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  1. It feels good to know im not the only one here who cant swim well. I was always embarrased and never said anything. But when my junior high class went to the lake i went out too far and couldnt make it back to the shallow end and started to panic and couldnt keep my head above the water but my friend gave me a funoodle thing and i was fine. nobody really noticed so neither of us said anything about it. But he taught me how to do the front crawl and even though im not as good at it im better and what happened wont happen again.
  2. i was at the pool today and it seemed like nobody was in the deep end. I guess people there didnt like to swim. I dunno. Im not a very good swimmer, i can dog paddle and thats it. When i was 13 i went on a school trip to the lake and almost drowned, so my freind taught me how to swim better. I guess a lot of people cant swim but everyone says they can so im confused.
  3. i would probably want to be in either detective conan(case closed) or lupin the 3rd. the reason would be that i would want to live in a world that was almost the same this one. with detective conan things would be exactly the same, with lupin, it would be the same but more fun(the shows setting seems like a weird mix of mostly 1970's and present day with some roaring 20's and depression era mixed in). living in mabase city(from flcl) would be awesome but you couldnt pay me enough considering about half the city is flattened by a shockwave in eps 4 or 5 and i havent seen 6 yet so im not sure if med mechanica blows up mabase in the end(DONT RUIN IT FOR ME IF YOUVE SEEN THE WHOLE SERIES, IF YOU DO I WILL KILL YOU), meaning i wouldnt have a guarantee that i would even be alive more that a few days in the show so i wouldnt want to be in it i would hate to be in one of those feudal japan shows.
  4. i like dubbed versions more than subtitles with the exception of shows that are really complex and have tiny details that get lost in translation. I know a lot of people hate it when dialog is drastically changed, but if youve ever compared a fansubbed version of lupin the 3rd with one seen on adult swim the one on adult swim is HILARIOUS and WAY BETTER than the japanese one, which seems a bit too serious for my tastes
  5. US censorship just seems more intense than it actually is because for the most part anime in the US has been marketed to children. But now with Adult Swim, we'll see more anime marketed for adults, and the censorship will be lax or nonexistant since children wont be watching it. If a Nationwide anime network existed i doubt it would have much censoring beyond specialized v chip type things similiar to what porn networks have. Also,you people need to realize that changing characters names isnt the biggest deal. Plust the whole reason why those shows are even in the US is because wb and the other companies here realized that with slight modifications the shows would make excellent kids cartoons. They never really anticipated adults bitching about the shows being to childish or too westernized since they figured adults wouldnt watch the shows. Besides, why are you so into pokemon and yu gi oh? read or watch something more intelligent.
  6. Isnt it interesting that a lot of trains in anime shows, at least in contemporary ones, seem to be drawn from photos and are prototypically drawn. I like trains and this is what really got me into anime. Its too bad nobody has ever drawn american or european trains in that fashion. The Simpsons have done a good job drawing amtrak trains, and so has king of the hill, but thats about it.
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