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Chaos Eidolon

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    necro of chaos

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  1. i agree with azurewolf, one of the things i like the most about GG is the character designs, there so original, and beautiful, i bought the artbook for it, and ill spend hours going through it just gazing at how clever some of the chars are. the storyline is also well done for fighter, i really enjoy the story mode with its multiple paths and all...i havent got isuka yet, cause i dont have a ps2, ive heard its comming to x-box though...i havent played online either, although it looks like a blast ><
  2. well, this is a lil embarresin: I make up my own chars, then i dress up as them, getting as close as i can to the char ive designed using household objects, or anything i can get my hands on. For instance, i did a pirate once, and made a patch myself, put on a due rag, and some funky long socks, a blanket for a cape, and a short katana i have, lols, then my sister took 100's of pictures at different angles for photo reference, if im ever having trouble drawing something, i always go back and look at them ^_^;;
  3. oic, well, if u dont like isuka, can i have ur copy? :D to each there own, or however that saying goes :P ha, yea, soul calibur and tekken are pretty fun 2 ^_^ havent played them much tho...i should go buyem sumtime :P
  4. has anyone played this? i searched the forums, didnt find anything...i love the storyline in it, and the gameplay is really fun 2...my fav char is venom and sol ^_^ im starting a club on my site if anyone is interested...
  5. This is me in my yokai demon form thingy :D, i just woke up -.- really tired, and it wus laggish [url]http://artpad.art.com/?ik1l2g1bj5e0[/url]
  6. this one was done by a friend, she couldnt post it herself because it wouldnt work for some reason, so i posted it for her, i really like it :D [url]http://artpad.art.com/?ijxwor13ixjg[/url]
  7. wow, some of that stuffs really good! haha lore! great job on that, -.0 i feel bad using my tablet now hehe... here's another 1 i did... [url]http://artpad.art.com/?ijvtv5qw9sk[/url] I needed more room! i didnt have enuf space to put the face in...bummer... and one more i did just for the heck of it [url]http://artpad.art.com/?ijvufk5ftug[/url]
  8. i thought this might b an interesting thread, has anyone heard of this? [url="http://artpad.art.com/artpad/painter/"]http://artpad.art.com/artpad/painter/[/url] you have 2 have flash or somethin 2 use it...it lets u draw, and then show other pple what uve drawn....it can b a bit laggy sometimes tho...everyone should give it a try! heres mine! [url="http://artpad.art.com/?ijqzwfq0cvg"]http://artpad.art.com/?ijqzwfq0cvg[/url] i was going to color it, but it started lagging super bad... :animesigh [color=teal]*Note to all members, feel free to step outside the boundaries of drawing your own anime-self. This thread is now general artPad work. ^_^ -Syk3[/color]
  9. haha, ocarina and heights? >.< but OOT also inspired me to admire a broader range of music, i really loved the soundtrack, its a real masterpiece of a game... id like to see your automatic napkin poker btw, pm me when u finish it :D ooh and tales of symphonia taught me many moral lessons, as dumb as it may sound lol :catgirl:
  10. [QUOTE=Ryo the Tactician] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, got me interested in air instruments. I currently play the clarinet, and dabble in the more conventional flute, and the Ocarina. Love my ocarina. ;) ~RtT[/QUOTE] man, you guys are all influenced by alot of things, especially azurewolf hehe...very interesting though, a thought of a few more...a game called guilty gears inspired me to create characters that have unique, diverse and interesting backgrounds... and hey ryo! OOT inspired me 2! i bought an ocarina as well hehe, but its really small, :animeangr owell, it still works and sounds like the one link plays! i could have bought a brand new video game for that price too....ack...hehe but its really soothing to play zeldas lullaby on it, although it took me forevor to get it right haha, very kewl tho! i love reading your responses :D and smoking is pretty stupid kato ama haha ^_^;;
  11. perhaps its to add diversity to the story, or enrich the enviroment to make it more realistic, i mean you cant like everyone you meet in real life...maybe its trying to mimic that :P dont really know, i dont like those characters for the most part either :animeswea
  12. haha, yea it would be hard to do the stuff kenshin does, x.x sorry about the abreviations, bad aim habit :o
  13. hey thats kewl kenji! and ice, did u ever try to transform the paper into anything? :animeswea hiragana looks so hard :animesigh a game called fire emblem got me into studying war tactics and battlefield strategies for a while :D
  14. [QUOTE= So far the best villain I've seen is Vicous. He had the simple yet cool outfit. He had an awesome weapon, he also had power, not magic, or strength but he had a whole syndicate under his control. He didn't talk to much but when he did it sounded good and what he said added to his villain quality. In the end for me Vicious takes gold medal. ~Wes~[/QUOTE] vicious? whats he from? i cant place him :animesigh
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