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Everything posted by Kenji

  1. [B]Name[/B]: Jubei/Kenji [B]Age[/B]: unknown (looks early 20s) [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Race[/B]: Half-Demon, Half-Angel [B]Bio[/B]: Not much is known about Jubei/Kenji. He has no recollection of his past and has two personalities. Spends most of his time searching for answers about himself. [B]Personality[/B]: Has two personalities, Kenji being a kind and gentle person who will gladly put his life on the line to protect the ones close to him while Jubei is violent and constantly thrives for fighting and any situation that could cause him danger also not to caring for others. (Kenji is usually the dominate personality). [B]Weapon[/B]: two wakizashis on his back which he draws downward from his sides. And one katana named Kitasake that is summoned when he calls it's name. [B]Powers[/B]: is capable of changing his eyes to either blue or red depending on which personality is in control. Eyes also are capable of seeing things moving at god-like speed, although each one has a specific power. The blue ones have the power to place a battle in the realm of his mind where he controls everything (power takes a lot of energy and is lethal if used more than once. The red eyes are capable of exploiting weaknesses in attacks but requires time and concentration to use. [B]Appearance[/B]: about 5' 10", green hair, Blue or Red eyes depending on personality, wears a long brown drenchcoat over a black shirt and black pants.
  2. I guess I started watching anime when I was probaby about 6 years old, or somewhere around that time. I started with Transformers and Voltron, also watched some Ronin Warriors and Speed Racer (Mach Go Go Go), after I turned 12 I started watching Dragon Ball Z, and then when anime was able to be downloaded i started watching D.N. Angel and that got me completely addicted to where I now calculate the total number of hours that I have spent watching anime. Kinda sad huh.
  3. I voted for Lacus cause although she isn't as strong as Motoko, she is more femine. She's a caring and intelligent character and easy to like. Where as Motoko wears the skimpy outfits but in the series you never know if she is actually a guy considering her cybernetic body could be in any style she chooses, at Batou points out through out the series.
  4. Those types of characters are placed in the anime as comic relief, they're annoying or act silly most of the time, which helps keep the watcher attentive and to allow the watcher to see more diversity among each of the other characters.
  5. Naruto got me into studying taijustu, Rurouni Kenshin got me into Kendo, Gundam Seed got me into studying war, and I think that's about it.
  6. Here's one that really doesn't involve hair but actual characteristcs and actions of the characters along with the plot of the two animes. Comparison of [COLOR=Yellow]Flame of Recca [/COLOR] and [COLOR=SandyBrown]Yu Yu Hakusho[/COLOR]. [COLOR=Yellow]Koganei [/COLOR] and [COLOR=SandyBrown]Hiei [/COLOR] are similar in that they both are small and are most likely the fastest out of everyone. [COLOR=Yellow]Domon [/COLOR] and [COLOR=SandyBrown]Kuwabara [/COLOR] are similar in that they rely on their brute strength and are very much prideful. [COLOR=Yellow]Mikagami [/COLOR] and [COLOR=SandyBrown]Kurama [/COLOR] are similar in that the long hair that makes them look like a girl and that during fights they are the most calm and show the least emotion. [COLOR=Yellow]Recca [/COLOR] and [COLOR=Yellow]Yusuke [/COLOR] are similar in that they both gradually grow stronger through a tournament and that they both act like the best out of everyone. [COLOR=Yellow]Yanagi [/COLOR] and [COLOR=SandyBrown]Yukina [/COLOR] both have healing powers and are both rescued at some point in the anime. Even the plots are similar where first the main girl gets kidnapped and the people go and fight to rescue her. Then they end up having to participate in a tournament. THough [COLOR=Yellow]Flame of Recca [/COLOR] only has 42 episodes and [COLOR=SandyBrown]Yu Yu Hakusho [/COLOR] has 112, they are both really similar and were even made in the same year. Freaky huh.
  7. My favorite Gundam would have to be Gundam Wing mostly because it has complex characters. The characters are shown many different ways and change as the story progresses. Probably the best part of it is it's ideals of wars that are started and how peace can truly be obtained. Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz would be my second since it shows how the earth and the colonies coexisted after the war. It kept the same characters but the action was more limited. I think the coolest thing about it was the recreation of the gundams and how they became more detailed and lifelike such as Wing Zero's wings with feathers, and how Deathsyth looked more like a deathgod. Gundam Seed would have to be my third since it has a similar storyline to Wing, but it shows how prejudice can lead others to want to annhilate anothers race. The characters are placed into awkward positions and it shows how the war not only affected the army but also everyone else. G Gundam would be my fourth because the storyline is interesting as seeing they have gundams from each country. But was was really interesting was that the gundams were similar to the fighter. Such as if the fighter was all muscle so would the fighter. It made it interesting to see how these people actually had to train to fight in the gundam where as in all the others you just had to be intelligent enough to pilot it.
  8. Stereotypes are always interesting especially since they change constantly not only among the school but everyone drifts through all different types of stereotypes. IN highschool I was probably placed as a band nerd my freshman year just cause I played the drums in band. By my second year I was stereotyped as a nerd since I made good grades, and would talk about the different philosophies posed by people on Time Trave (actually a very intriguing conversation on what time travel would be like). By my junior year I was in the surfer/slacker category since I would go surfing most of the time and didn't do much in school (slthough I still made good grades). Near the end of my junior year I was deemed the loser since I wasn't preppy and not too athletic. Senior year I was placed in the stuck up genius category since I made great grades, slept in class, and was already taking college classes. And now as I start my second year at college every single preppy kid and jock knows who I am and talks to me, everyone at my hometown can't stop wanting to share information about the parties that my friends and I have and go to. It's really like I became popular once I left town. So that's when I realized that stereotypes just define your interests at a specific point in time. Sure if you like sports you'll be labled a jock, but it doesn't mean that you can fall into more than one category like the band geek who plays on the soccer team, or the goth kid who is the valedictorian.
  9. alright here we go [B]Is that a mirror in your pockets cause I can surely see myself in those pants.[/B] Guy:[B] Are you tired?[/B] Girl:[B] Why?[/B] Guy:[B] Cause you've been running in my mind all day[/B] Guy:[B] Do you have 25 cents[/B] Girl:[B] Why[/B] Guy:[B] My mom always told me to call her when I fell in love[/B] wow that shows how old I am considering that's supposed to be when pay phones cost 25 cents
  10. I doubt that anime will actually ever die, but quite possibly just adapt to the newer generations. Cause if you look at it there are some anime that came out in the 60's and 70's that I'm pretty sure no here has even heard of. But also some anime might be remade or have a parody of it be made. An example is Mazinger Z and Panda Z. Mazinger Z was made in 1972 and now in 2004 a parody of it is coming out called Panda Z (a thread has been started on this anime as well so just search it). And also early animes were just movies but as they became more popular they became full series, in fact I don't believe it was until 1963 that anime became full series. Most likely as time progresses and new generations are born the style of anime is just going to change. Sci Fi anime will just take place farther in the future, school life will just resemble the type of school life that would be experienced at that time and so forth. But anime will never die cause it can adapt to the newer generations easier.
  11. I have seen the whole anime of it but haven't read the manga. But the anime is one of the best I have seen and that says a lot since I have watched a lot of anime. It's storyline is great and the character development is fantastic. This anime is one that I can actually just watch over and over again.
  12. I've seen that show and I have to say it was really good. I kinda liked how for the first few episodes they show a summary of what happened in the previous episode for the opening. Also it's interesting to see a show about books and people who like to read. For my favorite character I would have to say that it would be Michelle. She's just so cute for being a child like adult.
  13. Kenji

    anime cuties

    Well being a kind of difficult question, I guess I would have to say Lacus from Gundam Seed. Most likely cause not only is she attractive, she's also level headed and intelligent. Her ability to deal with a war like theirs and to see the big picture of everything just attracts me to her. She would probably be the only one that I could spend the rest of my life with.
  14. I'd probably first prefer to be in Naruto as long as I have the sharingan. It would be awesome to sit there and use it to copy someone elses moves and become an ultimate master in taijustu, genjustu, and ninjustu. It would also be cool to do Itachi's move where he gets into the mind of the other person (can't remember the techniques name). Then I would definitely have Ero-sennin teach me the rasengan. My next one would probably be Prince of Tennis just so I could become an insane god at tennis, and that my serves would stop sucking. Also it would be awesome to be like Eiji and do all those acrobatic moves. Bleach would also be one but that's just so I can obtain a soul slayer, cause the swords are just amazing. My final one would have to be Rurouni Kenshin just so I can become a batousai and so that I can learn Sano's futae no kuwami, and definitely Soujirou's shukuchi. Those would probably be the three animes I would want to be in, but only if I get to obtain the skills and powers that they have in them. Oh and probably one just cause would be Flame of Recca just to meet the characters and see all the Dragons that Recca controls.
  15. I guess my dream would be to write my own anime and have it be one of the best out there. And fortunately I am getting closer and closer to getting that accomplished, hopefully I can convince some companies in Japan to air it and animate since I have no talent for drawing whatsoever. Oh Two Moons, on the subject of money in the anime business that would also depend on where you go to voice over. If you do it here in America I doubt you would make as much if you did it in Japan. Just a thought.
  16. The anime I probably rewatch the most would have to be DNAngel, I watch that everytime I finish an anime. Next would be Naruto, I watch that whenever I run out of anime to watch. Gundam Wing, and Gundam Seed.
  17. The anime girls I would date would have to be Riku from DNAngel Houshi Kage from Flame of Recca Lacus from Gundam Seed Faye from Cowboy Bebop Arcueid from Shingetsutan Tsukihime The ones that I would not date would have to be Risa from DNAngel -- that whole psychic thing and obsession with Dark was annoying Fllay from Gundam Seed -- I hate girls like her Kirara from Samurai 7 -- she is manipulative and played Katsushirou (ahh just thinking of her makes me pissed), definitely would never date her.
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