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Everything posted by Vampire_Miyu285

  1. id' say Nana; i mean who can say no to that face and not have it ripped off!! :animeswea
  2. i can't wait for Final Fantasy Advent Children to come out!!! yeah dubs give me nightmares too; kinda like how i imaged how Naruto was going be dubbed *shudders* plus i heard that they're making a kid-friendly Evaongelion, who the heck is going to watch that!!?? but there was this one nightmare i had where i was killed by a moogle...
  3. it's already out!! oh no!! Funimation must make a new YYH movie before the series goes down the hole!!! maybe an alternate universe series with YYH characters and other characters that Yoshihiro Togashi made! that'd be cool!!!!!!! plus i agree with duStAnDteArS with YYH being one of the best animes.
  4. paranoia agent just reminded me of boogiepop phantom; the story line is kinda confusing. the characters are interesting and some plots can be funny.. and just plain weird. but i haven't seen the first episode so the series must revole around the first showing.
  5. i want to see, but i'm broke and can't afford to buy new DVDs.. but i wnat to get Elfen Lied or (see if it's out; Loveless) a InuYasha one.
  6. MY GOD!! 4kidsTV suxs!!! the only good thing on there is Shaman King and that's it!!! i want to stab the idiot who made that program so badly!! *punches fist together* GRR!!
  7. i'd have to agree with Dagger with the anime isn't a genre; it's a type of animation like a normal cartoon but more cute or less choppy art style.
  8. prlly Yusuke/Kurama pairing would have to be my favorite! there isn't a lot of fanfics out there that have that certain pairing but next to that one the Yoko/Shuichii pairing is my second fav. i know i'm such a loser :animecry:
  9. that's because we have cooler shows then they did so they must make fun of it to hide their jealousy of us!! LOL :animesmil [color=#6699cc]You need to put more effort into your posts. Correct punctuation and capitalisation would be a good start. -Lore[/color]
  10. best villian: Orochimaru from Naruto, why cuz hes' just plain creepy! best hero: Heero from Gundum Wing cuz he's very noble in his own way and very very cute!!! *glomps Heero*
  11. the characters i'd want to date would probably be...... Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho: this one is obvious. i luv him sooo much :love: Nxt would be: D from Vampire Hunter D: he soo hot!! being a vampire is a plus :blush: Lastly would be: Jin from Samerai Champoo: having glasses, sword fighting and he's soooooo awesome!!! :catgirl:
  12. Name: Hitomi (OC) age: appears 15 ( but really 500+) appearance: shoulder length dark brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and usually wears mid-driff shirts and overalls. Every once in a while, two giant brown cat ears will pop out of her head. :catgirl: Biography: Lost both her parents at age 3, her parents were both demons making her a full demon herself. She works at the Syndicate, working for Shinobu and Julian that is. She becomes close friends with Marie in time. Weapon: steals the dojo swords when in battle
  13. this is an awesome story line :cool: i can't wait to start in the RPG :catgirl:
  14. i've read the all the manga so far, but haven't seen the anime yet :animecry:
  15. oopies!! i hate it when i do that!! :animeblus i feel stupid now :animecry:
  16. The tomb swung open as a girl with long greyish blue hair, her crimson eyes were tightly closed, and rose vines covered her body. Kagome approached the girl and stared. " Kagome! don't get too close to her!" InuYasha yelled, his hand tightly clenched the hilt of the Tetsuiga. She ignored him as the vines unraveled; releasing the strange girl from their hold. Sango ran over to Kagome to help, Kagome craddled the girl in her arms like a child. " Kagome, what is she?" Shippo asked, bouncing over. The preistess shook her head," I don't know." InuYasha removed his red kimono top and covered the girl's naked body with it. Miroku had returned with Lady Kaede; she glanced at her questionally. " InuYasha, Kagome; help me bring this girl to the village. Sango, Miroku, Shippo; make sure no one saw us," the elderly priestess ordered as Kagome and InuYasha nodded thier heads. Sango nodded in response," of course Lady Kaede," she answered, then turned to Miroku," so who do you think she is Miroku?" " I don't know, but she is very beautiful," Miroku answered, thinking to himself. Sango gave him a disgusted look," you better not-!" " No! Not at all Sango, my heart belongs to you," the monk laughed.
  17. The Road Warriors kicked *****!!!!!!! yeah my favorite have to be John Cena!!! he's on of the best WWE champions of our time and hes cute :catgirl:
  18. this is the worst pick=up line i've heard, and the oldest: Boy: hey are you an angel? Girl: No. Boy: cuz you just fell out of heaven. some guy said that to me and i slapped him across the face :devil:
  19. on the way home from the store with my mom i saw a guy in the middle of the street that we just drove passed, and then when i looked back he wasnt' there :animedepr it scared teh crap out of me :animeblus and i'm like OH MY GOSH!!!! oh and ....... BOW DOWN TO THE ALMIGHTY GINGERBREAD PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. oh i luv VG Cats it's soooo funny :laugh: i read teh recent one they have on the site and i couldn't stop laughing :catgirl:
  21. i'd pick Winry from FMA. she could whack Chii to death with the monkey wrench :catgirl: but Chii is another one of my favorites so i can't hate her that much :animeswea
  22. i'm a Elfen Lied nut so i'm going to go with Lucy/Nyu from Elfin Lied. she's so cute at one moment then deadly in another :catgirl:
  23. subs.... definately subs :catgirl: they're alot better and you can understand the story the way people do in Japan when they watch it :babble:
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