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  1. There's a hilarious site that I just have to share: [url]http://www.vgcats.com[/url] If you haven't heard of it, it's a comic that pokes fun at video games, anime, and anything else popular in today's world by using *suprise* two manga-style talking cats and a cast of others (Pants-Man, Krug). Enjoy the anime parody: A sad look at what 4kids did to One Piece: [url]http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=145[/url] This is just funny: [url]http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=148[/url]
  2. What a coincidence, I just got Elfen Lied and was about to watch it. :animesmil Sorry about the spam thread. Couldn't find anywhere else to post introductions or an FAQ... :animeswea
  3. [quote name='HugeAnimeFan']Hello everyone. I'm new here, I just got an account like 5 minutes ago. If it's not too much trouble...would anyone here like to be my friend? I would love to make some new friends....Please and thank u. :D[/quote] I'll be your friend. :animeshy:
  4. I... found it when searching for anime reviews... thought I'd sign up. :rolleyes: Not one of the greater stories.
  5. Hi, I just joined today and thought I'd introduce myself. My name is B-Storm, I'm 17/male, and I watch way too much anime. First Anime: DBZ :rolleyes: First REAL Anime: Outlaw Star :animesmil Anime I've Watched Completely All The Way Through(here we go...): Hack Sign, Gundam Wing, Tenchi Muyo!, Tenchi Universe, Martian Successor Nadesico, Excel Saga, Full Metal Alchemist, Goldenboy, Trigun, Escaflowne, Outlaw Star, Neon Genesis Evangelion, End of Evangelion, Hellsing, Vandread 1, Vandread 2, Vandread OVA's, Love Hina, Love Hina Again, Please Teacher, Full Metal Panic, Naruto 1-Current, Great Teacher Onizuka, Crest of the Stars, Oh My Goddess OVA's, Akira, Samurai X, Spriggan, FLCL, Spirted Away, Inuyasha Movie: Castle Beyond the Looking Glass :animenose Anime I'm Working On: Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Last Exile, Noir, Samurai Champloo :D I'm sure I've forgotten many off this list, but this gives you an idea to my experience with anime. I am in no way a n00b. :animeangr Once again, Hi!
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