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Everything posted by RX78

  1. I decided to add a background. Im guessing that those who are familiar with Death Note might appreciate it a little more then those who are not. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/pinkindian/ryuk2.gif[/IMG]
  2. I just finished this painting with gwash and really need to know where to take it next, or not to take it anywhere. So comments please. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/pinkindian/ryuk.gif[/IMG]
  3. [QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]You got that from mine??? Thats cool![/QUOTE] I actualy realy impressed by yours. Lupin the 4th :animesmil
  4. "[I]It was like a mirage of glory, centered around a collage of madness. Only the human heart could tell the difference between its's dark intentions to enslave and good intentions to free[/I]" Here is [URL=http://artpad.art.com/?j1la2h15aoog]mine[/URL].
  5. [QUOTE=visualkei]Actually I kind of like the walls the way it is, and the top left corner has a little gleam to it. I also like her purse by the way. And Rei's shape, well, I think she looks fine flatchested, especially since she's supposed to be a 14 year old asian girl. :animeswea Hehe. Try not to make her look too much like a copy, I think that when you make your own art, you should make it look at least a little different than another person's. I paint as a hobby, too. =]. Whenever I want to paint a person, I always remind myself to not get fixated on making it look exactly like my eye's reality. Or when making a fanart to not copy the original artist. Try to show off your own style. :cool: So does your art have to be approved before it's submitted to be auctioned? How big is it? And did you paint it like a pro with an easel, canvas and all? How much do you think it'll go for, or are you willing to sell it for what price/any price? ...Just wondering. =][/QUOTE] Style is important to me, so thats always relevant in my work. I believe any work is suitable for the auction, they even have a over 18 section that does not allow minors. The painting is i believe 24x17 on a canvas. Its funny because i usualy use a drafting type table that on a slant, but i decided to paint it on the floor of my room. Thats the way i started it and thats the way i finished it. :rolleyes: At first i wanted to sell it for about a hundred, but now im having doubts about it. So i will start the wage probably between 75 and 100. What do you think? :animesigh
  6. [quote name='ketzel']thanks yeah i do all my work on the pc well most of it and yeah i tend to be messy with my work[/quote] I like the roughness of the lines, i think thats just part of your style. It would be neat to see you use the same style and just add tabs of color. I saw the ones with color, but would like to see more.
  7. [QUOTE=GTK]the outfit makes Rei look rather... *ahem* shapeless ^^; Perhaps some slight editing so her bust was more obvious? Also~ for more depth, try building up more paint? The paint on the walls looks very thin and streaky... those areas don't seem to have as much depth as other areas. The vending machine is handled very nicely though ^_^ as is Rei's face... her hair could use some work though (cause it's fuzzy around the edges, like a halo or something). Maybe dark blue instead of black outline on her hair would help as well?[/QUOTE] The idea that Rei is shapeless did bother me as well. I think i wanted to make her skinnier. I think the arm holding the bag is what blocks the other side of her waist, blending in to much. I have to decide if ill change that, given that i decided it was done.
  8. [QUOTE=visualkei]For a moment there I was confusedby jigglyness' comment that you made it from watercolor, and it doesn't look like watercolor-- but turns out it isn't watercolor! I think that Rei's face looks very convoluded, perhaps it's because her hair is big. I like the vending machine in the picture. Looks realistic. Something about it just resting there on the side, I like. EDIT: Please tell me a little more about this Otaku convention auctioning deal. I've never heard of something like this, and I'm interested.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback! Otakon is the largest anime convention on the east coast(25,000 attendence cap) and its located in Baltimore Maryland. Its August 4-6 this year and it will be held at the Baltimore Convention Center. One of the events is an artshow which consist of an auction that allows anyone over the age of 18 display art. The art is then aucioned off on Sunday, where you place the amount for the piece. This will be my first time doing it, so im looking forward to it.
  9. I agree with the dirtyness, but that my fault for taking the picture in bad lighting. Its actualy a burnt siena and i used oil paint with a lot of medium, which makes it look like watercolor. Thanks for the feedback! Here is the final[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/pinkindian/rei0.jpg[/IMG]
  10. Im about 95% done this painting and need some input before i enter it into Otakons auction this August. Thank you! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/pinkindian/rei2.jpg[/IMG]
  11. You definitely have a talent for making simplistic compisitions. I would be very supprised if you didnt decide to become a graphic designer, your work says GRAPHIC. You just have to learn how to apply your skills to fit a clients needs and wants; there is a lot more to it then making a "picture". GOOD WORK :animesmil PS: for the last one, i would have balanced out the "lovely" on the bottom left so that its written left to right.just a idea
  12. You should put something up "Rifles", i would love to some other traditional work. :animesmil
  13. This piece was based of the SARS epidemic in China, it was done in marker. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/noprofitgeisha/pollutionstrife.jpg[/IMG] I created this piece out of complete randomness and slight boredom. It was done in water color, magazine, and charcoal. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/noprofitgeisha/orgasm.jpg[/IMG]
  14. since people seem to like my city stuff... [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/noprofitgeisha/conflict.gif[/IMG] I just finished uploading some older suff i did this year and past. Which reminds me that i need to start painting again, its been almost a month. :animeswea Since most of you like digital art, ill post a piece i did in illustrator. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/noprofitgeisha/gojira2.jpg[/IMG]
  15. Yuu could say im heavily influenced by 80s punk, its what i listen to the most. It probably explains the mohawks. :D this is one of my, more humerous creations. done in you guessed it, acrylic, charcoa, and collage(girl in background is collage) l[IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/noprofitgeisha/onelinershot.gif[/IMG] This is another tokyo influenced piece done in water color and charcoal. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/noprofitgeisha/whiteout.gif[/IMG]
  16. i thought i add some more, so here is a pic i did more then a year ago in charcoal. the theme is riot. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/noprofitgeisha/riot.gif[/IMG] This is another oil painting that inpired the the first post of me in tokyo. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/noprofitgeisha/condolences.gif[/IMG]
  17. i actually wanted the gunman to be flat in the sense that there is a high constrast, blinding light, cascading around his body, which creates a shadow. That piece was one of the funnest ones i created, it was ment to go together with Protect and Serve(one with planes and soldiers). When creating pieces like that you need to let go and just create, not focusing on what will become of the piece of paper. Heres are two more that fit in with a concentration. [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/noprofitgeisha/breach.gif[/IMG] [IMG][IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/noprofitgeisha/interstate.gif[/IMG][/IMG]
  18. here is a more fan based pic i did today of Chichiri from Fushigi Yuugi. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/pinkindian/chichiri.jpg[/img] [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] here is another collage based piece with acrylic and charchoal. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/pinkindian/ART/bashful.gif[/img] this one is all collage based, its a representation of Masami Yuuki(creator of Patlabor) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/pinkindian/ART/masami_yuki.jpg[/img] [color=teal]Yes, I'm afraid that we don't allow double posting on OtakuBoards, despite how cool your artwork is. :p If you wish to add something to your previous post, you can use the Edit button, or if you want to show some more stuff you can wait until someone else posts. It's not like you'd be waiting long, haha. -Syk3[/color]
  19. thanks for the warm comments. the part of me was actually done with charcoal, i applied it directly on the wood. thats what gave it its sephia feel. its about two feet by three. this one is also collage [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/pinkindian/ART/protectandserve.gif[/IMG]
  20. i would say i have watched akira the most, about 8 times. there are allways new anime to watch so usually dont revist old ones unless they are really good.
  21. Hello, im pretty new to this forum, so i thought i share some of work. i have had experience with Illustrator and Photoshop but dont own them currently. So i have lots of paintings and mix media pieces. I just want some honest feedback. ;) \ here is one of latest oil on plywood, its a pic of me in Tokyo [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/pinkindian/ART/shout.gif[/IMG] heres a collage of different mediums [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v163/pinkindian/ART/whitewash.gif[/IMG]
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