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Everything posted by SilentSecurity

  1. Mine was Yu Yu hakusho before it was on TV. ~Wes~
  2. My vote goes out to Lacus. why? who would I rather go out on a date with a girl who sings or a chick who could kill me quickly if she gets bored or something. I think I'll go with the singer ~David~
  3. "The name IAL used to strike fear in anyone who had any reason to be hunted, that was, until an organization wiped them out. The International Assassins League started in the year 2065 by honored General Yao Chan. He proposed an idea to start a group of trained assassins whose primary mission was to seek out and kill foreign enemies, from terrorists to dictators who's power was growing too rapidly to be ignored. Congress thought the idea was brilliant and put steps in place for the IAL to start activity immediately. By the year 2073 anyone who thought they might be a big enough enemy to be hunted went into hiding. The ranks of the IAL grew rapidly and had people from the NAVY, ARMY, and people who had no prior organization but were known for their skill. Rumors of other nations like Russia and what was left of South Korea starting their own group of assassins was floating around, but those rumors were never proven true.? ?By year 2103, 38 years after the general proposed the IAL, the IAL was at its peak. It's ranks we're estimated to be 2000+ (but that number was only an estimation since the group was top secret), and they had eliminated thousands of targets that had made enemies of the USA. Space travel was becoming more convenient and cheaper by the day, people began to venture out of the Mars and Moon colonies and out into the area dubbed as 'The Frontier'. The leader of the IAL at the time proposed that they start up a group of people known as the Space Forces to patrol the Frontier and keep in eye out for potential threats. While the Space forces we?re patrolling space the IAL was suiting up for another take down. A member of England?s royal family had disappeared and the locator on him (which were standard in those days) was sending signals from a remote location in the Middle East. The IAL needed to keep friendly foreign relations so they took up the job of raiding the place where the transmission was being sent. They sent out 53 of their top ranking assassins that day and only 4 returned. 2 of the survivors had gone mad and the remaining two we?re so seriously injured doctors couldn?t even begin to imagine what kind of torture they had gone through. The next attempt was not a recon mission but instead the objective was to kill anyone that was not a member of the IAL or the Queen?s son. A total of 500+ soldiers were sent out that day and 27 came back alive only 3 of the 27 sustained minor injuries, 14 in comas, 6 in critical condition, and the remaining 7 would never walk again, to add to that the majority of them were missing most of their large ligaments. The three who weren?t critically injured suffered from mental issues but we?re able to report that half the squad sent out was gunned down in the first bloody 10 minutes and the rest we?re captured and tortured. The final attempt they sent out all remaining members except for the elite eighty. The objective was not to enter the building and shoot enemies down but instead to use RPGs and fire to bring the building down, as a precaution 1 in every 20 soldiers had a camera attached to their helmet that transmitted a live feed back to HQ. The building was a decoy, half the men went in and the explosives set inside killed them swiftly. The other half outside we?re knocked to the ground and being shot at from towers that we?re hidden in the darkness before the explosion. No one lived past that bloody event, and the live feed didn?t give them any clues as what to do.? ?The next day after the showdown the group that killed off most of the IAL sent out a message via the internet. They called themselves ?The Peacekeepers? and that their objective was to save the world from the human race. Word that the IAL?s members we?re cut down to a small group of eighty was a frightening concept to most citizens, what was more frightening at the time was that the group that did this was still out there. Because of this accident the IAL was disbanded and went into the shadows. In the past 10 years the IAL have still done assassinations under the radar but the no longer got there numbers back up to their former glory. The Peacekeepers have bombed most major cities like Tokyo, New York, Kyoto, Hong Kong, London, Paris, Moon base 12 and other cities of that size and nature. By year 2110 the stopped their bombing when most cities were successfully destroyed. After that they too disappeared in the shadows.? The year is March 2, 2115, most member have died or quit to join the Space Forces or some other military organization. Meanwhile the IAL?s former leader died 3 days ago and a new one has been chosen, he put a plan in action to take down the organization that had wiped them out. The remaining members thought it was impossible until he showed them a letter that belonged to their former leader from a dear friend in the parliament saying that group had some sort of ties with the late queen?s son. Only 10 of the remaining 26 wanted anything to do with this project, which they named ?project: Rebirth.? This is where our story picks up, I need nine people to sign up. If more than nine sign up I?ll pick by who has the best character. I need: Name: Gender: Age: Former occupation or organization: (ex: NAVY, ARMY, etc.) Appearance: Weapon of choice: Personality: Bio: (at least two good paragraphs) I?ll post mine later if people show interest. P.S. this is my first thread so if it sucks PM me and tell me what I should do to improve.
  4. OK so some people think it's a good idea, but if it's too expensive what's the point? It's not like a car or something where everyone on the highway can see your new customized hood or something, only you and anyone who comes to play the console will really appreciate it. So will their purpose be to make the owner feel good knowing he has the coolest looking XBOX 360 in the neighborhood? ~Wes~
  5. Thanks a lot! I'll put it up once an avatar is made.
  6. My top choices would be Full Metal Alchemist, .hack//SIGN, Outlaw Star, and Cowboy Bebop ~Wes~
  7. I've been reading things that say you can add front plates to your XBOX 360. Recently I read they're coming out with the same thing for the PSP. Is this going to be a new fad? Or will this be another one of those no good attempts to get consumers to waste money? ~Wes~
  8. At first I thought this was part of the newest .hack games to come out (G.U.) but as I read this: [url]http://www.dothackers.net/fragment.php[/url] It doesn't seem to be part of .hack//G.U. at all. Does anyone know more about this? ~Wes~
  9. Maybe they are there so you have someone to dislike, you can't love all the characters after all. ~Rod~
  10. That's another problem, I was in a DVD/CD store the other day and the Anime DVDs we're right next to the Hentai. If people just saw the Hentai that can turn potential customers into people who think Anime is for perverts. ~Rod~
  11. Do you think they'll get kids or something to play the grunts, or will that all be done with computer animation. i still don't see how they're going to pull off some of the Weapons and vehicles. ~Jake~
  12. I just read something [url]http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/halo3/news_6127307.html[/url] that said they'd be making a Halo movie, I've heard rumors but now i see it in print. Are my eyes deceiving me. ~Jake~
  13. [QUOTE=DDG][FONT=Tahoma][color=#666666][spoiler]There's a post about it on the board. I'm sure of that. I think it might be in the third game because I remember I went there to level up(the area level was 70 or around there and I was in the 60's when I finally went in and beat it. They give it to you when you're definitely not ready to go there and fight yet).[/spoiler] No problem.[/FONT][/color][/QUOTE] I think it's the 4th game since I haven't seen it and I haven't gotten to the 4th game yet.
  14. We've been looking all over for pictures of Skeith (one of the eight phases from the .hack series) to put in a banner, even if we found them we're horrible banner makers. Can you have a picture of Skeith (any picture) across the back grond and then a picture of Skeith holding the red wand toward the right. Toward the left middle can you type font: dragon (or arial if you don't have dragon) color: black, and in a size big enough to where it is easily readable, The shadow of death, to drown all that stands... In the left bottom corner you can put you're username, name, or nickname. In the right bottom corner will you put SilentSecurity in black, in Arial. please make it to the exact dimensions 500 x 100 ( I think that's what OB requires) For the avatar will you have a head picture of Skeith and have our username initials SS off in a corner somewhere. If you need anymore details PM us or just reply Thanks a ton, ~The SSF~
  15. [QUOTE=DDG][FONT=Tahoma][color=#666666]*cracks fingers* I haven't tried explaining stuff as complex as the .hack universe in awhile . . . I might be rusty >> [spoiler]Its my own deduction that Morganna had Skeith Data Drain Sora as punishment for Sora disobeying Morganna(but I swear I read somewhere that that's what it was *scratches head* I don't remember...). Sora is not in Skeith itself, but Skeith's red wand. There's an area in one of the games(I'm not sure which) where you encounter Skeith's wand and upon making contact with Kite, Sora is set free from the confines of the wand and awakened from his coma in the real world. Yes, Mia is also one of the eight phases, but no, that does not mean that each of the eight phases has part of a character in them. From the moment Mia is born, she is destined to become Macha. Mia forms a relationship with Elk to collect data on love and such(because that's what the eight phases were for: they collected the data on human emotions necessary for the birth of Aura). Aromatic Grass is a very important item in the sense that Aromatic Grass contains the data of Macha and thus, Mia is compelled to search for Aromatic Grass and collect it. Mia is the only NPC that turns into a phase(Sora doesn't count because he's a real player and he didn't actually become Skeith, he just became trapped within Skeith's wand). Net Slum . . . eh, let me think here. Net Slum is, of course, the hacker's Paradise. Net Slum is basically the place where "trash data" is stored. Failed attempts at creating NPC's are seen in Net Slum in the games. In SIGN, you see a bunch of versions of Tsukasa, I believe(I haven't seen SIGN in awhile) and in the Legend of the Twilight manga you see many different versions of Zefie running around. I don't think Helba created Net Slum. I think it was the game itself that created it as a sort of "dump" to store all of the failed versions of NPC's and the likes. Helba's a hacker. She could(in theory) gain access to any information available, anywhere, from anyone computer and any given time. She IS a legendary hacker, so its plausible that she broke into a lot of different places to get all of the information she did and of course, she would have busted through a lot of codes and locks when hacking into certain parts of "The World".[/spoiler] :animesigh Whew. I know if you surf around the web you can probably find better explanations about all of that stuff. Keep in mind that what I've written is only what I can remember(I haven't seen either anime in ages, played the games in months and I haven't read anything of the manga since I bought the third volume. Not to mention I haven't been browsing around any of the .hack sites I've got bookmarked lately).[/FONT][/color][/QUOTE] [spoiler] that area with skeith's wand is it something that you see on the board or something you have to find yourself?[/spoiler] Thanks for all your answers ~Rod~
  16. Cowboy Bebop inspired me to research into feng shui. -WES After seeing some different action anime I picked up handgun collecting, and going out and firing them on a shooting range.-Rod After watching .hack//SIGN I played my first RPG .hack//INFECTION-Jake After watching Ah my Goddess i became interested in anime and met up with these idiots (Wes, Rod, Jake) in a different forum and we decided to start our own little group :catgirl: -Emily ~Members of the SSF~
  17. [quote name='RiflesAtRecess']The only anime songs I really find pleasure in listening to are from FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, and some of Samurai Champloo. In fact, after watching FLCL, I searched for and bought several of The Pillows' cd's.[/quote] The best way to get music from FLCL is to buy the CD FLCL addict. ~Jake~
  18. [QUOTE=shippolover321].hack//SIGN is one of my favorite shows!!!!! what is the name of the guy who has a half green face and a eye patch?[/QUOTE] Sanjuro. ~Rod~
  19. In the way of traits needed to be the perfect villian you have to keep you're cool at all times. When you have you're enemy it gunpoint (or any other weapon) don't start making long speeches, just kill them. You have to have a single good/cool weapon or have a large arsenal of good weapons. you need to have the looks to, scars on you're face and a lethal sounding voice. when it comes to an outfit you don't want something to flambuoyant but dark and simple looking like a black trench-coat or something of that nature. You also need power, whether it be magical, physical, or something else that's a key point in making a good villain. When it comes to villains I've seen so far Knives was good, a bit insane, but good. How he was just drinking Tea (or whatever was in that cup) when [spoiler]Vash walked up to him showed that he was relaxed and confident, he also didn't hesitate to long to attempt to kill Vash when he had both Angel Arms pointed at Vash, too bad Vash had Wolfwood's gun in the sand[/spoiler] (too bad, what am I saying). So far the best villain I've seen is Vicious(Cowboy Bebop). He had the simple yet cool outfit. He had an awesome weapon, he also had power, not magic, or strength but he had a whole syndicate under his control. He didn't talk to much but when he did it sounded cool what he said added to his villain quality. In the end for me Vicious takes gold medal. ~Wes~ [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added spoiler tags. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  20. [QUOTE=lostinside]well i just started waching and i love it but adultswim never go to the ep " teacher" and the ep that made me cry was the one when [spoiler]that dude dies and his daughter is all like "why are they barring daddy he said he had work to do he cant do it if he cant get out[/spoiler] :animecry: :animecry: :([/QUOTE]Oh yeah the episode when [spoiler]Brigadier General Hughes dies[/spoiler]. What corked me off is that they got you to know and relate to the character and made you think [spoiler]he'd be in the whole series and then they just kill him.[/spoiler] :animeangr ~Rod~ [color=#503f86][size=1][b]Added spoiler tags. Please be mindful of what you could be revealing to people who've not yet seen the series (like me). You can put these in yourself by typing [ spoiler] and [ /spoiler] (only withough the spaces). -Solo[/size][/color][/b]
  21. I'm going to have to go with Winry. She has a lot more spunk and I think (out of the two) I'd rather be around her than Rei. ~Emily~
  22. Has anyone mentioned the .hack series. I loved how you could use scrolls, magic, spacial attacks, healing, and Data Drain during the fight sequences. I like how you can move around instead of being fastened to one area until you attack. Unlike Star Ocean battle mode in hack doesn't change from a walking mode to a battle mode in hack it's pretty much going from normal to fighting mode without changing the camera view or anything else except the fact that you can now attack (I think that made sense). Also I liked how many monsters you fight throughout the whole series. In Star Ocean there are a lot of monsters but not near as many as hack. I liked the FFX system and disliked how they changed it in FFX-2. Star Ocean was great so was Fable but for me .hack takes the cake. ~Jake~
  23. My favorite would have to be Zhao Yun. I just got the Dynasty Warriors for the PSP a few months back and have been playing the game ever since. The graphics on the game are pretty good and that adds to the fun. ~Jake~
  24. OK so in the last episode of dot hack//sign [spoiler]Sora is data drained into Skeith, why?. Did Skieth need Sora for some reason? When Kite (The end of INFECTION) Data Drained Skieth did sora wake up from his coma? Was Sora even in a Coma? Mia is also one of the eight phases, so does that mean each of the eight phases has part of a character in them? How was the net slum created? Helba isn't a created file and from what I've seen doesn't have data drain capabilities so for her to have that much knowledge and access in 'The World' is she an ex-CC corp worker or something?[/spoiler] :animesigh This has to be one of the most complex animes I've ever seen/played. :animestun If anyone has any good pictures of skeith (Or any of the eight phases) I'd really like it if you could send them to me! ~Rod~
  25. Because there is a growing craze for anime does it mean there are going to be more perverts out there making hentai for good animes. Just the other day I was surfing the web for inuyasha pics and I came across a ton of hentai. If some kid's parent sees that then they could forbid them from anime thinking it's some new porn craze. Does anyone feel the same way. ~Rod~
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