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[size=1][color=SlateGray]Blood spilled through the cracks of the ship, it's boards covered with Meran soldiers. Spear steadily in his hand, red liquid dropped from the sharp blade. The drop landed on the once alive Meran soldier, before Tai could even think, a rapier was thrust towards him, his body remembered the movements of Fenching. [I]This soldier will be off balanced for a small amount of time, enough to do what is done.[/I] Moving out of the way, the sword thrusted past him, the Man stood on one foot, trying to regain balance. In that solid moment, Tai's muscle's reacted, his blade sliced into the body of the Soldier, his limping body falling to the ground. More Soldier's crawled over the rail of the ship, each and every one armed to fight. A cannon ball struck behind him, glancing back he saw a young girl making her way up, clinching her fist in rage. Blocking a downward slice of a sword, he reflected a blow from another soldier, his blade peirced the air as it made it's way toward's the Man's chest, loadly it slid through the chest, blood spilling out on to the already blooded deck. "There is alot..." Tai murmored to himself, he had fought in many of battle's, non-the-less, this type was suprisingly new to him. Jumping into the air, kicking out, his foot landed soldily on the chin of another Soldier, knocking him side way's. His body layed on the ground, not moving, obviously knocked out. Landing soflty on his feet, sliding himself into a fighting chance, more soldier's charged onto the deck, leaping over the dead bodies. --- Out of Computer: Kamuro, I know that this is some what sort, sorry.[/size][/color]
[size=1][Color=SlateGray]Kamuro and Everyone, Sorry that I have not been able to post in the Role Play. I have been grounded for the past four or five days. So, I would just like to say that I am Sorry.[/size][/color]
[size=1][Color=SlateGray]Turning around, Tai stared into the eyes of a beautiful woman, quickly he got up, spear in his hand. He nodded, reaching down and grasping his shirt, slipping it quickly over his upper body. Noting his cape on the ground, he decided it might slow him down in the training. "Yes, I am up to a spar, yet I will use my spear, you can use anything that you want." Tai stared at the woman, this woman that he heard was named "Black Orchid. "Alright, I will use my whipe, be careful, it has a nasty bite." She smiled, almost enjoying what she had said. Abruptly he turned, walking to a rather open area, stopping he wiped the sweat off his face, from the previous work out. Black Orchid quickly stepped into place, the whip touching the ground, Tai turned to see the whip coming at him. He smiled, the whip was aimed at his feet, to keep him alert and to tell him she was ready. Tai streched his body and nodded, telling Black Orchid he was ready. At his nod, the whip cut through the air, its end cracking against the metal handle of his spear. Spinning the spear around he charged toward her. He knew that he would not hit the woman, in fear of it hurting her, after all, she was a fellow crew mate. Back and forth the spar went, the whip biting into the flesh, bringing forth small rivers of blood. Yet, they were no cut what so ever on Black Orchid, she knew it to. Once again, the whip seem to slice through the air, it's end, once again ready to bite. This time however, Tai let the whip wrap around his handle, Black Orchid pulled, Tai stood firmly. "This is a good work out.." Tai noted to himself, he was enoying himself, yet there had not been any recollection of the bad memories that he so often gets.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray]Tai nodded his head to all of the crew, except the ones that had already left. Sliding himself back, he grabbed his spear and stood up, the crew smiled at him and said their "Good bye's." Stepping silently through the double doors, he made his way down to the Training Area. As he was making his way down, memories flooded through his head, the death of his Dad. He shook his head, as if he could shake the horific flash backs, luckily it did. As soon as Tai stepped through the door way, he was amazed. It was a magnificent place, each and every where you looked, things could be seen that would benefit in training. Nodding slowly to himself, he chose a somewhat lonely area, the mat was expertally weaved. Stretching, he took of his cape, than his shirt, placing them on the ground to the right of him, ontop of those he placed his beloved spear. Kneeling, clinching his fists, he placed them firmly on the mat, stretching his legs back, he was ready to train. Breathing out, he let his body seemingly fall to the ground, his forearms tighten as he stopped himself, pushing up. Light gleamed off his back, the sweat falling off his face, his breathing was fine, yet his knuckles were somewhat of a red color. Softly, he counted out loud to himself, "One fifty two...one fifty three..." Each number ended with a push up. As he reached two hundred, he set up, swinging his sad-ish hair around, sweat flying everywhere. His breathing was some what fast, yet he made himself slow down, his body tired from the work out. He looked around the training room, eyes wandering from swords to mats, suddenely the flashbacks appeared. Tai grabbed his head, shaking himself back and forth, tightening his whole body. The memories faded, he was grasping his breath, he could not make himself remember what had happened, he did not want it to. Silently, he set there to himself, the sweat still falling off his body.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray] [I]What was that those people were talking about? Oh, I believe I remember, it was about a Meran ship being stole. Who ever stole it must be pretty good, at basically everything. If I recall correctly they said something about it being called the ?Wooden Dragon? due to it?s amazing size. Perhaps it is good enough for the Meran Government. Well, I best be on my way.?[/I] His beloved spear rested in his grip, he stepped out of a local inn. The soft breeze blew through the town of Middleton, stirring his sand-ish hair. It?s local inhabitants went on with their daily lives, chatting about the news, buying groceries. It seem to be a town with out much trouble. Tai raised his arm?s, stretching in the crisp air, it seemed to awaken something inside of him. Stepping softly through the town, his feet always ready for fast movement. Maneuvering his spear in the crowded areas, he does not want to hurt anyone intentionally, unless he had too. ?Ha ha, come back here!? A girl charged in front of him. Tai stopped suddenly, seeing that she was chasing a boy around the same age. As he raised his head, a tall figure loomed above everyone else, the bandana the person was wearing, hid the hair underneath. Interested, Tai swiftly walked close to the man, leaning against a grocery stand, he studied the figure. He was obviously well built, the way he carried himself showed that he was a man of power and responsibility. The man started walking away, Tai followed, mainly due to the bandana. Staying well behind, he noticed that every once in the while, the person would stop and glance around, if looking for something. Tai stopped suddenly as he glanced to his right. In the Middleton Harbors, a ship of massive size, swaying back and forth had brought him to a stop. He had glanced the ship as he was following the strange man, so he had to take another glance. It?s mass was amazing, the way it floated showed that it was a fast ship. Sail?s flapped lazily in the wind, sea gulls gracefully soared over head. The sight was breath taking, standing there, he took in the amazing sight. Deciding that he would follow the man he seen earlier, he glanced around eventually seeing the bandana moving down another street. Quickly, although with out bringing to much attention to him. The Man suddenly stopped, turning around, their eye?s met. Neither made a sign that they would look away. Instead, the figure smiled, walking towards him. ?Hello, how are you today?? Smiling, the man extended his hand.. ?The name is John Harvey, owner of the ship over there.? ?I am doing fine?The name is Tai Koshi.? Each was looking to the others eyes, eventually Tai extended his hand, both seemed to understand the other. ?Would you perhaps like to join my Crew?? John smiled and started easing Tai to his ship. [I]So my journey begun?[/I] OOC: I hope that is okay, I was not sure if I should go on to the ship. Anyway, I believe the Role Play is going to do well.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray]Kamuro, Very nicely done, great detail and hard work was put into that. If I make the cut to join the Role Play, I think it would be nice to have a job. Question: In the garden, will there be vegetable's? Such as tomatoe plants, etc. Or will the main proportion be flowers, etc.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=SlateGray] Name: Tai Koshi Nickname: None, just goes by Tai. Age: Twenty-Three Appearance: [URL=http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/8567/89b43bx.jpg]Here[/URL] Height: 6'0 Eyes: Green Weapons: - [B]Spear[/B]: Tai?s main weapon of choice, it was especially made for himself. Crafted by a great blacksmith, each and every part of it was made out of pure metal.. Located in either hand, it never leaves it sight. During battle?s, the Spear becomes one with Tai , it?s blade slices through the air, as if it weighed nothing at all. His skill with the spear itself was amazing, doing amazing flips and other techniques, with out himself being harmed - [B]Musket[/B]: Strapped behind him a musket laid in waiting . The musket itself was partly concealed between the belt. Located nearest to the handle, on it?s right side, tied to the belt was a small bag. This bag only contained five balls, as Tai did not use the musket itself, often. Tied next to the bag was another, itself contained around five charges. History: Tai was born to become a orphan. His Mother, a waitress at a local Bar, did not want to have a child, non the less raise one. As soon as he was born, she took him to a orphanage. Not sure what the orphanage was called, he had spent five years there. One fateful day, a man around his thirties had stopped by to water his horse. As he came in, he gratefully accepted some food from the Owners, he paid them for their gratitude. Glancing around, the blue eyes searched the room, almost for some one, his eyes met the ones of Tai. The stranger smiled, talking to the Owners if he could adopt the young child, to take back to his estate around two miles away. They agreed seeing that the Man meant no harm to the boy. ?What is the last name?? Asked one of the elderly owners. ?Koshi.? The Man replied. ---------- Later, when Mr. Koshi thought that his adopted son was ready to defend himself. A trainer was hired to teach him how to use the sword, although he had no idea that Tai was gifted with the spear. One day, out riding on his estate he stopped and stood up on his horse looking out into the field. There stood his adopted son with a pitch fork, used for gathering of the hay. Tai handled the pitch fork as if it was like his arm, almost like the grace of a dance. Each time the spear was moving, it had a purpose, the boy new where he wanted it to go and it went. One move made Mr. Koshi gaze at the young boy, awe struck. Tai had shoved the pitch fork into the ground pushing himself upside down, solidly his muscles tightened, his feet straight towards the sky, perfectly balanced. Right then, he decided to get Tai a present, a special spear, just for him. When Tai got his present, he was overjoyed, grabbing and hugging his Dad As years went by, Tai gradually got older. Day after day, he trained with his spear, he was especially fond of the spear. A day that Tai would not forget suddenly happened, his Dad has passed away. While on a ride, Mr. Koshi was robbed, during the robbing he had defended himself greatly, leaving one man dead. Although, he did not expect that one of the robbers would have a musket on them. Throwing the sword he stabbed the man in his right arm, although to late, the bullet had struck him in the heart. Tai later found out, he was very grieved for day?s about his Dad?s death. No longer could he stand being around the estate. Finally, he decided to leave, taking only enough money to buy supplies, leaving the estate in the hands of Mr. Koshi?s relatives. Thought?s of the death of his Dad filed his head, he vowed to make a name for himself, to make him proud. So he began his journey? Personality: - Silent / Indepent: Tai had lost his loving Dad, so he barely talks. Although, when he does talk, it is for a meaning. He accepts no help from anyone, he does everything by himself. Specialty: - Agility: Day after day, he had trained, years had passed. His body became a fluid of movement. Snippet: ----- Before the death of Mr. Koshi: Wind blew swiftly down the ranging valley. Tall grass waved back and forth in it?s path, each gust seemed to whisper in the trees. Sweat dripped off the chin of a teenager, the breathing of the boy was fast. His face toward the ground, both hands gripped the long handle of the spear. Raising up, the sand-ish blonde hair flapped lazily in the crisp air. Green eye?s scanned the horizon, seeing if he was alone, he shook his head, sweat flung in different directions. Once again, he took up the spear, it became as if it was one with his body. Shifting his weight, he jumped, legs flew into the air, his body doing a circular like motion. As if he did not think, he struck the spear into the soft soil. His forearms tightened, suddenly he pushed himself up, the blade slid silently out of the ground. In the air, the boy smiled, landing solidly on the ground. Wide eyes starred at the gap in the ground, he could barely hold in his excitement. ?Yes, I have finally did it. Now, if I practice hard enough, I can do it with out much effort!? Tai laughed, throwing the spear into the air, kicking out, swiftly his hand shot up, grabbing the spear?s handle?[/size][/color]
Writing Pokemon: The Fourth Legend of Reves [PG-13:Some V, and some L]
Chisoku replied to Roxas's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][Color=SlateGray]Amon, Great Job! The only thing that I would recommend is that you have more description. So far it is looking pretty good. I would be glad to read the rest of the adventure. Good luck.[/size][/color] -
[size=1][Color=SlateGray]Kanata, Well, I have not Role Played in along time. Although, it will be a pleasure Role Playing with a Pokemon character. So, you may count me in. I would have never thought about the Private Messaging to catch a Pokemon. That problem occured to me during my Role Play's. On another note, great job figuring new things out.[/color][/size]