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Koga 16

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About Koga 16

  • Birthday August 11

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  • Biography
    I put all this crap on my other lookup! *growl* Don't make me retype it!
  • Occupation
    0_o are you kidding? Loser.

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  1. Hell yes!! Kagome forever!! ^____^ She's so kind and understanding but she's loyal too. I could never date someone who wasn't loyal. Plus she looks really awesome in that sailor outfit... and she's brave and she can shoot a bow (sort of) and she's even cute when she's really ticked off and about to kill you
  2. Inuyasha volume 3. Because I already saw the first two, and I went back and got 1 & 2 later. :D
  3. Hell yes! I love jpop... seesaw, silent life ^__^ so cool... :animesmil See saw did some of the music for .hack//sign... but the song I like best is the theme song to that anime with the boy named Shiki and the vampire named Arcirid :animeangr I wish I knew who played it!!!
  4. :animesmil I'm sorry, but that's just hilarious. I don't even KNOW my blood type...just never bothered ^___^
  5. Tsukasa from .hack//sign.. :p I've never even seen Cowboy
  6. Hmm... I find 'citys' and such all just arbituary bounderies that tear us apart... :animeswea it only makes people xenophobic and think they're better than others.. [quote name='kai4']I live the US. My state is Jersey. I don't like the US. :animecry:[/quote]I agree... As soon as I get enough money I'm going to Japan to seek out a friend who went there with her dad. 0_o I don't like the terms on which I left....and I don't know her e-mail... [b][color=DarkGreen][size=1]Try not to 'double post' in future, Koga 16. If you have something to add to your post, hit the 'EDIT' button in the bottom right. In the meantime I've merged your posts together. [/size][/color][/b] [right][color=DarkGreen][size=1]-Raiyuu[/size][/color] [/right] COOL!! You can edit it!!! :animesmil
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