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Everything posted by majinsephiroth

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] the amount of times I have said this in the past.... I like vegita-sama better, BUT, son gokou is the stronger out of the two, the only time when vegita was stroner was early cell saga when he turned ssj, but at the end of GT, vegita doesn´t even come close to gokou´s power.... [/B][/QUOTE] but if count when he turns majin and bebe or bebi or somethin he is stronger than goku
  2. vegita kills himself when he is majin he selfdestructs to try to kill majin buu but he misses. and dies but they wish him back.
  3. the rereleased back to the stores u can find it lots of places:laugh:
  4. deathscythe hell his nice but heavyarms nice too. but deathscythe's the best. I'll give a date with your maker. poua :toothy:
  5. vegita is cause goku's to soft vegitas not ruthless but hes tough. poua
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pikeon [/i] [B]Even If dbv dbaf was real HOw come it isnt in Stores now? Or even to that matter why oes Akira Toriyama keep saying Konichuwa everytime i ask him if there is a dbv or dbaf? [/B][/QUOTE] yes i think it is real but the reason y is because its after dbgt but i dont know y they didnt show some shows let cause they already did dbgt in like 1994 or around there. poua
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Troten [/i] [B]ooooook saiyangurl..thats greeaaat:rolleyes: oh yeah and..if a women is a full saiyan could she go SSJ?cuz Goku's a full saiyan and the only way you could get a full saiyan is if a full saiyan marries a full saiyan. [/B][/QUOTE] im not sure about that but i dont think any female saiyan can go ssj cuz they can get to the power level but.... i just dont know lol. but no gurl saiyan has gottin to that power level but u still need to need the power or esle u cant turn ssj.its not the power level that makes u turn. but u neend the power and a need to turn. poua
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]sephiroth's masamune is the best, enough said.... [/B][/QUOTE] That is so true my favorite sword is masamune.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]Oh yeah I just thought of something else! All you people out there that used to always say that half saiyans couldn't go Super Saiyan Level 4 and that there was no higher levels after SSJ4 in anime. This kinda' blows your alls theory out of the water! :p [/B][/QUOTE] there is a level higher than that just go here and see [url]www.planetnamek.com/ssj5goku.jpg[/url] poua:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pikeon [/i] [B]:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: AHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: :laugh: :smirk: :smirk: thats rite. know u beleive me that there is DBAF and ssj5. and that dont look that [SIZE=4]FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majin Gohan [/i] [B]The SSJ4 Gohan pics and SSJ5 Gokou pics are fake [/B][/QUOTE] ok. i am a true fan but i want to know everything there is to know. if u dont believe me then go to [url]www.planetnamek.com/ssj5goku.jpg[/url] lol poua
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B]right, these may be wrong, but these are everyone who goes different levels: SSJ:Goku, Trunks, Vegeta, Gohan USSJ:Vegeta, Trunks, Goku SSJ2:Gohan, Goku(?), Vegeta SSJ3:Goku SSJ4:Goku, Vegeta Oozaru:Goku, Vegeta, Gohan Golden Oozaru:Vegeta does goku go ssj2? have they made DBAF yet? or arn't they goin' to make it now, i thought it was a rumoor. oh well. my favorite level is 2, the hair is kool and they are krazy!!!! is that pic vegeta in SSJ2 [/B][/QUOTE] Yes goku did turn ssj 2 and vegita turn ssj2 by going majin. thats all. oh yeah if u dont believe in ssj5 goku and AF then go here [url]http://www.planetnamek.com/ssj5goku.jpg:laugh:[/url]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B]yeah, no girl turns SSJ in the whole DB series, sorry. and the pictures you'll see will be fake. there is no DBAF so don't turn to that when you wanna see girl SSJ, its BS! k? [/B][/QUOTE] i have a pic of goku ssj5 in DBAF that didnt look fake and ive seen movies of AF to. they have Goku Jr. and Vegita Jr. ive seen a clip of them fight. but if a female sayian did turn her hair would turn gold but would look kind of the same. like gohan when he was in the time chamber his dad cut his hair and when he turned ssj his hair didnt change that much. poua
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] son gohan never turns ssj4, he never transforms after turning mystic.... [/B][/QUOTE] u dont see it but i have seen a pic of gohan ssj4 but i do not know who he got there but vegita and gohan skip level 3.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by majinsephiroth [/i] [B] gohan and vegita skips level three ssj. i seen a pic of ssj4 gohan but no ss3 of him i seen so fake pics of ssj3 vegita gut have u guys seen goku ssj5 i have. hahahahaha if u want to see the pic e mail me.:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] e mail me at [email]majingohan00@hotmail.com[/email]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by majinsephiroth [/i] [B][COLOR=red]im a newbie[/COLOR] :smirk: N-E-ways im new but i know like everything about dbz. there is a level ssj 4 but only 3 people got there gohan vegita and goku. i can try and get a pic on here but i got to get use to this site ttfn poua [/B][/QUOTE] gohan and vegita skips level three ssj. i seen a pic of ssj4 gohan but no ss3 of him i seen so fake pics of ssj3 vegita gut have u guys seen goku ssj5 i have. hahahahaha if u want to see the pic e mail me.:laugh:
  17. :smirk: hi im new but i know a lot. but i would like to be sephiroth because 1 he is coo, 2 his sword masamoon i love that sword that is a nice sword, and 3 he looks cool wit hair the style of the hair is nice. ttfn poua
  18. [COLOR=red]im a newbie[/COLOR] :smirk: N-E-ways im new but i know like everything about dbz. there is a level ssj 4 but only 3 people got there gohan vegita and goku. i can try and get a pic on here but i got to get use to this site ttfn poua
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