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  1. then i said how are we going to get out of this one. vhan do u have any ideas. we need to get out to ur car in one peace thats when i said i do not want to die here thats when we found a way to kill the lions quitly then we tried to avoid the elpents as much as posable when we killed the lions we started talking silent ly about how we should get to the car so we can get out of here without killing each othere
  2. thats when i turn around and i cut the chimps head off and the chimp never got a chance to tuch me and i said we got to keep things silent we do not want to be seen in the zoo like this we got to get out of here soon as posable.then i said hey boby can u see anything up ahead. then raze says we r clearfor now
  3. thats when raze spots me and i said hi raze my name is frankn furter then i said did any one follow u because there is some thing in the zoo already and we do not need more....trouble as i laughed thats when u hear some one coming to us slowly and making noises and i said we have to find around all these things so no one will be spoted
  4. then i said u can never infect me because i have part of the cure to last me long enough to get to th castl and if u want to u can stay in the zoo and fight to ur very end the sooner we get to the castl the better as i walk down the tunnle and we all start to disapper into the darkness there will be a large old castlup a head and that should give us plenty of time to get the cure do'nt dream it be it
  5. right know is not the best time u could come back in fected u two can do this some where else. as i lead all of u through the tunnles that lead to my castle and we can do the reseach and the u two can try to kill each othere. the.....one that dies will...will stay in my castle forever as i laugh like a mad man then i sayto the group u need to work together if we want to surive. don't dream it be it
  6. Frank was starting to leave the zoo and heard some one coming and called out, "who is there?"and i start to walk to the talking and i try to hide some documents as he left the zoo and he stood at the entrance waited for the the noise to come to him from the darkness of the night.
  7. Name: Frank N. Furter Age: 32 Occupation: Scientist Starting point: Raccoon City Zoo Infection status: T-Virus - Bio:Secretive, he is one of Umbrella's scientists, so his past is unknown. by the way, this is inufandom helping out a freind with his sign up.......
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