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Everything posted by Hayama

  1. [b]Name[/b]: Raikou Marenshi [b]Age[/b]: 44 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Kobold (normal) [b]Weapon[/b]: katana (Japanese sword) [b]Weapon Name[/b]: Tsumegetsu (clawmoon) 爪月 [b]Magic[/b]: Uses the Wind Rune which gives him the ability to cast sleep spells and healing spells. It also aides his already heightened senses in detecting scents and storms. [b]Appearance[/b]: Raikou is tall with long legs (bent the same way a dog?s hind legs are) and a swishing tail. While his feet still look like large paws, his hands are human-like, ending in short black claws. He wears a bluish-grey tunic and has quiet amber eyes. His face is that of a husky and his whole body is covered in fur patterned after the same colors as a husky. Picture: [url=http://www.husky.ru/pic/6.jpg]Husky[/url] [b]Bio[/b]: Raikou left the city of Two River for the Kobold Village when he was younger because of his distaste for structured military. He will fight if he feels the cause it right but the thought of uniforms, ranks and orders merely annoys him. He is generally a calm and driven. He currently works as a sailboat designer. He makes sailboats and then sends them downriver to the seaside. He acquired his Wind Rune through sheer luck one night when a storm hit the village and he was outside trying to cover his half-finished boats. The Rune was carried on the strong wind and stuck to his back. He does not know if it is the True Wind Rune or merely and ordinary Wind Rune spawned from it. [b]Extra Info[/b]: I?ve never played Suikoden? but I read a little on that site and I hope I understand enough to play?
  2. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple]The dog was a massive, brutal-looking creature. It took one look at Cosain and ran at her, jaws open. Cosain froze as the snarling creature hurtled towards her. She didn?t know what to do. Her magic power was long-spent with all the shield spells she had created, but what she really needed most right now was a shield. The dog was closing in when Cosain got an idea? she reached into her pocket and drew forth a small vial. Just as the dog leapt into the air to attack her she twisted off the cap and splashed the vial?s contents into the dog?s face. It let out a sharp whimper and missed Cosain as she stepped out of the way. When the beast landed it continued to snarl and whimper, rubbing its face frantically with its paws and against the ground. It was no challenge for Joshua to walk up and drive his sword through the disoriented animal. ?What was that?? Joshua asked. Cosain closed the now empty vial carefully and placed it back into her pocket. ?Highly concentrated muriatic acid? It?s very potent? My father?s an alchemist and it is a very useful chemical? for other things besides blinding dogs.?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple]Eventually Cosain realized that she was hugging a guy she had met only about a day ago. ?It took away the pain but not the injuries? That?s?? Cosain took her Shield off of her back and looked at it carefully. ?I suppose it?s true? our purpose is to protect our kingdom. These items aren?t tools for us, we?re tools for them.? She looked at Joshua and frowned. ?I?m sorry for acting so?? she realized she didn?t even know how to explain. ?I was afraid you would die. Because of me no less. Regardless of our duty, I refuse to let anyone die. You should really have something done about those wounds. I think most of the people have gotten to safety so?? And then Cosain saw it? the massive dog?s eyes locked with hers and it bared its teeth.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Times New Roman]Cosain ushered the little girls away from the collapsed building and then turned her attention back to Joshua. He was straining just to keep the debris from collapsing on top of him. If it fell? It was because her shield wasn?t strong enough? If someone didn?t help him? Immediately Cosain attempted a spell to hold the beam back, but it dissipated before it could even fully form. Had she used up her power already? No, she refused to accept that. She cast the spell again. It failed again. Why? Why wasn?t it working? She was the Shield. How could she fail like this? If no one saved him, Joshua would die. Cosain cast the spell again, and this time, it worked. In a flash of light the spell held back the weight of the beam and Joshua stumbled out from beneath the wreckage. As soon as he was clear Cosain let shield go and ran to him. She threw her arms tightly around him and just stayed like that.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple]In the burning town, Cosain really didn?t know what to do at first. Her alchemy was far too slow to be of use in this frenzied situation and the Shield didn?t look like it would be much help either. Slinging the Shield over her back Cosain rushed around looking for people who might be trapped and leading disoriented survivors away from the smoldering buildings. She spied two little girls huddled together in the doorway of a building that had finished burning. ?Come here,? Cosain called out as she ran to them, ?It?s not safe to be under there.? Too frightened to move, the little girls merely stared at her. They didn?t even realize when fire-weakened house suddenly gave way. Cosain would never reach them in time to save them from the falling wood, but in a pure gut reaction Cosain cast a spell to form a barrier around the girls. As soon as she finished the spell, the house collapsed on top of them. Cosain reached the pile of rubble. One of the girls was sobbing and the other was calling for help. ?Are you hurt?? Cosain asked, pulling off debris. ?N-no?? one of the girls managed, ?There?s a shiny wall around us.? Cosain?s spell had made it in time. She was somewhat amazed. Never had she been able to cast something so quickly. And it hadn?t vanished yet either. Could it be that the Shield amplified the abilities she already had? Cosain would have to think on that later. No matter how strong her spell was, I was only temporary. It could dissipate any moment and leave the girls crushed beneath the collapsing wood. Cosain worked as quickly as she could, but she would surely need some help.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. I think it's hard to compare... Bandai isn't thinking up the plots and chararcters and CLAMP isn't making model kits. The two cover different areas of the anime world. Personally, I love CLAMP because of thier art and characters. Also, they have been doing crossovers long before XXXHOLIC and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. Earlier manga like Man of Many Faces and CLAMP School Detectives crossed over as well. Either way, I like CLAMP's manga far better than the anime versions. I like Bandai because they just happen to do Gundam series (and a few others). I think Gundam is just good, its not necessarily Bandai doing it.
  7. ?Don?t feel bad, Miss Kagome,? Maius chuckled, ?it?s an easy assumption. Besides, if they were really Komodo dragons I would feel bad about killing them. Those lizards are only normal animals after all. I?m sure, however, that to have Miss Kyryan so worried these demons must be something dreadful! Oh, well, no use in talk. There is an obstacle in our path that we cannot ignore.? Flashing them all his deceptive grin, Maius marched forward. As long as he didn?t lose himself, there was nothing to worry about. As long as he didn?t go berserk, he was confident he could protect the others. Maybe he shouldn?t be so confident, but he couldn?t help it. Miroku sighed. ?I just hope my sutras work against these demons.? ?Why don?t you test them on bird boy?? Inuyasha grumbled. Maius pretended not to hear the hanyou. Silently, though, he realized that if he went berserk Miroku?s monk powers may come in handy. Soon, they arrived at a pass that led into the mountains.
  8. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple]Cosain looked down at the Shield. She felt connected to it, somehow? ?I think we should take a vote,? Cosain finally said. ?I think we should choose between staying here and practicing with our new items and going to the village to look for clues. If it?s a vote, it?s fair. ?I for one,? Cosain continued, ?vote that we go to the village and try to help because of the fire. I don?t think it will be that hard to use the items if we just trust them. A sword is a sword? it?s for cutting. A shield is a shield? it?s for blocking. A horn is a horn? it?s for calling. A scroll is a scroll? it?s for learning. It?s true that these items are more than just that. According to legend, there are souls sealed in here, and magic power. Perhaps it will take practice to harness the full power of the items, but for now we can try. That is what I believe.? As Cosain returned her gaze to the Shield, her eyes caught Joshua?s. There was something about those blue eyes? there was an intense desire to do good, but suspicion as well. Why was Cosain so distracted by this person she barely knew?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. ?There?s an animal I?ve run into like that,? Maius mused, ?on an island south of here. The people there call it a dragon, but it?s really an overgrown lizard. They say that once it bites you, it will never stop pursuing you. Its bite rots the flesh and even the smallest nick can mean death.? ?How do you know all this, Maius-san?? Miroku asked. Maius smiled. ?I was careless, and got bit.? ?But what about the poison bite and the dragon chasing you?? Sango asked. Maius kept grinning. ?I had to burn the wound of course, and kill the beast.? ?I know!? Kagome shouted, jumping up and raising her hand. ?A Komodo dragon!? ?I think you?re right,? Maius said. Kagome looked rather satisfied. ?I learned something in biology class after all!? Inuyasha frowned. ?What the hell does that have to do with anything?? ?These monsters seem similar to me. I have experience with such beasts so there?s no need to worry,? Maius explained. ?We just won?t let them touch us, will we? Now, shall we go??
  10. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple]Despite how she sometimes acted, Cosain had a rather good sense of humor and enjoyed Fay?s joke. ?It?s alright. I was getting rather impatient myself and I shouldn?t have said something so rude.? ?Sometimes rudeness is honesty,? Kohai chimed in. ?And, just as it is rude for me to interrupt you conversation, I must inform you that we?ve arrived.? Cosain looked at the plain wooden door in front of them. She watched as the Councilwoman unlocked the door and held it open. Ushering them inside, Kohai stepped in her self and closed the door behind them. ?You were each chosen for a reason,? the woman explained, walking towards a long altar. There lay four objects, each covered with a sheet. She walked to the end one and lifted the sheet off. The sword beneath shone in the soft blue light of alchemic candles. It was long and ornate, but surprisingly light as Kohai picked it up with ease and held it out to Joshua. ?For your strength, Joshua, the Sword has chosen you.? As Joshua took the Sword, the Councilwoman moved on. Beneath the second sheet was a shield. Any dents it had must have been carefully worked out because its surface was smooth and silvery. ?For your resolve, Cosain, the Shield has chosen you.? Kohai moved on to the next item, lifting the sheet to reveal a curled wooden horn, trimmed and inlaid with gold. ?For your loyalty, Devlin, the Horn has chosen you.? As she handed him the Horn, the woman revealed the final item: a scroll, made of fine wood and parchment only slightly and gracefully aged. Countless spells and truths surely resided there. ?For your wisdom, Fay, the Scroll has chosen you.? With all the items distributed, Kohai looked at them with a sort of sternness. ?Never doubt yourselves, this is your path. Only you can walk it. ?Now, the Knife was last sighted in the small town of Fonrea. It may have moved, but that?s your best bet for now. Please go there and see what you can find. And remember, let the items guide you. Now, with all possible speed, please go.? The Councilwoman stood there as they filed out, four of them holding their items uncertainly and the others following behind. They left the Hall and walked out into the afternoon sunlight streaming down onto the rain soaked town. ?Horses have been prepared for you all,? the stableman called to them as they left. ?I was told it would take you about a day to reach your destination.?[/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE=1]Okay... so off to Fonrea, which is currenlty on fire. Varyl will be long gone when we get there but we'll pick up her trail... and maybe help the village out, ne? Sorry about the slow pace for this start off... ^^;;[/SIZE]
  11. ?A temper never helps anything, Inuyasha,? Maius explained. Inuyasha was about to shout something back at him when Kagome smacked him on the back of the head. ?He?s right, Inuyasha. Or do I have to say THE word?? Maius grinned at Inuyasha as he passed, walking northwest. ?To the mountains!? he declared, his voice full of mock cheer. ?What kind of demons exactly?? Miroku asked, sounding a bit nervous. ?It doesn?t matter,? Maius answered, still grinning like an idiot.
  12. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple]?Patience is a virtue,? Cosain muttered. She really hadn?t intended to say that out loud but it just slipped. Cosain had to admit she was getting a little impatient herself. The Councilwoman didn?t seem to mind. ?Oh dear, I?m making you wait. I?m sorry. Just let me fetch the old men.? She got up from her seat and went off to a side door. ?They?re all here!? she called in cheerfully. Looking stern and stately, several of the higher-ranked Councilmembers came out of the side room and sat down in their seats. They really were a bunch of old men. ?What are these other people doing here?? one asked, sounded irritated. The Councilwoman only smiled. ?This is how [I]they[/I] said it would be.? ?Very well,? one of the old men sighed. He turned to the people standing before him, ?I trust you?ve heard the rumors. The Knife of legend has fallen into the hands of someone with a particular taste for? destruction.? He put a lot of emphasis on the last word, sounding grave. ?We need that Knife found and its wielder apprehended. Mrs. Kohai (he nodded towards the Councilwoman) will instruct you further and give you your items. We ask that you do this as a duty to your kingdom, your home. We will gladly compensate you but please understand that the four of you were [I]chosen[/I]. This isn?t chance but destiny. We can?t easily replace you by any means. So, do your best? for all our sakes.? ?This way, please,? Kohai said, walking off down a hallway. ?Come on, this way.?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple]The Councilwoman sighed. ?That notice was put out to appease the shop owners who were stolen from and to make the people feel safer. No one on the Council actually gets any pleasure out of throwing righteous little girls in jail.? She turned to the girl. ?You cannot steal, though, even if it?s for a good reason.? ?But those kids?? The girl was cut off again. ?There has been talk in the Council of opening up an orphanage. There is already a suitable building for sale that we could purchase. Most of the council is for the idea and I?m sure with this generous donation from Mr. Rio, the rest can be swayed. As for your punishment?? the Councilwoman smiled. ?Considering your crimes I believe public service is in order. If we open an orphanage, [I]someone[/I] will have to take care of those children.? She began making notes on her parchment. ?Until then we need to keep an eye on you, though. ?And Mr. Rio? although you are free to go, I think perhaps fate has brought you here for another reason. If you were able to capture this girl perhaps you have certain skills that could aid these four? You would be fairly compensated, of course.?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple]Cosain had watched them all come in? a man leading a child, a frightened girl, a young woman (who was surprisingly dry despite the rain), two men (one who looked like he should be home in bed and another who looked rather paranoid) and finally a young man with a sword at his side. It didn?t take a genius to count 8 people when there should have been 4. Cosain silently wondered which of them were going to wield the items and which were here on other business. The Councilwoman didn?t seem phased by the extra people. She smiled. ?Now? we have Mr. Joshua, Miss Cosain, Mr. Devlin and Miss Fay.? The woman?s eyes fell on each of them as she spoke their names. Cosain had to admit she was a little unnerved that this woman she had never seen before knew her. ?Oh!? the woman exclaimed, almost as an afterthought. ?You all must be wondering how I know you.? They nodded. ?I know you because it was I who chose you all for this,? the woman explained. ?Well? maybe that isn?t the proper way to put it? the items chose you, I merely acted as a medium.? She received blank stares. ?In legal matters I have the least power of all the Councilmembers because they have seniority,? she explained. ?But this is not a matter of law. I am the only medium in the Council and therefore it is my duty to listen to the souls of the items. They chose you because they see potential and good in you. They said there would be others but they didn?t say why.? The woman directed her smiling gaze at the four others. ?Mr. Torran? you said you?ve come to aid your friend? but what of you, Miss Chelsea? And you, sir? Why have you brought that child here?? The woman was still smiling but the tone of her voice indicated that she wanted an answer, and quick.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Times New Roman]The fated day was ushered in by a rainstorm that drenched the town. Cosain hastily threw a cloak over her shoulders as she paced about the house. She paused briefly as she passed the desk where she had studied alchemy long into so many nights. Maybe it would help her somewhere on her path, but right now she had other worries. She was the Shield. Cosain bid her father farewell but neither felt the need for him to accompany her to the Hall of the High Council. She wasn?t a child. As Cosain walked through the muddy streets past cozy houses filled with the glow of warm fires, she wondered why she had accepted this. She had never fought before. She had only ever used her magic for games and she had never even held a weapon. What made the High Council so sure she could handle the Shield? The huge stone building, the Hall where the Council members lived and worked, was dark with rain. Above the huge wooden doors these words were carved: [CENTER][I]Let us live with Strenght, Resolve, Loyalty, Wisdom and Cunning[/I][/CENTER] Taking a deep breath, Cosain opened those huge doors and slipped inside. She expected a room full of people, but instead, one plain looking woman sat at the end of the hall. ?You?re the first to come today,? she said somewhat cheerfully, ?The others might be delayed by the rain.? Cosain looked at her rather blankly. ?Oh! You probably don?t know who I am!? the woman realized, smiling, ?I?m the youngest member of the Council. It?s my job to greet you all and once you?ve all come I?ll fetch the others and we can tell you what?s going on. Feel free to sit down while you wait.? Cosain nodded quietly and sat on one of the many chairs that faced the High Council?s seats. All that was left was to wait.[/FONT][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]The first order of business will be to get your character to the Hall of the High Council where they await orders. ~If you have one of the items, you're there because you were summoned. ~If you don't have an item, you showed up and the high council is eventually going to ask you why you came (so start thinking about that). Your reason is whatever you want... to help a friend, to accomplish something, to do a duty for your kingdom, whatever. ~The knife has been sighted in a village on the outskirts of the kingdom... causing trouble maybe? You can either wait or have fun with that.[/SIZE]
  16. Sorry this has taken so long to get started..... Anyway, we have all the people we need and I've finally got some free time to start this thing! I will be posting "Betrayal of the Knife" in the Adventure Square. The first order of business will be to get your character to the Hall of the High Council where they await orders. If you have one of the items, you're there because you were summoned. If you don't have an item, you showed up and the high council is eventually going to ask you why you came (so start thinking about that). Your reason is whatever you want... to help a friend, to accomplish something, to do a duty for your kingdom, whatever. The knife has been sighted in a village on the outskirts of the kingdom... causing trouble maybe? You can either wait or have fun with that.
  17. Hmmm.... we technically have enough people, but I want to wait a little longer okay? Plus, it's the week and I'm busy until friday anyway ^^;;
  18. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen]Neiro frowned. He didn?t like the sound of these Ak-Baba things. ?Tell me one thing?? Neiro said, turning to Edgar. ?Are these things living? or something else?? Edgar glared at him. ?This is no time for your childish pacifism.? ?No,? Neiro sighed, ?That?s not what I mean. If they?re living things? I can destroy them much easier. If they?re zombies conjured by magic, or something like that, I?ll only be able to restrain them. So, what are they??[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen]?The [I]what[/I] has awoken?? Neiro asked, frowning a little because she had called him ?kid? again. ?I?ve never heard of such a thing... but if you say that?s a bad thing, I guess I believe you. I don?t know where anyone else is? I was alone until I ran into Loki.? He didn?t like the ?you?re useless? glare that Edgar gave him. ?But I?ll help you fight it, whatever it is,? Neiro added.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen]After resting for a bit, Neiro took up walking again. He soon found himself on a residential end of town. Nice little houses lined the street? and standing in the middle of the street? was Loki. He was staring up at the house, watching Salmina go towards the house. ?Loki!? Neiro called. Loki turned to look at him. ?I need to talk to you?? ?Then talk,? Loki responded. Neiro sighed. ?I?ve said some pretty bad things lately. Stupid things. Childish things. Mean things. Talking with my future self made me realize that. I just wanted to say that I?m sorry? and that?? Neiro narrowed his eyes, ?I plan on fighting with everything I have from now on.?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Ceara didn?t know what this guy?s problem was, but she didn't care. Making sure she had a firm grip on her staff, Ceara ran at Sarin. She swung at him, but he managed to catch her staff. ?Attacks like that don?t work on me,? he hissed. Ceara leapt back. Something was different about him all of a sudden. The smug, authoritative look was gone. What was going on? ?Are you the one who sent those [I]things[/I] after me?? Ceara asked coldly.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen]The conversation with his future self numbed Neiro a bit. It wasn?t as if he had been told anything new? but actually hearing it? it left Neiro with a lot to think about. He had decided to go for a walk around the city to clear his head. It was then that Neiro saw it? A tree? An actual tree? In this place. It was true. Growing in a quiet corner of the marketplace was a huge, beautiful tree. Its greenness stood out against the greys and browns of the city. ?I?ll bet it makes the people happy, just to see this tree every morning,? Neiro mused. With a tired sigh, he sat down under it, his back against the trunk. Something in his bag clanked against the bark. Neiro reached into his bag and pulled out the Traveling-glass. ?I guess it?ll take us home eventually,? Neiro whispered as his own face frowned up at him. ?But why are we here in the first place? Fate?? Neiro threw the mirror back into his bag, disgusted. ?I?m going to have to talk to Loki soon?? Neiro told himself as he gazed at the branches above him. He was still exhausted from using the Traveling-glass, from fighting those orcs, from everything. It was nice to just sit under the tree. He felt his power being recharged.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. The Sword~The Shield~The Horn~The Scroll~The Knife Alongside our world of ?reality? exist infinite others. Worlds of war. Worlds of peace. Worlds of dawn. Worlds of twilight. Worlds of choice. Worlds of fate. Worlds of truth. Worlds of lies. Worlds of magic? In one such world, where humanity had not yet ?progressed? past medieval times, a small kingdom formed. Its king rose to power through deeds of great good and he protected his people with a selfless fierceness rarely seen in humanity. He stove for peace at every chance, but his neighbors were not like him. They gathered armies against him and the king was left with no choice but to forge an army of his own. He chose as his generals five trusted friends known for their strength, resolve, loyalty, wisdom and cunning. They pledged their lives to him and their kingdom. With such a strong alliance of good, the king and his generals managed to defend their home. The invading armies retreated and the kingdom was safe? But what the king never expected was an attack from within. He never expected that one of his trusted generals would betray him? but one did. One of his trusted allies stole the king?s own knife and killed him. The other four could not believe what had happened. They threw the traitor out of the kingdom and tried to lead it themselves, as their dead friend would have wanted. However, the traitor raised a new army, made of all the old king?s bitter enemies. This time, the four friends could not defend the kingdom and they were left with only one choice. They cast a final spell? they gave their lives and took those of their enemies. However, the four did not want to leave their kingdom powerless against future attack. So, they sealed their souls, and their powers, each in one of the king?s belongings: the sword, the shield, the horn and the scroll. The traitor, realizing the power of their spell, sealed his own soul in the knife. Time passed peacefully in the kingdom until? someone found the knife? ~ Alright. Because someone (evil) found the knife, four people must take up the other four items and use the power sealed inside them to defend their kingdom. Who are these people? Anyone really? the son of a magician, a knight, the daughter of a fisherman, a young alchemist, an artist, whatever? these people had normal lives before this threat arose. Keep in mind that they are all human, the setting is medieval-ish, and some people (not necessarily everyone) can use magic. In addition, if your character takes up one of the four items, they must have a personality somehow related to the trait the item represents. Characters: The Sword- Strength The Shield- Resolve (Hayama) The Horn- Loyalty The Scroll- Wisdom Others who wish to aid them. The Knife- Cunning? turned selfish and traitorous Others who wish to serve him/her Signups: Name: last names aren?t necessary Item: sword, horn, scroll, knife or nothing? Gender: mars or venus Age: between 16 and 24 please Personality: how do they act, think, feel? Tie it to the item, if applicable Appearance: pictures and/or descriptions? Background: what were they doing before this? OOC or IC I?m warning you ahead of time? I might get a little picky with this one. If I think your character strays too far from the setting, (which would be my fault for not defining the setting clearly enough) I?ll let you know so you can tweak it if you want. If you really want to be a certain character, don?t be deterred if someone signed up before you. Write a really awesome post and compete for it. Questions? Don?t hesitate to PM me. ^_^ My Signup?. Name: Cosain Item: The Shield Gender: Female Age: 21 Personality: Quiet and humble. She waits until she is needed. She gives everything to protect those she must. She never lets herself fail, yield or lose faith. She is silently stubborn, sometimes to a fault. She tends to play the older sister? breaking up fights, giving comfort and advice. Appearance: Medium height/build. Brown hair and eyes. [URL=http://www.ff-rpg.com/ffvii_tifa2.jpg]Face[/URL] [URL=http://www.fairemaidencostumes.com/gallery/Fgallery4-8.jpg]Clothes[/URL] Background: IC [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Purple]No matter how many times Cosain tried the transmutation, it looked nothing like her father?s example. What was supposed to be a lavender crystal came out looking like a purple clod of dirt. She just didn?t have the alchemic skill her father did. She was far better at energy spells? but that was no reason to get discouraged. Cosain opened her notes to check over the ingredients again. Suddenly, there was a hand on her shoulder. ?Too much carbon again dear.? Cosain sighed. ?I know father? I?ll do it over.? ?Just leave it, Cosain,? the tall, grey-bearded man said gently. ?No,? Cosain objected quietly, ?I?ll try it again.? ?I mean it,? her father said more firmly. ?It doesn?t matter. Your talents lie in other areas. Just because alchemy is all I can teach you doesn?t mean you have to try so hard. Besides, you won?t be studying alchemy anymore.? Cosain closed her notebook slowly. ?I? won?t?? The man shook his head. ?A messenger came today, direct from the High Council. They?ve chosen you, Cosain.? Cosain didn?t have to ask what that meant. [I]Everyone [/I] knew the High Council was selecting people to fight against the powerful criminal who wielded the ancient knife. ?Which one?? Cosain asked. ?The Shield,? the alchemist answered. ?I don?t know how they decided on you, but I think they made a good choice. It?s an honor, Cosain, and I?m proud of you.?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. Maius held out his hand to catch a snowflake? but it melted before it even touched him. ?Is it really that cold?? Maius asked. ?I honestly can?t tell?? ?Only a fireball freak like you would say something like that!? Inuyasha growled. ?Why do you care about the Amulet if you don?t even notice the cold?? Maius only smiled. ?I may not be affected by this snow, but the Amulet WILL affect even someone like me.? Kagome turned to Kyryan. ?So, where do you think we?ll find these shards??
  25. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen]Neiro felt a little bad for being so cold to Loki earlier. Loki had actually helped him out in all this and his future self was actually doing good things. He made up his mind to apologize later, but right now he had his own future self to talk to. Although he wore the same shade of green and kept his hair in the same style, Future-Neiro didn?t look exactly the same. He was a few inches taller, more strongly built, and had a long scar running down his arm. Future-Neiro frowned. ?I really did look like a kid back then.? ?Shut up?? Neiro muttered. ?And act like one?? Future-Neiro commented, a small smirk on his face. Neiro glared at his older form. ?Why are you here? Why aren?t you back home in the village?? ?I never went back,? Future-Neiro explained. ?Never? Why? Why wouldn?t I go home?? Future-Neiro smiled sadly. ?Don?t be such a kid. You already know the answer.? It was true. There was nothing waiting for Neiro back in his hometown. His family was dead. His position as guardian of the Traveling-glass was pretty much useless now. Lastly, even though he had gotten revenge against the king, he didn?t think assassination would go over well with the other villagers. ?Yeah,? Neiro sighed, ?I know? but still? why would you stay in a place like this? It?s dead. Hardly anything is growing here. The orcs have ruined it.? ?That?s why I stay here,? Future-Neiro sighed. ?I want to help.? ?I guess that makes sense? but?? Neiro had one more question. Future-Neiro frowned. ?I know what you?re thinking. It wasn?t so long ago that I thought the same thing. Yes, I?ve killed orcs. I?ve learned that I have to kill if I want to survive in this world or be of any help at all. The orcs aren?t going to show mercy just because I spare them. If you don?t realize that soon, you really are a child.? Neiro opened his mouth as if he wanted to argue, but he closed it again. He looked away, out over the endless, desolate plain. ?Does it ever get easier? the killing?? ?The act of killing is easier every time, but living with it? that only gets harder.?[/COLOR][/FONT]
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