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Everything posted by Hayama

  1. I'm thinking of starting it next weekend. I want it to be open for signups at least a week. I think that so far we have enought people to start but still not too many people. If more than 3 more people sign up before friday I might just close the signups... So far everyone's posts are so good I don't want to cut anyone! :catgirl:
  2. [quote name='Belevimothan']What's it about?[/quote] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=49421]Here is the thread in the Adventure Inn.[/URL]
  3. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Times New Roman]Okay! This is the underground for the first RPG I?m starting myself. Ask questions and stuff here! Like 95% of the plot will flow on its own based on what all the characters do but there are certain points I?ll want to hit. For instance: most (or all) characters will meet each other so it?s good to have a place to coordinate that, ne? I have a plot twist or two as well?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen] [SIZE=3]The Traveling-glass[/SIZE] Nearly 300 years ago the great fire sorcerer Tannus forged a mirror from the desert sands and bathed it in enchantments. He named it the ?traveling-glass? and left it in the care of his two sons. When the warlords heard of the sorcerer?s great power, they were filled with the greedy fear that came from their corruption and ordered Tannus executed. After his death they burned his scrolls and staff but thought nothing of the azure glass mirror. Tannus? two sons, although not knowing what the mirror was, vied for their dead father?s last remaining possession. In the end the mirror was cracked in two, each son claiming a half. The eldest son took his half to the warlords and, presenting it to them as a trophy of their victory over the sorcerer, he became their servant. The younger son, wanting to preserve his father?s integrity, fled to the forest and was never heard from again. On both sides the great sorcerer?s line seemed to have fallen into ruin, but it did not die out? Now the warlords have given way to a powerful king who holds the land in servitude. He is intrigued by the half mirror that the mage of legend called the ?traveling-glass? and orders his knights to seek the other half. SETTING: Think middle ages with magic and no black plague. CHARACTERS: Neiro- descendant of the younger son, played by me, he has the ?lost? half of the mirror hidden among his possessions (bio below) Knight (name?)- A very important character the RPG cannot be without. He is the only surviving member of the elder son?s bloodline and is in the service of the king. He has magic powers which he?s kept hidden from the king. He wants to elevate his family?s ruined status by finding the other half of the mirror. Other than that, the rest of his bio is up to whoever plays him? SOMEONE BE HIM! Others- You make them up! Be creative (this IS fantasy) and show that you can write halfway decently. If there are too many people, some may be cut. SIGNUPS*: Name: Age: (somewhere between 16 and 25 for humans) Race: (human? elf? something else?) Backstory: (where are they from, why do they want the mirror?) Abilities/Magic/Weapons: Personality: Appearance: Keep in mind that everyone is ultimately after the ?lost? half of the mirror but no one knows that Neiro has it! Plot twists are sure to come. *Please plan on at [I]at least[/I] checking OtakuBoards about once a week. My pet peeve is people who sign up and then leave everyone waiting for them to post. Name: Neiro Age: 19 Race: Human Backstory: He has the ?lost? half of mirror. His village is very far from the central city of the kingdom, separated from it by a forest that few dare to enter. His people, sick of being expected to pay taxes to such a distant king, asked to be freed. Neiro?s father was the main leader of that petition. Obviously, the king refused. Both of Neiro?s parents were then promptly killed by the king?s assassins. Neiro wants to avenge his parents but assassins are after him too. Abilities/Magic/Weapons: He often has premonitions in his dreams. Neiro can also cast a variety of seals and spells, most of which are plant-life oriented. He has always had telekinesis but is just now starting to develop it. Personality: Neiro was always a quiet, gentle person but since the assassination of his parents he has become somewhat colder. He knows he must protect the mirror at all costs and willingly accepts this duty. However, he can?t say what is more important to him: his duty to guard the mirror or his thirst for revenge. In many ways, Neiro is naïve regarding the world beyond his forest village. He is innocent and honest, but also has a lot of pride and does not tolerate insults. He isn?t afraid to fight to defend himself but would never harm an innocent. Appearance: Neiro is medium height with a thin build. His long, dark brown hair is tied back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck with his chin-length bangs left loose. When untied, his hair falls a few inches past his shoulders. His eyes are a soft grey-green and easily betray his emotions.[/COLOR][/FONT] EDIT: JJ0921 has requested to be THE knight but thats not to say other characters can't be working for the king.
  5. [SIZE=2][FONT= Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] With a defeated sigh, Tobias Kard shut his bedroom door and threw his schoolbag onto his bed. Another day of mind-numbingly boring classes? A cat leapt off the bed and rubbed itself against the teenage boy?s legs. Tobias smiled down at the small, furry creature. ?Hey Ace. I bet you had a thrilling day.? He patted the cat on the head and walked over to his computer. With a click and a hum the machine came to life. He linked himself to the system and grabbed a disk off his desk. Tobias loaded in a disk and the screen flashed one word: DANCE. In a pulse of light Tobias entered the game and ceased to be Tobias. Tei looked around the virtual world he existed in. The inconspicuous boy had been replaced by a tall, black-haired man with cold golden eyes. He wore a long, sleeveless red jacket over his navy shirt and pants. With a smirk Tei drew his katana and tested its weight in his hands. He was ready to dance.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. ?Wait, wait!? Felan called after Ahru, running towards her. She sighed and turned, giving him a death glare. ?How am I stuck with you?? Felan had finally caught up. He was doubled over, hands on his knees, panting. ?Gen- Genevieve and Mine went together. I was all alone so I followed you.? He looked up, sunny and hopeful. Ahru turned around and started walking again. ?Keep an eye out for food and water.? Felan made his face as serious as possible and nodded with beaming determination. ?And I don?t want to have to tell you anything twice,? Ahru added in a low voice. Felan?s face fell and his ears drooped. ?Okay?? He began to follow her, from a distance. After a few minutes, the boredom became unbearable and he finally spoke up. ?Say Ahru? how come you came here? You don?t seem to be excited at all.? ?Don?t ask me that,? Ahru hissed, not even looking back at the Wolf cub. ?I was real excited to come!? Felan piped up, his tail swishing. ?This isn?t a game,? Ahru said dryly. ?If you aren?t curious, then why did you come?? Ahru whirled around, her gold eyes flashing. ?I told you not to ask me that!? ?Sorry?? Felan whimpered. ?I didn?t mean to upset you.? They continued their trek across the dim landscape in silence, Felan half-jogging to keep up with Ahru?s long stride. Soon Ahru stopped short. Felan ran right into her, earning another death glare. ?A stream,? she said. Felan jumped around her and bent down near the stream. ?It sure smells like water!? Ahru dipped her hand in, scooping some water. She glared the crystalline liquid as it flowed through her fingers. Taking another scoop, she tasted the water. ?It?s safe as far as I can tell.? ?How far is that?? Felan asked innocently. Ahru merely glared at him.
  7. This is a loaded topic but I'll do my best... I don't mind going to chruch and all but i think being kind and respectful of others is the most important thing. I can definately say I don't agree with everything out there. If my parents had sent me to a church school i would have... nevermind... all's right in the world because they're cheap and I went to a public school :catgirl: . Even at a public school though, there are silly rules like no hats or whatever. Teachers at my school even took down all the flyers for a SCHOOL play because the flyers were made creatively so that they fit the setting of the play. Teachers thought it was for something non-conformist or whatever and took them all down. Then the kids in the play had to put them all up again. I think authority in general doesn't like anime for some reason. The sad thing is... i dont think there is much you can do [I]about[/I] it. Talk to your parents about changing schools maybe? There's always the magic number 18 and college. Maybe there are things you can do [I]in spite of[/I] it. My creative advice for the day would be to start an anime club amongst your friends and meet at eachother's houses (the houses where parents approve of anime) or at a public place like a park or mcdonalds or something. When you want to talk about your meetings while teachers are in earshot, just say stuff like "the 'culture club' meeting will be at 3:30." And there's hayama's creative advice.
  8. I love this show so much. The character designs and art in general are awesome. I love the cat ears and the fact that they actually have meaning behind them. They aren't just there. Ritsuka is adorable and Soubi is so enigmatic. I really wish they would tell us more about Seimei because he seems like such an interesting character. I love the spell battles and just the everyday interaction between characters. Of course, I love the relationship that forms between Ritsuka and Soubi. Both of them are very lonely after Seimei's death so they really do need each other. I REALLY want this to go to a second season because I've finished watching the first and I WANT MORE!
  9. Ahru let out a terse hiss. Her earlier approval of Volkmar had dissipated into a feeling of disdain. ?First he says my idea is foolish and now he agrees with it! I wish the stupid canine would make up his mind!? she thought. ?Whatever you say, Jackal,? Ahru muttered. ?Whoever wants to come with me, come! I?m not waiting around.? With a flick of her tail Ahru walked away in the direction opposite from Volkmar. She didn?t even look back to see if anyone was following her. OOC: confused? pairs or threes?
  10. Ahru gave no outward sign of anger as she approached the Jackal. Her gold eyes glared into his and her tail twitched. ?You?re afraid, are you?? she purred, holding her hand up between herself and Volkmar. She flexed her fingers and her nails shot out into sharp, dark claws. Volkmar?s eyes flashed but he did not flinch. Ahru?s voice had changed to a threatening hiss. ?I don?t pretend to think this will be easy, but I have my claws to protect me, I don?t need someone else.? Retracting her claws, Ahru sauntered away. ?I am not afraid of these low-life Netherworld flith.? ?Liar,? Volkmar muttered just quietly enough that Ahru didn?t hear him. ?So what are we going to do?? Felan asked impatiently. Mine shifted nervously. ?Well, we could keep walking together while we think of something?? Ahru remained silent. The others took that as a ?yes? and continued their trek across the grim wasteland. OOC: that was fun ^_^
  11. I like Inuyasha... in fact I'm already in an Inuyasha RPG. It's very cool... anyway, I was wondering what kind of Inuyasha RPG? There are like a million things you could do with Inuyasha so what exactly do you have in mind? I'm fresh out of ideas myself, but if you came up with a good idea I would probably join. By 'originals only' I'm guessing you mean the regular Inuyasha characters (Inuyasha, Miroku, Kagome, etc) right?
  12. They had been walking for almost an hour when Ahru stopped dead. ?I?m sick of this,? she declared. ?There?s no use in walking if we don?t have any idea where we are going.? ?What do you suggest?? Chepin asked with a curious grin. Ahru gazed out across the seemingly endless, barren landscape. Not far from where they stood she spied a small outcropping of rocks. It wasn?t much but it was something. ?There,? she said, pointing to the rocks. ?We will make that our camp for now.? ?And do what?? Volkmar asked skeptically, ?Sit there and wait some more? Haven?t we done enough waiting?? Ahru half-purred a laugh. ?I have no intention of waiting for anything. I suggest that we split up and search in different directions. If anyone finds something useful, they return to the rocks so they can tell the others. It?s far more efficient than all six of us walking in a line towards nowhere.? Mine looked at the Leopard with wide eyes. ?You don?t want us to go alone ? do you?? Chepin grinned and threw his arm around Mine?s shoulders. ?Oh don?t worry, we could go in pairs! Couldn?t we, Ahru?? The Leopard sighed and nodded. ?I don?t really care, Fox.? She turned to the others. ?What do you plan on doing?? OOC- so, what DO you guys want to do?
  13. I'd have to go with Michiru (Neptune). She's pretty and very calm, but mostly I like her because I too have an afinity for the ocean. Her deep submerge attack is the coolest. I wish there were more of Michiru and Haruka in the series. They should get to be in all 5 seasons!
  14. [SIZE=2][FONT= Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Name[/B]: Tobias Kard [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Bio[/B]: Tobias has a very quiet appearance consisting of messy brown hair, grey eyes and light skin. He?s never really stood out, but he?s a lot smarter than he acts. He really hates dealing with people (especially annoying people) and although he?ll grudgingly participate if asked, he?d rather just be invisible. Tobias lives in a small Midwestern town where nothing especially interesting ever happens. He started playing Dance out of sheer boredom and now he can?t seem to put it down. He likes the events solely for the challenge and the sense of accomplishment and prefers to attempt them on his own rather than in a group. Even in the game, however, he retains his habit of doing whatever annoying people ask as long as it shuts them up. [B]Character Name[/B]: Tei [B]Character Age[/B]: 20 [B]Character Apearance[/B]: see attached pic? He has black hair and gold eyes. [B]Character Weponry[/B]: Tei carries a Katana named ?Swift Night? and 4 kunai (see pics). He wears the sword at his belt and the kunai hidden in his coat. The katana is level three but the kunai are level one. He prefers the sword and only bothers with the kunai as a last resort.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] I got bored and added more pictures...
  15. Maius? characteristic smirk couldn?t have possibly been any wider. ?I?m glad you are able to be so rational, Kyryan.? Kyryan frowned. ?Don?t make me change my mind!? ?Of course?? Maius sighed, straightening his face. ?We should return to the others before they get impatient.? When they did catch up with the others, Inuyasha was waiting for them. His arms were crossed, his foot taping impatiently and his face scowling. ?So did you ask her what you had to ask her?? ?Yes?? Maius answered. ?Well, if you?re all done,? Inuyasha began, ?Leave!? Maius smiled. ?Ummm? No.? ?What did you say?? Inuyasha growled. Kyryan sighed. ?He?s going to help us.? ?WHAT?? Inuyasha was positively fuming. ?This freak?? Maius continued to smile. Inuyasha growled and drew his sword. ?Fight me you stupid bird!? Maius? smile faded. ?Don?t tempt me Inuyasha? I have no intention of fighting but even I only have so much self control.? ?What the heck?? Inuyasha asked. ?I think,? Miroku translated, ?what he means is that he?s holding back from fighting you.? Inuyasha tightened his grip on his Tetsusaiga. ?No one holds back against me!? ?I?m not going to fight you,? Maius muttered. ?Inuyasha?? Kagome sighed, grabbing the half-demon?s arm. ?Just leave him alone.? Inuyasha caved under her pleading and sheathed his sword. ?Fine,? he growled, ?But I?d keep my mouth shut if I were you bird-boy.?
  16. Ahru had opened her eyes as soon as she heard the door open. She glared coldly as the Wolf bounded in without a care in the world. ?Such behavior? like a foolish child,? she muttered to herself. Now that all six spirits had arrived, ready for their journey, Chepin was eyeing the Crow expectantly. Volkmar perked up, his eyes darting between the Wolf and the Crow, waiting for something more to happen. Mine was still frozen, startled by Felan?s boisterous entrance. Genevieve smiled, her tail wagging furiously. Ahru continued to survey the group with a cold calmness, the end of her long spotted tail twitching. Although she did not show any sign of nervousness at all, she was beginning to get anxious. The pieces were assembled and now they would begin to move. They would enter the Netherworld without a single clue as to what awaited them. It was not that Ahru feared being attacked, she was confident in her own strength and claws. What made Ahru nervous was the not knowing. She had a bad feeling about this? whether it was woman?s intuition or simply a cat?s sixth sense, she felt there was something foul at play. A small part of her wished she had let the Dolphin take her place but she quickly pushed the thought from her mind. ?Remember what happened to Sakis? you?re doing this for him,? Ahru reminded herself.
  17. Tired of watching the others, Ahru leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. Her mind wandered and eventually arrived at what the moralistic Dolphin spirit had said to her earlier. Ikiri had every right to worry that Ahru was on this little adventure to somehow promote her status amongst the spirits. That was exactly the kind of thing everyone knew the proud and strategic Ahru would do. Ahru didn?t mind being thought of as a careful opportunist. What bothered Ahru was that Ikiri, genuinely concerned though she was, would even dare to tread on someone else?s business like that. What did the Dolphin know about Ahru?s motives? Nothing. It was true that, ordinarily, Ahru would have seen this as another calculated move in her grand chess match, but not now. Right now, all Ahru could think about was finding a way to help the only other spirit she really cared about... Sakis, the Cheetah. He was her lover, and although he was not the first, he was unique in that she actually had feelings for him. Most wouldn?t believe Ahru if she told them. Sakis was nothing like her. He wasted no time or energy on lies or keeping up appearances. To say the least, he was spontaneous and blunt. While Ahru considered these to be horrid traits in most others, in him she found them? cute. She could see his handsome, boyish face right now. He was always grinning ever so slightly, his face inked by the black lines that ran down his cheeks from the corners of his amber eyes. Sakis had been left in a dreadful state by? something. This mission?s aim was to find out precisely what. Helping him was Ahru?s true objective, whether anyone would believe that or not.
  18. It seemed that for the others, waiting was the hardest part. For Ahru, the [I]others [/I] were the hardest part of waiting. She leaned against the wall and considered her new traveling companions, her tail twitched again. The Jackal was quiet enough, and did not earn Ahru?s current disapproval. He glanced at her a few times, as if to check that she was still there. It bothered her slightly when his eyes fell on her twitching tail for a time, but his gaze shifted soon enough. She did give him credit for keeping the Fox in line. The Fox was too curious for his own good. Obviously he wouldn?t be allowed to see beyond the curtain before everyone arrived and yet he just kept trying. It bothered Ahru the way he was humming and strolling around the room. She gave him a death glare each time his eyes met hers. The Tiger was quiet, but maddeningly anxious. Ahru did not like the way Mine gravitated closest to her. The Leopard, however, didn?t dare move. Why should [I]she[/I] have to move because this nervous spirit was invading her space? So, Ahru tolerated her. The Dog had arrived noisily, and had never really quieted down. She was chatting enthusiastically with Chepin now. Well, at least she was occupied. Ahru shifted her position a little. She had a fair judge of her traveling companions so far, but she realized that there was more to them than she had seen so far. She would just have to wait. This trip would be interesting? interesting and important.
  19. As soon as Sesshoumaru had passed, Maius quickly led Kyryan away from the others. When they were out of earshot, he leaned against a tree and sighed. ?I thought the younger brother would never calm down. Is he always so? on edge?? Kyryan shrugged. ?I haven?t known Inuyasha that long. But that?s not important! You said you had to talk to me about the Akane Amulet.? Maius nodded, narrowing his amber eyes. ?You are its guardian, aren?t you?? Kyryan nodded uneasily. ?And it?s been broken, hasn?t it?? Kyryan nodded again. ?Sanosuke shattered it with his sword.? Maius didn?t say anything for a long time. Then, he smiled. ?I?m going to help you.? ?What? No!? Kyryan growled. ?I have enough people insisting on ?helping? me. Do you even have any idea how dangerous this is?? ?I?m not afraid to die,? Maius replied bluntly, ?If that?s what you mean.? Kyryan was beginning to get angry with this strange demon. ?Don?t you understand? There?s a difference between not being afraid and being stupid!? Maius shook his head. ?Maybe it?s you who doesn?t understand. I?m a phoenix. I?ve ?died? before. If I die in flames I?m reborn in ashes. It?s a cycle. What you might not understand is that there are things worse than death, especially for a phoenix. If the Amulet is broken, the cycle is broken, everything stops? phoenixes included.? ?But this is my responsibility, my destiny,? Kyryan argued. ?And what if helping you is mine?? Maius pointed out. ?I?m not trying to force myself on you but I?m not going to sit back and watch the world? the worlds? end. Either you let me help you, or I?m going to go collecting Akane shards behind your back.? ooc- I hope this is alright? ^-^?
  20. Ahru stood at the beginning of a long, torch-lit corridor. In the eerie silence she just simply waited, contemplating her next step. The end of her long spotted tail twitched of its own accord and her gold eyes gazed into the dim space before her. She knew at the end of the hall lay a dark, heavy door. And beyond that door? ?It?s not too late?? whispered a soft, musical voice behind her. ?I can still go in your stead.? Ahru turned around. Another spirit stood behind her, smaller in stature, dressed in blue, her silver hair flowing down her shoulders like water. ?Ikiri,? Ahru muttered. ?I should have known.? The Dolphin smiled, her honest black eyes meeting the Leopard?s intense gaze. ?You can still change your mind and I will go in your place.? ?Do you honestly think I would do that?? Ahru hissed. Ikiri shook her head, her smile fading. ?No, I knew you would act exactly like this.? ?Then why are you here?? ?I told myself I had to try,? the Dolphin sighed. Ahru sniffed. ?Hn! Well you?ve had your try. Leave.? ?Just because I don't play your games doesn't mean I don't know how they work, Ahru.? the Dolphin muttered. ?I hope you understand what you are doing. I hope you are going for the right reasons. I hope you don?t think of this trip to the Netherworld as a way to?? ?What I think is none of your business, [I]fish[/I],? Ahru spat. Ikiri did not react to Ahru?s insult. Instead, she dropped the subject altogether. ?All I want,? the Dolphin sighed, ?is for all of you to return safely. So, I wish you luck on your journey.? The Leopard?s gold eyes widened. The Dolphin?s genuine kindness and endless patience never ceased to amaze her. Not knowing what to say, Ahru gave a slight nod. Ikiri smiled once more and with a polite bow, she turned and left. Ahru also turned. She turned towards the silent corridor and took her first step forward.
  21. Maius had been watching Inuyasha and company all day and into the night. Wherever they went, he was above them, watching silently from the trees. He had to admit, there had been several close calls. Sometimes Maius would get a little too close and one of the travelers would feel him watching and glance up. He also noticed that whenever Inuyasha sniffed the air, he would frown and look around suspiciously. ?Could it be that he smells me?? Maius wondered, a little worried. Luck seemed to be on Maius? side though, because the girl named Kyryan was with Inuyasha once more. This was the girl who was also seeking the amulet. Maius HAD to speak with her. THAT, however, was easier said than done. Kyryan now had several traveling companions because a monk and a demon slayer had joined the group. Maius did not want to deal with the others. He wanted to wait until Kyryan wandered off alone. ?I?ll have to be patient,? Maius though, stretching his wings and shifting on the branch. Incredibly bored, Maius began to preen his feathers, not really paying attention to what was going on below? Inuyasha was eating ramen when Kyryan finally got fed up with Miroku. As he downed the remaining contents of the cup, he glanced over to see the monk bleeding and twitching on the ground. ?Idiot,? Inuyasha snorted. He stood up at stretched, taking a deep breath. ?Damn it!? he muttered. There was that scent again. It smelled a lot like the weird guy he had met earlier, only more like a bird? ?What is it Inuyasha?? Kagome asked. Inuyasha kicked the empty ramen cup fiercely and it flew into the forest. ?Inuyasha!? Kagome scolded. ?That?s littering! Go pick it up.? ?Why should I?? ?I?ll say the word? I?ll say si-? ?Fine!? Inuyasha sighed. He walked over to the trees, looking for the discarded ramen cup. As he walked, he noticed the annoying scent getting stronger. He followed the scent, scanning the trees around him. Suddenly, Inuyasha saw it? a bird. ?I found you!? he cried, leaping up and slashing at the feathered creature. Maius, in the middle of a bored haze, didn?t notice Inuyasha until it was too late. He felt claws tear at his wing and he fell from the tree. With his un-injured wing, Maius managed to steer himself away from Inuyasha and down towards the others. ?A bird?? Kagome whispered. ?No,? Inuyasha growled, cracking his knuckles, ?It?s a demon and this bastard?s been following us!? Maius sat quietly on the ground, now at the mercy of the humans and hanyou surrounding him. ?I suppose I?ve been caught,? Maius sighed bitterly. With a flash of flames he returned to his human-like form. There was blood running down his arm where Inuyasha had slashed him, but it didn?t seem to phase him. ?I knew it!? Inuyasha shouted. ?It?s the same weirdo as before.? ?I?m not a weirdo,? Maius said with a frown. ?Feh!? Inuyasha said, ?Then why were you spying on us?!? Maius looked at Kyryan. ?I need to talk to HER about the amulet.?
  22. Maius waited until he was a decent distance from Inuyasha before he slowed down. He was very relieved to find he was not being followed, at least not that he could tell. Maius just wasn?t in the mood for a confrontation. From what he had seen of Sesshoumaru?s younger brother, it was clear to Maius that Inuyasha would have loved to slice his head off. If Inuyasha attacked, Maius would have to fight back? and that was a bad thing. ?I must restrain myself,? Maius whispered. ?I have more important things to do than fight puppies.? Maius took a deep breath, glanced up at the stars flashing between the tree branches, and turned around. He was going to go back to Inuyasha?s camp. He had already gotten information out of Inuyasha? a name. Maius would have loved to talk to Inuyasha a little and get more information but the half-demon wasn?t exactly the cooperative type. So, Maius had decided that he would have to be less forward. He would spy. With a flash of fiery light, the auburn haired young man was gone, a graceful, burning crimson bird in his place. ?This is a little flashy,? Maius observed, preening some crimson and gold feathers thoughtfully. He concentrated a little and soon the flames surrounding him fizzled and died. With the flames gone, Maius could easily hide in the dark shadows in the trees. ?I?ll perch myself right above the little brother?s head and he?ll never even know!? Maius chirped. With a bob and then a leap, the phoenix took flight. He weaved silently though the trees, quickly making his way back to Inuyasha and Kagome. Although Maius? plan seemed perfect, it had one small flaw. As rare as it was that Maius left any variable uncalculated, he had this time. Having a very weak sense of smell himself, Maius had underestimated Inuyasha?s nose.
  23. There was never an anime club at my school (but I have a feeling there will be one pretty soon by the looks of the underclassmen) but I have heard that this works: If you can't have an outright 'anime club' call it the 'International Art Appreciation Club" and get a cool teacher to okay you. My collge has an anime club though, I'm happy. :catgirl:
  24. Well, I found a site (thank you!) and the picture uploaded, but I cannot get the signature editor to accept the image. I made it 300 by 99 and it still wouldn't take it. Any suggestions for my new problem? EDIT... nevermind, I think I know why... the image uploading site adds a little web address at the bottom of the pictue so it's bigger... I still have to tweak it. OKAY!!!! I got it! I'll have to pay closer attention to the size requirements next time I make a banner (making my 150 x400 image smaller was a pain) but It worked! Thank you so much! :catgirl:
  25. I like to make my own avatars and banners but I've run into a problem. I uploaded my avatar from my computer no problem. But, I want to put a banner in my signature. I made the banner and it is a JPG on my computer, but the 'insert image' tool inserts an image using an internet address. I don't know how to get the image from my computer to a URL. So, could someone please either help me to get my image to a URL so I can use the insert tool.... or.... help me somehow upload the image right into my post. I hope the question makes sense. Please help! Thank you!
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