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Everything posted by fizerin

  1. If anime faded away, my life would be of no reason, and I would fade as well. --- I do not believe anime would die out either.
  2. Well,...... .hack//sign, gandam seed and Tales of Symphonia. Tales of Symphonia is an anime video game on gamecube.
  3. Does anyone know Hunter X Hunter? Or the mysteries it holds?
  4. Inuyasha. Made me realize how cruel life was. But then again, I've always known life was cruel.
  5. Hard question. When Subaru and Tsukasa from that bond, and when it was broken. Maybe when Kagome realized how mich she loves Inuyasha. Do not ask me, I can only sense.
  6. Never. Not true. Cannot exist. Hateful. God had betrayed me, I don't give a rat to the church. Anime is my life. I learn more about life through anime.
  7. I, would never date. Guard your heart and never feel pain. I preffer to watch at their beauty, their advantages, their dissadvantages. ----- The anime character I would most likely 'date': No... no one.
  8. Naruto... one of the most actionated animes I know. Almost no sappy parts. ------ Naruto, as I have siad before, is a cool, violent anime. Nice to see the good guys really suffering for once. [color=navy][size=1]As I believe I have reminded you before, please DO NOT double post. Thanks. - Dagger[/size][/color]
  9. Saske. -.- With the personality of 'a rock'. -.- :sleep:
  10. ooohhh, NO! Never. Slamdunk, Tiintitans, will never relivate to anime. :sleep:
  11. That's a hard question... Maybe Kyo, from fruits baskets :catgirl: or.. maybe Zeke, from Shaman King ... maybe even Saske from Naruto :p or how about sesshomaru from inuyasha?! :animedepr But seriously, no girls, they scary. :animedepr I'm confused now :animestun and tired :animeswea see-ya
  12. I've seen it but..... :sleep: The way they bond with their bitbeasts is..... umimaginable. Don't call me crazy but... I do not think bonding with a top is very... likely. :animeangr :animeangr [quote name='toboesone']you mean kai??? tha one with the "scarf" yeah he looks normal and all, but those are the 2002 versions. i like the 2004 versions alot better. it bugs me everytime i watch 2002. :animeangr[/quote] Yeah that is creepy. 2002 scare me. 2004 is awesome. And Kai's cool. On a new topic: Anyone think only Kai has a four/six pack on the team? [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]I merged your posts together. please don't double-post, much less [i]triple[/i] post. If there's something you want to add to your original reply, use the 'Edit' button located underneath it. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  13. I couldn't date one single girl I can think of. I need a hyper, violent, evil girl that would help me in my plans of world dominTION. bWUHAHAAA
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