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Everything posted by shippolover321

  1. I would have to say his anime movies are the best EVER!!!!! :catgirl: My favorite is Spirted Away but I have never seen Howls Moving Castel yet. I have read the manga but never seen the movie! :animesmil
  2. I know this may sound lame but yep !I LOVE SASUKE UCHIHA! from the show Naruto.
  3. I would live in Naruto because it would be cool to be a ninja!! :catgirl: So I would live in an anime world! :D
  4. lets see now mom:songo(inuyasha) she has a great personaly an she is funny dad:lord bowmon(.hack//sign) he is very protective sisters:riza(fullmeatal alchmist) she is so cool winery(fma) im sort of like her brothers:ed(fullmetal alchmist) he is protive inuyasha(inuyasha) he is so funny shippo(inuyasha) i just think he is so cuite boyfriend;hiei(yyh) he is sooo cuite
  5. [QUOTE=Bloodseeker]1. They're animated, lots of people have trouble getting past the idea that cartoons can be aimed at people other than little kids. 2. Some of them are too complex for idiots to understand. That's a large part of the reason why Star Trek was hated on so much, you know...[/QUOTE] i totaly agree because almost everyone in my school that says bad stuff about anime are complet idiots. most of the populer kids in my school think thrir to cool to watch and it makes me mad :animeangr [color=#6699cc]Please include capital letters in your posts. Right now, they are difficult to read, and I'd love for you to improve that. -Lore[/color]
  6. when my cusion and i are together, we act out anime and make up our own stories! we act out all the other charters too i have a viedo recorder and its so funny when we watch ourselfs!
  7. i heard spirted away was a good movie and i wanted to bye it. but im not sure if i should though. so i want to know what every one thinks of it.
  8. steeamboy is one of the coolest dvds ive ever seen!
  9. at age 11 i started watching inuyasha and fma
  10. i want to know what everyone thinks of hiei :animesmil
  11. [QUOTE=geekinthecloset] So for all of you whose parents don't agree with it, simply ask them... " Have you ever seen an ep?" If they haven't sit them down with one and watch it with them, then they can tell you first hand what is SO wrong with it.[/QUOTE] i try to get my dad to watch it but he just wont and says its stupid! but hes never seen evan one epsiode!!!!!!!!!
  12. i dout theyll turn it in to an anime station cuz they dont want little kids watching it :catgirl:
  13. you should try full metal alchmist! sometimes i laugh so hard i cry! :catgirl:
  14. [QUOTE=SilentSecurity]Sanjuro. ~Rod~[/QUOTE] thanks i couldnt remember his name :animeswea
  15. .hack//SIGN is one of my favorite shows!!!!! what is the name of the guy who has a half green face and a eye patch?
  16. i think if adults dont wont kids watching anime then they shouldnt watch soap oprares. drinking smoking and drugs are in them
  17. beyblade is the coolest show ever!!!!!!!!!! it comes on at 9:30 on toon disnay here! i could see why some people dont like it but its still soooooo cool!!
  18. let me think... i would want to be in inuyasha because i want a tail!! i would also want to be in FMA. it would be fun to make fun of ed!! :D
  19. my mom loves anime as much as i do but she cant fallow whats going on mostn of the time but she still loves it! volince,smoking,drinking,drugs,etc is in every day life and i dont see why parnts are mad about that because every one will eventtuly experince something like that one doy!
  20. alright ill remember that thanks!!!! i wont be able to get on for a while because im going on vacation!
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