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Everything posted by apiekind

  1. first of i have searched the OB for things regarding this topic but didn't realy find anything to help me out (in the end there was just to much threads/posts to go thro). [B]the problem[/B] : i submitted a wallpaper to theOtaku which did show up on myOtaku site(before it has been approved). but then when i went back to add a post to myOtaku site i noticed that its not there anymore.(there was 38 after i submitted 2 wallpapers and when i came back there were only 36). What the hell does this mean? should i post it again? last time i also had this problem and posted the same wallpaper again ending up in a double postin!!! and i received a message that if this happens again i'm in 'trouble'! can anyone help me? [I](and sorry if this is like the 20th time someone asked this, but couldn't find a topis on this that could help me)[/I]
  2. i was born on the 25th of September, the only person i know of that was born on the same day as me is [B]Hansie Cronjè[/B]. [B]Hansie Cronjè[/B], if you didn't know, was one of the best cricket captains in the world by far (south african), who died 2 or 3 years ago in a plane crash. He was and still is one of my heros!!!
  3. [quote name='Imi][SIZE=1']Hey! I went there on a school trip when I was a wee child (actually, it was only about 4 years ago...eh heh). It was good, but like you say, a little quiet. I used to live in Somerset West, don't know if you know it? It is quite a ways away, I suppose.[/SIZE][/quote] That's so cool! That you've been in SA! Yep i know were Somerset West is cause the place were i study is close(i'm at some college in Belville, near Cape Town), well 15 km away, witch is close enough ... maybe 20 km away.(lol don't realy know) But i've only been there twice to play paintball, first time it sucked cause it was raining, second time was much more fun.
  4. I don't realy remmeber what i watched as a kid, cause i was hooked to the TV till bout 1994 (10 years old) when South Africa got the new Broadcasting thing and all the old shows was just not there anymore! Apart from that i watched this : [B]Bravestar[/B] (one of my personal faves) [B]Batman[/B] (i didn't like superman) [B]Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles[/B] (self explanatory) [B]X-Men[/B] (wolverine rocks!) [B]Power Rangers[/B] (only the early versions) [B]Pokemon[/B] (the ultimate .... i LOVE!) [B]Digimon[/B] (the first season was cool but then i thought their copying pokemon in a way so i just quit watching it and turned my attention to Pokemon for more Pikachu time ... :animeswea ) [B]Dragonball[/B] (just like pokemon .. i LOVE, alot!) yep and thats about it, can't remember if i watched anything else, o yea i forgot about [COLOR=DarkOrange]GUMMI BEARS[/COLOR], anyone remember that, that was so cool as well! anyways, thats it.
  5. AMERICA!!! Only one reason why, they have the best band in the world ever!!! They won the MTV icon of the year award for 2003! yep ... [B]METALLICA[/B]
  6. [FONT=Arial]the only sort of music that get me all excited/energetic/not angry tho is DnB!!! :animesmil the likes of [B]dieselboy[/B], [B]ak1200[/B], [B]andy c[/B], [B]sibot[/B], [B]counterstrike[/B] ... and the list goes on and on, but one song in particular is [B][COLOR=Orange]Can't Let Go[/COLOR][/B] by [B]counterstrike[/B] that realy gets you 'pumped' up for somethin![/FONT]
  7. Well, i come from a small litlle town called Oudtshoorn, in the western part of South Africa. The town is well known for Ostriches (yes the big bird), we have like dozens of leather export business.Other then that this place is as hot as hell during the day and at night, well hell freezes over. O yea and this place is like a Ghost Town, well lets just say this place is infested with old people!!!
  8. any dnb fans? mostly all of my stuff's dnb, anyway here goes .... 1. [B]Counterstrike & Soma[/B] - Can't let Go [B](406)[/B] 2. [B]Sibot[/B] - OR5CH [B](332)[/B] 3. [B]Sibot[/B] - Krakula Commith [B](291)[/B] 4. [B]The Postal Service[/B] - This Place is a Prison [B](213)[/B] 5. [B]Our Lady Peace[/B] - Innocent [B](172)[/B] 6. [B]Loxy & Keaton[/B] - haters remix [B](165)[/B] 7. [B]Ed rush & Optical[/B] - Kreb Crawler [B](149)[/B] 8. [B]Ed rush & Optical[/B] - Lifespan [B](112)[/B] 9. [B]Mudvayne[/B] - Happy? [B](101)[/B] 10. [B]Our Lady Peace[/B] - Is Anybody There [B](67)[/B] and thats 'bout it :animesmil
  9. hey, i'll have a go at that but do you have any other pictures of this "tofu" cause i don't have a clue how he/it looks like, and your avatar is a bit small to contribute to a banner ... hehe.
  10. Just like the most of the people i was looking for anime pix, naruto pics to be exact! I only registered a few days ago at the forum as well as theOtaku but had my eye on the site for like a few months now. I usualy came to theOtaku to download wallpapers till i decided to try and make some myself! Which eventualy lead me here to this here fine "establishment" of interactive communication!!! :animesmil
  11. i had a go with the naruto one, dunno if its what you wanted but anyways! i made two of each (banner/avatar) just with different backgrounds, hope you like it!
  12. well i took a shot at this, tho it looks similar to the ones you currently have, this is all i could do (lol). and i don't know how to use the image insert thingie yet so look at the attachments.(i'm not a regular internet user, don't laugh, its a fact ... hehe)
  13. thx [B]Raiyuu[/B] for directing me tothis forum. and yea i have used google and yahoo image search, but can only find sketches or fanart of the 4th hokage. i found one or two images worth looking at but its like only his face, which doesn't help alot. thx anyway, if you come across any images please let me know
  14. hi, i'm new to the otaku scene. don't realy know if i'm posting this at the right place but i sure hope so, it looked friendly enough. can anyone please help me find images of sort or screenshots of yondaime? i've been looking for like two days now and i get the same images over and over again! i made some wallpapers, my "hokage series", lol, and i need a pic or two of naruto's "father" (thats what i think tho, i think the 4th hokage is naruto's father), anyway if you can direct me to some images that will be a great help. thx :animesmil
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