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  1. I doubt that anime will 'die with our generation', even if certain shows do, the style will still live on. Just like any programme (even friends!), it will eventually come to an end. And some classics will not be treasured by future generations as they once were, only simply due to them being old, and out of date. But there will be new 'classics' to fill the old's shoes, and even more enginious shows will come, leaving all us "oldens" to quiver in our boots; so to speak.
  2. "Baby Got Back", by 'Sir Mix-A lot', gets me pretty pumped:P... Only because it gets me fixated with cooking: replacing the word 'butt' with 'cakes', and such likes. I usually unnerve anybody around as I know the words up to the first chorus, compared to some others who only know up to the first verse, due to having seen Shrek.
  3. I think I would be (or could be) most like Mutsumi. Mainly due to her complete incoherence, utter clumsyness, and allround confusedness. I am not like that all the time. But I think she is really cute! And that maybe I should be more like her: in those aspects at least... Possibly not in the whole being a girl thing though...
  4. I recently purchased F1:2002 (as it was the cheapest version I could find at the time). It is quite enjoyable for the occasional race, but otherwise it is tiresome and un-imaginative. It is good for re-inacting a race, or making your least favourite driver crash in a spectaculer, and magnificent manor. I believe that a fine balance between the two would quench my thirst for a truly fantastic racing experience. Such as having a realistic game, as close to reality as possible, but then including ultimatley unrealistic cheats or unlockables. This way the game could satisfy both fans of the realistic, and wacky, racing styles.
  5. Milk bottles!!! Yummmmmy! Just thinking about sweets makes me hungry. Yummy, yummy, yummy! Milk bottles are among my favourites, however, I cannot remember many kinds at the moment. Once I did go to France and they had candy floss dispencers that gave out a rather large amount of floss for one euro. So much infact that I made myself a hat out of the sticky goodness! It was not as tasty after I had had it on my head though :animeshy: I did also once come across some rather fowl tasting chocolate (if that is even possible)! However, I did find it on the floor; after stepping on it...and having seen other people tred on it too. I am also pretty sure that it was rather old, but oh well. It was still chocolate right?
  6. This did not happen to me: but on driving to a dance, my friend saw a pigeon being hit by a car... only to be hit by another. I do not mean to sound rude, but that is rather unusual I would think. The other day I was walking to a friends quite late, and we passed some drunks in a dark alleyway who shouted in our ears as we walked past. And then another (who was urinating up against the wall) told us to stop scraping... That just about sums up my village really.
  7. "I'm lost; can you take me home?" Boy: "Sophie, Sophie; last time I saw you, you were a tall thin guy with a mustache" Girl: 'I'm not Sophie...' Boy: "Sophie, Sophie; last time I saw you, you were short, fat and had a beard!" Girl: 'I'm not Sophie okay!?' Boy: "Wow, you've changed your name too!" Okay, okay, it may not be a chat up line, but it may get you beaten up for using it:p! "I see you're a tictac smuggler too..." "Please excuse my shyness. It always happens when I'm around beautiful people" *Sigh* what is the world coming to hey?
  8. I found the site through a friend, otherwise known as [B]lord dante[/B]. Even though I have only been a member for two days, I am glad that I joined and am having lots of fun. I have not used any forums for about a year, and this one may well get me hooked on them again...
  9. [B]PN03[/B] (or Product Number 03) is quite a good anime styled game. It is not graphically anime. But it is the kind of game where you are a girl in a robotic body suit, dancing to dodge bullets and shooting (alot of) robots. It is quite good, even if a little short.
  10. I think Hard Edge (on the playstation), was an excellent game. I recenlty bought it again, but have yet to take the time to play it. It is a basic action game really, but is thoroughly enjoyable. Two games that are deffinately worth a look at are Shenmue and Shenmue 2! These are possibly the best games ever invented!!! They are not overly that uncommon I suppose, however, they are great! The idea of a young adult running around trying to catch the murderor of his dead father may seem a little boring. However, the plot is captivating, the characters are compelling, and the gameplay is marvelous. Imagine a mixture of the sims, final fantasy and enter the dragon: all in modern day Tokyo!
  11. If I could date an anime character I think it would have to be Mutsumi from Love Hina!!! Simply because she is absoloutely crazy! And forgetful, and beautiful, and funny. Forgetfullness may have its flaws, but I've forgotten what they are... Or if she turned me down maybe Chi from Chobits? But I don't know much about her. She is pretty cute though ;)
  12. I think I would be in Love Hina :animesmil ! It would be wonderfull. Confusing relationships, random apparations, big turtles: what more could a guy ask for? Oh, and not to mention a dorm full of beautiful women! And don't forget Mutsumi!!! Of course, there are downfalls to living in Love Hina. Never knowing where you stand with people, being beaten within an inch of your life, and never going to the toilet just to name a few...
  13. Love filled, cute confussions are just up my street for anime. I've recently seen Love Hina and if it is anything at all like that I will love it! I think I will probably be more enclined to like cute funny anime compared to blood filled gore fests, but I have not really seen enough to judge. But I will deffinately keep my eye out for some. Thank you!
  14. I think I would re-watch Love Hina again and again untill my television exploded. However, I don't actually own any, so I suppose that does not really count. My most watched anime would be Digimon. I taped the first few series when they were showing on tv, but have only seen them all around three or four times.
  15. I'm farely new in the anime world, and have only seriously gotten into it quite recently. I've read some about Fruits Basket (mainly due to this thread), and it seems quite interesting. Do you think it is a good show to start a collection? Or is it more for the veteran anime fans?
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