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Art Master

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Everything posted by Art Master

  1. Well my idea of a romantic date would be that my boy friend and I would go to the beach early in the morning and watch the sun come up. Then we would spend the whole day there swimming and building sand castles. Once the day ended we would sit together on a towel and he would hug me and we would watch the sun go down. After that we would stay late into the night and watch the stars. As we were watching the sky a shooting star would go by. We would both look at each other and he would tell me how much he loves me. I think that would be the most romantic date ever! Art Master :D
  2. First off I think what Jonny fair play did was uncalled for. Bad karma indeed. Second I agree with Shadow Blade there is no way Bobby Jonh or Steph will win. If they do it will be a big twist. Right now I can't say who I think will win. I'll have to think about it. Who do you guys think? Art Master :D
  3. Who out there watched survivor on the 15th? I did it was soooooooooooooooooooo good. I loved it. I'm so glad Bobby John and Stephanie came back. I still think stephanie should have won. I hope she does this time! Anways I thought Bobby John was going to pass out. Good thing there was a person that was a docter there. I think the 11 mile hike was to much for the tribe. Please post your thought on last nights show. Art Master :D
  4. I'm so sorry I didn't know I posted the same thread twice. I don't know how to delete a thread so could someone delete this one for me. Once again I'm sorry. I never ment to cause a problem or create spam. Sorry. Art Master :( :animecry:
  5. I've been searching the web trying to find place I can watch Fruit Basket or any anime online. So far I've had no luck. So the question stands does anyone know a place I can watch Fruit Basket online for free. It doesn't have to be free but if it was that would be nice. Oh and they have to be in english. If you know any please tell me. Thanks a lot! Art Master :D
  6. My cat named Joy is the one who thinks I'm her mother. She is so cute. All day why I'm at school she sits in my room and crys for me to come pet her. She sleeps with me every night and theres nothing that she love more than for me to rube her. She is the sweetest thing in the world. :catgirl: Art Master :D
  7. Does anyone remember where survivor is going to be held. Do you know what I think would be cool, if there was a kids survivor. I know it couldn't happen but it's still a cool thought. I would be first to sign up! Art Master :D
  8. I know lost isn't reality but it is agood show. The new season of survivor starts on the 13th. I think lost starts back up on the 23rd or around there. Does anyone know when the Amazing Race starts? Art Master :D
  9. I love the amazon race as well. It's a great show. Lex is also one of my favorites. I named my cat after him he looks just like him. I also watch LOST. I LOVE reality TV! Art Master :D
  10. Art Master


    I have a question does anyone out there watch the TV show survivor? I love the it and have never missed a show. My fave season was all stars, I still think Reupert should have won. So if you watch it please post here and if you don't watch it and want to know more about it you can also post here. Art Master :D
  11. I'm really good at drawing and even got the art award at my school. I spend most of my free time draw and my friends know what I mean. Every time they call me I'm drawing or trying to think of something to draw. It really gets them up set. As for writeing I'm pretty good at that too. I like to write storys and then draw pictures for them. And as you all know anime is my favorite median of art to do. Art Master :D
  12. Well lets see the strangest dream I've had in a while was about my friends and I in the super market. We where buying chicken for some reason. Well one of my friends went to check out while my other friend and I went over to the cran game. We touch it and some how got sucked in. But you see the game was out of order and they couldn't get us out. While this was happening my friend with the chicken left. Some friend! Anyway we where stuck and there was no way out. So I came up with this idea to dress up as dollars and go through the bill slot.Where we got the costums is still unclear but this is a dream and dream don't have to make sence. So now my friend and I are in the game dressed like dollar bills. And do you know the next thing we do. Yup you guessed it, we sliped through the bill slot and out of the game. And for some reason no one cared that we looked like dollars. I think that was a funny dream. When I told my friend she got a kick out of it. Art Master :D
  13. Now this is a funny thread. I do some of the same things others do but heres one that takes the cake. You see I like to tape anime an then rewatch it later.Well one day I was watching an anime for like the thousandth time and by now knew every line each character said. So when I was done watching I started doing the whole anime all the way from the start of the theme song to the end. I mean I played every character in a different voice. So I went around me room talking to myself in all these different voice and acting like a nut job. I didn't think anyone could hear me or that anyone was up stairs. I wouldn't have done it if anyone was there. I keep going and was half way done. I wouldn't have stoped if it wasn't for the crys of laughter coming from out side the door. When I opened the door to see who it was I found my friends on the floor crying their eye's out. So I asked "How much did you hear?" They said they heard the whole thing. They stoped laughing for a moment and we look at each other and then we all started laughing together. It was embarrassing but it was also funny. Art Master :D
  14. I rule at swimming. I'm skilled enough to be a lifeguard. I took a class so I could. I never became a lifeguard though. Oh well. I love the water and swimmng. Right now I'm teaching my friend to swim. So yes some people can swim. Art Master :D
  15. I don't really know what to say because I've never felt that way but try doing something with your family.Try something that will make your mind run free and learn to live again.Or do something you love to do with friends like Docbatman said.I think being around the people you love will show you how much life is worth fighting for.And remember never give up.Everthing will work out. Art Master :D
  16. I don't know if this counts as spam if so I'm sorry.I just thought it would be a cool idea. Ok this might be weird but I want to try to have the most people post in this thread than any other. Kind of like a otaku record. So in this thread just post something, anything about yourself. It can be something you like to do or something you don't like to do. Anything. I just want you to post something. Please please do. Let make the largest thread EVER! So please post.Thank You. Art Master :D
  17. What do you think is the funnyiest manga moment?It can be from a book or the TV.So go head tell me what you think! I have a lot but heres one.I think it was funny when in Fruit Basket they say "If your going to die could you at least not do it on my door step." Well please post yours. :D Art Master :D
  18. Ok I'm bringing back this thread just because I wonder. Who do you play YU-Gi-OH cards with and how often? Art Master
  19. I know we will advance in our technology but I love the cran game at the arcades and all the other games.So sad to say good bye. :( Art Master
  20. I don't see why we have to get ride of them. I still like them and if I see one I'll go in.So what if we have new things like PSP's or X-box 360.I say save the arcades and keep the new things coming.Lets have both. :D Art Master
  21. Hey Art Master here.And right now I'm on my trip in Rhode Island.We just got back from the beach and are at my aunts house.Haveing a great time! Well just felt like saying HI.So HI! :D Art Master :D
  22. I not sure if this is a thread already or not so sorry if it is! :animecry: Anyway back to the point.Is any one going anywhere cool or to doing anything interesting this summer? I'm going to Rhode Island to see my family.Yes thats the little state. :animesigh We rented a beach house.It's going to be great. :D Please Post something!!! Art Master :D
  23. What is your best friend like?Why are they your best friend?When making new friends what do you look for.And what anime character would you want for a best friend.Lots of questions, have fun! :D Art Master :D
  24. My dream is to become rich.I would love to make an anime some day that would be great.I also would like to become a doctor.And if that doesn't work I an always use my back up plan to become a pokemon master.lol.Just kiding about the pokemon master part! :D Art Master
  25. I have 3 cats.Well 2 cats and one kitten.My oldest cat Angel is black.Angel is 3 years old.Lex is the middle cat he's a tiger print cat.We found him a packing lot.When he was 4 weeks old.He was so cute.And my kitten Joy who is also a black cat is 6 mouths old.My nana named all the cats.I had a fish but Angel ate him!Some Angel?I wish I had a ton of animals.That would be great!!! :D Art Master
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