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About Hal_Emmerich

  • Birthday 06/23/1987

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  • Biography
    Otaku fan, comic drawer, all with anime/gaming anime
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Hal_Emmerich's Achievements

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  1. [i]Are there any cheats for the capsule monsters in Lufia II? If so, what are they?[/i]
  2. Though i've seen all 8 of the dvd's several times, i still dont understand it. Seele, Kaoru, it doesnt made sence though ive seen EoE several times. Any help here? I'm confused big time.
  3. Ruby's one tough nut to crack. When i took it on, it took me over 3 hours to beat the thing and i was using Omnislash everyround...except when i had to heal of course. Shadow Flare was the only problem besides healing a char and having your toughest one taken then the wak one...i had to take it on, one handed... :blueshift
  4. Whoah, that is odd. I figured otu how to get past it luckily. Just get killed and try again. :babble:
  5. I foyu have any questions regarding DB/Z/ or Gt, dont bother asking because all answers are gueranteed to be right or your money back.
  6. After a bit of investigating, i noticed something. in the lower corner, all the ssj5 pictures of Goku, Gohan and Vegeta are made by the same person who made the original ssj4 goku and vegeta as well as the golden Ozzaru form. With all the rumors spreading and several screenshots of scenes not of DB/z/or GT, it is uncertain weither it exists or not. Lay this rumor to rest with a simple yes or no answer.
  7. Ok now...just a few more people...updates will be at the top, first post.
  8. Actually, the main char is Solid Snake. Liquid was the villian
  9. Ok, this RPG will consist of 20 people. It can follow the lines of MGS if you want, but you can change it anyway you want. some parts may be long, others just mere lines until others reply. My last few rpg's have been good sucsesses and i hope for this one to be also. Here are the availiable chars. Otacon-----------------well...Otacon, who else? Liquid Snake----------Nanaki_XIII Solid Snake-----------safer Cloud Revolver Ocelot------ Decoy Octopus------- Sniper Wolf-----------Forte Psycho Mantis-------- Vulcan Raven---------dragonballzman Roy Cambell---------- Mcdonell Miller-------- Nastashia------------- Meryl Silversberg---- Donald Anderson---- Armstech President- Grey Fox--------------SS Trunks Naomi Hunter-------- If theres any more cool char's you can think of, dont hesitate to ask. If you want a part, just post thier name. first come, first serve is my motto.
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