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Everything posted by GreatBird

  1. Alchemy in the sense of magic does not exist but the alchemy in chemistry does exist.
  2. True there really is no way of stoping it theres all ways some one out there who wants to ruin every thing for anything else. Terrorist are cowards and morrons. You think after 9 11 when all they did was make america mad and accomplised nothing but bringing hell down on them that they would quit but like i said theres allways somebody.
  3. Alchemy does not exist if you do look into alchemy you are extremly desperate.
  4. Man man man Another terrorist attack this is why the UN must continue the war on terror to prevent things such as this from happening. All the familles that had to go through this tradgedey have my deepest condolences.
  5. The song that gets me amped is Lets go by lil jon :cool:
  6. The songs that get on my nerves are the whiny punk rocker ones where they whine about how much they hate there dad because he made them play a sport. And the people i hate the most is Good charlet
  7. True it has been to long since theyve hosted
  8. Im definatley a jock i hate goths not because there different its because of their whiny self pity attitude. I play American football baseball baskette ball and track and im not stuck up ( If i was i wouldnt be here :p) But i like anime but im not overboard like some people to where all they do is stay up til 7 o clock in the morning watching it. And another thing i really dont beilive in stereo types because theres know way a human can judge a human do to the fact that were all equal and different in more than a thousand ways. Sorry if i affended anyone -GreatBird
  9. My friend told me about it and ive seen it on google before. I have to say im glad he did. :D
  10. Jacksons definately Guilty and if he did have a mind of a child he would be a retard and iccable of making all of those songs he was cool when he was black and actually had ok songs but seriously even if he didnt molest him he slept in the same bed with no relation to the child hes a pervert and a werido and should be put in a mental hospital.
  11. I live in atlanta but im fixing to go down to mobile alabama where Hurricane Dennis is sopose to hit i have bad luck because everytime i go down there a huge hurrican hits (Ivan)
  12. DBZ isnt my favorite anime but i would be put in there so i can fly and all of that good stuff
  13. I know ive made a similar thread for PSP and GB but this is for the consol players I would pick the 360 what about you guys
  14. Well it comes down to this my favorite anime of all time is Cowboy bebop. as for why the reasons are as follows its like its not even an anime it seems as if you are watching some kind of action movie. Another is that it has awesome characters and the voices fit the characters perfectly.
  15. Do you think they should have an anime series devoted to the movie predator i think it would make a great anime what do you guys think???
  16. I know im new and all but i recognize good work when I see it keep up the good work guys. GB out
  17. True comparing games is kind of unfair but we do have something in common FAMILY GUY :D
  18. Well rock people dont kill me but im a rap fan all thought i like a couple of rock songs. But The main reason i listen to rap is I live in Atlanta and most of the good rappers are from atlanta heres my favorites list: Artist: Lil jon Lil scrappy Ying Yang twins Ludacris Songs: FILA :Forever I love atlanta Lets Go Toma Real ****** roll call CIYS I know you guys hate rap but one of my favorite songs in on Run like hell Yellow brick road by breaking benjamen and the Red by chevelle.
  19. So what would you guys rather have PSP or GB It would definatley be PSP due to all of the features ( DVD games camera ect..) besides Gameboys games are actullally kind of sad.
  20. Well if i were to date an anime character it would be probably be Faye valentine from the one and only bebop/ :D
  21. Id have to say my favorite is Spawn because he has awesome attacks then it would have to be misturugi because hes quick but Nightmare is awesome to. :D :D
  22. I sincerly doubt that as well because even litlle kids like anime and their kids will like anime so on and soforth. :D
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