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Everything posted by Docbatman

  1. i know people will hate me for this but the kids that are bullied usually deserve it hell they'll get the bully's back later with their little kill books. Alot of the kids that get bullied are just asking for it for instance not leaving the bully alone when they tell them that they don't like them. in short bullying has a reason. most of the time er... some of the time
  2. i found ob through my friend stuart commonly known here as hack helba. I watched him playing around and at first i thought it was pretty dutch but then i decided to give it a shot. Now i'm on a quest to become unnubified, then i'm gonna kick back, relax and enter some graphic competions. I know you're gonna see this stuart so i hope you appreciate it, cracker.
  3. uh, i don't think that cybering or even phone sex is anything like it's cracked up to be, i don't understand why people say it's fun or anything or how it's not cheating. Yeah, you're not touching the other person but it's just wrong it's like flirting to the next level. in short cybering=pretty dutch
  4. you know? i'm not sure what i am anymore. I don't go to church anymore, but my parents try to make me. It's a question that i constantly ask myself seeing how i love science but everything scientific contradicts the bible. I wish i knew.
  5. 1. star wars:rotj 2. grosse point blank 3. back to the future also you should check out batman beyond return of the joker: directors cut, fantastic four(bootleg you can get it on ebay), and Jla: unaired pilot episode (also bootleg from ebay)
  6. i'm torn between family guy and futurama
  7. You know? i'm not really sure where i fall anymore. I'm not with the jocks, the posers, the goths, or the nerds. I tend to float around to where i want to. In fact i think that that's what everyone should do. be cool like me
  8. been there done that i think i might be bi-polar :animeblus
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