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Everything posted by Docbatman

  1. [U][B]The smile[/B][/U] Why do you shut me out? Why do you deny me? Why does everything hurt, behind my smile? All these questions race through my head, And i think i might be better off dead. When I think about you, Why does my head hurt? Why do i feel this way, And why can't i stand to wonder about you? Everytime you see me, Your eyes light up and I don't see why. That smile of your's makes me wonder, How can I feel for you, When I'm just going under? [B][U]Untitled document[/U][/B] Should I delete this untitled document, And forget about tomorrow? What would it matter, If it's only filled with my own sorrow? I wonder it i should even try and finish the story, I wouldn't do it in any kind of hurry. Would you care if it were deleted? Would you mourn it's death, Or act like it didn't matter? When you see it now, Why does your mouth grow to a smile, And you get that twinkle in your eye? When you embrace it, Why does it feel like you don't want to let go? I've decided that for you, The untitled document will stay. [B]-Please leave criticism, and/or try to figure out what they're about. Thanks for checking out my work.-[/B]
  2. le tyler suce le joli mauvais qu'il doit cesser faire la substance à la page qui sucent comme lui il doit être amont giflé la tête avec une hache a alors apporté de nouveau à la vie, seulement pour être tuée par un gillotine, puis pour être enterrée deux fois immédiatement. [b]paramaters:[/b] words: superman where are you now? colors: dark [color=teal]I made your picture an attachment because of its large size. -Syk3[/color]
  3. [IMG]http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/6416/daftpunkl33tsp34k7oc.jpg[/IMG] cause they're freaking schweet paramaters: colors: go crazy words: 10,000 fists in the air
  4. [IMG]http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/641/75wi.jpg[/IMG] mmmyep paramaters: colours: bright oranges,blues words: There's nothing better than a great romance to ruin a perfectly good relationship
  5. cause that's what it is paramaters: colors: brights(yellows, greens,blues) words: Walkin the halls all by myself, with Mary-Jane and 50 elves
  6. [IMG]http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/9466/1001qm.jpg[/IMG] colors:bright colors words:fixin to be alot better(bonus points if you know what it's from)
  7. [IMG]http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/1619/madeinheaven7qu.jpg[/IMG] parameters: Colors: go crazy with it words: What's with TODAY, today?
  8. [IMG]http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/7443/someday7gf.jpg[/IMG] You're mean kitty paramaters: colors: Bright colors(cause i'm mean like that) Typography:Your Harbinger of death awates
  9. [IMG]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/3149/urbanjungle4wb.jpg[/IMG] colors: darks words:Some day they'll find a cure for pain, that's the day i'll throw my drugs away
  10. [IMG]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/5383/gabrielcomplete6hi.jpg[/IMG] paramaters: Color: Lime fricking green words: I want money
  11. I'm not sure if this would be shut down but I was wondering if anyone has ever seen or heard of the Graphic novel V for vendetta. It's going to be a movie (you can check it out [url="http://www.countingdown.com/movies/3618128"]here[/url]). Anyways, the guys who created the Matrix are going to make it. I was wondering what are your thoughts of The character V and The story line itself. has anybody even read it? i'm saddened by the lack of fans. [font=Verdana][size=1][color=Red]I left this thread open -- despite my feelings against doing so -- because, while much of your post was about the movie (which should be discussed in Music, Movies and TV), you asked about the character and Storyline. However, in future, please do not double post. If you double post again, I will close this thread. Simply edit your original post to include the message you want to add. ^-^ -- Lady Asphyxia.[/color][/size][/font]
  12. Earlier this summer my friend went off to a college test run if you will in johnson Vt. He would come home and tell us what happened that week when he came home on the weekends. Anyways he came home saying that they were doing this whole big thing and they saw ballerina's and they called spaghetti ballerina crap. So since then spaghetti has been the wierdest thing that I've eaten.
  13. nexus huh? Sound's interesting considering all i have so far is it's name. I've heard the word before and I think that it's a flashy word for a board but does it remind anyone else of star trek?
  14. well i'm sorry i don't know what to tell you, maybe you just need to go hang with some friends. Or maybe you just need to be alone. It's different for everybody. But if there's a reason for this depression i suggest you confront it. If you just woke up with it like i did the past few days, I suggest to go see some friends, they should cheer you up. Oh and if you do choose this route, don't tell them you're depressed, they'll feel wierd.
  15. The first thing i really got into from jhonen vasquez was his comics then i found out he created invader zim also and decided to give it a second chance. I decided against getting the last two seasons for the time being but it would be something very very cool to have. I think that Jthm is so much cooler, mostly because he's a complete and total jerk. For those of you who haven't checked out jthm squee of i feel sick, i suggest you do so, you'll love it.
  16. I can't believe they're bringing it back! that's so awesome! I can't wait! this is quite possibly better than when they brought family guy back! :animesmil
  17. Docbatman


    The movie was brilliant! I'm not really sure why it wasn't called jigsaw instead which would have made more sence seeting how there's a sequal. But it was the most original thing i've seen in a LONG time.
  18. I haven't been one to blow tons of money on dvd box sets But i have buffy seasons 1-4. Actaully, I do have Red Skelton i'm not really sure what one it is but I've always found him hilarious, and Home improvement Season two. I'm thinking about buying the last season jsut so i can see how it ended, i never saw it and it always made me mad.
  19. I actaully don't remember ever having an imaginary friend. I had the luxary of having two kids who lived next door that were about my age. At one point i did play with my action figures too much. Actaully I never really played with them alone. My brothers Or my neighbor shane would play with me. If i ever did have an imaginary friend my brother's would have picked on me to no end about how i was a schizo. I guess i was afraid.
  20. Actaully I'm not really into sports too much, though i like to bike. I suppose I could say I'm into wrestling. It's not really a sport but I think it's entertaining. I have a wrestling organization that I hold in my friends backyard with him. We haven't done anything all summer which is really begining to bug me. We need to work on story lines before we do anything and it's just a pain. For those who are interested the rra's site is [url]www.freewebs.com/rrarevolution[/url] check it out if you want.
  21. that's kind of sad. My sister and my cousin are both gay(not together sicko one's a dude) anyways i love them dearly and i can't believe some dudes were hanged because of it. If i were part of their family I wouldn't be able to live with that. Poor guys.
  22. That's so sad! i'd cry if my contacts didn't stop me. kind of convenient sometimes but erm. i was trying to figure out which piece of advice to use and i settled on "hang in there it'll get better"
  23. I love dr hobo :animesmil [color=#6699cc]Please put some more effort into your posts. Read our [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/url] before you continue posting. If you continue to post things of this length, you will be banned. -Lore[/color]
  24. i guess so i mean cmon! brother made thriller!
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