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Darker Alucard

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Everything posted by Darker Alucard

  1. Half - Breeds are good. ok i guess i'll start sign-ups today. Thank you Ladys and Gentleman.
  2. Definitly hentai is considered anime. so if the demand for hentai increased so could anime's demand increase. and the reverse happens too. some Anime Drawer could draw and anime with equal rtios of story/Hentai. that would be a good anime that's for sure.
  3. It's not a conspiracy theory. he was trained to kick the crap out of Urss Troopers when they were trying to conquer Afganistan. The Afganistan war shouldn't be over allready? You know The northern Aliance of Afganistan and America did beated the Taliban didn't they? So your father will be allright. why don't they just withdraw anyway? About saying something constructive - Newsflash - nobody did.
  4. The Blood in My Veins Is where my Life Reigns Pumping in my core I think is Like a science A knowledge called As BloodLore. Please no more i don't want... To cough out More Blood... Constructive Criticism, Plz.
  5. Thank you Raze and Bio. You can be 4 things. Werewolf, Vampire, Soul-eater or half-Breed Angel (More pure Than man, less pure than an Angel) And Everybody is on Earth. So here is what I?m Thinking on Abilities: There will be 6 Levels of ascension. For Evil: Dependant (Vampire\Werewolf\Soul-eater) Zombie Master (Vampire\Werewolf\Soul-eater) Master Master Of Masters Pure (Vampire\Werewolf\Soul-eater) Nosferatu For Half-Breeds: Half-Breed Half Breed Angel Michael Commando Ashtar Commando Angel ArchAngel For Each Level of ascension there will be 6 Abilities (being that evil creatures also have the Bite/wolf atack/Soul Suck abilities) Each caracter starts off with one ability from first Level. (he chooses the name and effects of the abilty, but i the judge will see if that fits into 1st level ability.) Any other ability that you want (invented by you or by other) will Cost you RPP (Roleplaying Points) wich are based on each Posts writing quality. Posts are rated from 1 to 6 RPP points. the first abilty youll get that will cost points (your 2nd ability) will cost you 3 Points, and the 3rd will cost you the double than the 2nd and so on. to get the first ability of 2nd level you'll need the double of points, that the last Abilitie of first Level and so on. Any 0pinion/ Suggestion/ Constructive Criticism about the ability system?
  6. Thank you. couhld you host it/ tell me where it is hosted, because i can't attach\upload stuuf to mi sig. You made my an avi. Thank you!
  7. People shouldn't be stereotype'd. I'm at 8th grade, and I thinks stereotypes are just another way of discrimination like racism or Xenophobia. but the system encourages it. I'm at a rich school and everyone likes the system. my mum does everything she cans to keep me well fed, well educated (she's like a working class hero). The system is not perfect but those rich kids won't get it. when I explain this to other 13 year olds like me they outcast me along with a bunch of kids. They put me in semi-gothic weirdo stereo, because i talk with the other outcast about how the end will be, write dark poetry and lyrics and my favourite coulour is black along my hair being Raven-Black Hair, all natural. they also put me on nerds for Having Straight A's at various disciplines, and having no D's nor F's. They also sayn i'm a freakin' pervert because i like hentai but, unlike the other perverts, that see it like a Mastorbatory haven,i apreciate Hentai, because of bodys drawn by japanese artists. They also say i'm a gamer because i pass any game they dare me to. It's easy for me to date girls from these groups, and girls from other groups come to me bu in a hide-out.. However evrybody fears me. they thinks i have dark powers. ( it's because of the revenge i made to a couple of guys). if anyone one wants to know the story just PM' me. Oh and the Popular\Gangsta rap group rules the school. They kinda put the stereos on people to.
  8. It's really bad when your father is going to a war scene, even worst if he is a soldier. i will hope that the soldiers could all return safely. although the war is a stupid matter. America (CIA) Trained Bin Laden to be an infiltrated terrorist and now he opened a camp and passed the knowledge. only not infiltrated but fo'real. Now our family men lives are being wasted to clean america's filth. How fair can that be?
  9. I Got to say that people made not much replies, but always interesting constructive criticism. i meant Hiding in the moon... well knew of those cases that a person seems so cheerfull and no reasons to die but turns out to be suicidal? hiding in the moon is about hiding your feelings within you. About lines 5 and 6 is when a person feels that his friends only know the inner dark about people. the raw sinfull revelations of people. and lines 5 and 6 do complement each other in the ways of rhyme. so here goes, new and improved I await in silence Till death slashes my throat Heaven willl rest my soul But hell will make me whole To Burn in Hell Some say i shall But for what comes and goes... i'll remain silent Hiding in the moon waiting that my death will be coming soon. Thank you Boo and RiflesAtRecess
  10. I wrote that being christian is outrageous? sorry i was really sleepy. it's not but the teachings of the bible don't teach you morally correct. it's not just homosexuality issue is many other. try to read the bible. twice. and they are a little [COLOR=DarkRed]EVIL[/COLOR]
  11. I'm at a cyber, But at home i'm gona work at the story, the secret part of the plot and the signin' sheet. Thanx alot. Yours truly Darkest Alucard Ever An impure human, covered in filth is kneeling before Lucifer, the Prince of darkness, the god of flies, the keeper of light. Lucifer is Looking carefully and precisely. a Fallen Angel says: - How's it gonna be. you want to become and elegant imortal being of a vampire, the powerfull imortal beast that is a werewolf, the treachourous thief That of a soul-eater or you rather die? In a Distant search a unsinfull man prays. An Angel comes an Telepaticly says to him: Lucifer is gathering warriors. We don't know why. However we are gathering the purest men to become Half- Breed Angels that can fight watever Lucifer is planning in the name of the Lord -Why are you're telling this to me Angel...? -Gabriel. I'm telling you this because you are one of them... Year 1670, 17th century, every human nation woundrous about the invention of the musket without knowing that Lucifer is going to do. They are Living their Happy little lives in Paris, Amstardam, Madrid, London Even in Lisbon. They don't Know about the plagues going to happen or the war that's going to be raged. (ok i'm still going to wpork on the abilitys and stuff, mand eworking this to every detail. and work on the rules.) So what do ya think? and doesn't anybody cares anyway for the rp?
  12. Name: Iva Tsaronova Sample: (Sample has little Nudity) "People here don't know what is to be Russian Imigrant in America"- Iva Thinks to herself while waving a signal to a cab. She enters the cab and says: - Could you Drive me to "The Red Flesh Club", Please? -Yes ma'am! Iva Keeps looking at the same buildings, the same streets, the same crowd, while going to work. "The only work i could Find, that of a stripper. Me a fanatic Ortodox Religious woman...." She entered the club and while going to the Backstage she watches the audience, awaiting and Bored. When the curtains opened all you could hear was claps. While she was Dancing and Undressing seeing all those men evaluating her body parts cunningly observing her breast, her attention was drawn by two men. one was old and fat. he went there everyday before work. Then another man Blonde. with a very cute suit and a briefcase. he was obviously a Business man Talking with two man sorrounded by women obviously Pimps. it was the first time she began to go home doubting of the business made there. (this is obviously a to be continued story)
  13. Lucifer is kidnapping because he needs warriors for *secret plan* and then they were turned and they had to accomplish tasks for Lucifer and fight. on free thime they had to feed. so far so go. you cann help now.
  14. [quote name='Boo][color=gray][size=1]I just quoted and adjusted the quote. Some parts like 'the Hiding Moon' may only make sense if you know the story you want to write, right?[/size'][/color][/quote] Your right. i guess i gotta rewrite-it. constructive criticism. good. Thanx.
  15. This sig is unique and hard to do so Read carefully. the background his Alucard's demons. than there's an alucard looking thowards the viewer with the long hair in the left side, another alucard facing Left Pointing his Black Gun that is at the right side, and in the middle, Integra Hellsing facing towards the viewer. Thanx to those who try.
  16. This poem, Says one thing in the first paragrph that is completly contradicted in the second, because one thing is what you wnat, another thing is what you need, and a completly diferent thing is reality. Preety good. Keep going. try addin a little sarcasm or sattyre next time.
  17. I humbly want you to rate, i won't get emotional speak freely. [CENTER]Silent[/CENTER] I await, Silent. Till the Day i die Heaven will rest my soul but hell will make whole Burning in hell some say i shall Anyway i remain silent. In the Hiding Moon. Hoping my death will come soon. It's from a poem book i'm thinking about making, "Hopes and Despairs of the Elders"
  18. There' a person Tha says: judgement must be dealt And he wrote this poem like he felt but about the flow you should let it melt There's something missing Deep in the core. And i simply ask for more. Great poem very dark (my favorite kind) i do some poetry myself you see. youre a good poet.
  19. you know.. it's just another vampire, werewolf etc... Rpg. the idea is that you are kidnapped to Lucifer's court where he proposes you to become (werewolf, vamp, etc...) it's still alot to develop. the first thing his the races that should be accepted. than other stuff...
  20. I got to agree with mid-boss. pop is so comercial and the problem with rap is that the only one really sellin' an d spreadin' message is gangsta rap, wich, by the way sucks. a music that annoys me is the D'ZRT song (portuguese band you dun know it) "Para mim tanto me faz". it sux. and my prerogative.
  21. Not Alone, and Feel good Inc. Gorilaz have evolved much since the Gorilaz vs. Space Monkeyz days although keeping the fact of not being comercial. Pure Lirycal musical with awesome and calm instrumentals.
  22. You see there's alot of ways to find a forum. A friend could have told you.You could have found a link in another forum / site. you could be searching for something and you saw the site. Well in what matters me I was at google search and I inputed "Hellsing+Rpg+Forums. And I bumped into "Of swords and Fallen Angels".
  23. It's hard to learn a new language, because the gramtical rules are different and you knew your language since you started talking.
  24. Extremely outrageous. In this world peopled should get that there is no "Wrong way" Being gay is as Right as beeing Hetero. besides the bible was written by men sinfull man. and thye new testament was written by people who were born after jesus died. Like people call Hetero people Straight. i''m hetero and i find this to be disgusting. I'm atheist i couldn't care less for the bilble. anyway that's what beeing chrisstian is totaly outrageous and overthrown.
  25. The big question is why? you see i'm new too and i stand for that a 18 year old guy, can be more mature than an 40-year old guy. that's why i think a proof of responsiblity should take of your stereo. like your an interior decorator than your gay. your have good grades you don't play games. it is not fair.
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