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Everything posted by Reikimaru

  1. [COLOR=Indigo]Haiku looked at his paper with a sigh. [I]I'll save it for home, cover it with some gravy and let Myouga have it. That dog will eat anything anyway. But then he's used to eating what he can get. Eh, oh no! I forgot to go buy food for him.[/I] He looked up as the bell rang. "Finally." He said as he stood while folding his paper then slipped it into his back pocket. He glanced around the class for a moment and watched Neko walk out after being given detention. Even though he hated the new teacher, Haiku had to admit that maybe Mr. Yevon would be a better teacher if the class were better students. [I]Reminds me of my last school. No one respected the teacher then two days later she got in a wreck and died. Every one missed her then but I'm glad she died. She got away from her students. I wonder if that will happen here.[/I] Haiku grinned at a different thought as the other students were leaving. "Adiosu, Mr. Yevon," he said with a wave to the teacher then darted out the door. He went to his locker and pulled out a black sweat jacket then quickly pulled it on and checked to make sure his keys were still in the pocket. ________________________________________ Haiku then heard some one call him and turned to see Dred. He was about to answer him when Sable came back with her little sister. He listened as she told about the files kept on the teachers. "So what do we do next? Do you even have what's needed to gain acess?" He paused for a moment and looked to see if Mr. Yevon was coming out of class yet. "And what if you get caught?"[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo]Haiku sat still in the principle's office. He had gotten caught trying to skip the last class again. It wasn't new though or due to the fact that he had a deep grudge against the new teacher. The principle was used to seeing the teen being there, even when Mr. Forester had been in charge of class 2B. "So what are we going to do with you this time, Kuro-n?" The principle said while rubbing the bridge of his nose with annoyance. Haiku just shrugged and pulled at a strand of white hair from his long bangs, "Send me home? Suspend me? There's a lot of choices, but why ask me? I'm the one who's supposed to get in trouble here." The principle sighed and leaned back in his office chair. "You know, I'm getting really tired of seeing you in here." "I know that." the teen said with a smile as he nibbled the tip of his thumb. "Please, let me finish first." The principle paused for a moment to recollect his thoughts then continued. "I think I know what to do with you for once." He pulled open a desk drawer and took out a piece of paper and started to write on it. Seeing Haiku look at the paper with interest, he said. "No, it's not a detention slip... for once... I'm sending you to class with a note so the teacher won't send you back for being late." Haiku glowered at the paper. "Aw come on! I hate that new teacher. He's... strange. I don't even like the looks of 'im." "All the more reason to have you back to class then." "What?! But I-" The principle stood up rubbing his temples and stepped into his secretary's room to have her send a phone call to Mr. Yevon that Haiku Kuro-n was on his way. He then turned back and motioned for Haiku to follow, who did so with reluctance. [U]-About 5min of so Later-[/U] The principle opened the door to class 2B with a very glum Haiku in tow. "Here he is Mr. Yevon." He said pushing Haiku in. "This isn't teaching a very good lesson, ya know that right old man? You're supposed to punish people when they skip not let 'em off with a talk." "Oh stop your whining." Mr. Yevon hissed at him. "You've pretty much missed most of class so just take your seat." Haiku glared at the teacher and sat down. "Yeah right," he mumbled "missed most of what? You taking forever to get people's names? Idiot." He took a few moments to utter a few curses in a foreign language then went on to stare at the board with his crimson eyes while absent mindedly fiddling with his necklace. [/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo][B]Name[/B]: Haiku Kuro-n [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/Reikimaru/My%20Scans/HaikuKuro.jpg]-Here-[/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Haiku?s personality varies often. He can be quite at some points and at others he can?t help but talk nonstop. He can also be a bit clumsy at times and he loves music and poetry. Haiku also loves to be outside at night time expecialy if there's a cool breeze. His favorite color is white and his favorite food is curry. [B]Fact[/B]: Haiku isn?t really human, though he looks it. He?s a genetic experiment made from the cloned DNA from animals and humans. His parents had been part of the project to create a flawless human being. Of course the experiment failed and a virus caused defects in his development, such as causing him to appear albino. When the head researchers were going to dispose of him, his parents thought of a new experiment; to see how he would react in the real world. It was agreed on and he was brought home from the laboratory. Haiku is moderated by way of small implants in his brain and he knows what he really is even though the researchers tried to whipe his memory. [B]Home Life[/B]: Haiku lives alone in a tenement house. His parents had left him there about three years ago and never came back. He still receives money in the bank from them though and he often wonders why they don?t at least call him. Generally, his house is pretty messy except for the kitchen and his room. The only thing living with him is a stray dog he calls Myouga. [B]Quote[/B]: What's the point of living if you have nothing to really live for? --------------------------------- ((Sorry if its strange, I was trying to be creative. If I should change the fact about him, tell me.))[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Fierezza (means pride or arrogance) [B]Gender:[/B] predominantly masculine [B]Side:[/B] Fallen [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/Reikimaru/Odori%20Sama/BADarius.jpg]-Here-[/URL] His eyes and wings, which come and go at will, are a very pale sky blue and he has silvery hair and alabaster skin stretched over a thin but toned body structure. His bangs are long while the rest comes just below his shoulders except for a thin ponytail that goes from the base of his neck to a few inches below the knee. Fierezza wears a large, light blue sash tied around his waist that he often may use as a small blanket or shawl and the band around his eyes is white as are his pants. Around his neck is an odd star shaped necklace that has a dark blue glow to it and the bands on his arms are silver. [B]Fighting Style:[/B] When caught in a fight, Fierezza usually tries to get out of it. When forced to fight, though, he usually plays defense by dancing and bouncing around the opponent teasing them with taunts and staying just out of reach. He also tries to corner his enemy to make them go into a panic or lose their concentration when being offensive and uses quick attacks and movement, constantly trying to catch an opponent off guard. Most of Fierezza?s techniques are close combat based sword styles and martial arts though he sometimes uses an elemental ability that creates ice shards from his breath. His weapon of choice is a twin blade, a short shaft weapon with a blade at each end and splits into two swords when needed. [B]Personality:[/B] Fierezza has a bit of an odd personality as he has mood swings a lot. Generally, though, he can be arrogant, calculating, devious, spiteful, hypocritical, proud, lustful, submissive, quiet, insane, soft-spoken, depressed, clueless, and questioning. He doesn?t really believe that one can be good or evil so to him a demon is the same thing as an angel. Most often, he sits alone in open areas or in the back of crowded rooms. Though he can be quick to anger, he tries keeping his calm with quick come backs or simply ignoring his antagonist. Fierezza?s favorite thing to do is to watch sunsets and fly out on cool or windy nights. His most hated things are people who try to tell him what to do or what is right and wrong. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] Fierezza sat squatted on a rock, his arms hanging to the side of his legs as if useless and broken while his bare chest put pressure to his knees with each breath. Half of his eye band was raised so he could gaze out into the distance. His long silvery hair rustled as a breeze blew over him and his wings began to sprout from his back. Fierezza looked down at his hands. His nails had grown long and sharp and he frowned. Everyday since he had run away from Heaven, he was becoming more unlike himself. Though he told himself that it was only depression and would pass, he doubted it. His wings curled around his body, shielding out the last rays of the sun. He gazed at the soft feathers for a moment and peaked out at the sunset, knowing deep down that it could very well be the last he ever saw as he slipped the band back over his eyes and took off into the sky to enjoy himself in the cool air.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]((If anything needs to be changed, please let me know.))[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Thanks for the advise, both of you. Unfortunetly, Chikara, my handwriting is worse that a grade-schooler's otherwise I might have writen everything by hand. It would be nice of you if you could give me a few links on tutorials, though. I don't really have the money right now to bye new pens or waste the few I have that still work, not till I get paid next month anyway. As for continuing, I'll try to finish page two for you soon.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]For the past two years, I've been developing characters and ideas into my dream. For the fourth time I've attempted to start my manga, Shinen Iie (No Thought). This is only the first page and I'm looking to know if I should continue on or give up. I also want to know what I should do to improve on my art should I continue. Please don't be blunt.[/COLOR][/FONT] [URL=http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/Reikimaru/Odori%20Sama/chapter1.jpg][IMG]http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/Reikimaru/Odori%20Sama/thchapter1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Reads Right To Left
  7. [CENTER][U][B]what sailor scout you wanna be[/B][/U] Masked Mystery [U][B]why you wanna be that sailor scout[/B][/U] I'm assuming its a guy and the name sounds interesting.[/CENTER] _____________________________________________ [U][B]Name[/B][/U]: [URL=http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/Reikimaru/MusouHimitsu.jpg]Musou Himitsu[/URL] (Moo-so Him-it-sue) [U][B]Appearance[/B][/U]: [URL=http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a328/Reikimaru/My%20Scans/MusouHimitsu2.jpg](senshi and normal form)[/URL] He can see through the blindfold [U][B]Age[/B][/U]: 16 (High School Freshman) [U][B]Date if Birth[/B][/U]: July 21 (Leo) [U][B]Blood Type[/B][/U]: AB [U][B]Personality[/B][/U]: Independent, not extremly social, quick to anger, a bit clueless [U][B]Hobbies[/B][/U]: Archery, watching sunsets (I know the last bit wasn't part of the form but I just wanted to add it. :animeswea )
  8. [COLOR=maroon]My name comes from my original charcter. It can mean many things but I go with "cold purity." Reikimaru is also my username everywhere I go though before it used to be just Reiki. I added 'maru' because I wanted the name to be more masculine. To tell the truth I didn't know its meaning untill a few months ago and had the name for at least a year. :animeswea[/COLOR]
  9. The dumbest thing I've ever done I don't think I'll do again.....erm well not for awhile anyway, maybe at school.....eh yeah anyway. Well we had a power outage due to a hurricane about two years ago. My dad lit some candels and made my bro and I dinner(thank you for gas stoves!) then left with my Mom to play video games in the basement(yes they play games) Anyway my bro and I were talking about some stuff and I said I wanted to show him something I saw my teacher do in the 5th grade. He said cool so I got a napkin and held it over the candel till it caught fire. I was suposed to wait till the whole thing caught fir then let go, it would turn to ash in the air. I didn't do that though, instead I freaked... and dropped it on the wood table. My bro screamed and that made me scream we started running around like idiots yelling "Fire!". Sudenly I got smart, sort of, and grab a bowl, filled it with water and dumbted on the napken, witch that goodness hadn't burned the table bad. Thats when my dad came up and yelled that there was water every where and my mom almost had a heart attach.
  10. Real Name- Thats for me to know and you to find out. Age- 15 Occupation- Sophmore Favorite Anime/Manga- All of em! Hobbies- drawing, wrigting, TV, doodling, painting ceiling tiles, tons of other things Main Personality- Quiet, shy, angsty, creepy, lonley, afraid Secondary Personality- Mean, rude, obnoxious, loud, protective Third Personality- Kind, bubbly, hyper, crazy, talkative Like- being outside in thunder storms or heavy rain, chasing squirles and birds, wrestling my dog, listening to music Hates- school, people who won't leave me alone even when I glare at them, spinach, brussle sprouts, aspaaragus, people who think the Power Puff Girls, Invader Zim, and all those other AMERICAN cartoons are anime/Japanese.
  11. Lone Drifter... My title just means what it says. I like to be alone all the time, even when company is appriciated, and I have a habit to litteraly dift from here to there without thinking about it and usualy without anyone noticing. I've scared my bro several times by doing that.
  12. Hmm I think the anime character I'm most like would be Sesshomaru(Inuyasha). Thats cause outside the house and in public I appear to be cold and emotionless. In school I only get slightly annoyed with people cause I basicly ignore them. Also like Sesshomaru I can be somewhat arrogent at times and I can be protective. I think I'm also somewhat like Kurama(YuYu Hakusho) around people I know and not in public(around friends basicly). Instead of being cold I'm warmer towards friends and am willing to speak. Like Kurama I'm more caring, when around friends. Lastly in the house and with family. The last character I can identify with is Yoh Asakura (Shaman King). Mainly cause I'm care-free around the house, somewhat lazy(love sleeping) and can easily speak my mind and be serious when need be. Course this is only round the house and explains my wierdness online. :rotflmao: Man I hate having a split personality. Its so confusing :animeangr
  13. I think InuYasha should go to Kikyo. He loved her first and he still likes her. Just cause she's dead dosn't mean he has to dump her. After all Kikyo loves him still and wants him to join her in death. Creepy yes but at least that shows she loves Inu to death, litteraly. And besides that Kagome dosn't even belong in that era. And she likes another boy remember. Hojo from her school and he seems way more caring than Inu. I may like Kagome but I think Kikyo should have Inu, they've known each other longer anyway. :stupid:
  14. I got Tech TV but I'v only seen the Magical Shoping Acade Abanobashi series. I've never seen any others. Anime Unleashed is too late at night also and some of the series episodes I saw diddn't realy catch my eye. They were a bit boring. :sleep:
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]undefined[/COLOR] If I got put in an anime it would probly be InuYasha cause my bro says I'd fit in just fine. He probly says that cause I'm evil :catgirl: and because I'm obbsessed with Japan's past(SENGOKU JIDAI!WWEEEEE! :animestun yes i know i'm nuts :animeangr ) I'd probly be chasing after Naraku, and no not to kill him(he's way too cool :animeblus),just for fun. Though if he tried to kill me cause I'm annoying I'd simply run wweeee! :catgirl: I'd probly wack Inu from time to time to because he's so insensitive towards Kagome sometimes(I don't think yelling sit is enough though it is funny :animesmil ) If I couldn't be in InuYasha I'd like to be in Rurouni Kenshin(did i spell that right?) I'dbe there obviously for the same reason as InuYasha, Me Love Japan's Past! :catgirl: However I have no idea what I'd be doing there. Mabey flirting with Kenshin or Sano or maybe Yahiko,he's more my age (huh? me? flirting? i've gone mad!) Who knows :catgirl: I might realy have it in me. :animesmil If I wasn't flirting I might try to get lessons from Kaoru. I'd love a challange like that,esspecialy since it has to do with swords :catgirl: If I got good enough maybe I'd challange Yahiko to a duel, that'd be fun! Yes I know I probly sound nuts but me no care! :catgirl:
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