't even repeating the "God gave us free will"-mantra, you're going totally Old Testament! God punishes, God makes you pay until you learn, God causes bad things to happen so we'd respect Him! You are quite the gleamy-eyed zealot, aren't you?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Like we humans are mere toys to this one almighty presence, that does what he likes to us. Well, I think you're utterly, horribly mistaken. People do have free will, but it wasn't "granted" to us. We are as free as the bird in the sky or the ant in the dust, because we are like them! A species of animals, highly developed and on top of the evolution, but still animals.[/QUOTE] Now for this...Who ever said that I didn't believe God gave us free will? Its stated it clearly in the bible.....can't think of the verse but yeah. He did give us free will to choose. That to us christians is one of the great miracles. He let us choose him, he let us make our own choice. What good would it do our spirit if he MADE us accept Him. We choose to go through the hardships because we love Him. Thats really the least we can do for all he's done for us. As for us being like animals....we are very similar to animals yes....but we are the only living beings who can reason. Sure a monkey or a dog can communicate to you in some way or form, But can they tell you whats right and wrong? Can they explain to you what God is?.......this little thing doesn't really much sense the way I put it....Oh well next topic... For that Old testament comment....its not just in the old testament that God punishes. And God doesn't punish us just so that we respect Him, he does it so that we love Him, and fear Him. ANd thats not fear in the normal sense of fear. Lets see there was another quote here somewhere....ahh yes... [QUOTE]You cannot take the bible literally. If you took the bible, word for word, literally, you yourself would be both Pagan (For the belif there is more than just God, see my post about the Egyptian Priests) and devout. The Bible is a giant paradox of hypocrisy and other such falseties.[/QUOTE] Yes you are right in some aspect. No you can't really take the bible litterally on everything in it....I never said you should. Like for instance: Mark 12 : 41-43 "41 Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. 42 And many who were rich put in much.Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. 43 So He called His deciples to Himself and said to them, "[I]Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury;"[/I] Of course the widow didn't litterally give more than all the people who gave, it was the symbol that she faithfully gave God all she had, trusting in Him to take care of her. AKA faith. But God doesn't give only these kinds of statements, like in verse I posted about Swearing " But now you yourselves are to putt off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, FILTHY LANGUAGE out of your mouth." It is a direct commandment. These things are NOT of ME therefore you shall cast them away from you. Thats what He is saying. Okay and one last quote to debate would be... [QUOTE]Care to expand on this? Maybe some example of divine intervention, directly or indirectly. Purely out of curiosity, I want to see somthing that is a clear example that it is in fact some devine being and not just some normal occurance (Better known as Life) [/QUOTE] My experiences aren't all OMG!! THATS A MIRACLE!! Kind of thing, Its more like and answering of prayers. I'm sure you would find something at fault in my telling you some of the things that happened to me, but tell you I will. There was this company called The Glory and the Fire that was coming to our church. They are sort of acting missionaries that go to churches around the world doing a play about the realities of Heaven and Hell. They have about four crew members they send, and they recruit people form the churches they stay at. Well I think it was a week before they were supposed to come, when I went to Sunday night church. They happened to have communion that night, So I go up with My grandma and her husband, and they asked me If I wanted them to pray for any special needs. I decided that I was going to ask for them to pray about my Timid nature, to ask for boldness and certainty in God's will for me, I also asked as I always do for my family to be saved. Everything went as it usually did, little shaking and overwhelming emotions. So I sat down in my usual pew and thought over what I had asked for, and I suddenly realized that God had always given me boldness, and I only needed to act on it. Soooooooo, I decided to do something I had never ever done in the history of my going to church. I decided to sign up for the play that was coming. As usual everybody who knew me was estatic and I quickly retreat away from them before the squeezed me to death. Now a week later, I'm in the sunday morning sevice, its time for tithe and offerings, so I rummage around in my purse looking for a couple of dollars ( Note: I don't have a job and the only money I get is from my mom for the chores I do, which comes out to about $20 a month. Tithes is 10% of your income for those who don't know). Unfortunately all I have in a twenty....so I'm debating should I give what I have now or wait till next Sunday, which proabably by the time iut comes the money will be spent and gone. So I decide to do the impulsive thing and I gave it all. So now its Sunday night of the next Sunday, our first performance of the play. I had kind of tricked my family into coming by being in the play in the first place, because they wouldn't have come if I didn't. Not that it affected my decision in the beginning. Anyways, I was an angel, I had to stand on stage ALL hour and a half of the play, and we finally get to leave when our pastor comes up on stage and does the altar call ( where they call for those who want to be saved). The angel have to go off stage ang get their costumes off then come back into the sanctuary to help. Well them moment I opened the door to the sanctuary guess what I saw? Yep you're right, my parents and my sister are all up front by the stage having the paster do the sinners prayer with them. Now I'm estatic!!! I mean giggly, bouncy, the works. After they get done.....they mysteriously say they have a surprise for me.....( you might not really find this relavent but it means a lot to me, on how God rewards the faithful) So they take me outside and present to me......a car. My very first car. ANd that is the end of my story. Now I know that I'm gonna get some "oh thats totally stupid" or "oh that can be explained away by it being a coincedence." But if you truely think about it ( with your spirit NOT your logic) Its very insterestin that all this great stuff happened to me all at once. Never in my life had it happened to me before. To me it was my faith in God, rewarding me for being faithful in my tithes: taking that step into an environment that was uncomfortable, but was something that God wanted me to do; and also my faith in God answering my prayers. Anyways now that I've told you all WAY to much about my self, let the debates begin!!!
  6. Hummm...very interesting. Notice that this thread was started to ask if anyone was a christian and their reasons for it, yet the majority of you who posted are against it. Anyways. Here is what I have to say about this. I am a CHRISTian. I have been a christian since I accepted Christ back when I was oh...5 or 6. I have faithfully gone to church for practically all my life . My dad was catholic growing up but no long attends any church. My mother was a christian growing up but she also no longer goes to church. I was brought to church by my aunt and now my grandma also. I choose to go to church of my own free will. I am not guilted or forced to go against my will. I know I might sound a little forward in this post, so please forgive me if offend anyone. First off, God is perfect. Just plain and simple. He has a plan that encompasses every living thing on this planet. Those of you who believe that there cannot be a God because no God would let bad things happen to the people He loves, are in my mind completely wrong. Bad things do happen, and they hurt like heck when they happen. But know that they happen for a reason. God lets bad things happen to us when we do wrong because we have to pay the consequences of our actions. Our relationship with God is one like a father and child. If the child does wrong, they need to be punished so that they will not continue to do that bad thing. Of course some of us children are hard headed and stubborn so He will continue to punish us until we understand what we do is wrong. He also puts bad things in our path, so that we can overcome them to make us stronger. The strength that you get from overcoming these things make your character and your spirit grow. Have you ever met a person with a strong character and a strong spirit? Don't those things attract you to that person more? Don't you want to know how they can be so strong and positive? Don't you wish you could be like that? As in all things that are of great worth, you will have to suffer hardships and hurts. The harder they are the better the rewards are. Think of it like building muscle. The harder you work out, the more sore you'll be the next day. But eventually that soreness will go away and you'll be left with strong muscles. Now those of you who scoff at the idea of a supernatural omnipotent being, think of this. Why are you here? What is the purpose of your living? Why do you continuely get up every morning to go to school or work. Why fo you go through all this crap life throws at you when in the end, you'll just die and you will be nothing. You have no purpose to live if you don't have God. Sure you can tell yourself that I live because I want to get this or I want to be dependent on myself, or acheive this or that goal. But what does it really matter? When your dead, nobody cares. Another misconception that many people believe about christian people is that we think we are above everyone else, that we are hypocrites, and we are blinded by our religion of our faults. Guess what? NOT TRUE!!! We are as human and as fallible as anyone. ANY christian can make a mistake, they can say the wrong thing, do something really bad like murder or steal or do drugs. We make mistakes, but for those of us who truelly believe in God, we know that if we do something out of our christian character we can be forgiven by God, but we are going to have to face the consequences of our actions, and we are to not do those things again. And now you would say " but they do them again". Yes, we continually stuggle to do the things expected of us. Nobody ever said it was easy to resist bad things once you are a christian. If you fall, you need to pick yourself back up again and say to yourself "I fell, now I know that if I do that, I will fall, so I need to avoid what ever caused me to fall." So now I have set right some misconceptions on your part. I believe God because I see the things He does for me. Every good day I thank him for and every bad thing I thank Him for because he has a reason for me to be in those situations. " If God brought you to it, He'll bring you through it" Ps: for those of you who think that swearing is alright and it doesn't say anything in the bible about it. GUESS WHAT? YOU ARE WRONG!!! Take out your handy dandy bibles and flip to that wonderful New Testiment to Colossians chapter 3 verse 8. " But now you yourselves are to putt off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, FILTHY LANGUAGE out of your mouth." I believe my version is in the NIV, but I could be wrong, there might be different wording and other stuff in other bibles, so be careful. Check and see if you don't belive me, if you don't have a bible go to your local library, they should have one! ^_^ Edit: oopsie I made a boo boo, see!! SEE!! I made a mistake. I misread the first post to this thread It say "which of you are christian and which are not :animeswea Heh sorry!
  7. Ahhh the name game, what a blast! Well I had a girl in my band class at school who's name was Ricela May Layus.......Yes, her parents had the great humor or great stupidity to give their child the middle name of May when they possess such and interesting last name. And as for that sparky the clown thing....well...thats just freaky.....
  8. Well I was first introduced into the anime world in about the 7th grade, friends got me into Digimon and Tenchi. I later gravitated to such titles as Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, DBZ, and Sailor moon. Then my sophomore year of high school was when i really became obsessed with anime. Had a group of friends that I discussed anime endlessly during classes and luch hours. We had a daily ritual in our World History class of swapping all the new manga and anime we bought or got from the library. And even now I have graduated high school and we still pretty much do the same thing, except no more world history class to swap them in (sniff).
  9. Its Comedy all the way for me!! But I pretty much like all kinds of anime, except for those creepy Lain and Boogiebop Phantom kinda things....those are just too weird for me. My favorites would be Excel Saga, FLCL, Trigun, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Slayers (subbed version) and Full Metal Alchemist. Those guys just knock my socks off!! :D
  10. Us Otaku have two types of problems. 1 is that we are considered childish because we watch "cartoons. and 2 that this anime is rotting our brains to jellow and bananas because of "adult situations". Sigh... I've been watching anime since about 7th grade. ANd my parents have been bashing me about "cartoons" up until the present time. YES I'M 18 AND I LIKE ANIME! DEAL WITH IT IN YOUR MIND!I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! I agree with the opinion about the common misconception that anime is a common cartoon aka for kids. MOST anime is meant for high school ages and above, which is most clearly stated in ratings and the times that these shows are slotted.The anime world is just like any other media world though. There are different genres and story lines just like there are age ratings for every type of show. You can't really heap anime like Hamtaro or Pokemon in with Cowboy Bebop and FLCL, or even Sailor Moon and DBZ ( if you've seen the ones Uneditted)in together because they are completely different kinds on shows. Just Like you can't heap Sponge Bob and EE and E in with the Simpsons and Family guy. Its really just the responsiblity of the parents of "little kids",or those people mentally retarded enough not to realize these shows are FICTIONAL, to keep track of what the children are watching. Those of us who ARE old enough to be watching these kind of shows, and aren't so mentally challanged shouldn't have to suffer because of irresponsible or absent parents. If you don't want your kid watching something, make sure their not watching it. Don't complain about it being there and make those of us who are actually watching it very angry and start posts like this one. ( Like they did with Escaflowne!) And those of you who have irrational and crazy parents...I give you my profound pity. It does indeed seem that people hate what they don't understand. But parents will always be parents it seems. So all of us abused misunderstood children will just have to deal with the fact that most parents are crazy or just too jaded to enjoy a well written story just because they consider it beneath them to watch a "cartoon". I have now put down my monumentous opinion in they most confusing and illogical way that I could possibly not think of and I pity those of you who are obsessive over understanding everything you read. Ganymede
  11. Sigh... I dread graduation with a passion!!! I hate change and graduation represented the worst kind of change ever. It feels like...every thing that was holding everything and everyone together will just magically snap, and everything will just fall apart. The ceremony was pretty cool, but before the ceremony they stupidly made all 500 something graduates sit alphabetically in our school gym, which was horriblely hot, and expected us to be...quiet. It make me wonder how such...mentally retarded teachers expected to keep us under control. Now that its.....what ...almost a month since graduation, it still saddens me to think that all those people that I wa so familiar with, might not ever be apart of my life again. But there is a good side to graduation, at least we aren't held prisoners anymore to those stupid curriculums and limitted to only so few subjects. I have more freedom than I've ever had (which sometimes makes me a little too giddy for my own good) and I SO love it! ...Though.....I haven't started college yet so....I might change my mind. Now that the nervousness of an impending change is over with, I kinda looking forward to learning new things and being able to depend on myself. Now that I've have shared my two cents I will go off and explore this new domain.... :D
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