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Everything posted by lumpy3922

  1. Good Answer...They could probably get Salem from Sabrina to play the cat..LOL. lol, it wouldn't work to well because the cat is orange. lol ! I don't have any movies that I think would be good anime, but that's me. SilentSecurity I forgot all about that. What a good idea, it did leave you with so many unanswered questions that it would be great to have a movie. It would tie up all the lose ends. And about a movie coming out it must have been a rumor. It happens all the time.
  2. Wow this is a good one. Hmmmm... I think it would be cool if full metal panic was make into a movie. I think it would be great because it's so funny. Another one would be fruits basket, same reason. Their just so funny.
  3. Ah, I know this. Hiten is one of my favorite hott guys from inuyasha. The first encounter with them is in episode 9 Shippo and the Thunder Brothers. I think the fight is in Phantom showdown(episode 10). And Hiten is the one that can fly ! He's so hott!
  4. I never read the first manga series. But when I bought the first peace maker and box it came with the first manga of the new one. And I got into it. I ended up buying the other 2. I love the anime, it's so good and the manga just takes off right after it. It's so well done. Even thought it's always kind of sad.
  5. My name is Veronica. See my dad wanted to name my older brother ron jr. but my mom wouldn't let him. So when I was born my father wanted my name to have ron in it(veRONica). My mom thought it was pritty so it ended up being my name. I have a few nicknames, some that make sence and some that dont. One is Vern but thats old know no one seems to call me that anymore. Everyone called me that after one teach was like what do you want to be called and I told her anything you want. So she called me Vern, and so did everyone else. Rocky is my other nickname, it's what my family calls me. I kind of dont know where it comes from. My brother went and called me that at school, and know everyone but teachers and people that aren't my freinds call me Rocky. Heh, just asked my dad where Rocky comes from. He said that I loved to be rocked in a rocking chair when I was little. :D
  6. [quote name='Little Slugger']Many people think that people that like anime and manga are nerds or freaks...Why the crap is that??anime is one of the best things humans have going for them!!!!!anime arent kiddish either!![/quote] I think it's because of what they know of anime, you know pokemon and that stuff. Plus most of the people that would call you or anyone else a nerd or freak are wannabes. I'm not big on talking to people about anime, I only talk about to people who like it. I think that people who tell everyone about it and talk about it all the time are messing it up. And I dont want to be mean but in my chase alot of people at my school that talk about anime all the time are kinda nerdy. As in they're live is anime and computers.
  7. When I was born my mom gave me a stuffed bunny. When I was old enogh to talk I named him funny bunny. And he became my best friend, he went everywhere with me. The only place he didn't go was to school. I used to talk to him day and night, he was my best friend in the whole world. I told him everything, even though it made me look crazy. After I turned like 10 I acted like he didn't talk to me anymore. I was imbassed that I still had a stuffed bunny I couldn't sleep without. This may sound funny but I'm turning 16 years old and I still have my funny bunny. He's been though so much, he was even cut up by my brother, thrown out by my brother, and I thought I lost him a few times. But I still have him and he still hangs out on my bed with all the other stuffies. :D
  8. I don't find it funny either, and thanks for not puting me in as someone who's I don't know mean. And once again you are right it's not funny, but some people like to put a bight light on a dull situation. Witch can also mean they laugh at something they shouldn't.
  9. My cousin told me that she made this girl who looked like a monkey eat a banana. She told me that her and her friend said" aww look at the fat monkey eat her banana." I couldn't beleive what she told me. I got mad and said " so you really are just a big fat (you know what) after all. I was right, and the only reason you did that to the poor girl is because your fat and no one likes you. I know you did it just to have friends, and get some laughs." I was so mad at her that I didnt talk to her for like 3 weeks.
  10. Thanks but that wasn't what I need. I need a site to buy the dvds at. Because like I said my brother went a bought volume 6. And he asked me to help him out and find the others for hiim. But I've had no luck at all.
  11. I need some help. See my brother got this anime called Better Man, but I cant seem to find it anywhere. I looked it up on a bunch of different sites and couldn't find a thing. See he went and got volume 6 by accendent. And I guess he likes it, so he asked me to help him out and look it up. But like you know I couldn't find a thing, so if you could help me out by leaving some sites for me to look at, I would be very greatful. :D
  12. Theirs soo many, sometimes I think their all hott. Um.... my hands down favorite has to sha gojyo from saiyuki. All of them are really hott but gojyo just the hottest(lol).
  13. [QUOTE=alchemist 101][COLOR=DarkOrange]ok im looking for new manga that has LOVE,COMEDY,AND ACTION.... kinda specific i know but i need to find some more!!!!![/COLOR] :animeangr Well a good one that I've read would be pretear. Saiyukis got the comedy and action but no love. Pretear would be your best bet. It's a really good story, I dont know what company its from but if you go to [url]www.advfilms.com[/url] and go to show sites and look up pretear, you'll get the info. Its almost the same as the manga. I think the only difference is one of the characters is drawn different. I hope you check it out its a really good story.
  14. I was looking up pictures and it brought me to myotaku. The only way I could get the pictures was by singing up. I had done some boards before and I wanted some friends to talk bout anime with. So I signed up for my otaku board and I'm having lots of fun, and makeing new friends. :D
  15. I love this anime and manga. I read the first 2 mangas and I think I've seen the first 3 eps. It's great, it's funny, it's dramtic, it's one of the best animes out there. I just love it. And it doesnt hurt that in the anime they have greg ayres as mannen and Illich Guardiola as hayate. Both very good voice actors, who both did saiyuki.
  16. OK well a few that I think are good are, fruits basket, saiyuki, DN angel, gate keepers, thats just a few. Hope you take a look at them.
  17. He's so not gay. He just thinks to highly of himself, that's all. He's really cool untill he goes into his demand form.It's soooo gross. I hate it. Other than that he's cool. Well he's alittle self centered at times but who isn't. He's tuff and doesn't think before he insults someone, and that just makes him sooo coo.(lol).
  18. Oh. Well I'm glad your sister looked at August. Other wise I wouldn't know this. :D
  19. Oh man that's cool. I have amost all the DVDs( I'm missing one). But that's going to be great I have lots of friends that want to see it sooo bad. So it's coming out later in the fall huh. How did you find this out??
  20. I think I started watching anime around the age of 10. I got into from my older brother. I started out with transformers, sailormoon, DBZ, and stuff like that. And it's all thanks to only having one tv in the house. Because I was a brat I would sit there and watch what ever my brother was. And I thank him for watching them because I wouldn't be here writing this right know. After all those I moved to what I like to call some better stuff. Like Trigun, Wolf's rain, and things like that. Know at 16 I've been watching the uncut DBZ, I have the Trigun box set, and I'm in to a hole lot of anime. And to think it was only because I was alittle brat trying to get my brother mad at me(lol). :D
  21. I have the boxset for Trigun. I'm one dvd away from having all the Spiral. One away from haveing all the Esca flowns. I have all the fullmetal panic. Oh, and I' really close to haveing all the Peace makers, I can't wait. And I have no clue what I want. Because when I go to like best buy, I'm like a fat kid in a candy store(heh)
  22. I'm a junk as is most the people here. Rurouni Kenshin all the way, its one of the best. A few that I'm into have to be Saiyuki,Outlaw star, Trigun, Esca Flown, Spiral, peace maker, ninja scroll thats just a few. Peace maker is a gteat one. Very funny and the animation is great. Right know I'm watching DBZ uncut. I've been a fan of anime sence I saw, I think it was sailormoon.
  23. I didn't know anything about Saiyuki. One day my brother came home with some manga and I took a look. I didn't like any at first, but I didn't even give them a chance. So I asked a friend, she told me Saiyuki was the best thing ever. So I took the book from my older brother(without asking). I read the first book and fell in love. Well long story short, I ended up riping it and my brother said I could have it, because he didn't like it. So know I have the first 9. And boy do I wan't more. I've seen the first 10 episodes I think. :D
  24. Hi, I love Saiykui! Let's see I'm reading the last Saiyuki right know and I've been watching the show too.I know how you feel,I dont have anyone to talk to me about Saiyuki either. But we can talk about it because I love Saiyuki. My favorite hands down is Gojyo.I love him, he's so hott! (hehe)
  25. [QUOTE=SamuraiHaruko][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Been living here since August 2 2004, yes i know the actual date because i have no life and plus we moved on my birthday and drove all the way down here.[/FONT][/QUOTE Thats got to such, moving on your birth day. :animecry: I'm soo sorry for you. Moving is never fun and you had to do it on your birth day. :( Florida can't be all that bad. You get nice weather more than I do out in Mass. Cheer up you'll live :D ! Just kiding.
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