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Everything posted by Xuande

  1. Well, since that the ps3 hasn't come out yet....I cant comment.
  2. I'm "Xuande Kao" give me a holla'. Would OB be intersted in facing my MRA guild in a battle? I'm level 15 War/mo, but i'll be playing as my PvP unless i catch up before we battle ^^. MRA+Teamspeak=Pure Ownage hehehe.
  3. Yeah, thats about right. I just wish that DBGT's voice actors didn't suck so much arg! the dialog. *Breaks down in tears* :animeangr
  4. The flintstones were popular, but there has been several remakes in OUR generation to date. I doubt the popular anime will die, but anime dying can also be a good thing don't you hate amateur anime like "B-Daman" and "Beyblade". For one I hope they do die, as anime as a genre could be tarnished by crappy shows like that, in the near future when we show our kid's the re-runs of naruto,dragonballz,bleach and various others etc. To be honest in the future when I leave school and get a job, I wont care for anime as much as I do now. Sure I like watching it but i'm not a fanatic and realise theres alot more important things in life. But i will always have the fondest of memories, for the conception that was anime.
  5. Wow, you have cray talent RX. I like your syle base some of it reminds me of the punk rock era, or maybe it's just me o.O
  6. I would like to join. Sure I'll help others when needed and share my idea's so the world can become a better place! :animesigh . My previous work is well...just look at my signature ^^
  7. Zone of The Enders, Magnificant game, graphics are incredible(for around 2001) Been out awhile, but still managed to keep it's fan base, the story rocks but the game is short :animeswea .They produced a sequel to ZOE Named; "Zoe: the second Runner" The game leaves off from the last, though it does have 1 plot hole...Leo dumped Jehuty(Mecha) for anyone to find but why? I still enjoy playing the game and it has a slightly anime based theme.I suggest you get it!!!
  8. I would recommend buying Final Fantasy: Crystal chronicles, While not cell shaded like the rest of the anime-games genre, It's texture reminds me of a perfectly crafted anime RPG. FFCC(Final fantasy: Crystal Chronicles) does not boast the most spectacular story line. It does however, provide a worth while RPG for the GC. For i have noticed, that most RPG's for GC quiet frankly suck, if you crave the in depth story line of ff7 or the less popular ff8(Which I like the most) I suggest you buy a PSX or Ps2. FFCC doesnt provide the best of experiences while gaming,but still provides a better than average RPG for the GC. Hope you find this useful!
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