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Everything posted by QuikSilver04

  1. [QUOTE=NinjaGirlSango][COLOR=Orange][SIZE=2]I still like Digimon and I'm not afraid to admit it! It's just another part of my past. One of my first anime addictions ^-^[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Me too ^_^! It's what really kicked off my anime obsession! I'm glad Toon Disney is still showing it. I enjoy revisiting the past ^-^. Also, now that I'm older, I understand some things I didn't get back when I was 10.
  2. [QUOTE=animekid17]I actually agree with dagger she is kinda creepy, but thats not what I wanna know. I wanna know why some people diss the way the characters display "emotion" in the english dub version. I actually think it's fantastic. anyone else?[/QUOTE] Yup! Me too! I'm absolutly in love with the dub. It's perfect to me :D !
  3. [QUOTE=Lafleur][COLOR=DarkRed] Quicksilver said the Bible was perfect and created by God and God cannot be intolerent or hateful, basically. Just proving that wrong.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I never said that :animeswea . Of course God hates. He hates what is bad. DeathKight> Oh, so you were a Witness? Yup yup small world! I just happen to be 15 right now.
  4. [QUOTE=Lafleur][COLOR=DarkRed] So than you burn witches and stone gays? Because if you don't you go againts the bible. Because if its God's will that so much intolerent ******** happens, and not the creation of man, than I'm happy somthing so dispicable doesn't rule me. If you want to challange me to give you examples of outright intolerence in the Bible, just ask.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] Calling yourselves the only 'true Christians' and the rest 'false religions', with an overall tone of 'wow im surprised how many wrong people there are'. It sounds very 'everyone is wrong but me.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'm not going to argue with you. I know what's true and I'm going to stick with it. Hmm, I don't recall God's people stoning anyone. [i]They[/i] were the ones getting stoned. Oh, and I don't believe in witches ^^. Nor is stoning acceptable to God. Or to people in general, duh! He doesn't like violence, just in case ya didn't know ;). Belive what you want ^^! It's your life, not mine.
  5. [QUOTE=Lafleur][COLOR=DarkRed] Ah yes, the 'Everyone is wrong but me' creed. Just for your personal information, The Bible, all devine intervention aside, was written by man and therefore is a creation of man.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] lol! My personal information ^^? Dude, what you just said didn't really make sense ^^;. Yes, man actually did the act of writing the Bible, but God had them do that. And I didn't mean it that way, I never said "Everyone is wrong but me". It doesn't really matter what I think, what God says goes. If you go againts the Bible (which is his word) then you can't really be right can you? God doesn't lie. But I guess your not really change your mind if you choose not to. It's your own free will right? "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him."- John 6:44. If your not drawn to the truth, then your just not *shrugs*.
  6. I'm christian. To be more precise, (don't be offended) a [I]true[/I] christian. I am a Jehovah's Witness. And I say true christians because we don't make anything up or follow ideas that mankind has created (like holidays for example). It actually surprises me how much people don't know...it's understanable I guess since there's SO many false religions out there giving out false information.Which cause people to doubt God and turn away from religion completly. Anyways, whatever we believe in is in the Bible, we don't just make stuff up out of the blue.
  7. [quote name='geekinthecloset']So for all of you whose parents don't agree with it, simply ask them... " Have you ever seen an ep?" If they haven't sit them down with one and watch it with them, then they can tell you first hand what is SO wrong with it.[/quote] That's just the thing, I don't WANT my parents to see it. Unless it's one of my select episodes I know doesn't have anything too much objectionable.
  8. [quote name='Howlingvampire4']Yea I would have to agree with this guy, except I like certain mangas because they are the real thing, cuz I read somewhere that all animes are made from mangas.[/quote] Yes, it's true all anime come's from manga. But I still like some anime better trhan thier manga conterparts. Oh, and I'm a girl, not a guy :animeswea. I don't see why this site doesn't allow you to have gender signs next your name :animesigh .
  9. My first manga wasn't 100% traditional, but oh well. It was scans of the Kingdom Hearts manga. My first real actual [I]book[/I] was Chobits Vol.1, borrowed from a friend at school.
  10. Weeeeell, it depends on the series really. I don't prefer one to the other generally. Manga's good because it can go where ever with you requiring no electronics and sometimes the art's prettier, but anime's cool because it has music and voices :animeswea . I like them both, can't choose :p .
  11. [quote name='Meggido']My anime club will probably download this as soon as it's fansubbed (probably 2 months after release), so I'll get it off them as soon as they have it.[/quote] Omg I SO wanna download that movie. Hey, if your anime club does get it, tell us the website they got it from ;)! Although I'm not a big fan of fan subs, at this point I don't care, I need that movie O_O!
  12. [QUOTE=Tyler Koregaten]I've been thinking. "Self, why would I wait 2 years to see the movie version of my favorite anime in English when I could see it in Japanese, it's purest and original form? I have no idea!" I'm probably going to take off a week and go see FMA: Conqueror of Shambala in Tokyo! As a matter of fact, I'm going to book my trip right now! I'll add my trip to the calendar. Sayonara![/QUOTE] Lucky >.>! Believe me, I'd do the same thing if I could afford it :animesigh .
  13. [quote name='BlackTigerGurl][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]With my father, he's cool with anime. When he comes over we watch some anime shows together. With my mother its a different story. Her and I were watching Inuyasha and she says,"How can someone like Kikyo be alive? She's not a real perist. She's trying to brang someone to Hell with her." Then she'll start making fun of Inuyasha's attacks. Like with his Wind scar, she says that he keeps hitting the ground and not the enamy. It's hard to explain it to her. She doesn't really like me watching some of these [AS] shows. :animedepr [/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] lol! Your not alone! My mom pokes fun at my anime too. She calls them my "grenudos", spanish for something like "messy-haired" :animesigh . She thought Inuyasha was a girl just cause he has long hair. I don't think she pays attention when I watch the show 'cause he clearly has a mans voice x_x! My mother is crazy XP.
  14. I don't feel comfortable watching anime with my parents :animeswea . The only episodes I watch around them are the ones I've already seen and know for a fact there's nothing questionable. Well, I like the more appropriate anime, but if my parents knew the whole truth and every single fact of what the anime I watch is about, they probably wouldn't approve :animeswea . They're ok with it though because I tell them what they wanna hear :p . I don't lie, I just don't go into detail. The only thing my dad knows about anime is that Speed Racer is one (his favorite show as a kid), So he's cool with my obsession. My mom thinks some anime's cute :animesmil . She's also aware that's there' bad anime, but she's knows I don't watch the gross stuff. Anyway, I think parents pick on anime more because it's more detailed or something. And/or they're just ignorant, I dunno. One time when I was at the mall at the anime store I heard a lady say, "Well, it's not the worst thing on TV, but it's definitly not for children". Kinda true right? A parent can't get mad at Adult Swim for showing anything. What are they doing letting they're little kid watch Adult Swim anyway? Anime'a hard to explain to parents. I don't like doing it x_x...
  15. From here --> [URL]http://fullmetal-alchemist.com/gallery/[/URL]. They're mostly in the new images section. If not all.
  16. [quote name='GTK']I'm pretty sure it'll get a release ^^; it'd be silly if it didn't. [/quote] Well, yeah but when? Let's see, if it's only on 26 and there's 51 then it'll come over.......in a really really long time :animeswea . Wait a minute, the movie starts where the anime left off right? If only I hadn't seen all those tempting pics from the movie :animesigh ...
  17. Kind of random but, I've been DYING to see the FMA movie ;_;. Does anyone know if they're planning on an American release?
  18. Definitly go for Full Metal Alchemist then :animesmil . I've laughed nd cried so much with this one. It's a wonderful anime to get into. You connect with the characters quickly and fall in love with it. And if your looking for something that you can't exactly catagorize, then I recommend Wolf's Rain. A beautiful anime and you can't realyl put it into 1 genre...or 2...or 3. Anyways, it's really cool. A few laughs here and there, but I garantee you it has everything ;) . Well except Mecha, that's about it. Both have very original stories too.
  19. So where do you guys watch Naruto anyway? I can't seem to find episodes below 121 on the internet. So yeah, I haven't watched the anime, but I LOVE the manga :D! It's the funniest thing XD! If I ever need a good laugh I turn to Naruto. I don't know how you guys feel about it, but I'm glad Naruto is coming to Toonami this fall. Although I don't know how the editting's gonna go (since it's showing on Toonami they got alot to edit). I'm still dying to see it regardless.
  20. [QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][COLOR=#503F86]QuikSilver, that's incredibly insensitive of you. Not only has most of the UK not even seen past episode 4 of FMA, there is a rules thread [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]here[/URL] which says that people [i]must[/i] use spoilers when discussing things that happen later on in the series. I personally have not seen much of FMA, but I would certainly like to without having it all spoiled for me beforehand. Repeatedly failing to use spoiler tags will result in a ban from the site. Please don't be so forward about it.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] LOL! Insensitive eh? Me? Heh, I've seen worse. Well, whatever, sorry about the spoiler thing anyway. I don't keep track of the episode numbers so I don't know how late the episode is. I guess it's because I like spoilers I'm not aware of them, I'll try to think of you guys next time ;). I hope they come out with new epsisodes soon though, my week is full of reruns =/.
  21. It's not that much of a spoiler O.o. It is a rerun people. If you don't know [spoiler]Hughes died[/spoiler] by now then too bad, you need to catch up :p . The ending is very emotional yup. Why must the good die young :animecry: ?! It's wierd how [spoiler]Ed saw Hughes waiving to him on the train after he died. I'm glad they didn't play the endiong song too, it would have killed the sad mood.[/spoiler]
  22. Evanescence- Fallen Avril Lavigne- Under My Skin Sum 41- Chuck Linkin Park- Meteora Linkin Park- The Hybrid Theory Kingdom Hearts OST 1 Kingdom Hearts OST 2 Best of Inuyasha D.N.Angel Vocal Collection The All American Rejects George Lopez- Team Leader (comedy, not music) Faith Evans- The First Lady (I won it for knowing the names of the Nintendo systems O.o. I haven't actually listened to it...) And that's all the albums I have. All the other CD's I own are mixes.
  23. [quote name='MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff']Outta the 7? Don't you mean out of the 5? Where are these otehr two seasons that I'm missing. Did I accidentally skip over something in the last two pages?[/color][/quote] Well, at lelola.net, they said there were 7 seasons. I guess they had their numbers wrong =/.
  24. I love this show XD! It is the awesome-ness :D! I've laughed and cryed lots with this one. I have a huge FMA poster on my wall and another smaller one. I also have alot of FMA music and the manga. Yesterday I bought a FMA shirt...MADE FOR A GIRL!!! I had a heart attack when I saw it and HAD to buy it. There was 2 designs but I like the one I got better (the other had Ed with his shirt off which is REALLY hot but I didn't think my mommy would like it :P). I'm glad to have finally found a GIRL anime top :D. I really want to play the game. But I'm gonna have to wait till it's $20 :P. Anyways, my favorite episode would have to be the 6th one, when it'd Ed's birthday and and Elicia born. My real name is pronounced the same way except it's spelled with an 'I' not an 'E' XD. I laughed alot in that episode.
  25. I watched LOOOOTS of shows as a kid. I watched many things, even things I didn't like too much. I was a complete TV junkie. The channels I mostly watched were PBS, Nick, Cartoon Network, and Discovery Channel.....I loved to get educated :P. I'd seen Thundercats, but I didn't really like it. Lets see...these are the shows I liked when I was REALLY little, like around 4: - Muppet Babies - ....Barney x_x - Sesame Street - Speed Racer (although the only thing I can remeber about it now is the very end of the theme song "Go Speed Racer! Go Speed Racer! Go Speed Racer gooooooooo! :p ) - other old cartoons e.g. Tom and Jerry, Buggs Bunny, etc.) - Alegra's Window - ....something about puppets in a castle...can't remember what it's called - Wishbone - anything else on the fore said channels And then the shows as I got a bit older from around 6-8: - Kenan and Kel - All That - other shows on Nick - Dexter's Lab - PowerPuff Girls - other shows on CN Then 8-10: - Sailor Moon - Pokemon - Digimon - Mon Cole Knight's - some kid anime about dinosaurs... - Flint the Time Detective And there's way more but I'm to tired to remember x_x...
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