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Everything posted by GreatBird

  1. So what did you guys think of Saw two. I personally thought the first Saw was a lot better than than its sequal. Not to take anything away from the second one at all, it kept me on the edge of my seat for two hours. The only part that really got to me was [spoiler]at the end when The girl from the first movie said she would take up his work when he passed on. I believe they could come up with something better than that[/spoiler] But still a good horror movie. [left][font=Verdana][color=blue]Just fixed your spoiler tags.[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font][/left]
  2. The greatest villain ever in my oppinion would be Vicious from the Cobow Bebop series. He's the perfect mix of evil & mysterious. You can't really get a read on him. As for my second choice, Naraku from the Inuyasha series. I meen how can you not love to hate this guy?
  3. [QUOTE=Sinistra][SIZE=1] I think one of the things that I am most thankful for is my independence. No one can do things for me, I do it on my own. And I'm glad that I have the ability to do that.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] True words of wisdom. Most People do what others want them to do, and when that happens it's like the original person no longer exist. No one should ever take anything for granted because it can all be snatched away in an instant.
  4. Uhh....This is always a debated topic so prepare for my imput. Here are some other peoples oppinions. "This is stupid kids shouldn't be allowed to view such trash on video games." True they shouldn't. This is one bad point for sex in games. But what are kids doing with mature rated games? People say sex shouldn't be in games because of the kids. Well most games with sex in them are rated mature so if the true intent of mature video games were to mature adults whats the problem? The problem is the parents don't look at the games. So basically I believe that sex in video games is alright but it all depends on whos playing it.
  5. Wow that's odd I wasn't aware they were making a movie, I'll have to see that. So was it basically the mini series but a lot longer? Or was it a completly different, like so many other anime movies?
  6. I beleive that the good single people are hard to find in this world. But they are there so get out there and I'm sure you will find one soon. :D Just remember to not give up , because there is someone out there for everybody, and that someone is waiting for you.
  7. [quote name='rainbowphoenix']Is gothika a good movie, because I was planning on renting it but i'm not sure[/quote] Well its not bad and it's not a work of art either. But if you are into horror movies I would suggest, Saw (The original), Amittyville Horror (Newest Version), and The Exorsist (The original.)
  8. I believe the hardest final boss is the last boss on Doom Three. It took my about three days just to beat him. Other than that I would have to give the award to...Gannon on Ocorina of Time. So what do you guys think?
  9. Well for sports title it would have to be...NCAA Football 2006. As for adventure it was for sure The Legend of Zelda Ocorina of Time. The shooter is Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.
  10. Hey guys sorry I have been inactive for a while, but I'm back. And to kickoff my return, I just wanted to know what you all are thankful for. I myself am thankful for my family, friends, and home.
  11. I'd have to use a gun ;)
  12. I have one pet and its a dog. I used to own a horse but it recently died :( Its kinda sad but i eventually got over it. And my dog is gonna have puppies soon so ill have alot of dogs :D
  13. I thought is was awesome tom cruise did a good job. The whole movie kept me on Edge. It was really exciting when the tripod first came out of the ground in New York. Although it left a thing unexplained. What happend to his son robby how the heck did he survive all that when he ran off to the army??? But what was funny is that when he said they re all at grandmas house......they actually were :P.
  14. I was just wondering what you guys thought of the last Zelda game. (The Windwaker) Many people have been bashing it. I thought that the game it self was awesome but the graphics arent very good along with the gannon fight that was a waste of time compared to the ocorina of time fight. Other than that it was good but what did you guys think? :cool:
  15. Yeah I noticed that to I dont exactly know why they did that but it was pretty strange. I remember when I used to watch Cowboy Bebop on there it always had its theme song (Tank) Before the show would start but the other ones wouldnt.
  16. GreatBird


    Well Ive beat the game but I forgot exactly how to beat Jack but I do remember you have to take down his summons before you can damage him. Also heres a Tip if you want to play after you beat jack you have to let the credits finish it takes about 20 minutes of credits but youll get some extra stuff.
  17. Id have to say my favorite Character in Bebop is Spike. I Picked Spike because of his fighting style and hes just and all around cool guy. My favorite scene with spike is also [spoiler]the fight with visious even though he dies[/spoiler]. My second favorite character would have to be Jet because hes allways by Spikes side.
  18. Well in in mobile alabama for the rest of the week and Dennis is hitting right now and its nowhere half as bad as Ivan was. I was down here when Ivan hit and It looked and sounded like a nueclear bomb was hitting my house. Every one though dennis would be Ivan but if you look at the satelite photos you can see that the mass of Ivan was much larger. Not that Dennis isnt bad but Ivan is a storm that comes around once every 25-30 yrs. [RIGHT]-GreatBird[/RIGHT]
  19. I would say cowboy bebop its full of plot twist and good characters, Its also a good show it you are into action animes. But other than that i would have to go with what hayama said on Full Metal all the way. [RIGHT]-GreatBird[/RIGHT]
  20. I believe that Anger is a a extremely powerful emotion. [U]When controlled[/U]! Anger is a very strange emotion it can help or destroy you. Such as someone using anger to defeat evil. But even for the right cause its a dangerous weapon. The reason its dangerous because people dont know how to control it. The weakest emotion is fear. Fear can consume a person faster than anger ever thought about doing. Its because people let fear get the best of them and it eventually controls them. [RIGHT]-GreatBird[/RIGHT]
  21. I know Ive already posted here but im gonna post again. James I agree 100% with what you said Well done my friend. All that think this is someones fault is just making an excuse. Ever since the begining of time someone has been out there to ruin somebodys life. Everyone is intitled to there own oppinion. This attack or any other is no ones fault. Since the begining and to the end of time there will be attacks such as these. There is no killing terrorist they re everywhere and will not cease to exist. But we can fight back maybe not with weapons ( I am Pro for the war on terror.) But we can show them that they can not influence our lives with meaningless attacks. If you allow them to influence or change you the terrorist have won. You have to keep going on with your normal lives. Thank God For people like Tony Blair and George Bush for not allowing them to affect our normal and everyday lives. \. The reason i say that you cant blame this on someone is because there is good and evil in this world so you can not put the blame on just one person anyone but the mass of people that make up evil. And like James said In times like these spend time with your loved ones Because no matter how messy it getts you can allways clean it right up.Sorry if i have offended anyone in this post. And once again all the families that had to go through this tragedy have my deepest condolences. [RIGHT]-GreatBird[/RIGHT]
  22. Cindy wasnt that bad an im going to destin in two weeks to.
  23. The hardest test ve been through was the water temple on zelda masterquest. But recently it was the flight school on san andreas
  24. Halo one was a peice of art. Good graphics, multiplayer and story was tremendous. How ever halo two was a good game the story fell to crap
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