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Everything posted by dontmakemeBLU

  1. so whats your favorite akira book...or comic and why? i like book 5 because it has the rise of the GREAT TOKYO EMPIRE!!! hehe and kei and kaneda really pump up the tension that continues to grow between them through out the series. also how tetsuos arm like...well its gross and amazing, people who read it will know. :) also we get to see some skin from little miss kei. also i have a question... does ANYONE know where i can buy a set of all 6 books? i used to have them all but that was a long time ago and most of them are lost from moving? please, if anyone knows...help me out. thanks :)
  2. thank you very much for helping me :) ill try to provide more thoughtfull and reply filled threads. my name is sarah and it means princess....lame huh? at least its an old name. i like that, being named something trendy like madison or dakota would suck...then again there are like a jillion sarahs out there. :D
  3. what does the name Kaneda mean? i really like it and i cant find a meaning for it. i know Akira means intelligence, but i cant find Kaneda. please help me :P
  4. [QUOTE=r2vq]Invader Zim is a great show. ^^ Though, I prefer the creator's comic books, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and Squee. Actually there's already a forum on Zim in the "Music, Movies & TV" section of OB. I think you'd be surprised how many people are into the same things you are. I was at least. ^^ On a side note, I can't wait for the Anime/Scifi/ComicBook/Horror/VideoGame convention this August. ^^ I'm going to get (Zim creator) Jhonen Vasquez's autograph. ^^ -ArV[/QUOTE] i got him to sign my SQUEE shirt at the seattle Comi-Con, hes really cool in person, and he looks like jhonny!!
  5. invader zim was cancelled by nickelodeon after the whole 9-11 thing. i guess a show about a maniacal alien trying to take over the world freaked some people out. its a shame though because jhonen vasquez is tha shiznite.
  6. hey there! i found this forum the same way :animesmil i will be sure to check out your wallpaper :toothy:
  7. i would be in "windy tales". i want to fly around with the cats....control the wind... god that would be cool. "wolfs rain" would be interesting, i would like to run with kiba and hang out with tsume. hige would be hillarious to play with. i would stare into cheza's eyes and beat up boys with blu. :animesmil
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