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Everything posted by Aiko

  1. [COLOR=Red]i have gone to dozens of raves. i never get enough of 'em, but i think that they are really fun and stuff when they japanese music and remix it because it sounds so awsome. and yes i have seen some [i]bad things[/i] happen at raves, but that is kinda normal. you just have to be careful when you go to one, but i deffinently love goin to ;em and one of my friends owns a club so i can always get in for free and am always invited :D .[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Red]kenshin would totally win, but i don't think he would kill anyone, unless he lost it and went back to his really cool battousai state, but either way. i don't think jin would stand a chance against him [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Red]i like lots of anime, but i'd have to say that among my list is 1. ruroni kenshin 2. hellsing 3.gungrave 4.samurai champloo i dun realy wanna go on, but i'd say you'd have to see ruroni kenshin because it's the coolest anime i think :D [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Red]i dunno, there are way too many good animes with expecptional music to it. i don't think i could really chose.[/COLOR] :D
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]Hi there. I'm into the whole japanese gothic lolita. I love dressing this way, even though no one here really gets it and they all think that I'm just a wierd freak for wearing what I do, but I don't care because I like it and so does my boyfriend. He's also into this whole kind of fashion as well and he always tells me how cute I look and everytime I always end up blushing. Don't know why, but I just do :D [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hi I'm new and I'm just looking for some friends.[/COLOR] :catgirl:
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