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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Verdana][QUOTE=foolycooly6363] For action i liked Yu Yu Hakusho when it was still on Adult Swim, I think Toonami butchered it.[/QUOTE][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana] I know, Yu Yu Hakusho was MUCH better on AS. So was Tenchi and Outlaw Star.Stupid Toonami :cussing: :angry2: Anyway, back to the Q. My favorite AS show would have to be....um...god there's too many! Ok, it would have to be all the anime(except Mobile Suit Gundam. Gundam 0083 was good, but MSG kinda bored me) and either Aqua Teen Hungerforce or Sealab.[/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]OMG THIS WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!! My mom and I went to see it the first day it came out and it was awesome! At first, the only reason I wanted to see it was cause of Johnny Depp:love2: See, I didn't really like the first one(The Oompa Loompas scared the **** out of me :bawl: ) and the trailers to it 'Didn't do the movie justice' as my mother says :lecture: , so I wasn't really keen on the idea of a re-make. Then I heard that A)Tim Burton was directing it(I LOVE Tim's films) and B) It was not a re-make of the film, but the book(which was WAY better than the first film) Then I began scouring the web for more, and better trailers, watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory specials on E!, VH1, and TV Guide channel, and soon became obsessed with the movie. So when it came time to see the actual movie, I had my Wonka brand candies(which I found out were actually made by Nestle)and my Wonka Bar plush in tow. I know, sad, but true. The movie itself was great. Johnny Depp was the PERFECT Wonka in my opinion. It was also cool cause Wonka didn't have to sing this time(Gene Wilder singing will be forever imprinted in my feeble young mind) Some of the best parts of this movie are like when [spoiler] Varuca(or however the hell u spell her name) introduces herself and Wonka says "I always thought Varuca was a kind of wart u get on the bottom of your foot" or the part where it shows Willy as a kid with the full head-gear braces. One of my favorite parts though was when Wonka was in Loompa land (or whatever it's called) How he has the safari gear and starts sniffing random things and then would pretty much throw up in his mouth.Then, he meets the Oompa Loompa cheif and has to eat the crushed up beatles. :sick: :faint: [/spoiler]It was just an awesome movie. I will probably pay to see it another 50 times and pre-order the DVD tonight. :box: It was also a big plus that the Oompa Loompas wern't as freeky as the last movie. :freak: [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]I live in a 'rustic'(aka code for 'Crap Pile') town in the middle of nowhere in Washington state. It's small(we're lucky if we have 2,000 people living here) and we have absolutly NOTHING here(a couple resturaunts, schools......I think we might have a library, a couple crappy stores, and some other crappy stuffs. Oh yeah, we have LOTS of trees.)So yea. It is kinday cool cause in the town 6 miles from us, Monroe, Goldie Hawn(have no idea how to spell her name) and Kurt Russel I think his name is(I'm horrible with names) have a summer(or winter, i dont know) home some where there.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][quote name='komugi-chan']San Francisco, California is where I live.[/quote][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]NO FAIR!!!THAT'S MY DREAM PLACE TO LIVE!!! :mad: There and Dildo, Canada. Oh come on, that would be the coolest place to live and u know it(If they had a school there, imagine what there mascot would be like) :animeblus :animestun :animedepr [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]I acctually just got back from vacationing in Cali(the most kick *** place on the planet!!!) It was really really cool. We went to the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, we spent the day in San Francisco, and the best part of it, we went to Paramount's Great America theme park. It kinda sucks cause I've been back for over a week and I'm still all burnt and peely... [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] :animesigh
  5. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]I have no clue what I am. I am smart, but I'm not a nerd. I love music but I'm not in band or a punk or metalhead. I sometimes wear kinda the 'gothic'(i say that cause it's not really gothic, I just got most of it at Hot Topic) clothes and yet I am not a goth. I'm not an outcast cause...well I'm just not.So yea. I have no clue what I am. Although, my friend ,after seeing the new Willy Wonka with Johnny Depp, has now begun comparing me to Willy Wonka, because we both have funny haircuts, we are both insane, both of us love and cherish all mighty candy above all other things, we both wear funny hats, and, of course, we both do that wierd little sound that Willy Wonka uses to summon Oompa Loompas(in my case I do it just for fun, not to summon oddly dressed singing midgets)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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