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About Zizima

  • Birthday 01/28/1992

Contact Methods

  • MSN

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I am creature what remind human.. Is this enough!? x)
  • Occupation
    I do not have job.. I'm student.. ^^"

Zizima's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Purple]Yay! I can do animations! And here's my first: [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/197/kisumisu0gr.gif[/IMG][/URL] Bwhahahaha! Look that tail!! xD I make this pretty fast and I know that this is not good.. ^^" Everything is welcome.[/COLOR][/FONT] Edit: I hosted it now with imageshack
  2. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Purple]Wow! You are really good! Did you coloured that with computer? Anyway awesome work! ^^[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Purple]Wuuu.. So that image will wink or something when it is ready? Cool.. My sister can make animations, but I can't. I have to ask help from her.. Agh, sorry! Now.. I have to say, if I make animation, your will be greater than mine! I think that everything in that pic is fine. But her eye has same colour than her skin.. I have seen lot of pics with some thing. Or will that eye colour conduce on animation? I really don't know.. O___O I think that everything is okay. But the most important thing is that that pic is absolutely your style. ^^ I'm sorry if I couldn't help.. ^__^" :catgirl:[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Purple]Hmmm... My first anime was.. Gravitation! My sister liked it so much and so I watched it too. Then I wasn't so big anime&manga fan like now. But when I watched Gravitation, I thinked that anime is GREAT! I loved that humor! I wanted see more! And then I watched anime and readed manga and now I'm here! Or something.. Anyway my first anime was Gravitation.. ^^[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. So what is anime where is your favourite songs? Some of my favourite songs are from Full Moon wo Sagashite. Almost all of my favourite songs are from it!! I love FMWS!! And some fav songs are from Chobits and some are from FMA and some are from j-pop artists. Or something.. So what are your opinion? ^__^
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