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Art Master

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Everything posted by Art Master

  1. What anime character do you think you look like most?For me I don't think I look to much like any?how sad.Post who you think! :D Art Master
  2. Who is your favorite fruit basket character?And why? Mine is Shigure.I don't know why, he just is.Well please post yours! Art Master :D
  3. I agree his voice fits him well.Yes I've found people who like one piece!!!! :D
  4. Does any watch the show one piece?You know on cartoonnetwork from 10 to 11.And if so do you like it and whos your favorite chacter? I like zolo the best. :animesmil
  5. How many people have heard of the anime Maniac road?It's actually really good and it's kind of funny.I like it. :animesmil
  6. I hope your right bloodseeker because I love rave.Another question where did you come up with the name bloodseeker? I got Art Master because thats what people call me at school. :D
  7. What are you doing right now besides reading this? I'm eating eggs at this moment and I got some on the keyboard. go me.well I guess I should get a towel. :animeswea
  8. Yes wovels rock like I said before i love dogs.I have a question for bloodseeker do you like rave master because your the only one who answered my questions? :animesmil
  9. I know what you mean animals rock.Of all time what is your fave animal I'm guessing it's a cat :catgirl: ?
  10. I love cats and I have two cats and a kitten. Their so cute.I love tigers too.I love dogs heck i love all animals.
  11. Who do you think is the best chacter of all time and why and which anime are they from? Truthfully I can't chose I love them all I'll see what other people say.
  12. Art master here AND I forgot to answer my own questions oops! Question 1 It has to be music he rocks and he's cute. Question 2 My fave shows would have to be rave and one piece.My fave episode of rave has to be singing the blues. Thats the one with Musica and Meloda.I'm not sure if that is the right spelling. Question 3 I guess i think the same as bloodseeker bad ratings. Well thats my answer please post yours thanks!
  13. Does anyone watch or read rave master because I do and I love it!!! I want someone I can talk to about it.So if you do here some questions for u 1.who is your fave charater? 2.What was your fave show. 3.Why did they change the time that rave is showen on cartoon network? 4 what ever you want to say works too. Rave master rules.Rock on.
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