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Broken Law

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Everything posted by Broken Law

  1. If I were in a very bad mood, I would probably spit on Paris Hilton or Britney Spears. Why, you ask? Ho ho, I'll tell you, DeadSeraphim. I'd spit on them just to watch their reaction. It'd be hilarious. I'd make sure to let them know I spit on them, too. Then, because I'm flying so high in the air, I'd pull down my pants and moon them. After that, I'd probably get shot down by some security and my fun would be over.... or would it??!
  2. I'm going to get a bunch of hentai DVD's. In case any of you don't konw what hentai is, it is sexually explicit animation or comics. I don't know, it's just my kind of thing. Since I don't have any family I guess I'll just have to buy them myself. Merry Christmas, Santa. My house got blown away by Katrina and now I have nothing.
  3. I'm fortunate enough to not get scared by myself. Mostly because I believe if anybody came in I would make creamed pie of them unless they had a gun. When I was younger I was scared of everything from aliens to bigfoot when we were camping. I grew out of it in High School. The only thing I might do is look over my shoulder, but I can't recall doing it recently.
  4. We used iMovie, which I'm pretty sure is free if you have a mac. Most windows machines have Windows Movie Maker, which can do all of the same stuff and that's also free. It takes some practice but once you get the methods down anybody could make a good video. We actually had a class in High School where everybody made videos. If you have a Graphic Communications course or anything and there's video editing in it I suggest you take it. If you guys are interested in seeing more "amatuer" videos, check out [url]http://www.sixbucksshort.com/videos.htm[/url]. I think Sleigh Ride is the best one. It was made by some guys who live around my area.
  5. I don't know if this is spam or not but I'm posting it for your humor so I hope it's not. Feel free to comment and to tell me it sucks if you want, we made it half a year ago but I finally uploaded it to the Internet because I wanted to show it to a bunch of people. [url]http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=HighSchoolEnd[/url] It was a video done for a Spring Fling type thing at our school. We made three other videos but I don't have them. It was rather fun so if any of you ever have a chance to create one I suggest you do it.
  6. I ran Track in high school. Mostly middle distance. Got down to a 2:03 half mile. I might keep training just for fun and to maybe see if I can break the 2:00 marker. So far this summer all I've done is lifted weights, but there's nothing wrong with taking a break in your training, especially after four years of hard work.
  7. [QUOTE=GreatBird]Well in in mobile alabama for the rest of the week and Dennis is hitting right now and its nowhere half as bad as Ivan was. I was down here when Ivan hit and It looked and sounded like a nueclear bomb was hitting my house. Every one though dennis would be Ivan but if you look at the satelite photos you can see that the mass of Ivan was much larger. Not that Dennis isnt bad but Ivan is a storm that comes around once every 25-30 yrs. [RIGHT]-GreatBird[/RIGHT][/QUOTE] Actually a storm like Ivan will come around much more often than that, more like every five years. There is no stopping it. Now an amazing thing would be if this year they have four more hard-hitting hurricanes to one area. Hopefully they all attack the White House.
  8. I just started and my character has nothing to do with anything else. So I plan on Adam killing Kaida and then seeking out you guys. I also plan for my character to kill all four Lords. Lets see if any of you can stop me, haha!
  9. I went down to Florida during Charlie last year and it was pretty terrible. We were the only ones on the interstate at 5pm. It was truly bizarre.
  10. You have to be quick and smart about it. Call them up and say, "I dont' like the way this relationship is going." And then after hearing them cry for a minute or so, hang up. Oh, and don't forget to laugh. Laughing is very important. I think it's good to leave a relationship on a good note. Could you also explain "My doctor said I had to lose weight." I don't understand what that's about.
  11. [B]Name: [/B] Adam Lang [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age: [/B] 26 [B]Race:[/B] Yael( father ), Human( mother ) [B]Rank: [/B] Born into the world a lost soul. He is currently serving as a gladiator for Lord Kaida. [B]Personality: [/B] Intense and unwary. He never loses sight of his main goal, which is to kill Kaida. [B]Height: [/B] 6?11? [B]Weight:[/B] 356 pounds [B]Eye color:[/B] Red [B]Hair color:[/B] Brown [B]Body Structure:[/B] Adam Lang is a powerful beast with an intimidating body. His arms are so massive and his muscles so complicated that even a scientist would fail to name all of the tendons and separate muscles. He looks very awkward and is definitely unique in the gladiator ring. His structure has evolved past his brothers and he stands out like a pair of boxers in Bill Gates? underwear drawer. [B]Character Snippet: [/B] The crowd in the large stadium roared. Sitting above, watching them was Kaida, the Lord of Western Jumoke. He wore a large veil, which hid his physical appearance. His real eyes were sealed tight, but he missed nothing thanks to the almighty power of his mind?s eye. He amused the pathetic souls of his nation by holding gladiatorial battles between slaves. He didn?t find them very amusing or fun, but continued them because he wanted to be on good terms with his people. ?Oh, here they come now,? Kaida thought to himself. A group of starving slaves scrambled from an opening along the side of the stadium floor and sprinted toward the center, where they arranged for the deadly task ahead. Kaida observed them for a few seconds, but quickly decided to execute them all. Nothing special would be disclosed from these worthless humans. He signaled for the bars of the second cage to rise. A young tiresome man operated a complicated pulley system, which released the rabid animals swarming inside. The unfortunate men in the ring heard the snarling long ago, but they now saw their opponents for the first time. Three ravenous werewolves exited the cage. The agile creatures galloped across the ring, sending a billowing cloud of sand into the air as they neared their targets. The men lost form and scrambled away in fear, but the werewolves quickly caught and doused them in their own useless blood. Limbs and organs tumbled through the air. Carnage was everywhere and the crowd was ecstatic. Nothing could be heard except the cheering and screaming from the people of Jumoke. After the bloodshed, the middle of the arena was filled with clouds of dust, dismembered body parts, and three alert werewolves. Even with the power and fury witnessed, Kaida knew the werewolves were no match for Adam. Today?s show would be cut short, but not out of sympathy for the legions of slaves he could sacrifice. It would be abridged early because Kaida had an important, disclosed meeting later that day. The Great Lord nodded his head, which meant to release the powerful Yael from his cage. The gates creaked open and the powerful warrior strode onto the field. He appeared small compared to the werewolves, but his looks were deceiving. He had with him the strength and speed of two thousand men. The werewolves caught sight of the young Yael and scurried toward him, snarling and spitting blood as they sprinted. The crowd was silent as Adam held back for the perfect time to strike. He lowered himself to the ground and watched as one werewolf separated himself from the others. ?That one must not have gotten enough to eat,? Adam thought to himself. Within seconds it was ten yards away. Adam threw his right arm forward, sending the brooding beast in the opposite direction and releasing a loud crack as the beast?s neck splintered. The other two werewolves continued charging and paid no attention to their deceased brother. They leapt at the same time and soared toward their opponent. Adam dropped back on his hands and kicked his feet forward, simultaneously stomping both wolves into the ground. The crowd again went insane as the struggling werewolves yelped in pain. One was clearly paralyzed, as it only twitched, and the other werewolf?s legs were fragmented and twisted into freakish positions. Adam didn?t have a scratch on him. The battle was over and he walked back to his home underneath the stadium. As he ducked his head to enter the doorway, he glanced at Kaida. ?You will die yet, evil bastard.? The Yael disappeared into the darkness below.
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