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Everything posted by fizerin
Steve listened to the conversation with his eyes closed. Dodging a few invisible whols(*sp?) .
Steve listened. He didn't feel anything at the moment. Ah well. Better not do anything else. He jumped onto the caravan.
Steve sighed, of dear, if he can't see the spirits he's passing right now, going from branch to branch, he's doomed. but he can sense their presenses. and that helps, if only a little. Steve used his claws to attack any in his way, good thing they died quietly.
There's tales of Symphonia. The renegades first kidnap loyd, then become loyd;s freinds, Botta tries to kill loyd, then sacrifices himself for loyd. Another one is Zelos, he goes bad, then good. When you first meet Regal, he wants to kill you, but then he joins you. Kratos was bad from the start, at the end going to do good. I hope that helps. My quotes are from tales of Symphonia.
Name:Shade Age:17 Race:Half-elf Side:Neutral Abilities/Magic/Weapons:Black double swords, one of each side of his hip. Personality: He just plain hates people. He was different, everyone hated his difference. They all rejected him. Tough life, it was better not to have any emotion. Appearance: His appearance reflects his soul, dark and hateful. He wears black. He wears a long black cloak, most of the time with the hood up, as to not let anyone see his face.. or his ears.especially his ears. His ears are only slightly pointed, between the dull curve of the human ears and the sharp points of an elf's. His skin was amazingly pale. He wore black gloves and long sleve shirt. He wore black pants and black boots. His hair was just as well night black spicked in a way (Genis from tales of symhponia's haircut. If you need an image of his haircut, go to a search engine website,(google.ca) click images, and type 'genis tales of symphonia', ok?) that cannot be described, and can hide his ears. The few that see him have only seen his nose and mouth area. ( nose like inuyasha anime nose, kay?). He was more thin and a little smaller than humans his age. His dad was the elf, his mother the human.
Steve sighed. These people he had been following were as stupid and boring like everyone else. He whatched them in the shadows. With a full stomach ( just finished raiding a fruit stand, you see) he felt content. He flexed his greenish claws, hoping something interesting would happen soon. Steve sat down in his little shadow, waiting, the one names Tommy was cooking, another was meditating. A stupid bunch of people, with a stupid life, and a stupid girl with them. Damn them all.
( alright.. *going to edit now)
Steve sighed and suddenly felt weak again. He set off, intending to follow shortly. Darn, this was getting annoying. He had no idea spirits were following him. He now followed the bumch, there'd be nless hiding places soon, so he was careful. (darn, I hate short posts and writer's block)
Name: Steve Age: 13 Nationality:Japan Appearance: Steve had pale skin and emotionless black eyes. He had spicked hair and black clothing. His black sweatshirt ( he only wears sweatshirts, find him in a t-shirt in gym and summer though) had a dark red skull on it. sweatpants he had were black with a silver knives design. He wore black running shoes. Steve's way of speaking and walking made him appear a well-dressed zombie. Steve wore gloves, like the ones bikers use, on his hands all the time. Personality: He rufeses to talk, his past is bloody. He is merely an empty shell, no one wants him, he feels.. empty, and shuns reality, rejecting soceity... after all, they never understand what true pain is like. Biography: ( I apologize, but this is pretty much a life story of my character, but what can I say? His life gives clues) Steve's life was a mystery to most, most only know that his parents died when he was young, but no one knows how lonely, how no one wanted him. It started when his family started to become a warzone, one night Steve wore up to see his house on fire. He screamed at the pain and ran towards his mom and dad. He had arrived.. just to see them get slaughtered by a cloaked man. Steve wore up in the hospital, burns covering his body. His family was dead, horribly dead, mulitated(sp?). He had to pull through, the doctors and nurses smiled at him, he knew they were faking. Fakers. Steve felt unwanted, like no one wanted him. Steve was sent to the orphanage and was soon adopted into a cold family. The family made him live 3 years in that hellhole. He was forced to live in closet,hugging his knees. The doctors wonder in front of him how he could still be sane. It was like they didn't care about his feelings. Steve now woke to the sound of... shooting? He ran downstairs towards the sound, when he got to one doorway, a knife grazed his cheek, cutting him. He made a yelp of pain, grabbing the attentoin off the murderer. Steve wimpered and backed away. He was caught in a fight with a big man with knives, and he was repeatedly scratched.He took a blow to the head and was knocked out while the police came in. He had woken in the hospital AGAIN, cuts and bruises on his face, with no memory of the shots and screams. What happened only was what the doctors told him. He was glad they were dead! He was adopted into a rich family that treated him well, it was already too late. He was an empty shell now, just one empty shell. . No one else cared, he thought. They lived their happy lives. Now he lives here, in his little tortured world, shunning reality, rejecting soceity. Soon they were going to die to, he thinks. They fake their smiles, everyone fakes wanting him as a freind. Powers: Beserker, at times, he can temporaily ' go totally insane' and destroy everything he wanted, as bloody and horrible he wanted. Burning houses, desroying things. That only happens when he's pushed... off the line between hate and murderous. (that's pretty often)
Steve looked around, time to make his escape. He sheathed his swords. He'll follow them another time. He walked up and away a few steps silently, making sure no one was whatching, two people farther away. He let out a small hisss, teeping his poison claw ready to strike. They were going to beat him up anyways, better run. Steve turned saround and ran nice and quick. I'lln follow them, he whispered to himself like an insane person. " I'll see what they're up to." He looked at the group and continued to run away.
The doctors, even they themselves to not realize what life can do. I'm depressed, you could say that. Insane... you could say that. But still, Tokyo Mew Mew, everything seems like a heaven, where problems are only small, and suspense is at the minimum. :sleep:
Steve's eyes looked over at tommy and this time he really did draw both blades, , ignoring the fact he was being chocked by some muscle man. " son of a.." he muttered to himslelf as he bit at the man that was hold him's hands to set himself free.
Name: Steve Age: 17 Assumed name:Shade Appearence: His pale ski make him appear ghostly, the fact everything else he has back appears more ghostly. He had black spicked hair and cold, emotionless black eyes. He wears black all over, even black shoes. He has a sliver chain around his neck with a burnt picture of his family in it. Weapons : Steve has two shotguns and twelve extra packets of 60 bullets under his wrists. The shotguns under his sleeve as well. A few daggers could be found further up his arms and un his pant legs. He always had a packet of poison he's immune to with him. Bio: Steve grew up in a good japonese village and had a good 9 years, this, his life began spinning out of control. His familly and village was destroyed by a fire, his relatived he moved to murdered slowly in font of his eyes. After, more people were murdered in front of him in the orphanage.. people he was freinds with. In a new house, a family had treated him like dirt. He wave given a closet for a room, and he seemed to have lost all sanity at that place, talking to himself, conversation. Now,he had run away, stealing, he found an assassin school while following some nifty, mesterious assassins. He had trained and now he does missions.
Steve let out a long, low hissssss.... One hand twitched towards his sword, while the other flexed it's claws. Steve seemed to think for a moment.. then that prickling thing came again. His eyes shifted around, looking for another person. No one. The feeling passed. Somehing was stalking him. he ignored and muttered a little louder, his voice a low hiss. " dessided to ffforllow you. Curiousss bunchhh.."
Steve suddenly found himself bing gripped by someone. He looked surprised for a moment, then his eyes become emotionless again. He looked down at the one who grabbed him. He said nothing and just looked. After a long moment, he muttered something about 'following'.
Steve woke and made sure the fire was fully out, he did put a lot of wood in last night. He yawned lightly and looked around. He walked around in the forest for a while, finding a couple and some tough guy. He now decides to follow, this is an interesting day.
[COLOR=Sienna]Steve looked around for game, it was a cool time. He bagan to walk forward, hearing footsteps... to find a nude boy running into the city. Steve quickly looked away. Insane people, he thought. He hand found a deer after some searching, sleeping. This'll keep him full for a while. He slowly snkeaked up, preparing to attack, in one flash, the deer was dead without a sound. Steve began to chop at the deer, slicing the fur off, then slashing off nice, fat chunks of bloody rawness. After chopping the deer almost fleshless, he collected up the bloody lumps and began to walk off. He made a campfire, cleaning his swords with a cloth he found. Steve finished his smoking of meat. He left his camp, with smoke still trailing from the wood. He walked to a nearby lake and stripped himself for a bathe in the icy waters, swimming around now. Steve finished and dried himself off with a deer pelt he had dried ealier. He walked to his camptsite again and started another fire, then falling asleep with the fire still on.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna] What is the WORST anime you've seen?[/COLOR] Mine, is Tokyo Mew Mew. There is no real seriousness, sadness, or violence.
Naruto is violent, and almost no sappy parts. This is my type of anime.
Steve walked through the forest, staring at the floor. He suddenly stopped and looked at one hand. His nails were long a green, he can inject poison through them. Steve looked around, he felt a presense, a prickle , a little voice, telling him something was there. Steve backed away, both hands on both blades, ready to fight. He looked around. Suddenly his sense dissappeared, but his uneasiness remained. What had he felt? It seemed otherworldly. He slowly released his grasp on his swords, even as he hasn't drawn them. Steve sat down as a garter snake approached him. He was thinking about something else as the snake slithered up his arm, under his sweater. The unknown creature... he was afraid of it, yet he felt no fear until now. He had felt no fear of the unknown. He must seek out this creature. Steve realized the snake, which was already slithering out oh his collar, was on him and he gently picked it up. He placed and snake down into the grass as it slithered away. Still the thoughts ran through his head. That creature. He felt so small at that time... so weak. Why? Steve stood up and drew his blades, making sure he wouldn't hurt himself, even if he was immune to snake poison. It was time to hunt. (hope that was good enough. :sleep: )
Name:Steve Age:13 Gender:Male Animal spirit: Snake Weapon:Twin blades Appearance: Steve had black spicked hair and emotionless black eyes. He has a black cloak concealing his skinny frame. Steve always had his blades within grabbing range. One seathed on his right, and one sheathed on his left. He wore black clothing underneath his cloak, and black boots on his feet. His skin was pale. Personality:Steve was a loner. He rejected all, as he only knows the creulty of the world. Bio:at a young age, he was tortured by his ruthless fake-parents, as his real ones abandoned him. He has all the knowlage he needs of his power, but because of that, he was pushed around, so he ran away to live in the forests. He has no knowlage of the war. Spirit power: As long as hate fills his heart, he will be able to inject poison. As long as he is loved, he will be able to heal wounds. (ooc: is this allowed? if it isn't, private message me)
Dual eh? Sounds interesting. I'll start my research.
Fruitsbaskets eh? I've seen clips of it, it is not my type. But it is good to get a snicker.
I do not know. All true anime will move your heart. All true anime's storylines will be the best that could be made from the person who got the idea.