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Everything posted by Hayama

  1. [quote name='ForgottenRaider']Rei will be renamed to Ray. This is typical of the changes they are making. I think the original idea of Evangelion will just be twisted beyond recognition, I don't think I look forward to NGE having a western spin. [/quote] I know... :animesigh But I'd like to see it anyway. If they don't change too much I'll be fine and if they change too mucht they'll be slaughtered by EVA fans everywhere. I think that if they advertised it as something full of action and then let the average american figure out the plot AFTER they got to the theatre, they could keep the japanese stuff (setting and names). Honestly I think changing the spelling of a name is the most pointless thing ever, but i've seen it done before! Lets just hope they don't do something so stupid.
  2. It was dark when Maius decided to stop and rest. He wasn?t physically tired, he had a demon?s endurance after all. Rather, Maius was just plain sick of walking. So, he plopped himself down on a large rock beside a brook and gazed up at the sky. ?Stars?? He thought. ?Infinite millions of fires in the sky. What will happen to them all if everything stops?? ?OSUWARI!? The cry shattered Maius? contemplative silence and he jumped so much that he slipped off his rock. ?Kagome! What was that for?? A different voice than the first? Maius followed the sound of the lovers? spat and soon found himself stepping out into a campfire-lit clearing. There, Inuyasha lay face down on the ground, Kagome standing over him with murder in her eyes. ?Hello?? Maius interrupted. Kagome replied with a surprised shriek and Inuyasha was on his feet faster than seemed possible. He quickly put himself between Maius and Kagome, poised for a fight. ?You smell like a demon,? Inuyasha growled, cracking his knuckles. ?I should,? Maius replied. ?I?m a phoenix demon, or as you say here on your lovely island, a suzaku.? Maius looked Inuyasha up and down. ?What are you?? ?Pissed off!? Inuyasha shouted. Suddenly, things clicked for Maius. The white hair? those ears? Inuyasha had to be the dog demon?s other son. ?You?re Sesshoumaru?s litte brother, aren?t you?? Inuyasha froze. People rarely referred to him as the ?little brother.? ?What do you want?? Maius smiled. ?To prevent the end of the worlds.? ?Wait? worlds?? Kagome asked. ?You know about my world?? Maius nodded. ?Of course, though I?ve never been there. I come from a desert far west of here. I?ve been everywhere you can think of in this world, but this island is my favorite place by far. My father will kill me for coming here but this is far more important than his stupid rules.? ?That?s just wonderful,? Inuyasha spat, ?but I don?t care! I want to know what you want with ME.? ?Oh,? Maius thought for a moment, ?Nothing really. I?m looking for an amulet, not an angry dog demon.? ?An amulet?? Kagome asked. Maius nodded. ?The Akane Amulet? I believe that?s what it?s called.? ?Hey,? Inuyasha whispered to Kagome, ?Isn?t that the thing that Kyryran girl was so worried about?? ?Yeah?? Kagome said. ?Kyryran huh?? Maius asked. Without thinking Kagome nodded. ?Thank you!? Maius called as he darted off into the darkness once more. ?That guy was weird?? Inuyasha sighed.
  3. [quote name='Bloodseeker']Mostly, I'd like to see an Armored Core style Neon Genesis Evangelion game in America, complete with customizable Evas. You can't tell me that wouldn't be awesome...[/quote] Yes yes! An Eva game like that would be AMAZING! Also, I think that you could probably turn CLAMP's Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles into a cool RPG. You could pic which character to be (Syaoran, Sakura, Fai, Kurogane) and do a turn based combat against different monsters in different worlds. Once you fight though the monsters or puzzle or whatever, you get a feather and you can move on. It could be really cool if done right! :catgirl: OH! I forgot! I want to see a Zelda anime! There may have been an old one before but I want a new one with really cool animation. Link is awesome!
  4. Spirit: Leopard Name: Ahru Gender: Female Appearance: Tall (5?9?), somewhat thin but well-toned, Ahru hides her strength well. Her hair is a dirty blonde and cropped to her chin. Her skin is lightly tanned with spots tattooed on her back and down her shoulders. She has a long spotted tail which twitches when she?s thinking. Two round, spotted ears sit on her head which she flattens when she?s angry. Her eyes are expressive, deceiving and an intense amber-gold. Ahru wears a silky beige dress with a diagonal hem. The right side falls at her calf and the left at her knee. The dress has thin straps and is partially backless to show off her spots. She wears black boots that come up to her knees and a black belt over the dress. Persona: Prideful and tactical, Ahru knows how to manipulate others to get what she wants. She can sweet-talk most with a sultry purr, but that?s not to say that everyone can be seduced. She?d rather sit quietly, calculating her move, than charge into an argument right away. She takes insults personally and is cold to those who fall out of her favor. Abilities: Heightened sense of smell and increased reflexes. She also has ?retractable? claws. Normally it looks like she has human fingernails, but she can make them grow claw-like at will.
  5. Evangelion! They're already working on a live action Eva movie but if I could I would make it already be done so I could see it NOW! I think it will be very interesting to see what they do to fit Eva into a movie or movies. I hope they cast people who really fit the the characters. But you know, it's going to have a very western taste to it (if they ever get around to actually making it!) I hope they do a good job!
  6. With a quiet flap of folding wings, a phoenix demon landed neatly in a forest clearing. The burning crimson wings glowed brighter before dissapearing. He looked around, scaning the trees with his amber eyes. He shook his head as if to laugh at his own jumpiness, his red-brown hair falling into his eyes. With a sigh he dusted off his crimson tunic. Suddenly, the young man whirled around. A child had come sprinting into the clearing, chasing a butterfly. When she saw the handsome demon, she stopped and the butterfly escaped. "Oh, hello!" the child giggled. The young man smiled. "Aren't you cute? What's your name little one?" "Rin!" the girl answered enthusiastically. "What's yours?" "Maius." "Ma-yuhs..." Rin tested the name. "That's a wierd name!" Thier conversation was interrupted when Sesshoumaru stepped out of the trees, Jaken at his heels. "There you are Rin," Sesshoumaru said stoicaly. Jaken leapt out. "You shouldn't be talking to strangers Rin!" "But he's not a stranger Master Jaken!" Rin giggled, "He's Maius-san." Sesshoumaru glared at the auburn-haired demon. "So it was your scent I caught." "Of course, of course," Maius laughed. "The phoenix will always return. I trust you've been well." Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes. "Did you get that sword yet?" "It's in my younger brother's possession. I've had other things to do recently." "Oh really?" Maius said innocently. "It was never any concern of yours, but the way you fly before danger is cowarldy." Maius shrugged his shoulders. "Birds fly, dog lord. I can't help my nature. I'm here now, aren't I?" Sesshoumaru sniffed, "What are you fleeing now?" "My father, for one," Maius explained. "He's not in the mood for my presence right now. Ah! But that is not all. I'm here because something old has been broken and I must see that it is fixed and things are set right. Just to remind you... I do not want to challenge you. I do not want to fight you again to prove it either." "Do as you please," Sesshoumaru said, turning around. "Come Rin." "Yes lord Sesshoumaru!" "We have no need to listen to a bird's useless squaking." Maius sighed. "And I have no need to listen to a dog's barking." He waved at Rin. "Farewell, little one." When Sesshoumaru and his two companions had left, Maius smiled to himself. "He's lost an arm and found a human. Interesting. I wonder if I'll ever come across that brother of his... must be strong to weild that sword Sesshoumaru wanted to badly... Ah, well, off to find that amulet."
  7. SUGOI!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it when series go on a break like that, so it's awesome to see it starting up again. Now if only CLAMP would finish X...
  8. Quoting: Elk [QUOTE]Though these are mangas, I've never heard anyone talk about Juvinille Orion or R2 [Raise R to the Second Power]. [/QUOTE] I have both those! The Juvinille Orion series came to a conclusion but ADV can't seem to publish R2 volume 2. WHY!!!!!!!!! Another ADV manga that I liked but they haven't published volume 2 of is Kagerou Nostalgia. I really want to see volume two of both those manga, but where are they? I hope ADV doesn't keep from publishing them because they aren't a hot item.
  9. I've read pretty far in the manga and I've seen the first two anime episodes and I have to say that this series is in my top 5, no doubt. I love CLAMP and Tsubasa is one of thier best I think! It has action, romance and an intriguing and amazing plot. The new characters this series introduces are awesome and it brings back two of my favoirte characters (Syaoran and Sakura) under new circumstances. Also look for cameos by tons of other CLAMP characters. They are all drawn in the new style Tsubasa is drawn in and their live in situations which fit the story, but deep down they are still the same awesome characters they always were. I can't wait for the next volume!
  10. Hayama


    The katakana(japanese phonetic symbols) read 'su-ku-ra-i-do' That would be "scryed". That's all I know. :animesigh
  11. Hayama


    It's not my favorite or anything but it's worth watching on Adult Swim. I love both Kazuma and Ryuho but I side with Kazuma's ideals more. I love the rivalry between them too. I know Kazuma will never back down, but can he ever change Ryuho's way of thinking? If you want action, there are lots of fight scenes. If you want a plot, it's got a plot too. Action and meaning! If you can, watch a few episodes. I wouldn't say this show is for EVERYONE, but it's worth a try! The one thing I don't like is that sometimes the guys Kazuma fights agaist seem really stupid. But then again, they ARE just pawns in a much smarter villian's chessmatch.
  12. If by 'lesser anime' you mean the ones that don't get as much attention as Fullmetal Alchemist or Inuyasha or Naruto, then I would say I know quite a few. My example is Candidate for Goddes. It's only 12 episodes and an OVA and I don't think the anime is as good as the manga but for some reason I really like it. It has it's shortcomings and I don't think it could EVER compete with the likes of Fullmetal Alchemist, but I love the characters. So, I love the hyper popular, mainstream anime like FMA. They're mainstream because they are SOOOOO good and appeal to a wider group of people. BUT! I wish some anime lovers out there would unglue themselves from the mainstream and try something different. Pick up something old school or less popular to expand your appreciation of anime! :animesmil
  13. [B]Name[/B]: Reiki Tsuzuki (He can only remember his first name) [B]Age[/B]: 19 [B]Appearence[/B]: Medium? height (5'9") and thin, with dark brown hair and grey eyes. Although he isn't super pale, he's not tan either. He doesn't look Japanese so what's with his name? (It's a secret... for now) He looks a little young for his age. He wears square-ish (a cross between an oval and a square) glasses with thin steel frames because he's a little nearsighted. He likes to wear dark jeans and button up shirts with short sleeves and a collar. Or he wears t-shirts or polo shirts. Baisically, his style of dress is conservative and plain so that he doesn't stand out. [B]Abilities[/B]: An Empath. Proximity affects his abilities. If a person is in the same room, he can tell what they are feeling. If they are right next to him, he feels it very strongly. If he is actually touching the person, he feels it just as much as them and he can sometimes even read thoughts. Also when he is touching someone, he can transfer his feelings to them if he tries hard enough. There is one person who's feelings he can sense no matter where they are. If they are very sad, very angry, very happy (etc) or in a decent amount of pain, Reiki can feel it. He has a name and that's it. He doesn't know if this person is a sibling or a lover or what, but he has a name and he's searching. Also, Reiki has a (futuristic) credit card thing in his pocket. It uses his fingerprint instead of a pin# so he always can use it even when he loses his memory. He doesn't know how he got it but he has yet to reach the spending limit or get a bill so he keeps using it when he needs too. QUESTION!!!!- Are we supposed to write in first person or third person?
  14. [QUOTE]adults in general? most of who ive met do. my high school art teacher, No.[/QUOTE] You must have had a cool Art teacher. Not me though! As our last project in my drawing and painting class we could baisically do anything we wanted- watercolor, printing,pastels, or a comic. Me and a couple other kids liked anime, so we got all excited. Then the teacher announced that there would be no anime drawing of any kind. I wanted to strangle her. Her argument was that all anime looked the same and she wanted us to draw our own characters if we were doing a comic. I think it's far easier to tell Fruits Basket apart from Inuyasha than it is to tell Renoir from Degas. She really pissed people off, saying stuff like that. But that teacher has moved on to teach COLLEGE art (someone help us) and a less opinionated one teaches drawing and painting now. My little sister took the class and got to draw a surrealism sketch with CLAMP's Tokyo Babylon as part of the theme. It's real cool but she wouldn't have been able to do it if she had had my teacher. Art is freedom.
  15. Okay, this is the first RPG I've ever tried to join. I'm a newbie :animestun ... so... here goes... [B]Name[/B]: Maius [B]Age[/B]: 432 (looks 20) [B]Race[/B]: Suzaku (Phoenix) I suppose that would be demon [B]Powers[/B]: Flame- flame arrows, set himself on fire, blast fire Regeneration- heals quickly, can sometimes heal others Other- can change into a red and gold phoenix bird, sometimes has red/gold feathered wings he can fly with, physically stronger than a human Kamikaze- if he wants, he can ignite himself and create a huge explosion. He comes back of course because he is a phoenix, but he is in bird form and takes weeks to regenerate. However, if he is killed before he can ignite he will die for real. [B]Time[/B]: Inuyasha's time (but maybe a different location, not Japan?) [B]Appearance[/B]: A young man, 20 years old. Amber eyes and short, red-brown hair (sort of the style of [URL=http://www.animefringe.com/magazine/02.11/feature/2/Kira_2.gif][COLOR=Red]Kira[/COLOR][/URL] from gundam seed). Looks like he has a slight sun tan. A little taller than average. Clothes look sort of ancient greek-ish- dressed in a crimson tunic with gold trim and gold sandals. More details? Ask me. [B]Weapon[/B]: Bow and arrow (flame arrows). Also has a long knife for close up battle [B]Personality[/B]: Quiet but optimistic. Knows more than he lets on. He's lived for a long time so he's pretty smart and is experienced in battle. He'd rather take a slow, strategic route than charge wildly but he would never hold a hot-head like Inuyasha back because he thinks they should learn from thier mistakes. [I]However[/I]... if he gets really mad or really involved in a fight, he loses control and practically becomes a different person. He attacks wildly and forgets his surroundings.
  16. I really liked this series. I like the manga more, i think.... well, i'm torn. Kei's character design is more to my liking in the manga. But I do love the opening theme song! Anyway, I'd highly recommed this series to almost anyone. If you like fantasy, it's a great series. Don't look at it and say 'oh, its real girly' because it actually isn't. Himeno isn't a 'girly' character. She's herself, a pretty normal girl who just wants to do what's right. The end of the anime was particularily moving, i think. Just try it!
  17. Here's my story on the subject: I started out watching anime. Sailor Moon, DBZ, whatever was on TV. Then I saw Kodocha and Evangelion subbed. Then Inuyasha came on TV. So I went out and bought Eva and Inuyasha manga because I already knew I liked them. Then I bought Fushigi Yuugi on a whim. Then I bought some CLAMP stuff. Then my friend bought me Love Hina. Then it snowballed from there and I can safely say I have over 100 manga. (I have heck of a lot of DVD's too... between that and gas money I'm always broke... LOL) Anyway... I've come to the conclusion that I usually like manga better than anime. I love love love the anime, don't get me wrong. It's awesome to hear the voices and music and see everything in colorful action, but there's something about manga. I've been a bookworm since I was a little kid. There's something about the feel of a bound rectangle of paper in your hands... You can read it at your own pace too (which in my case is pretty fast... it pisses my imouto-chan off). A good manga will flow so that slow parts read slow and action packed parts read fast, a flash of well-flowing panels. Another reason is that the manga are USUALLY longer. They usually take a manga of about 20 volumes and make a standard 26 episode anime. Examples: Kare Kano, Fruits Basket... Megami Kohousei (Candidate for Goddess/ Pilot Candidate) is a 12 episoder that's WAY different from the manga. There are some cases where I do like the anime better: Wolf's Rain- it's much longer and more complete as an anime because the anime came first and the manga was sort of an extra project. Evangelion- My favorite anime. The voices are soooo important in this one and the Eva action! Gundam--- whatever (SEED, wing)--- I have read some manga but they really just suplement the anime. Giant robot action is best viewed animated!
  18. AHHHHHH! Characters like that drive me nuts! I wouldn't say I hate Shippou or Chibiusa but I most certainly don't like them. As long as they stay in the background they're fine, but as soon as they get an episode or two that focuses specifically on them I want strangle my TV. Honestly, I don't know why they do it. I think they figure the amount of people who will think the brats are cute outweighs those who just plain get annoyed.
  19. I think the perfect villian is one you love to hate. They have to be smart, too! They don't have to always be cold. Infact, they should be able to use emotion to thier advantage. A hotheaded villain is no better or worse than a cold one, the question is, do they have control? They have to really test the hero/main character. They also have to have things in common with the main character because a good villian is not a perfect black to the hero's perfect white. A good villian is really a dark shade of grey that acts as a foil to the main character's lighter grey. It's also good if you look at the villain and think that maybe your hero COULD have ended up that way under different circumstances. Good villians have abiguities to them. Here are my votes for perfect villians and why... Fuma from CLAMP's X- He honestly thinks he is doing what's best for the world but the reader/viewer can't help but say he's evil. He's charismatic and cold at the same time. He is uncompromising. He knows what he wants and does what he has to to get it. He is completely sure of himself, the opposite of Kamui's initial uncertainty. And yet, according to Fuma [spoiler] if Kaumi had chosen to side with the dragons of earth, Fuma would be our 'hero' [/spoiler] Seishiro from CLAMP's Tokyo Babylon (he's in X too...) - [spoiler] He starts out as Subaru(the hero)'s friend. Later you learn it was all a game, or was it? Seishiro could fill an olympic size pool with all the blood he's spilled. He even killed his own mother, but he couldn't kill Subaru in the end. Does that mean he loves Subaru?[/spoiler] This is the kind of ambiguity that makes an awesome villain. Gendo Ikari- I hate him! The way he uses people all for his sick little plan, even his own son! But what IS his plan? Can we ever really understand his intentions? What about the people who let themselves be used? Would Gendo have any power if they just said NO? The fact that he can use people to carry out his horrible means to his questionable end is all part of being a good villain.
  20. I'm impressed. Rather than spend money printing copies to distribute or wasting thier own bandwidth, they let people download it for themselves! They save money and still get the promo out there. I hope this works out for them and they continue to do it! I wouldn't mind dowloding a short promo BTs of several new anime. I think lots of people will like this!
  21. [QUOTE]But then, if Miroku isn't really his outgoing perverted self and actually withdrawn, at least physically, as Hayama said, maybe it means nothing.[/QUOTE] I didn't mean that Miroku was physically withdrawn... he's coping feels all the time... he just can't seem to get *lucky* Although I wonder... now that Miroku seems to [spoiler] love Sango[/spoiler], would he actually DO anything even if a girl wanted to? I don't think so. If Miroku is actually [spoiler]in love with one person[/spoiler] , his perverted acts are just a mask to hide his feelings... or they're just force of habit. I do think Miroku is withdrawn sometimes... especially when it comes to his windtunnel. It's not like he tells anyone when he's scared or sad. He just puts up a happy front. Inuyasha is actaully the most withdrawn one. He rarely says what he's thinking and almost never says how he feels. I think he puts up an angry front. While Miroku is patting down every girl he sees, it's a HUGE deal whenever Inuyasha hugs a girl. Kagome riding on his back doesn't count... or does it? So Miroku acts happy even when he's not and Inuyasha acts angry, even when he's not. Sorry if I didn't make sense! LOL
  22. Well, she's a Miko (preistess), right? A really dedicated Miko. Somehow I don't think they just do that stuff. Maybe it lowers thier powers (like in [spoiler]Fushigi Yuugi[/spoiler]). And, Inuyasha is still really shy about anything like that. If he sees Kagome taking a bath or something, even by accident, he blushes and freaks out. I also have a feeling that even Miroku is still a virgin... he just seems soooooo desperate. Lastly, whenever they show Inuyasha with Kikyo (in flashbacks or whatever), he's nervous around her. They do show them [spoiler] kiss [/spoiler] after they get off this boat and whatever but I don't think Inuyasha has reached that level of [I]physical[/I] closeness to her. The feelings are there but I don't think anything happened.
  23. My favorite anime song is "Thesis of the Cruel Angel" from Evangelion. I also like these: "Inner Universe" GitS, "Gravity" and "Heaven's not enough" Wolf's Rain, "Invoke" Gundam SEED... the whole FLCL soundtrack... some FMA stuff... "Simple and Clean" from Kingdom Hearts... those are the best... As for a song I hate... I would say the opening from samurai shamploo. I'm not into rap... and as much as I LOVE the candidate for goddess manga, the opening song IS lame... sounds like a beauty pagent... LOL
  24. Fullmetal Alchemist SPOILERS!!!!!!!!! BTW, I love this idea! And they totally WOULD do that to Eva. 1- Chop and mix the episodes so that they go perfectly in chronological order. None of this present to past to present stuff. We wouldn't want to confuse children by making them figure something like that out. 2- all blood... GONE! There will be no bleeding of any sort! 3- Ed and Al didn't perform forbidden alchemy, someone messed them up, not themselves. Find a bad guy, QUICK! Oh, we'll say that Envy did it. He looks like the evil sort. 4- no more talk about "Ishbalans" and their red eyes. That's racist agaist an imaginary race! Infact... edit out ANYTHING about the Ishbalan war. It's too confusing for kids and war will make them sad. Scar is just by himself and has no motive whatsoever to kill state alchemists. 5- Figure out a way so that no one ever says "God". Scar for sure can't say it because he's a bad guy! It could offend someone. 6- The whole thing with Mina getting turned into a chimera? Axe it! It's way to disturbing and violent. Just say that she got sent to live with her mom... Infact, no chimeras at all. Some of them are scary looking! We wouldn't want to scare little kids. 7- (BIG SPOILER!!!!!) [spoiler]Huges never died. Don't show his death. Don't show his funeral. Don't show his family crying. Death is BAD! Say he got 'transfered'. Yeah, that's it! Transfered...[/spoiler] The one good thing about this show? We don't need to change the names. Ed and Al and Roy and Mina are all Englishy names.
  25. The plot is really cool. I love how they have offices and run the whole thing like some government agency. Demons AND office jokes! Yay! I also love Tsuzuki and Hisoka. :catgirl: I love them together and i love them individually. I love Hisoka more, though. Muraki is good looking but he's a freaking psycopath. I don't like him, especially for what he did to poor Hisoka!
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