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Everything posted by lumpy3922

  1. lumpy3922


    It's going to be hard to beat Rurouni Kenshin. But I think I know some that may come close. I know that Bleach is really good, I like it alot. Then theres Saiyuki, that's a good one, but I have to say more for the girls. Blade of the Immortal is a super good manga, but hard to find. And the last one I can think of to tell you about is, Fruits Basket. It's so good, I love it to death. It's funny and deals with things kids tend to go through.
  2. I just thought about this, it would be great if they got J.Shanon Weaver to go. If you don't know who his. He was Ginji in Get Backers and Kenshin in Samurai X. He might have done more major roles then that. But those are the ones I know him from. Oh yeah and Dragonboym2 you were right Johnny went to AB the year before. But you never know they could still ask him to come again. And again I really want to know who you guys want to know. They have this thing on the AB site were you can tell them what actors you would like to see. I have a name there so tell me and I'll be sure to say there names.
  3. I just wanted to know what everyone else thought of the people going so far. I know I can't wait, I love the people they have so far. Who do you think they should add??? I know I want Johnny Bosch, he's great as Vash and others. Back to what I was saying, I would love to know who you want to go??
  4. I'm from Dartmouth, and it's close enough to Boston. Not far at all. This is going to be my first con. and I'm so happy. The actors going so far are awsome, and I can't wait to meet them. Myself I don't plan on cosplaying, but my brother and he's friends plan to, as is the friend that I'm going with. I just can't wait to go!!!!
  5. Let's see here..... why dont you try [url]www.animelyrics.com[/url]. You should be able to find the name of the song there. Like if you know if it's the opening or the words to it. If not.....just try ummm searching for it I guess. Well good luck to you.
  6. I really don't know if it's new or not, but it happens to be for me. I just wanted to know if anyone else had ever heard of it. And to know what you thought about it. I know I think it's extremly funny. I just love it. The hole story plot is funny, and the art is so beautiful. I myself have only seen the first volume of it. But I'm in love, it's now the newest member of my collection, and should be in yours. Well if you like to laugh that is. Sure theirs not much action or swears, but it's one of the funniest that I've seen. The dubs not to bad either, I know I like it better then the sub, but that's me. So if you have seen it, please tell me what you think.
  7. I saw the eposde and boy was it confusing. My thoughts are that Ed's dad [spoiler]is going to try to kill Danta because she's messing with his kids. And I think Mustang just wants to see if what ed is saying is true or not. He wants to see it for himself. I happen to think it was really stupid of him to confront him. But that's what I think. Didn't him and Danta only make it to save him or somethin like that, or to save her.[/spoiler] I don't know, lol, that part was just a bit fuzzy for me.
  8. I have a friend and he's gay. But I still love him, and that's never going to change. But I hate the way that I see people treating him. They act like he's got a disease it's so rude. I can't take it. So what thier different doesn't mean you should treat them like poop. Their people just like us. And I know I don't see anything wrong with it. If they want to like people of the same sex it shouldn't matter, their still our friend and family.
  9. I have a question for yall. Does anyone know when the movie is coming out on DVD? I didn't get to see it the the movies, so I was hoping it might be soon, or even out. Please tell me.
  10. I love Saiyuki. It's the best thing ever. I love the art work........come on their so hot. The story line gets soooo juicey as the story goes on. I started with the manga, which is the best thing ever. Then got into the anime, it's good but not as good as the manga. The characters are great. Thier very loveable...and one for everybody and their friend. Each guy goes for a different girl. Well that's how I see it. Sure it's pritty much a girl manga and anime. But if your a boy and looking into it I would say go for the manga. More gorey and action packed.
  11. lumpy3922


    [QUOTE=JJ][Color=DarkBlue]Has anyone ever seent his anime? I've seen a preview on Media Player, and I thought the art wasn't that bad. From what I can gather, there are special children that are called "Blade Children". Someone or thing is trying to kill them. Really vague, but if someone has more info, please post away![/color][/QUOTE] I love spiral though i haven't finished it yet. I have one more volume to go. I would have to say it's kind of the mystery time of anime. Not really detective stuff. It's very good, I know I enjoyed it alot. I let my friend watch it and the other other animes she saw were Wolf's Rain and Saiyuki. But she loves Spiral. I have to say my favorite character would be Kousuka, ayumu, and eyes. This one does leave you with many question while your watching it. I know that's how it was for me. And I'm sure it was that way for others. But it's super good and I say everone should check it out.
  12. [QUOTE=Raiyuu][color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS] I'd call that insulting to the manga. Sorry to be the downer in this thread, but I was really quite disappointed with the Saiyuki anime. I've read all the manga that's out in the UK (volumes 1-9 ... I think that's all of it, because the next scheduled release is volume 1 of Reload). It is [b]awesome, [/b]but that's a discussion for the Manga Workshop, I guess. It's just ... the anime seems so dumbed-down. There's very little of the worldly brutality in it; the characters just seem like they're having a laugh all the time, and okay, they do that in the manga too, but there's also the constant awareness that they're killing their own kind. It really irked me that every time a youkai is killed, the anime simply shows their silhouette, on a white background, dispersing into a lot of little black specks. In the manga there was [b]gore a-plenty, [/b]and I can't see why the anime creators decided to lose that. They also cut out a lot of the nastier details of Hakkai's backstory: [spoiler]in the manga, Kanan was his adopted sister as well as his lover; he also manages to entirely rip out his right eye, instead of being stopped by Goku as in the anime.[/spoiler] It just seems that the conversion people have taken quite an adult manga and tried to turn it into a younger kids' anime, and I don't think it works. (Don't even get me started on the English dub. I'll just stop here before I rant my typing fingers to the bone.) [/font][/color][/QUOTE] Ok, yeah the manga's are good. But come on.. the anime has things wrong with it for sure. But the dub is great. The actors fit them to them so well. So what that they didn't go into great ditail about Kana. That was somthing I for sure didn't want to hear about him. I don't know about the rest of you. I don't really think they were trying to make it into a kids anime. I think it was more along the lines of toning it down. I know I sometimes find it to be a bit over the top. And I'm a huge fan. But that's not the point. No matter what you read and watch it's going to have it's differences. Ok Saiyuki has a few that I don't like to be true. Sure I hate the way the youkai die as well. But still it's a great anime. With funny puns everywhere. And sexual and rude, yet funny things squeezed in.
  13. Out of all the anime I've seen. And may I add that it's alot. I would have to say Winry from Full Metal Alchemist. She is just so cute. Plus that she's very smart...and handy to have around. She can fix well anything metal. And it doesn't hurt that she's sooo cute.
  14. [quote name='cruxisseraphim']How do I get a girl to notice me? I can never seem to find a girlfriend.[/quote] You need to be the one that goes up to the girls. I know I like it when I guy makes the first move. Don't talk to a girl just hoping to go out with her. Become her friend really get to know who she is. Then make your move. But don't wait around for her. Always be yourself don't ever....EVER...change for a girl. Thats the wrost thing you could ever do. I'm sure their is girls out there that notice you. You just need to look alittle harder and find them. You'll find someone soon enough. Just give it alittle time. P.S.....You ever need someone to talk to you can email or PM me. Or IM me.....I think it's all in my profile.
  15. My best friend is a girl named Meg, she goes to school with me. I've none her for sooo long. I think it's been since the 4th grade. Sure we've had are problems but now a days all we do is talk about them, and their over. Which is a really good thing. I meet her in class. The teacher kept almost all the same kids but two, and one was me. And she was nice enough to come up to me, and introduce herself. And after that, you couldn't get us appart. We don't hang out to much now a days (she has a boyfriend), but were on the same bus so that makes up for it, I guess.
  16. The first anime I saw was Sailor Moon. My first manga was Blade of the immortal. My brother has been collecting anime for awhile, but not me. I'm just sort of starting out. But my first collection (still working on it) is Saiuyuki.
  17. [QUOTE=kuroinuyoukai]What is the hardest thing you've had to do? I think mine was when my dad was dying in the hospital. It was hard emotionally to stay in the room with him. He had a brain tumor and was highly medicated. the doctors said that he wouldn't know we were in there, buit i still felt awful when I had to leave the room.I didn't know he very well-but he was my dad and I was watching him slip away. He died two days later. [B]to renayiq-I'm not telling anyone what you've shared with me. Don't worry.[/B] :catgirl:[/QUOTE] I had two things at once. Number one was that I had to tell my best friend that I didn't want to go out with him. That their was another guy in my life. And then my mom was told she had a brain tumor. So I know how you feel. But my mom didn't die, she's a.o.k. And back to what she always does............YELL AT ME. But it was so harrible to hear that she was sick like that, we nere even thought it. Then the school went and made it worse by not excusing my absents. So my mom had to yell at them and fix it. (i was only out on her acount so she wanted it all cleared up).
  18. I'm dubbed all the way. Nothing else. I can't do the read and whach. I'm not good at moltitasking. Anyways dubbing is really good now a days. Like I have a ton of favorite acters. I tryed once to do the sub, that didn't work out to well. Not one bit......I couldn't whach and read. I missed like the hole show. So.........dub is for me.
  19. [quote name='lumpy3922']I've never had an online boyfriend but I do like someone that happens to be a member. I told him about this, and he said that he liked me too. But the distance between us is great. I live in MA and he's in OK. See what I mean. ThoraxtheImpaler I'll be your friend. And people tend not to notice you if you don't post much. I go through the same thing. Though I haven't been here as long. Oh yeah his name is...........chaos edolon. I've made tons of friends here, but no relationships. It's not the kind of thing you should be looking for online. At least that's what I think. You should be looking to find some friends that are into the same things as you.[/quote] Now to the hole online dating thing. I need some advice here. Do you think I should ask to date me even though it would be online. It just seems all so, like it's a video game that I don't know how to play. This is all so new to me. I've never liked a guy over the computer. So if yall would, could you help me out.
  20. Oh, it's to bad that no one noticed you. You seem really cool. I wish I knew what those good old days were like. Sadly I joined not to long ago. And I do love it here. Lot's of very nice people to meet. I now have lots of new friends that are into anime. I kind of only have 2 at school. It's pretty sad if I do say so myself.
  21. I've never had an online boyfriend but I do like someone that happens to be a member. I told him about this, and he said that he liked me too. But the distance between us is great. I live in MA and he's in OK. See what I mean. ThoraxtheImpaler I'll be your friend. And people tend not to notice you if you don't post much. I go through the same thing. Though I haven't been here as long. Oh yeah his name is...........chaos edolon. I've made tons of friends here, but no relationships. It's not the kind of thing you should be looking for online. At least that's what I think. You should be looking to find some friends that are into the same things as you.
  22. [quote name='kuroinuyoukai']Ok well- I am into older guys and i am one of the ones that like Sesshomaru. I think's he's a beautiful creature.I think Edward Elric is cute(no, I am not a pedophile and I think Inuyasha and Koga are cute too. Bankotsu(from Inuyasha) and the dark haired thunder brother from Inuyasha("what was his name!?!") was kinda cute too.[/quote] His name is Hiten. And he was kind of cute. To bad they killed him. And Bankotsu was sooo hott!!! Why did they have to kill him. I'm sure they could have changed his mind. But noooo...... I love Koga he's so cool, plus he's really hott. Cant beat that.
  23. Number one Kenshin doesn't suck. And I remember it well, that's when I first really got into anime. It's a shame that they've stuped this low by putting that Bo bo bo bobobo stuff on. But some of the other stuff is good. Like Naruto and Zatch Bell. And even though I know most of you hate the dub One Peace. First of all what is going on with Maguzi, it like takes all the Toonami rejects. It's oh so lame. I can't stand it.
  24. I just love Saiyuki to death. I started off with the manga's. I loved those so I figured why not try out the anime. So I bought the first volume, it's sooo good. I just love it. Goyjo and all the other boys are just so good looking. I think they did a great job on the animation. The story line is alittle jumpy but I can't get enough. I just got some of the Saiyuki reloaded manga's. I haven't even come close to that with the anime. I only have the first 2 volumes. But I do have the movie, and let me tell you it's sooo good. Plus it's got Goyjo in a shower seen. How can you beat that. Lol.
  25. Yeah, right here. Even though I've only seen the first volume, I'm in love with it. It's so good. And Greg Ayrs(chrono) did such a good job.
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