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Anime I have a question about animes in america.
Panny replied to rascalkitten's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=r2vq]I disagree slightly. I loathe smoking. My parents have smoked since I was a child and I still find it sickening. I see smoking in the theaters all the time, and it still makes me cough when I smell somebody's smoke. Whenever I go to see a movie there's an advertisement that tries to stop smoking in [b]all[/b] movies. They say "The more smoking teens see in movies, the more likely they'll start to smoke." I hate that advertisement as much as the anti-pirating advertisements. Seeing more smoking isn't going to make me want to smoke. It never has, and I've seen a [b]lot[/b] more smoking than I should have in my life. I say education is the key. It's the only way children can truly understand the repercussions and risks. Sheltering is just not the answer. -ArV[/QUOTE] Yes, but however, I have been thuaght not to smoke for my entire education. This dause not affect teens very much. It's school, they learn about how bad it is, then go out and see....a bunch of kids smoking and having fun. The [I]cool[/I] kids. So whats next? They get a huge plan to go out with thier friends to a movie. Then *boom* it's about cool girls smoking, and cool guys. If you smoke, your populer, if your populer, you live a perfect life, plus, popularity. So then what? Take a littl puff, then more, until your totally addicted. Unfortunatly, you the sensiblr teen, others won't be as bright as you. You say no to smoking already. You've been smoked infront of for your whole life. We must remember, that your one of the unfortunate one to have that life. -
I have alot of them for each anime.... InuYasha-InuYasha, Kagome, Rin, Ayame, but mostly InuYasha and Kagome :animesmil Dragenball-Chi-chi, Goku, Oopa Dragenballz-Goku, Chi-chi, Buu, Android 18, Videl, Vegeta, GOTEN^^he's adorable! :animesmil Dragenball GT-Pan, Trunks, Goku, Goten, Gogeta Gundam Seed-Kira Yamato, Lacus Clyne, Officer Lafflaga, Atheron Zola (I don't catch his last name...) Digimon-> Kory from season one, and season two, she's so cute^^ Pokamon-> Misty, Jane Beyblade->Zeo, Hilary, Hero, Tyson, Kai, Rai :D And yeah....
Yeah! The GT voices! I love the show, but other then Goku and Pan, I'm driven nuts! :animeshy:
I don't think anime will "die" just grow out of date. The styles, the plots, and the shows will never be forgotten if we don't forget them. Back in the years, it was just pointless comedy shows, with no plot whatsoever. I think that comedy is totally pointless for that very reason. Minor plot, but nothing really satisfactory. Which is why anime is prefferably better. It has comedy, plot, romance, and cartoon like moments. Like all thses different types put together to form a complex, jam-packed show. So first comedy, next anime. I grew better in the ages didn't it? I think that even better styles will spring up and become populer. But we, by then whould have already left the anime world, and watch things such as the news, soap operas, pointless comedy, documents and such. The futhur generation will be watching the new andimproved TV programs. But then again, anime isn't like comedy. It's the 'hit' these days. Can the plot, chibi's, and romance be forggoten? Can they die? What will happen to the populer and unpopuler anime? Mostly what happened to the comedy. But yet again, anime has something speacial that draws you in. Maybe it's the styles etc, but will that ever ebb off until it's forgotten? Certainly not until the something better then anime comes along and diverts our attention to unneccesary programs and fascinate the world with good quality. When will it come up, it's impossable to tell.
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f][FONT=Verdana]I live in Canda, so I watch well, used to watch, Dragonall Z on YTV. The weird thing is, after episode 170, the voices, and the music changed again! But appaerently, the voices didn't change for those watchingit in the U.S. Why would they Dub the show twice?[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I live in Canada too! I also watch DB/z/GT on YTV. I realized that change. When I brought the DVD's, the voices were different. Here are some reasons why this change might have happened: Dubbs usoally vary between different country's. Such as the origenal anime from Japan, chould be changed when it gause to the US, and be changed differently in Canada. In Japan, DBz is an 18+ show dealing with sex and brief nudity. When YTV brought it, they chouldn't leave it like that, because of the younger viewers that they attract. So YTV brought a clean version, and cut alot of eps that were inappropriate. So Canada's dubb is generally different. Meaning, voice actors can generally be different to. Maybe it was something to do with the dubb, but probably, from ep 170, they needed to switch lines, etc. But all the recording was already done. So they just hired a new cast. If you watch the original funi eps of GT, the voices are also different from the voices in the blue water dubb. Generally, there chould be alot of reasons why the voice actors changed. But that dausn't mean that the ones in the US. They chould have dubbed it again, too. I guess the people who dubbed it can only answere your qeustion for sure. I just wanted to point out that US airs a different dubb, even if the voices were the same.
Well, I first joined this board called YAP! It's a canadian site for a good TV chanel. It's [url]www.ytv.com/yap[/url] So then I made alot of cyber friends, and all the moderators were nice, so I stayed. Then I began to sign up for alot of really bad boards with horrible format, just because I was addicted. Then one day, I came accrose this post by Sweetrose, and she was giving her website URL, so I viseted the site. It was fun. LOTS of fun. I gave her alot of hugs^^ So anyway's I thought, heck, I want a website too! So I registered then set up my site four days later. So then, I found out that it was all about anime, and I was like 'ROCK ON!' so I went to theoatku and it was very fun and still is. So then I found out about the boards, and registered. It was pretty fun of an experiance, so thank you Sweetrose! lol :animesmil
[B]Taisou Crai[/B] [B]Chapter One-Karshi Nazoora[/B] Karshi Nazoora walked down the dirt laden pathway, on her daily walk to school, reluctantly. She wished she was still home schooled, but Abu-gi and Ummy-gi were to busy with work and other issue's, so they had to send her to school. What was even worse, is this was her first day of the year, and she had to live through the same glances of dismay from her classmates. Canada was awful. She hated it. But she did make a few friends, miraculously. There was Arisha Grawbcalk, Sabrina Hotashi, Daten Starky, and Anne and Magy Reese. "Karshi!" Sabrina called down the street. "Good morning, Sabrina!" Karshi greeted her. "So, are you viseting Pakistan again this year?" Sabrina asked. Karshi went on alot of viset's to the country, and it drove her friends and teachers crazy. "No, not this year. Last year we only went because Bubloo-bhai was getting married." Karshi explained. "Bubloo-bhai? Isn't that you cousin?" Sabrina questioned. "Yes. It was worth the viset because I learnt alot of stuff had loads of fun, and have a new cousin in-law. Her name is Anusheh. I call her Anusheh-apa." "I see," said Sabrina. "Too bad, it must have been fun to miss so much school." "Yeah," Karshi said. "It was fun except I kept on getting sick, but anythings worth missing school!" "Anything," Sabrina agreed. "Just as long as it's not summer school," Karshi thoght out loud. "My other cousin, Nida-apa had to have summer school, once. My other cousin, Bubloo-bhai's little brother, Cuckoo-bhai had to have summer school every year for a long time. Now he's a super annoying computer genius. He has his own company. I, personally don't see why he needs it. He has to pay all his money back too my Uncle, Thaer-Kalou, because he's alway's lending his money to him. It drives Naveed-Khala, my aunt, mad!" "You have a very interesting family, Nazoora-gi!" joked Sabrina. "Your politness stunns me, Hotashi-san!" I joked back. There it was, Taisou Crai High. Your worst nightmare come true. ~end of chapter one I want to post the definition of a few words. Bhai-This word in urdu means brother. I call both my cousins 'bhai' because they are like brothers to me. apa-sister. I call my cousin and cousin-in-law this as well because of respect. Abu-father Uma-Ummy-mother Khalou-Uncle Khala-Aunt gi-A respective word added to the name's of elders espeacially if thier related to you. [B]Chapter Two-Taisou Crai High[/B] Taisou Crai High was known as a good school that challenged thier students to thier highest level. More like push them until they fainted, or commited suicide. This High School was very strict. We had more homework then anyone else, more hours to spend in school, more classes a day, more everything! If you got good marks, you got into a good university, got a good job, and lived in peace and prosperity. But if you [I]didn't[/I] get a good job, you would end up being a janitor cleaning vomit. (ugh!) "So....umm....another school year..." Sabrina tried to make conversation. "An [I]awful[/I] school year! How I do regret choosing this school!" [I]A year ago, Karshi looked at the list of high schools. There were schools like Glouster high, Kantaberry High, and others. But the name 'Taisou Crai High' stood out. "Ummy-gi! I want this one!" Karshi cried. "That one? Beti, this one is very hard to get into!" "I can do it Ummy-gi!" [/I] She wished she had chosen Glouster High, it was a good school, and it wasn't as hard as Taisou Crai. "Karshi!" all of Karshi's friends bolted through the door. "We were worried you would get late!" "I never get late." said Karshi matter of factly. C'mon, we have to get inside!" They climbed into the assembly hall. Now they had to live through the welcoming speech made by Principal Clearly. "Good morning, boys and girls, I welcome you with open arms to Taisou High school. I expect you to work your hardest, and get good grades. Espeacially our seniors." Principal Clearly glanced up at Karshi's grade. "Either that, or you flunk high school." Not many did flunk Taisou Crai, but dropped out of it from to much work. "Yup," Karshi thought to hershelf. "I'd better see if it's to hard to transferr to another school." ~end of chapter Two [B]Chapter Three-Mrs.Manica[/B] The grade 12 class filed into a classroom to meet thier homeroom teacher. She was seated on her desk, her hands folded neatly infront of her. She was very beutyful. Her brown hair was tied back in a pony tail, her eye's were emerald green, she wore a white dress decorated with red roses. On her neck, was a sterling silver necklace with a heart shaped locked, and a sterling silver braclet. She was stunningly beutiful. The class took thier seats, all eyes staring intensly at her, some in wonder, others with curiosity. Seeing the class, she stood up, pulled her chair in, brushed hershelf off, straightened her dress, flipped her hair, and made her way to the front of the class. Karshi's eyes followed her every move. "Good morning class," she began. "My name is Mrs.Manica!" "Damn," said Daten. "She's married!" "It is a pleasure to be your teacher," Mrs. Manica continoud. "It's even a bigger pleasure to be thoaght by you!" gasped Sabrina. "I'm looking forward to a nice and co-operative school year. Now, there are some requirments I ask of you. Please clean up and make the classroom look as if you haven't been here. Be polite to any tacher, as if it's me your talking to. Thirdly, have fun!" Mrs. Manica's voice was sweeter then suger. It made you thirst to hear it.Looks like it wasn't going to be a bad year after all! ~end of chapter three
[COLOR=Magenta]InuYasha opened his eyes. "Damn it!" he explained. "Damn you Naracku! You total idiot!" He got up and streched. He recognized this room. He had been in it before...but he chouldn't recall when or why. "Crap! If I chould only get out of here! Where am I anyway?" It was all so unclear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kagura flew accrose the sky on her enlarged feather. "I don't know why Naracku needed the filthy half-breed," she thought. "He dausn't! He's just wasting time not killing him. The idiot Naracku!" Kagura pulled into a swift landing away from Naracku's castle. She was greeted by Kanna. "Yo," she said lightly. "Have you any idea where Sesshomaru may be?" "He's waiting," said Kanna. "Waiting for you. Over by the beach." "Dause he have any of his companions with him?" asked Kagura mildly. "No," answered Kanna. "He's all alone." "Good," said Kagura pleasantly. "He has finally agreed to help me. Go now, Kanna, and leave Sesshoamru and I to our [I]bussiness[/I]. "Don't be foolish Kagura," said Kanna. "Sesshomaru will not agree so easily. You must be very convincing. You must not be so hasty. Remember, we are merely Naracku's tools. Turning against him will be foolish. You are on his last chance." Kanna went away. Kagura thought to hershelf. "Chould Kanna be right?" she asked hershelf. "Chould Sesshomaru really turn me down? No, he chouldn't." "I've been waiting, Kagura." said Sesshomaru impatiently. "Yes, well," Kagura said sexually. "I had a few minor set backs. But it's all taken care of now." "I see," said Sesshomaru. "You should really put you prioritys together. Now, what was it about Naracku that you wanted to talk about?" "Yes," continoud Kagura. "About Naracku. I have another proposition." "Another proposition?" asked Sesshomaru astounded. "Yes, another one," Kagura drew in a a breath nervously. This was her very last chance at freedom. Naracku knew she was missing. If she came back without Sesshomaru, she whould be absorbed back into Naracku. "You know the little girl Rin, I have another place for her to reside." "On the cointrary," said Sesshomaru. "I like having Rin travel with me believe it or not. She's very entertaining. If I do say so myself." "Err yes," said Kagura biting her lip. "Here's another one, two of them!" "Two propositions?" repeated Sesshoamru amazed. "Yes," hurried on Kagura. "The first one is, that I have another post for Jaken. He can work for you yet be farther away, training so when he comes back to you, he will be more mathure." "Interesting," said Sesshomaru. "It whould be nice to get rid of him. I guess I accept." "Great!" said Kagura excitedly. "But wait! There's more! I can give you the shamrock of indifference!" "The shamrock of indifference? I can't refuse that! I accept again." "I have two tasks for you to do. First kill Naracku, then give me the Shikon jewel shard he has. Two jobs for two paychecks!" "Easy enough," nodded Sesshoamru.[/COLOR] End of chapter two. The next chapter will be longer, and actoully have sex! Yikes!
This is my new fic. It has some sex and violence along with bad words, so I rated it PG-13. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kagome walked down the lane. Blood stained her clothes, her hair was tangled up, and unconditioned. "Inuyasha," she murmered. "Where are you?" She put her hands on the pavement to keep balance and felt the tears form in her eyes. She took several breath's before she straitened. "Damn!" she swore. "It's all my fault he isn't here. Me and my mortal faults. Damn!" She pounded the wall with her fist and let the tears fell freely. How was she ver going to find him? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mirocku walked into the sacred shrine. He crouched down to pray....and think. Why had InuYasha disapeared? They were right in the middle of a fight with Naracku.They had escaped wounded, but with thier lives. When the mist had cleared, InuYasha was nowhere to be seen. Chould Naracku have kidnapped him? Sango walked up behind Mirocku. "Listen. Mirocku," she said gently. "You've alway's been so kind to me and...I'm just mean to you. I want to apolagise for all those monthes that went by, you know. Now InuYasha has disapeared, and I feel that I never told him I was his friend...." "You felt as if it was all your fault and didn't get to say a proper goodbye," Mirocku finished fo her. "But InuYasha is still alive. I can feel it in my heart, believe it or not. But his disappearence is peculier." "I know," said Sango. It's quite unlikely that he whould leave us, don't you think?" "Very unlikely," said Mirocku. "We need to find him soon, or we don't stand a chance!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shippo folded his hands and prayed to his fathers grave. He told him everything. He hoped Inuyasha whould come back soon, they needed him now that they were being chased by demons. "I'm going to be the one to find him!" said shippo boldly. "I'll teach InuYasha I can be brave when I want to!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The soul suckers flew back to Kikyo and told her the news of inuYasha's disappearence. "Interesting..." she muttered. "It's Naracku. I will not have him kill InuYasha. Only I am suitable for that job." She walked away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "DAMN!" exclaimed Koga. "The mutt disapeared. The basterd! Now we have to look for him because it'll make Kagome happy! ERRGH!" "Koga calm down!" said Ginta. "I'm sure it won't be too hard!" "Ginta's right," said Hakkaku. "Plus, he might lead us to Naracku!" "Hmm...." said Koga. "Intersesting concept.." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "InuYasha-sama has disappeared?" asked Rin amazed. "Yes," answered Sesshomaru. "He has disapeared. I wonder if finding him will lead us to Naracku?" "My lord," chirped Jaken. "You have the most splended idea's!" "Crap," thought Sesshoamru. "Who knew InuYasha chould lead us to Naracku? It's so damn wrong!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] End of chapter one. It wasn't alot of swearing but that continue's later.
I think InuYasha should be with Kagome. I like her better and is much more caring then Kikyo. What do you think?